"How old are you?" Aizawa asked, sitting down on the couch next to him. Gon blinked. Aizawa hadn't spoken to him for a couple hours, he'd actually left the house for about 5 and then come back a few moments before. "13...and a half" Dawn snuggled into his chest, sleeping soundly as he stroked her. "You obviously aren't from Japan, do you know anyone from around here?" He shook his head, and Aizawa sighed. "You can't just stay cooped up in my apartment. Go...make friends or something" Gon looked down. But...if I make friends, won't they just leave me? He decided to voice his thoughts for once, for the last week he hadn't really done that. "They'll just...leave. Eventually. What's the point of having something if you're just going to lose it?" He said softly. Aizawa stiffened slightly, then hummed for a moment. "Just...go outside. You have the phone I gave you?" Gon slipped a small rectangle out of his pocket, it was thankfully much different from his beetle phone, the phone that had failed him not once but twice.
"If you need anything, call me. Now, go outside." Gon didn't move, Dawn didn't either. Aizawa sighed heavily, then walked over and shook the bag of cat treats. Dawn seemed to be attached to Gon, never leaving unless tempted with food. It was...comforting. Dawn's ears pricked and her head lifted. "Mrow!" She leapt off his chest and darted over to the counter, then leapt up it and rubbed her head on Aizawa's hand. Another thing, Dawn usually only showed immense affection when she wanted something. This made it even more strange when she constantly purred, meowed, and rubbed her head on Gon. Gon, with no reason to be on the couch anymore, decided to stand up. Aizawa huffed. "Now, go outside. I can tell by your skin you spend much time out there" Used to. Gon nodded however, and walked over to the door. "Mrrow!" Dawn ran over and rubbed against his legs, causing him to pause. "Fine, she can come with you" Aizawa said tiredly. Gon lifted Dawn into his arms, then opened and closed the door on his way out.
He walked down the street, unsure on what to do really. There were a bunch of houses on either side for a while, apartment complexes and stuff. As he kept going, those started to disappear and instead people and shops started to arise. Gon kept his head down, Dawn's head on his shoulder and purring quietly. Nobody talked to him, nobody bumped into him, nobody really looked at him. That was fine, he didn't want anyone to anyways. About 2 hours of walking later, he heard a commotion. Gon wasn't going to look up, but Dawn's ears flattened and she grew tense. He lifted his eyes, then blinked. There was police tape of some sort holding the civilians back from a fight. Some guy was throwing around some small...things. The person who he was fighting with dodged them all, they had ash blonde hair and majestic red wings. Feathers kept darting out of them to help keep the bystanders back and attack alike, as well as intercept the small objects and set them gently on the ground.
Interesting. He'd learned a few things just by listening to Aizawa talk. Quirks, Heroes, Villains, the base of each. Heroes seemed to be slightly similar to hunters, but still vastly different. Quirks were pretty much Nen abilities you were stuck with for the rest of your life, and you didn't get to choose them. Gon turned, about to walk away when suddenly Dawn let out a loud yowl. He paused, then suddenly a few 2 inch thick threads of silk wrapped around his arms and torso, yanking him backwards into someone's arms. Gon stiffened, about to open his mouth when he saw one of those small objects had been hurtling towards him. He followed its path through the air, those red feathers rapidly moved people away. BOOM. Gon's eyes widened as it slammed into a building and erupted into a huge mass of fire and created a small explosion in the middle. "Holy crap, you good?" Gon blinked, then glanced over his shoulder to see two people.
The one who still had her arms wrapped around him had pale grey hair that cut off just below her shoulders and white eyes with a ring of black around them, she didn't seem to be blind. The second was standing nearby, with messily curled brown hair and shining sapphire eyes- Gon felt his carefully pieced back together heart crack a little. They look just like...Killua's. the brown haired girl was the one who spoke, she shook his shoulder a little. "Uhh...hello? Can you hear me?" Gon blinked again, then Dawn let out another "Mrrow!" and snuggled into his chest. He glanced down to see her ears still flattened, then the white haired girl sighed. "Is he deaf or something?" Gon looked back up, then spoke in a soft emotionless tone. "No" Suddenly they both glanced around so he did as well, people were pointing and chattering to each other. "This might be awkward-" The brown haired girl made the white haired one let him go, then grabbed his hand and started running. I guess I...follow?
When they came to a stop, they both ducked into an unmarked door in an alleyway. When the door closed, he was confronted with a room that very much contrasted the outside. It was messy and clean at the same time, organized chaos as one might say. There were pillows and blankets in various spots on the floor, desks with art supplies, two computers as well. "Usually we don't show this to people but this is our 'hideout', we come here to avoid attention. It's quiet and nobody else can find us" The silver haired girl said, sinking into a beanbag chair. The brown haired girl grinned, then held a hand out. "Forgot to introduce myself, the name's Abby. Well- Abigail is my name but my friends call me- you know what I'm just gonna stop talking I'm embarrassing myself" She stumbled over the first part and muttered the last part as she flushed in embarrassment a little.
He was about to take her hand when she threw them both in the hair. "Gah! Damn it I forgot Japan has different customs!" She rubbed the back of her head with an awkward laugh while the silver haired female just watched while sipping a juice box with a look that definitely said 'dumbass'. Gon blinked, kind of confused as she apologized. "Sorry, my name's Echo. I forget how people in Japan introduce themselves with their last names. Last name Echo, first name Abby. Sorry" Gon stroked Dawn a little. "Gon" Echo squinted a little. "Hold on that sounded like a first name-" The silver haired girl rolled her eyes, taking a break from her juice box for a moment in order to speak. "The name's Silva, don't mind Echo she's an idiot who's new to Japan" Gon was honestly even more confused now. "It...made sense the first time. The rest made it complicated" He mumbled honestly. Echo blinked. "Huh?" He looked down. "I'm...Gon Freeces. Not from Japan either."
Silva snorted. "Great job idiot, you confused yourself and him" Gon's heart cracked a little more at their dynamic. it reminded him so much of him and Killua. Dawn meowed again and snuggled further into his chest. Echo seemed to stiffen slightly. "Mrrow?" Gon blinked. Dawn glanced over at her. "Mowrrrow" Suddenly Echo came over and tilted his chin up with a worried expression. "You alright?" Gon didn't speak for a few moments, then Echo's face flushed a little and she removed her hand. "Ah! Sorry, that was awkward..." Gon glanced from Dawn to her and back again. "Did you...just meow?" She blinked. "Oh! Yeah, my quirk lets me talk to animals. I can understand any animal I've been into contact with before and speak the same language. But only if they feel like answering, I can't control them" She explained. "You seemed worried, what did the cat tell you?" Silva said from her place on the beanbag chair, setting her juice box down on a nearby nightstand that seemed to be more used as a table. Echo frowned slightly. "Well, the first thing she said was 'it's okay, happy' when she burrowed into your chest"
Gon glanced down at Dawn, who was looking up at him with her wide amber eyes. "I asked her what she meant by that, and she said you were having another 'spell' again, whatever the hell that means" then she blinked. "What does that mean?" Gon shrugged slightly. "Don't know" There was an awkward silence for a few moments. "Oh! You said you weren't from Japan, where are you from?" Echo said, flopping down on a pile of pillows. Gon sat down cross legged on the floor on a pile of blankets between them, Dawn slid down and curled up in the divot his legs made with a slight purr. Gon looked down. "Not here" Echo frowned slightly, then shrugged. "Anyways, I'm from the U.S. My dad got a job here so we had to move, the Japanese customs and stuff are super weird. You get me right? Silva doesn't get it but she's from Japan"
Gon stroked Dawn a little, not looking up. "I guess" There was silence for another few seconds. "You're not much of a talker are you" Silva observed dryly. "Mrrmmn mrrrow" Dawn meowed sleepily. Echo's eyebrows furrowed a little. "Huh?" Silva sighed, "Care to share with the class? Not everybody can speak cat featherbrain" Echo shot her a glare. "Hey!" Then she cleared her throat and wiggled a finger at Dawn. "Kitty cat says he doesn't do much of anything either. Or eat much." Silva frowned a little. "Huh?" Echo snapped and pointed finger guns at her. "exactly!" Silva got up and then dropped the beanbag down next to Echo, then flopped down on it and looked at Gon. "I haven't seen a single emotion on him either. Is he emotionless? Is it his quirk?" Echo rolled her eyes. "Why don't you ask him, not me." They both looked expectantly at Gon, Gon looked down at a softly purring Dawn. "No....and no"
1716 words
To be continued...
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