Round 2, Chapter 2: Detective Jo
I woke up to the sun shining directly in my face. I had to bring up my good arm to shield my eyes, as my right arm was bandaged where the bullet hole was before. Sitting up from the floor and rubbing my eyes, I looked around and realized I was in the farmhouse. I didn't have any time at all to think about it before Thomas noticed I was up and rushed over to me.
"Thank god are you alright?!" Thomas asked, obviously panicked.
"Calm down, I'm fine!" I said. "But what're we doing at Annie's farmhouse?"
"W-Well I was gonna take you to the hospital but I didn't wanna get anyone else we didn't know involved in this and then Annie and Alicia heard the gunshots and drove up so we just took you back here."
I sighed. "That's good to know."
"Oh my god you are so fucking lucky Alicia's going in the medical field! You could've died!"
"And now all our friends are gone to that stupid fucking house again with NO guarantee they'll ever be back!-"
He finally snapped out of his thoughts and looked back at me. "Sorry..."
"It's fine, but we can't stress out about this right now. We need to find a way to fix this."
"But how? There's nothing we can do! We don't know where they are, we don't know who's behind any of this, we sure as hell don't know who we can trust-"
"Then we find out." I said, standing up. "That announcer person said they've done this before, there's gotta be some place we can get more information on it."
"But where?" Thomas asked.
"Don't know yet, but we'll find out as soon as possible! Speaking of that, where's Annie and Alicia?"
A sudden and quick whistle came from the other side of the farmhouse. Thomas jumped and we both turned to see Annie sitting up on the indoor balcony, Alicia sitting right next to her.
"Honey, we been sittin' 'ere for the past half 'n hour. Aint neither of y'all noticed?" Annie asked.
"Nope." I said, shaking my head.
"Great!" Alicia exclaimed. "So can you guys tell us what happened last night?"
"I thought I explained it to you on the way here!" Thomas said.
"I'ma be honest, you were talking so quickly that I thought you were speaking in a foreign language the whole time. I was kinda scared you were gonna summon a demon on accident. I just didn't say anything because you were panicking."
Thomas groaned in annoyance.
"Ok, well, I don't mean to alarm anyone," I started, "but remember that thing 4 years ago we don't talk about?"
Annie looked shocked for a moment, but quickly shook her head and sighed. "Had a feelin' it was that. Y'all weren't the only ones that came back, were y'all?"
Thomas and I looked over at each other with worried expressions. Annie caught on quickly.
"Were ya'll?" Annie asked again.
"We weren't even there, we were at the pond." Thomas said. "Someone just came over and attacked us."
"So you're saying you don't know?" Alicia asked.
"No, but I doubt anyone else did. No one was left behind last time this happened." I said.
Annie sighed, sliding off of the balcony. "I aint taking 'I doubt it' for an answer. There's gotta be somethin' we can find back over there."
"If you're suggesting a search, we're gonna need as many people as we can." I said.
"Oh, Jo, how's your arm doing?" Alicia asked, following Annie onto the ground floor. "If you need any painkillers I still have some in Annie's truck."
I moved my arm a bit to see, but I quickly flinched and stopped.
"Only when I move it." I said.
"Alright, I'll go fetch some out and we can look around town for anyone that'll help." With that, Alicia walked outside of the farmhouse.
"Uh, shouldn't you unlock the truck for her?" Thomas asked, looking over at Annie.
"The window to the passenger's seat is broken. Fucker only goes up halfway." Annie explained.
"So she can just lower the window and get inside?" I ask.
"...she hasn't figured out the lowerin' part yet. Or the unlockin' the door part. If I had a fuckin' clue on how she's not in jail right now I wouldn't be 'ere talkin' 'bout it."
Less than a minute later, Alicia came back inside holding a prescription bottle, but she looked very concerned.
"Hey guys, I don't mean to alarm any of you, but we have a problem." She said. Annie walked up to her and took the bottle from her hands, reading out the side to herself.
"Well, what is it?" I asked.
"Cyanide. Someone replaced my painkillers with prescribed cyanide."
"PRESCRIBED?!" Thomas shouted in disbelief.
Annie opened the bottle and poured one of the pills into her hand. "Well there is one merit to believe it, they sure as hell aint painkillers."
"At some angle it's a painkiller but that's the angle we don't talk about." Alicia said, taking back the bottle as Annie dropped the tablet back in. "I need to get rid of these and get some more of the actual thing from my dads."
"Wait, keep the bottle." I said. "I know your fingerprints are on it now, but if we look at it later we might be able to find who put it there from other fingerprints."
"We can't go to the police, how the hell are we gonna find someone's fingerprints?!" Thomas asked, shaken up again by the discovery.
"We'll find a way. Besides, if trying to trick us with cyanide is the best thing they can do, I don't think we have to worry about them more than that house right now."
Thomas sighed. "Ok..."
"We can drive to my house to pick some actual medicine up, and while we're at it we can get the others to come with us." Alicia said.
"Sounds like a plan." I nodded.
"We can't go in the middle of the day."
Thomas and I walked along the side of the dirt road, heading back from the farmhouse. We drove around earlier and told everyone we could about the plan, we even set up a group chat with all of our phone numbers in it. After that, we went back to the farmhouse so Alicia could put a new set of bandages on my arm, and we decided to walk back home ourselves, leaving Annie and Alicia at the farm.
"And why not?" Thomas asked. "Ever since what happened the first time there's been a curfew, you know that!"
"Exactly!" I said. "We have, what, 5 sheriffs in this entire town, it's not that hard to sneak out. And judging by the way our parents handled it the first time, no one will ever know we're gone."
"Can you even get out of your apartment? Isn't there security at the bottom floor?"
"Yes, and that's where you come in."
We stopped by the apartment complex I lived in. Thankfully it was pretty close to the farmhouse, so it only took about half an hour of walking.
"I know you're the only reason Charlie didn't fail Algebra again last year, you think you can give me a rough estimate on how tall this place is?" I asked. Thomas looked at me with a surprised expression on his face.
"I never told anyone about that! What the hell Jo?!" He said in shock.
"Yeah but you took advanced trigonometry as an elective like a psychopath, so I just ended up putting the pieces together. So can you help me or not?"
Thomas sighed and took a step back, looking up at the building for a minute before turning back to me.
"At least 30 meters, maybe 37 or 40. I'm concerned about what you're planning right now."
"Don't worry about it."
"Now I'm even more concerned."
After taking a hot minute to think about it, I had an idea.
"Does anyone we know remember how to put together a ladder out of sticks?" I asked.
"You're not seriously gonna ask for a 12 meter ladder made of sticks." Thomas said. "It's never gonna hold up."
"Then a 12 meter rope it is then. I need some way to get down from the third floor without falling to my death."
"Is there no better way for you to do that?" Thomas asked.
"The stairs are locked up at night and the elevator is loud as hell, so getting to a lower floor isn't an option." I said. He sighed.
"Fine." He said. "So just to be clear, we're going to sneak out, scout the bonfire area, and if we find anything or anyone, we'll figure out what to do from there."
"Yep, exactly that." I confirmed.
"What time did you say to meet again?"
"12 a.m."
"Then it's a plan. See you there."
With that, we nodded at each other and Thomas started walking down the road towards his house. I walked inside the apartment building and stepped in the elevator. Thankfully it was a Friday, so almost no one else was in the building as they were all at work. Our jobs actually had to let us have the day after our bonfire off since we'd stay up for most of the night, so I didn't have to worry about that right now. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, so I walked out to my apartment on the far right of the building and took out my keys, unlocking the front door and stepping inside. To be honest, my apartment is... kinda sad. After my dad kicked me out of the house, I lived with Ally for a bit, but since I moved out I've been living alone for the past year and a half. Jojo actually offered to move in with me a few weeks ago, but now all of his boxes are just gonna be sitting around for a while, maybe even forever.
I walked to my bedroom and kneeled beside my bed, pulling out a small wooden box. There was a reason why my dad kicked me out, albeit a dumb one. There was a room in the house I was always told not to go into, but I went to check it out anyway. That's where I found out that not only has the house taken the lives of people in this town before, but that I had a brother who was roped into it. I took the box with me when I left, in which were multiple newspaper articles on the incident, an empty photo album except for one picture, a red bandana that, from what I could tell, used to belong to a dog, and a journal left by my brother.
I was going to get to the bottom of this, no matter how long it was going to take for me to get there.
And I couldn't be any more proud.
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