The Aftermath
It had been 3 days since the fall of Houston. The Army got there on the second day. By the time they got there, it was too late. The population of Houston was 2,500,000. Around 600,000 are missing and are presumed dead. 90,000 made it out alive the rest we're taken prisoner. The Army sent 60,000 on patrol, but only 25,000 made it out alive. 12,500 had some sort of injury. Mexico had launched more attacks on New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Florida. After Houston, Texas fell shortly afterwards. I had no idea what I would do, Mom was gone and I was alone with no one but myself. I couldn't get the images of mom coughing up blood and the tracers lighting up the night out of my thoughts. The images just kept circling in my head. I started wondering how I was alive. Why it was her and not me, and also wondering what happened to my friends. But one thing was clear. On my 18th birthday, I was signing up for the army, and taking my revenge. They took my mother, and as some tears started to form I muttered I will kill every god damned last one of them. A couple months down the road at Paris island, 1600 hours, October 15, 2025. "We are proud to welcome all of you to the army and--"
He was interupted as a high ranking officer walked over and tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Then he was rushed off the stage and the sirens started to blare. The images of that night start to flash to through my head again. Then someone got on the intercom and said "Two Mexican destroyers and a battle ship have been sighted off the coast to the east. All personnel be ready for battle."
There were some low ranking officers pointing people to the armory. All you can hear is the sound of civilians panicking and sirens blaring. A soldier was going around handing out weapons. He walked over me and handed me an M4, 3 mags, and a combat knife. Then he t me to go to the beach and wished me luck. Once I got there I started to look at the vast ocean. Polluting the water, the two destroyers and the battleship were in the distance. The sight was almost unreal as the 3 steel behemoths stand there menacingly. You can almost forget why we're fighting in the first place. Then all of missiles were launched all at once. "MISSILES! HIT THE DECK" I shouted at the top of my lungs. As the first volley starts to hit, you can hear the screaming of the wounded.
Alright that's all for now thanks for reading and huge shout out to WaffleCake00 for editing this.
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