Chapter Thirty - Once More Into the Fray
A little while after her conversation with Zemo, Clara joined him, Bucky and Sam in their walk to the memorial. As they took to the cobbled streets, Clara glanced over Bucky's shoulder, seeing him fixated on his phone.
'He's cute,' Clara commented, Bucky's thumb hovering over the dating app profile as he took in the man's features.
'Too old for you,' he told her, misreading her attempt to start conversation as he angled the screen away from her, swiped the photo along to the next.
Clara raised an eyebrow at the hundred-and-seven-year-old, glancing between him and the images of the men and women that must have been in their thirties. 'Too young for you.'
Clara interrupted him, seeing two all too familiar faces walking towards them with purpose in their strides. 'Here we go again.'
'Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit!' John Walker yelled across the stretch of road, jogging down a wide set of stairs.
'Oh, hey, John, how'd you find us this time?' Bucky called back, sarcasm lacing his words.
'Come on, man,' Lemar Hoskins said. 'You really think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?'
'No more keeping us in the dark,' Walker ordered. 'You can start by telling us why you broke him out of prison.'
'Err, he did that himself,' Clara chimed in. 'Technically, anyway.'
'Oh, this better be an unbelievable explaina-'
Sam stopped Walker as he got a little too in their face. 'Hey, take it easy before it gets weird.'
'I know where Karli is,' Zemo told him as way of explanation. He began stepping round Walker, Bucky doing the same, when the man stopped him, placing a hand on Zemo's chest.
'Well? Where?'
'All we know is that it's a memorial,' Sam said. 'So we're gonna intercept her there.'
As Sam spoke, Zemo removed the hand from his chest, and continued on his path around Walker.
'That means civilians. High risk of casualties,' Hoskins said to Walker as they all began following behind Zemo.
'Who's she?' Walker asked gesturing to Clara.
'Oh, right, we haven't actually met,' she said, realising she had seen him, but not the other way around. 'Clara Wilson, I work with S.H.I.E.L.D.'
'I wasn't told S.H.I.E.L.D. were on this,' Walker scowled.
Clara grit her teeth, still not a fan of the guy, or the way he spoke to those around him. 'I said I work with them, not for them. They aren't on this - I am.'
Walker nodded. 'All right, we'll move in fast. Take her by surprise.'
'No, I wanna talk to her alone,' Sam told him.
'I'm not losing her again,' Walker argued.
'Look, the person closest to her died, she's vulnerable. If there's any time to reason with her, it's now.'
'What? No,' Walker glowered, speeding up to get in front of the group. 'No! Stop, hold on! Stop, okay? I think we're way past reasoning with her, unless you forgot that she blew up a building with people still in it.'
'Sam, you walk in there cold, she could kill you, Man,' Hoskins added.
'And if I go in hot and the op goes wrong, more people will die,' Sam bit.
'You're gonna let him do this?' Walker asked Bucky. 'You're gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?'
'He's dealt with worse,' Bucky glared. 'And he's not my partner.'
'I used to counsel soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is right in my wheelhouse,' Sam continued, and Clara could see the frustration nipping away at him.
'Yeah, I know,' Walker huffed. 'And I know those soldiers, which is why I know this is a bad idea.'
'Wait, John,' Hoskins stop him. 'If he can talk her down, it might be worth a try.'
John scoffed, seeing he clearly wasn't going to have his way with this one. He looked over at Zemo. 'I'll deal with you later.'
'I'm sure it will all come to an agreeable conclusion. My associate is just up ahead. Zemo gestured past Walker and Lemar, then walked between them. Upon reaching the young girl, Zemo spoke again, holding out what looked to be a few 500 euro notes. 'Hello, my friend. This is for your family. Can you show us the way?'
When the child quickly took the money and then began in the opposite direction, making sure the group were following, Walker spoke again, likely believing this was all a big joke. 'What the hell?'
She led them into a building not too far from where they had met her, and inside they saw people all heading to one room to congregate. Reaching an open doorway, the girl pointed inside. 'Karli's in there,' Zemo stated.
Sam went ahead, stopping to look back as he heard a thud, and then a pained groan coming from Zemo. Walker cuffed one wrist to a furnace door, wanting to make sure the criminal didn't have any escape plans in mind. 'You've got ten minutes,' Walker said to Sam. 'Then we're doing things my way.'
'Aggressive,' Zemo noted, pulling at the cuffs a little. 'But I get it.'
As Sam disappeared around a corner, Clara looked to Bucky for instruction, wondering whether she should follow. He shook his head, thinking he didn't want to risk anything going wrong and Sam being placed in more danger.
Bucky wandered over to the doorway, placing himself between it and Walker. Clara stood between Walker and Zemo, watching the new Captain America and he held his shield, muttering something under his breath. 'Uh-uh. No, no, no,' he said, rising to his feet. 'This is a bad idea.'
'It hasn't been ten minutes, John. Just sit tight.'
Walker glared at Bucky as he spoke. 'Don't do that - Don't patronise me.'
'Sam knows what he's doing,' Clara tried to reassure the man, seeing something behind his eyes that worried her. A ticking, like something was about to snap.
'I'm going in,' he stepped towards Bucky, placing the shield on his arm. Bucky stopped him with a hand on his chest. 'This is all really easy for you, isn't it? With all that serum running through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there. Do you really want his blood on your hands?'
Bucky stared him down, his jaw tightening, and Clara could see he was actually thinking about that. 'Bucky...' She warned with a shake of her head. She doubted her words did anything to sway Bucky, but either way he remained where he was. That is, until Walker decided to simply barge past him, taking Bucky off guard. 'Great.'
'John!' Bucky called after him, moving to catch up with the man before he could reach the room with Sam and Karli inside.
Clara watched as Walker, Lemar, and Bucky all slipped out of sight, and then she turned to Zemo. 'You should go,' he told her. 'This may be your only chance.'
She groaned, not knowing where it was best for her to be, Sam and Bucky would probably need her, right? But if Zemo slipped away and doubled back on his promise not to harm Clara... No, Sam and Bucky are the priority with Zemo restrained.
'Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest.' Clara could hear Walker pronounce the fact as she sped down the short hallway.
'So, this was what that was?'
'No,' Sam tried, so close to convincing her what she was doing was wrong, and now all his words being swept out from under him. 'Karli, wait.'
'Tricking me until your back-up arrived?'
'No, I think we've had enough time to talk,' Walker said, holding a hand up as Sam went to tell him to back off.
'I'm sorry, Sam,' Bucky said, holding his hands up.
'You in that suit full of bullshit!' Karli cursed Walker, throwing her fist into him, the man blocking it with the vibranium shield just as it struck.
But, when Karli's fist collided with the shield, it plummeted into Sam. He only just managed to bring his arms up to cover his face, the metal hitting his forearms.
Clara burst into the room in time seeing the red hair of Karli Morgenthau dip out of view, the woman headed out through another exit. She chased after her, Bucky not far behind. With the speed the super soldiers could go, however, Bucky overtook her. She swore, wanting to be the one to get to Karli first.
Work smarter, not harder, she told herself, veering away from the supposed course Karli was taking, and thinking ahead. This place was like a maze, and if Karli knew what she was doing, she'd run Bucky round the houses before getting to where she needed to be.
She slid to a stop as she reached a room full of heavy machinery, seeing Zemo searching the room as she was about to do the same. He held a Glock in his hand. Before Clara could ask any questions, a loud shot rang out, reverberating around the room.
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