Chapter Seventeen - Guardian Angel
Back standing outside of the Saloon, Clara looked over the building. She didn't want to go inside, knowing the crowds would be too packed together for her to avoid pushing into people. Clara was sure that in a place like this, nobody would dare get themselves to a point of being inebriated enough for her to go by unnoticed.
She tracked her sights over the unfamiliar architecture. The main entrance was the only doorway at the front of the building, but there were a few exits scattered along the alley Clara had stepped from just a moment before. She placed herself between the two exit routes, listening through the hubbub for any signs they needed backup.
In all honestly, Clara didn't think she'd be any help to them if it all went sideways; she just didn't want to be near Zemo if it did. At least out here she'd be able to make an easy getaway - even if they didn't, and she'd be able to continue her search with for Karli.
The only issue with that was finding the resources. It was difficult enough tracking them down the first time with access to a full S.H.I.E.L.D. database, let alone without any computer at all.
She sighed, thinking through the plan she might never have to carry out. She would need help if it didn't work out with Bucky and Sam, and Clara hardly had any connections that wouldn't pull her back home, and she dreaded the idea of that.
The longer she spent away, the less she could bring herself to face the concept of seeing Peter or her family again. She didn't regret leaving, her resolve over doing so still held strong, but she knew they wouldn't understand.
Besides, Clara knew S.H.I.E.L.D. was likely aware of her location, and they may have even told her family, so it wasn't like she had completely disappeared. If someone really wanted to stop her, they could. They could even send Spider-Man himself down to get her; Clara was fairly sure that he was already looking anyway.
A series of chimes pulled Clara from her thoughts, dozens of phone alerts spreading through the crowd. She quickly moved to look over one woman's shoulder, seeing a bounty notice written on the screen.
Selby dead. ₿1K bounty for her killers.
Clara scrunched her face up into a wince, seeing that it had, in fact, gone sideways. It was probably Bucky's fault, she thought, looking up to see the three men walking from a side exit. Sam and Bucky were both searching the crowds, walking a few steps behind Zemo as he lead them through with determination.
Clara upped her pace to catch up to them. 'Here,' she told Sam and Bucky, speaking loud enough for only them to hear her, and placing a hand on each of their shoulders so they'd know her position.
Sam nodded, understanding she was going to stay hidden a little longer. Bucky flinched, twisting his body with the instinct to remove her hand. He didn't alert anyone to her presence by speaking, though, he too seeing that was her plan. 'This is not good,' Zemo told them, phones still chiming as they hurried through the streets of Madripoor.
As if the universe was answering a call to make matters worse, the overhead lights lining the pavements switched off. Gunshots erupted in that same moment, and the four of them took off into a sprint, star-bursting in two different directions. Zemo went one way, and Sam, Bucky, and Clara went the other.
'Shit!' Sam swore, ducking as another burst of gunfire was aimed his way.
'Come on!' Bucky urged him.
'I can't run in these heels!' He yelled in frustration.
The roar of motorcycle engines was next to join the cacophony of noise, three riders coming up behind them. They weren't stupid - they knew they couldn't outrun the riders, and so they took a hard corner.
Clara's mind raced to make a quick calculation. When it did, she yelled for Bucky to be ready. To her surprise, he listened, turning and preparing to go along with her plan.
Clara braced her legs, grit her teeth, and raised her hands. It would be one thing to let the motorcyclists collide with the shield, but they were going too slowly for it to do any real damage, so she lent back. The wall sloped enough for the wheels of the bikes to veer upwards, rocketing over Clara's head as the shield took the weight of them.
'You got them?' She called out, not looking back as Bucky reached for the first motorcycle. With his metal arm he grabbed the hot exhaust, and with his gloved hand he gripped onto the handle bar.
With a yell of exertion, Bucky swung himself and the bike in a one-eighty, bringing the first bike crashing into the second rider. Both slammed into a brick wall, landing in a tangled heap at the base of it. Bucky stood for a minute, breathing heavy as he was the two riders lay still. 'Yeah,' he said. 'I got 'em.'
He then turned to the third rider who, at reaching the end of the street, skidded to face them. He revved the motor once, then twice, then, just as he was about to let go with the throttle, he fell backwards off the bike. 'You seem to have a guardian angel.'
Clara spun around to see Zemo catching up with them, and a look of disappointment spread on her face. A not-so-small part of her had been hoping he didn't make it out of the chaos.
She started back down the way they had ran from, ready to act out her arrival in order for Zemo to believe she hadn't been there. As she did, she hoped he hadn't seen any of what happened before the rider was shot. She assumed he hadn't though, because that likely would have been a big talking point for him.
Clara stopped dead as she heard a woman's voice coming from the shadows not far from where she stood. 'Well, this is too perfect,' she said, stepping into the street with a pistol up and aimed towards Sam, Bucky and Zemo.
The woman, who wore a leather coat, pulled a hood down to reveal blonde hair, neatly curled. She adjusted the aim on her weapon ever-so-slightly, holding it steady towards the Baron. 'Drop it, Zemo.'
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