Chapter Thirty-Eight - Left in the Dust
'There,' Clara nodded towards the railway tracks. Having walked the outer edge of the roof, she spotted Walker running along the old, likely abandoned platform in the distance. Sam and Bucky weren't in sight, and Clara had to assume they were finding the route there another way.
'You need a lift?' Peter asked, following her line of sight to the old train station.
Clara turned to him with a smile. 'Absolutely. Stick around? After we deal with him, I mean.'
Peter nodded, smiling as he pulled his mask over his head. 'I probably shouldn't be there when you are though, right? I don't think Mr Wilson or Mr Barnes like me.'
Clara grinned, jumping on Peter's back. 'If you want, I can ask them?'
'Don't you dare.' With that, he jumped from the roof, swinging from building to building, the wind rushing past as he carried them to where they were trying to reach.
Clara tightened her hold round Peter's shoulders just a little as he swung, not wanting to impede his movements, but also not wanting to fall into the street below. 'Thanks,' Clara said once her feet were firmly back on the ground. As Peter turned back to face her, she jumped forward to hug him again, not letting him go for a good long minute, even though they could both hear the fighting sounds coming from inside.
'You're welcome,' he said, once he could breathe again. 'You should probably get in there, they aren't doing too well.'
He saw the concern in her expression as she immediately went to head into the building. 'Wait!' Peter called out. When she looked back, still inching towards the entrance, he spoke again. 'Be safe.'
Clara nodded before turning back, fading from sight as she became fully invisible. She wanted to go in stealthily if Walker was refusing to go down without a fight. How hadn't Sam and Bucky defeated him yet, anyway? He wasn't that good a fighter.
The closer she came to the fight, the louder it became. 'Why are you making me do this?' She heard Walker ask, a clashing sounding, too. He repeated the question again, this time as a yell, his voice sounding raw as he screamed it.
Clara reached the room in time to see Bucky thrown from his feet, and into a metal bar. Sparks erupted from his vibranium arm as they collided, and he landed on his chest with the hand caught under his weight. Electricity continued to spark from finger to finger, the mechanical muscles tensing and relaxing as the energy ran havoc across it.
It was then she realised why they weren't finding this fight to be the easiest. The man had found a vial of serum, and he had used it on himself; John Walker had made himself a Super Soldier. But that wasn't for Clara to worry about in that moment.
'Bucky?' Clara asked running over to him, dropping to kneel at his side.
He was out of it - probably due to the electrical current coursing through him. Clara heaved him onto his back, rolling him off of the arm, which she reached out for.
Clara let her hand brush over the metal. She felt the sparks strike her skin, the electricity crackling against her palm. 'This isn't you John,' Sam said behind her, facing the other man.
'We could have been a team,' Walker told Sam, a brief intermission in the play he was acting out for himself. Sam ran towards him, his wings picking him just before reaching the man. A thin line shot out, a clamp fixing itself on the shield, and Sam attempted to tug it from his arm.
She looked over her shoulder at Walker, then back to the current against her hand, an idea in mind, and one she thought might actually be of use to them. Rather than manipulating the electricity to simply disperse into the air surrounding them, Clara watched as it moved from Bucky's arm to her invisible one.
It was a strange sensation, and one she hadn't felt before. The white energy flickered and flared as she held it, and she lingered for a moment, adjusting to the sensation. Then, she reached back down to Bucky's arm, feeling all the intricacies inside it that belonged to that of Wakandan technology, and feeling how the energy moved about it.
It was a self-sufficient device, that was clear. If it wasn't, Bucky would have to find a way to feed electricity into it on a regular basis – something Clara had never seen him doing. Taking what energy she had from the device had seemed to fix whatever problem it had been having, maybe acting like a system reboot, forcing it to build its energy back up from scratch.
The fingers twitched, and Clara looked to Bucky's eyes, seeing he was beginning to come back around. 'Bucky?' She asked again. Seeing she was still receiving no response, she rose to stand.
Turning back to the fight, she saw Walker now above Sam, hands latched onto to Sam's wings. 'I am Captain America,' he growled, tearing metal and wiring.
Clara launched herself towards the pair, clenched her fist, and sent it towards the only exposed skin available to her – Walker's face. The electrical current once again jumped from one body to another and, combined with a forcefield forming around her closed fist, it sent Walker sprawling from above Sam's.
Sam stared up, realising who it must have been, but not knowing exactly where she was now. 'You're welcome,' Clara told him, rubbing her palm against her trouser to make the strange fuzzy feeling go away. As she did, Sam saw the purple silhouette return once more.
He nodded his thanks, then searching for Bucky. 'He good?'
'He'll be fine,' she waved him off. 'He's being a baby. I'm assuming you can get up?'
'I, err, I might stayed her for a minute,' Sam said, as if it were by choice, and not complete and utter exhaustion.
Clara rolled her eyes, holding out a hand for him to take. 'Just get up.'
He took her hand and got to his feet. As he did, Bucky grumbled, struggling to his own. 'I'm gonna kill him.'
He looked like he meant it too, charging head first into the other man, yelling all the while. Bucky smashed fist after fist into Walker, Walker taking a moment to react, still recovering from the shock Clara had given him.
When he did react, he pulled the shield in front of him, Bucky bringing his fist down on it before he could stop himself. Walker slammed a fist into Bucky's stomach, who reflexively bent double. Walker then grabbed the back of his head, about to push his head down into the shield, and bring the shield up to meet his head, when something stopped him.
A purple energy encased the shield, holding it in place as Walker strained to move it. 'Get it!' Clara ordered through grit teeth. Although it had felt like Karli's struggles hardly had an affect on Clara's hold of her, she now realised that had been because of having the woman's whole body restrained, not just something she held.
'Hold him!' Sam yelled, Bucky moving to press his hands up against Walker's shoulders, not letting him shift away from the forklift behind him.
Clara tensed as Sam grasped the vibranium, pulling back enough for him to get through her own hold on it. She knew she'd have to let go for him to get the shield. At least, she had thought that would be the case until the sound of a bone breaking echoed in the room. A sound that was quickly becoming a little too familiar to Clara's ears.
Sam stumbled back as the shield slipped from between his fingers, flying past him towards Clara. She looked down as she drew the energy back into her, realising the shield had come with it. Sam raised an eyebrow, seeing the shock in her eyes as she tentatively moved to take the shield from where it sat mid-air.
'It's mine,' Walker sneered, glaring at the purple silhouette.
'It's over, John,' Sam told him, stepping between Walker and the shield.
'It's mine!' He repeated, charging towards Bucky, who was the closest of the three, anger spurring him on. He was getting tired, though, everyone could tell, and Bucky fought him easily now.
'Sam,' Clara passed him the shield, having no use for it herself. Like she'd know how to fight with that when she was trained to use her own creations.
He took it, heading into the fight as Bucky lifted Walker, swinging him by his ankles towards Sam, who jumped, used his jets to propel him up a little higher, and slammed his feet into Walker's back.
Clara wasn't sure exactly how it happened, but it ended with each of them lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. The shield rolled along the floor, teetering on its edge before falling flat.
Bucky was up first, kneeling by it and reaching out to pick it up. He looked at it for a moment before stepping towards Sam. Still lying on his back, he looked up at the man, frowning lightly as he waited to see what he was going to do with it.
Bucky dropped the shield beside his head and walked away, leaving the two men lying in the abandoned building, and Clara standing not that far from them.
She drew the purple back, the eeriness making it feel as though she shouldn't be there, and she left too, following Bucky back to the outdoors.
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