With the internet's high-speed connection and Siddique's dedicated team, he manages to arrange the first item in Nick's list for Zahida to do the next morning without a hassle.
"Wow, that was fast," Zahida pouts as she walks across the small kitchen of her aged-care home unit, making herself fruit smoothies for breakfast. "Should I put on my running pants for this?"
"No, Ma. You just stay at home, relax and let it come to you," Siddique voice echoed through the loudspeaker of the virtual assistant AI home system. "By the way, since your iddah (widow period) ended yesterday and if Auntie Milla suddenly invites you to her Ukrainian cottage, go ahead and go crazy. You deserve it."
"Nah, I don't plan to leave this place. Too much hassle, my caregiver will ask so many questions and I have to do unnecessary medical checkups," Zahida complains.
"Yeah, you're right," Siddique agrees. "But if you change your mind, let me know. I'll sort it out for you."
"Thank you, Sayang (love). Sure thing," Zahida corresponds.
"And make sure you take your meds, okay? Your health monitor shows that your heartbeat is rising fast. I know deep down you're excited to see her," Siddique chuckles.
Zahida laughs at the ability to get caught by her son through sophisticated vital sensors. They both end the conversation and Zahida resumes blending berries and bananas in the mixer. She looks up at the 15-inch LED screen attached to the fridge and watches a series of her family photos animated on the screen, followed by a 30 second video of old and dying Nick being interviewed by Siddique who was behind the camera. The video was taken a few days before Nick drew his last breath.
Nick looked exactly like his father in his elder stage. Bald with tiny white sprouts of hair covering his wrinkle head, hammock under his fatigue small eyes with defined creases on each of the corners, visible creases on the forehead, the bridge of his nose and smile lines. Despite willing to be interviewed by his son, he looked extremely frail and was about to give up on his life.
He initially had the portable oxygen mask on but immediately took it off, complaining that he's inhaling "fake clean air". Siddique urged him to put the mask on but he shook his head bitterly and continued to wheeze and cough.
"Nak tanya apa (what do you want to ask)?" Nick's raspy voice sounded in the video.
"Any messages for Mama before you go?" Siddique asked.
Nick gave a long thoughtful pause before he began, "Don't cry at my funeral, eat healthy, stay healthy, ermm..." he paused again, blinking his droopy eyes several times before continued, "Stay healthy and eat healthy..."
"You already said that, Pa," Siddique interrupts.
"Ha?" Nick looked above the camera and –
Suddenly, an incoming voice call with an unknown overseas number appears on the screen waiting for Zahida to respond. She immediately taps and slides the green call button upwards to answer.
"Zahida Pholadi," she calls out, waiting for the caller to speak.
"As-salāmuʿalaykum (Peace upon you), Zahida is that you? How are you?" a voice of an aged man resonated from the speaker. "It's been a while, yeah?"
"Waʿalaykumus-salam (Peace upon you too). Yeah, Zahida speaking. I'm good. You alright?" Zahida replies and tries to act casual despite wasn't being sure who the caller was, even Truecaller wasn't able to detect his ID either.
"I've never been better," the caller answers. "I'm sorry about your loss. Your son just told me about your husband. My prayers are with you and your family. Your son does look a lot like him, though. It's like seeing a CGI version of his younger self."
"Thank you," Zahida responds. "Sorry, I am bad at remembering people nowadays. May I know who's on the line, please?"
"Haha. I'm so sorry. I'm used to with the techs picking up my ID that I forgot to introduce myself," Zahida could hear him exhale through the speaker. "It's me Abdollah. I hope you still remember me, your old friend back in Rochdale. You used to call me Abs, people used to call me Abs."
Zahida smiles when she hears his name, the name she hasn't heard for a very long time. Although she wasn't all excited to hear his voice like she used to back in the days when Abs became the centre of her world, she's glad that Nick and Siddique reunite her with an old friend after more than four decades they went their own separate ways.
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