Chapter 2. The song of the Ice Spider
(Y/N) " The Ice Spider" Weaver 17
Rob Stark 16
Jon snow 16
Sansa Stark 14
Arya Stark 11
Brandon Stark 10
Rickon Stark 6
Author Notes
(Speaking out loud)
(Speaking internally)
Ned rasied ice and looked at the man
"What do you suggest "
The man who called himself Weaver look to lord Stark and spoke "Well knowing you Lord Stark ,asking you to hide won't work so stay beside me"
Ned raised an eyebrow but couldn't disagree with him
"How old are you" Ned asked while Weaver ran his sword through a man
"Not the time lord Stark " shouted Weaver.
A man changed Ned but he was cut swiftly down by Ice. Weaver then grabbed lord Stark and pulled him back as a arrow came speeding infront of him
"Thank you " Ned said as watched the arrow fly by Weaver only nodded as he looked to see That members of Starks gaurd where begining to gain ground. Weaver then made a gesture with his hands which shocked Ned.
A strand of webbing came out of him
"Is this how the man disappeared when he tried to kill me earlier " thought Lord Stark . He watched as the web hit an attacker on the back and watched as Weaver pulled it so that the man fell in his back to be stabbed by a Stark man .
"What in the name of the Gods are you " he asked .
Weaver let a chuckle out as he began to move forward " let's work on not dying Lord Stark before I answer that question "
Ned could see the sound logic in the words he spoke
What in the name of the old gods am I dealing with " he thought fearfully though as he moved along with this...thing.
Weaver soon picked a arrow from the ground up throwing it into a mans back.Ned rasied his sword again and gutted someone before silence fell across the camp.The attackers where now dead.
Ned look in amazement and horror at the man standing beside him"We have much to discuss " he simply spoke. To his surprise Weaver simply nodded "Very true,but we should probably count your dead and arrange for their return home "Ned stark nodded in agreement. As much as Ned wanted to focus on ....This thing,but he was he was lord of Winterfell and warden of the north , these men gave him their lives he owed them that much at least
"Jory gather the men and we shall prepare the dead to return to Winterfell " Lord Stark commanded
His men nodded as the gathered there fallen friends ready to send them home to be put to rest properly
Ned sat at the fire.His eyes lost in the red flames as he began to figure out where his mind was in this moment in time,where. How would he approach this....thing with him
"Lord Stark are you alright? " a sigh escaped Weaver as he asked him. The Warden of the North looked at him and sighed.
"I am trying to figure out how to deal with the matter of you " Ned looked at him. With suspicion. Weaver let a sigh out as he looked at him
"How am I to prove to you that I mean you no harm Lord Stark?" He asked as he leaned forward
"The beginning" Ned answered neutrally
Weaver sighed "I shall once more begin this tale " (aka let's do this one more time )
(Y/N) 2
"I woke up in the snow, I should have froze to death but when I awoke ,I was but a bit cold" (Y/N) leaned forward his eyes looking in the fire, perhaps the Lord of Light would grace him with a vision.
"I don't remember where I was from or who I was, It seemed the gods new and old decided who I once was mattered little "
(Y/N) didnt really like lying to Ned Stark but saying you got Isekaied into a new world makes you sound crazy.
"I walked for in the snow for a time until I heard a cry, Bandits had attack a farm,The father had been savagely Attack, the mother and daughter ... you know what they wanted to do to them ".
Ned looked away (Y/N) could gusse how the man felt and he couldn't disagree.
"I killed a man that day, the other where left for the guards,The son had been left in a barn ,left to burn"
(Y/N) watched Neds eyes as he mentioned burning alive, (Y/N) wondered if his mind went to his Father and Brother and when the Mad King burnt his father alive while his Brother strangled himself to death trying to reacha sword that was just out of reach in a disparate attempt to save his father
"I'm sorry Lord Stark " (Y/N) spoke after a moment of Silence. Lord Stark looked to him confused
"I left after saving them and fell alseep only to meet the old gods and new along with the lord of Light " the chill of the night gave away to the morning
"You sound mad " Ned spoke painly", A chuckle escaped his lips " But you are no normal man are you " it was more of a stament then a question
(Y/N) simply nodded " What I have a power, a great power and I must use with Responsibility ,The greatest Responsibility" Ned looked at him a sense of understanding in his eyes
"You put me in a difficult position Weaver " Ned spoke"On one had you took the lords justice into your own hand which is a crime "
"On the other,I don't think I could stop you if I wanted to" admitted
Ned sat up and walked around for a moment " I am heading to Ironrath ,I am asking you accompany me to settle a matter between House Forester and house
(Y/N) looked to him and nodded " of course I'll join you Lord Stark "
"And you can answer some of my questions Along the way " Lord Stark spoke. (Y/N) looked at Lord Stark and nodded
"Of course Lord Stark " (Y/N) spoke.
"What age are you boy?" Ned Asked while they rode to Ironrath
" Seven and ten m'lord " (Y/N) as he tried to not falling of the horse that he was currently on.
"Your a bit older than my eldest children"
"How old is your eldest Child" (Y/N) asked Ned.Man riding the horse hurt (Y/N) ass
"A city boy like me never rode a hrose before and FUCK does it hurt "
"My son Robb is six and teen ,as well as my bastard Jon aswell"
(Y/N) looked to him unsure how to continue this conversation. Lord Stark must have notice this and spoke.
"You remind me of a legend I was told as a child"
(Y/N) looked to Lord Stark and turned his head slightly "Oh which one " he asked
"The Ice Spider's" Lord Stark Spoke
"Oh yeah I remember them they were mentioned in the book and Show but we never saw them in the actual show...Probably because dragons took up so much of the budget"
"Gaint beast that the White Walker Rode on the back of as they reigned during the long night"
" Next he'll probably mention the wall or the night
"The Long Night last nearly Hundreds of -" Lord Stark continued to speak while (Y/N) listened to him as the rode on
The pair kept talking on their journey,when they were on the road and when they were making Camp
But soon the party made it to Ironrath.
The party was greated by the Lord of Ironrath , Lord Galbart Glover and Lord Gregor Forester. The Glover is the vassel lord of the Foresters. While house Whitehall was the vassel of House Bolton. But Lord Bolton wasn't here . Unable to leave his home after the death of his son
Gregor Forester
Rest in peace Ray Stevenson
"Lord Stark" Lord Glover spoke as Ned dismounted his horse
"Lord Glover, it's good to see you I hope to sort this dispute out soon "
Lord Glover nodded while he looked at (Y/N)
"Who is this Lord Stark" spoke Lord Glover,his tone of voice was more presencive than an accusing.
Ned looked to him to which (Y/N) nodded.
"I was attacked on the way here, and I was saved by this man" the pair looked at him.
"This is the man of the woods,he calls himself "Weaver"Ned looked at the pair and countined to speak " He saved my life, He shall accompany me from this point "Ned spoke with Authority. The two Lord's nodded.
(Y/N) looked at them and bowed slightly "My Lord's" the pair nodded at him. Moving forward with the mini crisis on hand.
The Lord's looked to Ned Stark " the man of the woods this is that outlaw Lord Stark " Exlaimed Lord Glover.
"Aye, And he saved my life, and the lives of my men and for here on out he's under my protection " both lords looked uneasy but nodded not questioning thier Lord.
Soon the party and (Y/N) were sat in a room which Lord Glover,Lord Forester, Lord Whitehall and Lord Stark.
(Y/N) stood in the room watching the arguments between the lord. Lord Whitehall making demands.
"I WANT THAT BASTARD YOU CALL A SON KILLED " shouted the idiot Lord Whitehall standing from the table with spit coming from his mouth which was an unpleasant sight to see.
Lord Forester stood up in a rage his hand slammed against the table "You DARE threaten my son!" The two men where shouting at each other to the point Lord Stark shouted "ENOUGH"
The two Lords stopped shouting and looked to Lord Stark . Ned had a stern look "Lord Whitehall,has your daughter Gwyn been deflowered by Asher "
Lord Whitehall looked at him shocked his lord would ask such a question.
"No my Lord " he answered looking unhappy where his Lord was going with this. " would it not do the North better for you two to put your families fued be ended with a marriage?" Asked Lord Stark to both Lords.
Both Lords looked unsure of this , the bitter fued between the familes.
Lord Whitehall spoke up not as loud. Possibly in fear of angering his Lord "My lord, there isn't a chance I'd let my daughter marry a Forester "
"Why not just become of some petty family fued " (Y/N) spoke up much to
he shock of this unkown man speaking up to a man who was his better
Lord Whitehall face contortedinto a angry snarl "YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME WHO DO YOU THINK YOU AR-"
"I'm the man who has been listening to you asking for the death of a young boy in love, you try to justify a family fued that means nothing" we'll all going to die M'lord, if this marriage could unite a your families but you let your egos get ahead of yourself"
(Y/N) looks to Lord Forester " You are known as being a man who looks after his people, Wouldn't it bring your people peace " he pleaded to him.
He then looked to Lord Whitehall " and Lord Whitehall imagine the songs they'll sing of you ,of all the Lord Whitehalls you are the one to end the fued " (Y/N) tried appealing to Lord Whitehall ego, which he knew was a fucking fat as him.
A moment of silence took over the group it was Tense (Y/N) had done something that could be get him killed.
He basically back talked a lord and that is punishable by death and a VERY slow death at that.
"Weaver" Ned speaks as he looks at the Lords " You given us some much needed wisdom please leave us be for the moment " (Y/N) nodded and bowed turning away from them and walking out.
When Weaver stepped he was met by Jory and Duccan Tuttle the Castellan of Ironrath "I'll escort you to a room to rest sir " Duccan spoke .
(Y/N) nodded and looked at Jory and nodded at him Jory simply stepped into the room which The Lord's where in and debating what to do
"You seemed to have made yourself a folk hero young man " Duccan speak,(Y/N) looks to Duccan "It wasn't my intention sir Duccan, I simply just wanted to help"
"You my only wanted to help which is a noble cause but you've done something for the small folk"
(Y/N) looks to Duccan unsure of where he was going with this "I'm not trying to insight a rebellion sir Duccan "
Duncan let a hearty and loud luagh out "Oh no my boy, that's not what I meant, you my boy gave them a hero , like the last hero and bran the builder " Duncan spoke as they neared the room.
(Y/N) looked at him and spoke " I'm not trying to to be a legend " he said plainly
Duccan nodded " I know but you dont have a choice in this " Duncan opened the door and smiled " sleep well my boy"
(Y/N) stepped into the room as Duncan closed the door
(Y/N) let a sigh out as he felt some tension and exhaustion fall over him . He removes his mask and has a small smile on his face
" Right okay so far it's a good start "
(Y/N) thought to himself as he looked at the room which honestly look pretty nice.
(Y/N) sat down on the bed and let a low moan as he lay down to sleep. He closed his eyes and soon the darkness of sleep took him.
(Y/N) walked in snow but he was sweating like he was on fire . Around him were pale blue eyes and fire filled red eyes. A sword was in his hand . It was cold on one side and fire on the other. He say eyes moved closer to when
A knock on the door woke him in a shock, it took a moment before (Y/N) had the sense to grab his mask and put it back before he went to the door and opened it.
Jory looked at him " Lord Stark wishes to speak to you " (Y/N) only nodded as he followed Jory to which Ned Starks room.
"Weaver " Ned spoke as he stood up from his seat and desk
"M'lord" (Y/N) spoke Ned handed Weaver a parchment of paper
Weaver began to read the parchments and reads " The marriage agreement of Asher Forester and Gwyn Whitehall " Weaver looked at him in suprice.
"You manged to help to fueding house's bind together in one,While the beginning may be rocky they can build upon it " Ned look at weaver and speak " It looks like two new house will be made "
(Y/N) looked at him "Two?" Ned looked at him " You saved my life and saved a man from death or banishment "
" You will be the head of House Weaver " Ned declared as (Y/N) looked at him shocked
"M'lord I'm honoured but I have no lands " (Y/N) spoke but Ned cut him off " We in the North don't make knights, but you hav served the North and you shall be rewarded"
"When we reach Winterfell I shall write to King Robert and he shall make you a lord, a minor lord but a lord none the less "
"I dont know what to say " (Y/N) spoke
"You don't have to say anything, Now theres a soon to be wed couple that wants to met you "
(Y/N) nodded. He soon walked down to the the entrance to Ironrath in which Ironrath had often held a small trade center which was always a pillar of the community for it "Well in tha telltale game it was at least " to see a young couple hands hold each other with smiles on there face
Asher Forester held the hands of Gywn Whitehall a woman who he once thought to be out of his reach finally his and him hers
The young couple spot the man in fhe mask and make there way over with Asher moving towards him quicker
"From Iron and Ice my sword is your's till the day I die " Asher proclaimed bringing him into a hug before Gywn came over as well .
(Y/N) stood there in a bit of a shock unsure what to do. Soon Asher pulled away from (Y/N) and moved closer towards gywn.
"Think nothing of it" (Y/N) said trying to sound confident but really he DIDN'T know what else to say
Gywn looked to him with a small tear in her eye and simply said "Thank you"
(Y/N) looked to her and he simply spoke to her "think nothing of it my lady ,I understand why Sir Asher fell in love with a beauty like yourself "
Gywn blushed a little before (Y/N) turned to Asher "If you should ever need my help simply write to me ,I shall be in Winterfell for seeable future " he nodded at the pair and walked away.
Sansa 1
Winterfell was always a beautiful place. Sansa had been woke up by one of the servants to get ready for her lession in the Septen.
Sansa had the most wonderful dream that night, one she wished she'd not be woke from. There was a night dressed in black in red glantly fighting off Bandits and wildinglings, maidens from the Westerlands, the Reach and The North ask for the brave knights hand. But he refuses them calling the pursuit of justice his only marriage.
"Oh what shuch a gallant knight, noble and strong " she thought to herself , but at the end of the it was only a dream.
The maids came in and helped Sansa dress, she had picked out a blue gown for the day and put a cloak over herself as well. Still her mind wondered to her dream and of the knight. She tried to dismiss the thoughts the Septa would dislike if Sansa didn't listen to her lessons today.
Sansa walked down the stairs, on her way down she saw her brothers training.
She watched as Bran was using training with his bow and honestly not doing well but he had be.....slightly better than yesterday.
Then Jon and Rob had been training with there swords Rodrik Cassel instructing the boys tell Jon to keep his sword arm up high while he told Rob was to keep his eyes to on Jons sword.Arya was probably hiding somewhere watching them train.
"Arya" Sansa rolled, she truly didn't understand her sister at all, always wanting to learn to fight. She was wild which was much to her mothers disapproval.
But Sansa thoughts where interrupted as a ride raced into the courtyard and quickly dismounting his horse. Sansa couldn't hear him he was too far away.
"Perhaps Father is on his return "
she thought to herself gleefully, Mother had been so worried for him, she seems to always worry when father leaves Winterfell to complete his duties. Mother was almost pale white when the member of father's gaurd had been returned dead. Rodrick had convinced mother not to take her horse and ride to meet her husband. Sansa understand her mothers feelings, it was true love in its highest form.
Sansa thoughts are cut short as Jayne Poole comes to her and they make their way to the Septon.
The lesson had been taken place in the Sept as per usual, Arya had Finally been tracked down much to Arya displeasure, Sansa's as well if she was honest she now has to listen to Arya silently huff and puff like a child , but she's not a child she a lady she needs to act like one.
The lesson was going on before thier mother showed up " One thousand apologies Septa, but the children are need Lord Stark shall be home within the half hour"
Arya face had a wide smile on her face, to the news of canceled lesson or to father return Sansa was not sure, but she smiled as well at the news of father return.
Sana and Arya rose from thier seats as many of the household of the Starks lined up for the return of the beloved Lord.
Mother was in front holding little Rickon ,Robb was after her being the heir to Winterfell, Sansa was next being the second legitimate child of Lord Stark, Arya and Bran a while Jon stood fair away.
The family stood, The yonger ones were starting to get restless. But soon the sounds of a group of horses could be heard as Lord Stark group gallop into the main area of Winterfell.
All the horse were tired panthing,they seemed tired ,Ned hopped off his horse and Cat walked towards him trying to get the dignity of a lady but it was clear she wanted to run to her Lord husband.
"Your Home " she spoke to which Ned smiled "Aye I am" the happy moments warmed Sansa heart . True love at it's highest form.
"Excuses me Lord Stark" an unknown voice spoke which Captured everyones attention.
A man in a shaggy green cloak with a hoddie and patched leather armour with red and blue patches. Sansa looked at this man in curiosity. He was on horseback and soon got off his horse and came up to the Lord and Lady.
Her Mother looked at him with some fear. Her Father placed a hand on her shoulder before speaking "This man saved my Life Catlin".
Sansa looked at this man , he saved her fathers life . A hero this man was Sansa felt her heartswell , this truly most be a heroics brave a just man
The man walked towards the Lord and Lady.
Sansa looked to her siblings and saw Rob Step forward
"You saved saved my father life" he spoke
The firgure looked at him taking his hood done to show a mask shift red sack with some black outline on it.the folk in the crowd began to gasp as they finally realised who this man was.
The man of the wood, The hero of the small folk the man who name had been wishpered as the Weaver with power like a Spider a fairytale brought to life.
Weaver looked to Rob and spoke " I did "
Rob nodded at the man and spoke " You have the thanks of Winterfell and Winterfell is in your debt "
Weaver looked at her brother and spoke plainly words of such a noble and heroic nature it made her heart swoon.
"Nobodie is in my debt I simply did what was right" he put his hand out for the next Lord of Winterfell to take which there was a moment before Rob took his hand and grasped it. Weaver nodded at Rob before turning to Ned " may I see the blacksmith "
Ned nodded and soon told the crowd to disburse.
Time skip 3 months
Third person no particular pov
The one who went by Weaver had been in Winterfell for 3 months since the day he showed up in Winterfell. He had become the talk of Winterfell as he had been not been seen much since that day working with the Leather workers,Blacksmiths and the man at arms in Winterfell and Wintertown for supplies in what his endeavour was it had been going steady.
The day his work had finally completed (Y/N) looked at the new outfit he had and his new weapon. With a sense of pride and ....fanboy like love.
He lifts the Suit up looking at it and begins to place it all on himself. Starting with breeches first then the leather gaurds for his leg's and knee, after that was the shirt and its leather gaurds along his chest and his arms . The cloak was next which was heavy and made of animal fur due to the Climate of the north finally was his mask which had been made with half a spider on the bottom and a Web pattern on the top
(Just imagine it dose not have the lenses and the cloak is fur for the north )
He placed the hood of it up as he grabbed his chunky arm gauntlets and place them on he check if they working which they where perfectly.
He then stepped out of his room and made his way toward the training yard, Rodrick was expecting him and he wouldn't be late.
(Y/N) notcied people where watching him probably because of the new outfit which he had to he loved.
"Ice Spider " Rodrick shouted as he stepped into the yard "Ya ready to traing lad.
(Y/N) rolled his eye at the nickname he had gotten since in Winterfell and spoke "Yes sir "
He flicked his wrist on his gauntlets
"I'm ready"
Author notes
Chapter 3 will focus the reactions from westeros to (Y/N) "the Ice Spider " Weaver from the king and his hand to the spider and the Lion
Stay safe everyone
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