Chapter Forty-Eight - Making their Mark
They rushed in, side by side, Clara stopping a few feet behind Bucky. A forth combatant was running towards Walker, a parking meter raised above his head, ready to be brought down onto the man.
Clara raised her hands, stopping the parking meter where it was held as Bucky barged into the Flag Smasher. The man's hands were ripped from the metal pole, leaving it where Clara held it while Bucky sent him sprawling against a tall fence.
Clara swung the parking meter down into the closest Flag Smasher's heads. The woman who's head it had struck stayed on the floor, trying to rise but giving up after one attempt, opting to lay on her back instead.
Karli ran over to the woman, not to check to see if she was okay, however, but to take the parking meter for her own use. She ran over to Bucky with it, who was about to throw a punch into another man when she brought the metal down between them.
Bucky leant backwards, letting it hit the floor, and he reached for a chain lying over a low concrete barrier. He swung out with it, the thick chain striking Karli on the cheek. She spun around under the force of it as yet another Flag Smasher rushed in to take her place in the fight.
He kicked out into Bucky's chest, the force of the blow sending him somersaulting backwards. He landed in a crouched position, clawing his metal hand in an attempt to slow the velocity at which he was skidding towards a three-story fall.
Clara could see he wasn't slowing fast enough, and burst towards the edge before the drop. She reached him as he slipped out of view, a scream ripping from his lungs as the ground disappeared beneath him.
She reached out in a desperate attempt to do something she had never done before - something she had hardly had much practise with doing with small items, let alone a whole person. But, before she could stop him amidst the fall, a hand on her shoulder pulled her back from the edge and threw her to the ground. 'Are you kidding me?' Clara yelled in frustration, seeing it was Karli to stop her catching Bucky.
She got to her feet after Karli's action had knocked her over once again. In a slight show of rage, Clara raised a balled fist that began burning a bright purple. She unclenched her fingers as she sent her palm outwards toward Karli, the wave of energy moving from her hold and crashing against the leader of the Flag Smashers.
Before anyone could stop her again, she ran to the edge of the drop, and, without thinking, she jumped down to where Bucky had landed.
Really, it would have made sense for her to have practised what she was doing a few more times than she had done - as in, practise at all. Again, the theory was there, and she had done the opposite to that Flag Smasher back in Latvia.
As she fell, her stomach lurching at the sensation and the ground quickly approaching, she tapped into her own gravitational energy. A dozen feet above the hard surface of the floor, she felt her plunging slow.
Clara looked down at the space she was headed, Bucky already thrown back into the fight. And she let herself fall just a little faster, trying not to get too excited over the fact that she was almost, kind of flying. Well, not really - but she was going to count it as doing so. God, she couldn't wait to tell Peter about that.
As her feet touched down on the dirt surface, Bucky whacked his opponent with an I-beam. 'Ouch,' Clara recoiled as he rolled away and into a stack of scaffolding.
'Did you just jump from a thirty-foot high ledge?'
'Yep,' she grinned at Bucky.
'Did you know you wouldn't break both your legs?'
'Nope,' she told him, still holding the grin. It dropped from her face when she heard a crashing above them, and she rushed to look up at the source of the sound.
'Can you catch it?' Bucky asked her, watching the armoured van teetering on the top of the metal framing, threatening to fall.
Clara shook her head. 'It's too high. I might be able to when it's fallen further, but it's literally weighs a tonne - more, even.'
'Well, that wasn't the answer I wanted,' he admitted, both of them taking a cautious step back as the car jerked forward a foot further. Then, it was pulled back inch by inch until it was almost in a safe hold.
A moment later, and it came rolling forward once again, John Walker and two Flag Smashers falling from above, one of them being Karli. 'Okay, I'm confused - is he a good guy or not?' Clara questioned, watching the group stumble to their feet. Before Bucky could offer any kind of answer, the car began it's final descent.
This time, Captain America was the one to save it's passengers - the real Captain America, that is.
Clara's eyes widened a fraction at the sight, Sam dressed in a prominently white and blue suit, red panelling around his torso. He had caught the car on his shoulders, his jetpack working overtime to lift the vehicle higher. A series of drones detached from the pack, clipping onto the hood of the car and adding their thrusters to the mix.
With a cry of exertion from Sam, the vehicle rolled back enough for it's rear wheels to hook over a steel beam, holding it secure. An eruption of cheers rippled over the crowd of onlookers, some cheering for the Falcon, others for Captain America.
As Bucky looked up at Sam with pride filling his expression, Karli reached down for a rebar lying at her feet. Clara span towards the sudden movement, just in time to see Karli launch the rebar like a javelin towards her.
Her eyes sharpened into a glare, a flash of violet stopping the metal in it's tracks, and dropping it to the floor. 'Really?' She asked, exacerbated by Karli's relentless and, to be fair to the woman, somewhat justified attempts to cause her harm. Clara had tried to kill her, after all.
Before Karli could take a single step towards Clara, the vibranium shield plummeted into her, then into another Flag Smasher, then another, like a giant game of pinball as it ricocheted between each, eventually ending its journey back on Sam's arm.
'You of all people bought into that bullshit?' Karli asked Sam, removing her mask as a strange hopelessness filled her words.
'I'm trying something different. Maybe you should do the same,' he suggested.
Before Karli could retort, something small and cylindrical landed in the centre of the group, then more scattering around them. They went off in a series of hisses, thick clouds of fog spreading quicker than the light breeze could clear it.
Clara squinted through the blanket of white, struggling to see more than a metre in front of her. 'Sam? Bucky?' She called out, hearing footsteps around her but not knowing who they belonged to. She felt her heart beating against her chest as the panic of not being able to see began to set in.
A hand landed on her shoulder and she flinched. 'Here,' Bucky said, letting her know it was him. She let out a short breath of air, just able to make out his face in the grey.
'This way,' Sam told them, his shadow moving past them as he followed the thermal signatures of the group.
'Hey, Sharon. We're underground,' Bucky filled her in. 'We've entered a tunnel on William, heading south.'
They left the fog behind as they moved into the tunnels beneath the city, Clara thankful it hadn't spread further than the construction site.
'Looks like they split up,' Sam said, reaching a cross roads a little further into underground space.
Walker ran one way before Sam could give any orders, Bucky following after the man as he reassured Sam. 'I got it.'
'Looks like you're with me,' Sam told Clara, nodding towards the other path. 'Come on.'
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