Chapter Twenty-Nine - Cherry Blossom Tea
'Well, we got nothing,' Bucky grumbled as they walked back into Zemo's apartment. 'No one's talking about Donya.'
'Yeah, it's because Karli is the only one fighting for them,' Sam said, dropping onto the couch, Bucky and Clara doing the same, Zemo heading across the open-plan space to the kitchen area. 'And she's not wrong.'
'What d'you mean?' Bucky asked.
'For five years people have been welcomed into countries that have kept them out using barbed wire. There were houses and jobs. Folks were happy to have people around to help them rebuild. It wasn't just one community coming together; it was the entire world coming together. And then boom, just like that, it goes right back to the way it used to be. To them, at least Karli's doin' something.'
'You really think her ends justify her means?' Bucky asked him, amazed he was taking the stance he was. 'Then she's no different than him,' he gestured at Zemo. 'Or anybody else we've fought.'
'She's different,' Sam shook his head. 'She's not motivated by the same things.'
Bucky sighed, looking at Zemo as he walked over, the man carrying a tray holding a pot of pinkish-red tea, and cups to pour it into. 'That girl. What'd she tell you?'
Zemo hesitated, glancing between the two men, then to Clara. 'The funeral is this afternoon.'
'You know the Dora's coming for you any minute?' Bucky questioned him, seeing Zemo was holding back the bulk of what he knew. 'In fact, they're probably lurking outside right now. Keep talking.'
'Leaving you to turn on me once we get to Karli,' Zemo pour himself a cup of the red tea. 'I prefer to keep my leverage.'
Calmly, Bucky rose from his seat, keeping his eyes on Zemo, and he reached for the teacup he was holding. Then, he snatched it from Zemo's grasp, launched it across the room, and sent it smashing into the far wall. 'You wanna see what someone can do with leverage?' Bucky threatened, Zemo tilting his head to the side at the words.
Clara lent back on the couch, watching them, because she wanted to see what someone could do with leverage. As long as it was Zemo on the receiving end. Unfortunately, Sam wasn't as intrigued as she was.
'Take it easy,' Sam held a hand out to Bucky, who was still snarling ever so slightly. 'Don't engage him. He's just gonna extort you and do that stupid head tilt thing.'
Zemo lifted his head as Sam spoke, glancing his way as if it wasn't a thing he ever noticed himself doing. 'Let me make a call.' Sam walked away, whacking Bucky on his arm as he did.
'Do you want some cherry blossom tea?' Zemo asked casually.
'No, you go ahead,' Bucky sneered, following after Sam, and leaving Clara alone in the same room as the man she was sure wanted her dead - or would want her dead eventually, at least.
Zemo lowered himself onto the couch and began pouring himself another glass of tea. 'Would you like some?' He asked Clara, seeing her shuffle uncomfortably.
'No,' she said. 'Thanks for the offer.'
'Stop,' Clara interrupted.
'I didn't-'
'I don't want to speak to you,' she said bluntly, taking her phone from her pocket, which she had been more than willing to bring this time, and she began scrolling aimlessly on the first app she could open before Zemo continued.
'You know, Clara, it's not you that I have any ill will towards,' Zemo tried.
'Right, it's just what I can do that you have a problem with? And then what everyone else like me can do. So, you have to make sure super-powered people can't do anything at all,' she remarked.
'Not at all,' Zemo lent back. Clara did her best not to show a reaction, still staring at her screen, but a small, puzzled frown twitched in her brow. 'The people who make themselves legends, those who see themselves above the lives of others - those whose egos were bigger than their good intentions. There are not many that avoid those. That is why I always respected Steve Rogers.'
'You did?' Clara looked up at the man, giving in to her curiosity.
He nodded as he continued. 'He never abused his power. He never became corrupted by what he could do. And I have no reason to believe you are not the same.'
Clara didn't say anything in response to that, unsure of what she could say that wouldn't disprove his theory. 'The Avengers - they were as bad as the people they sought to destroy.'
'They save lives,' Clara glared.
'And they have been the cause for many losses,' Zemo said. 'They would not have to defend anyone if the people claiming to be heroes hadn't made the technology they had done at all.'
'That's not-'
It was Zemo's turn to interrupt Clara, and he did so while pouring a second cup of cherry blossom tea. 'It is not as clear as black and white, Clara. No, the Avengers did not put the weapons into the hands of their enemies, but the people you call the villains in these scenarios, were only able to find and use the weapons because they were created at all.'
'I guess you aren't entirely wrong there, but...' she trailed off, again unsure of how to proceed.
'You are strong, Clara,' Zemo said, holding out the second clear teacup filled with the soft red liquid. 'You show great potential. I just hope you use what you have been given for the right reasons.'
Clara took the delicate cup, looking down at the red swilling around the glass, close to the rim but never spilling over the sides. Steam gently rose from the surface, the white wisps drifting upwards and bringing the floral scent with them. 'You still think Karli Morgenthau needs to be stopped... Permanently?'
'I believe her death is the only thing that will prevent her becoming more dangerous than she already has become,' he replied, sipping his drink.
Clara raised her own cup to her lips, feeling the heat of the glass as it touched them. She hesitated, bringing it back down to be held in her lap. 'What if you're wrong? What if Sam's right, and there is another way? One that doesn't result in more bloodshed than there's already been?'
'That is not possible, Clara.' Zemo spoke with such certainty, that Clara didn't doubt his words, even for a second. Still, he seemed to feel the need to go on. 'Sam and James will only be putting themselves in danger if they follow the path they have both chosen. Karli will kill them too, unless she is stopped.'
Clara peered across the couch to Zemo as she raised the tea to her lips, feeling the warmth as the floral taste reached her senses. Both salty and sweet, and the first flavourful thing she had tasted for days, she let it sit on her tongue for a moment. She took another sip as the first dissipated, letting herself think about what the man had claimed.
What Zemo had said hadn't changed what she was feeling, but it did cement what she knew she was going to have to do.
She knew Zemo was right - about Karli being dangerous, and about Sam and Bucky not seeing in Karli what he and Clara did. If they confronted her, all that would happen is they'd be adding fuel to the fire Karli was building so meticulously.
Clara knew that to put the fire out, someone needed to stop Karli.
She knew they would have to kill Karli Morgenthau, and her and Zemo were the only ones who had the guts to do so.
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