Special Bonus Chapter! Eevee's Quiz show!
Eevee: Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! It's time for Eevee's Quiz Show!
Audience: Quizzzzzzzzzzzzzz Shoooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eevee: The show with the questions that everyone will know! *Wink* Today's contestants are!*Drum roll*
Eevee: Umbreon!
Umbreon: Yay!~
Eevee: Flareon!
Flareon: Alright!*paw pump*
Eevee: Sylveon!
Sylveon: ^^
Eevee: and last but not least, Leafeon!
Leafeon: H-Hello...
Eevee: Alright!! Question!*DunDun!* What is my name in Japanese?
Contestants: o.o"
Eevee: Don't worry, Just take a swing!
Umbreon: Ummm... Eev Eev?
Flareon: Eevui!
Sylveon: リーフィア!
Leafeon: イーブイ?...
Eevee: Alright! Here's the twist!
Contestants: Twist?
Eevee: Now the Audience has to pick the one Pokémon that said the right answer! Whoever picks the right one gets a dedication and that Pokémon get's a prize!!! And I attached a video for those who just want to Read/Watch! Enjoy!!
(The video ends)
Eevee: Ok! The winner is!..
Flareon: YEEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone else: o.o"
Eevee: Uh... Flareon... it wasn't you... you forgot the I in between the 2 e's...
Flareon: Then... who got it right?...
Eevee: Leafeon did! Not only did she spell it correctly, she also put it in Japanese calligraphy!
Leafeon: It-it was nothing special... really...
Eevee: Well it is to me! Here is your prize! *Presses a button on his pedestal*
Leafeon:*Hides behind Umbreon as her pedestal opens up*Peeks from behind Umbreon* W-what is it?
Eevee: They're Evening Primrose seeds! I know how hard you work to keep our garden beautiful... so I wanted give something you can plant whenever you wanted!
Leafeon: Th-thanks... I guess...
Eevee: Well, that's all for today! We'll see you next time on!
Everyone: Eevee's Quiz show!!
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