Chapter Two - A Getaway Attempt
Still kicking her legs out to gain purchase on anything she could, both hands clamped around the vibranium arm, Clara felt the familiar shift in energy. Barnes didn't seem to show much of a reaction to her sudden appearance, but Sam's eyes widened just a fraction, the man standing stunned for the briefest of seconds. 'It's a kid,' Sam pointed out, confusion evident as a girl appeared, dressed in a black uniform made up of a jacket and a pair of pants, with grey piping and detailing.
Sam made multiple realisations at once. They began with the recognition that the young girl still hung from Barnes' grip, struggling for breath, and ended with him figuring that they were probably drawing the Flag Smashers' attention. His main concern, however, was the fact that Barnes was still holding the girl by her neck. 'Bucky!' Sam whispered harshly. 'She's just a kid!'
Clara's eyes darted between each man, only now beginning to panic as a doubt started sinking in that the ex-Winter Soldier would ever let her go. Across the room, a few Flag Smashers looked over absently, not paying much heed to what they suspected were animals rummaging through the trash.
Seeing the change in the groups attention, and the angry look in Sam's eyes, Barnes finally reacted by adjusting his hold on Clara. Loosening his grip, Clara sucked in a long, deep breath, just before he pulled her back into his chest and used his gloved hand to cover her mouth, trying to restrict her movements and keep her quiet.
After a some futile squirming, Clara trying to free herself from the stronger man's grip, Barnes finally uncovered her mouth, the Flag Smashers having lost interest in the noise. Clara looked at Sam, seeing the strange mix of anger and confusion in his expression. 'Hi,' she smiled sheepishly.
'Who are you?' Barnes asked, his voice low. He kept one hand on her arm, ensuring she couldn't slip away.
Clara moved a hand into her jacket pocket, noticing the grip on her upper arm tightening slightly as she pulled the leather card and badge holder from within. 'Clara Wilson, I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D..' She told them, the line as rehearsed as the movement of unfolding the wallet to reveal the ID and the stolen badge. She flashed it for the briefest of moments, knowing that too close of a look would reveal more than she wanted.
'Haven't heard from them in a while,' Barnes muttered, raising an eyebrow.
'What are you? Eighteen? Nineteen?' Sam asked her.
'Sure,' she nodded.
He looked at her suspiciously. 'Where's your team?'
'It's a solo mission,' she began. 'I'm here to scout out the Flag Smashers and provide information for the level six agents tasked with eliminating the threat.'
'You are, huh?' Clara narrowed her eyes at Sam's words, seeing a smile twitching at the corners of his lips. 'You're a kid, Clara. They sent you out here alone?'
'Yeah, they did. Problem?' She bit, holding eye contact. 'If you'd like you can call my superiors and ask them yourself? I'm sure we have plenty of time to talk.'
An engine roared to life, followed by the second, ready to take the group to their next destination. Perfect timing, Clara thought, mentally preparing her escape plan for the moment she had the freedom to move. Sam and Barnes shared a look. 'Let her go,' Sam told him.
Barnes shook his head, thinking that if she came with them, she'd just get in their way. 'Pass me the wires.' Barnes nodded towards to the red cords sitting on the shelf beside Sam. 'We'll tie her up and come back for her later.'
Sam looked taken aback by the suggestion, likely because it sounded like a order from the other man, but potentially because the plan wasn't up to his standards of, well, not tying children up in abandoned buildings. 'Really? Just let her go,' he insisted, Barnes reluctantly doing as asked.
'Thank you,' Clara said, somewhat dramatically brushing herself clear of invisible dirt, and moving from between the two of them.
'You really wanna take her with us?' Barnes questioned as Clara gently rubbed her neck.
'No, but we can't leave her tied up in the middle of nowhere.'
'What about her story? You actually believe that she's with S.H.I.E.L.D.?'
Sam snorted, glancing at Clara before looking back down to the screen on his wrist. 'Hold on,' he frowned, focusing in on another figure as Barnes moved to look over his shoulder. 'There's an eighth person.'
Seeing the window of opportunity, Clara slipped out of sight and headed straight towards the trucks. She moved quickly, long strides and powerful steps, and she reached the trucks in a matter of moments. Lucky for her, they were still loading the second of the two, and she had time to climb in the back and position herself close to the cab.
Things were back on track - for now, at least, and Clara settled herself on low pallet, leaning up against another as the truck started towards the Flag Smasher's hideout.
A few moments earlier, Sam looked up from his screen, realising who the eighth person must be. 'I think they have a hostage.'
As he and Barnes were about to start towards the trucks, the group now climbing inside the cab of each, they realised the mistake of taking their eyes off of the girl. Checking Redwing's feed, Sam soon saw the distorted view of the supposed S.H.I.E.L.D. agent sitting in the second. 'I'll get the hostage,' Barnes told him, setting off in a sprint towards the first truck now in motion.
Sam followed, the rockets in his jetpack propelling him through the air, the wings carrying him to the second truck. He landed on the left rear door, reaching down to release the metal handle and letting the right-hand door swing open.
He used the wings to manoeuvre himself around the door, the tips anchoring into the walkway between the pallets. Giving the interior a quick once over, Sam noticed the storage containers were full of vaccines and medicines, and he noticed the distinct lack of any stowaways.
'I know you're in here, Clara,' Sam told her, Redwing detaching from the jetpack as he did.
Clara peered round the side of the pallet she was lent up against, seeing the man by the back doors. He looked directly at her, knowing where she sat based off of the heat signature she couldn't hide. 'We've got a job to do, and we don't have time to babysit.'
She rolled her eyes. She didn't have time for that either. 'I'm here on a mission, like I said, and I'll be staying here until I get the information that I need.'
'These people are dangerous, you shouldn't be going up against them alone.'
Clara scowled at the statement. 'Trust me, I'm well aware of how dangerous they are,' she said cynically, lifting her chin in defiance as she continued. 'I can handle myself.'
As she finished speaking, a loud thud and a rippling cracking noise sounded out. Heard above the sound of the engines, it lead her to assume that something - or someone had hit the windscreen. She reached out to steady herself as the truck swerved, Sam maintaining his balance with the wings still holding him in place. 'What about Barnes?' She asked him, her voice holding a trace of snideness. 'Can he handle himself?'
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