Gon only half listened to the rules, all he needed to know was that he needed to smash robots to get points. The biggest one was worth none. Gon guessed that he needed 50 points to pass, so he sat there and stroked Dawn while lost in thought for the rest of the rules. Cards were passed out, he was testing area G. Echo sighed, "I got B" The green haired boy mumbled as well. "A, seems like they don't let us work with our friends or the people we sit next to" Suddenly a blonde on his other side growled. "Eyes on your own card Deku!" he spat. Echo stuck her tongue out at him and he growled. "Jerkface" He saw 'Deku' shrink a little into the chair and Gon put his hands up between them. "Break it up guys-" The blonde jerk sneered, looking down his nose at him. "Stay out of this dumbass" Gon froze, an image flashing through his head. "Oi bitch!" Killua was yelling, chasing a girl about ten. Gon sweatdropped, the girl was obviously terrified. "Killua stop!" he growled. "Stay out of this dumbass! Little shit stole my last choco-robo!" The, girl started crying. "Killua! Ge-","Mrrow!"
Gon snapped out of the memory, then buried his face into Dawn's fur. The greenie was about to ask something when a navy haired guy pointed at them. "You four in the back, this is an exam not your house. Stop muttering, it's distracting" The blonde jerk was about to speak when the blonde guy started talking over them. "ALLLRIGHT, LET'S GET STARTED!"
They were all separated to their own battle centers, Gon just stood at the ready near the back of the crowd. Dawn rumbled a little grumpily at all the noise, Gon stroked her soothingly. "Hey you!" he blinked, then glanced over at a male that was walking towards him. He had dark skin and stark white hair, along with pale blue eyes. "Hm?" He pointed to the cat. "Wouldn't suggest letting that critter inside, it could get crushed" Gon smiled a little. "Dawn comes with me, sorry sir" He blinked, obviously confused. Then, the loud blonde stood at the top of a pillar. As the doors opened. "ALRIGHT, LET'S START!" Gon ran forward, a few people started muttering. "THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN A REAL BATTLE LITTLE LISTENERS! RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN YOUR WASTING AIR TIME HERE!" everyone else started bolting after him and shouting. Gon activated En, then started walking again. He had ten minutes, he'd have enough time.
About 8 minutes later, Gon had 15 points. He'd let the robot come at him and then stab a Ko laced hand into the circuits on the back of its neck. He suddenly heard a boom, and when he glanced up he saw a massive robot emerge from the buildings. Some of them fell over, and Gon was about to avoid the chaos when he sensed four people under the rubble. Shim and the bodies of whale island flashed through his head. I need to save them. He picked up the pace as he made his way over. When he reached them, the brown haired one was crying and struggling. "help us!" She cried. Gon was about to do just that when he heard a whirring sound and crashing. The pink haired one shook her head. "No, save yourself. It's coming!"
Gon turned, and saw the zero pointing crashing towards them. He stayed calm, even as the girls screamed at him to move. He sat down Dawn under a rock, then stroked her head. "Stay here for a moment girl" Then he turned, walking 10 paces forward before spreading his legs slightly and putting his hands behind him. "Jan" He murmured. The bot rolled closer, and some air pressure whipped around his hands. "Ken" He whispered. His ball of aura gained more power and air pressure, wing whipping around the area nearby. The robot swung it's arm at him, and he looked it calmly in the eye. "Guu" SMASH! There was dead silence for a moment, the calm before the storm. Then a large crash as the zero pointer fell with a thud. Everyone who was in view was staring at him open mouthed, but he ignored them. Dawn meowed and leapt up into his arms, Gon turned and walked back over to the shocked females who were underneath the rubble.
"Sorry for the wait, here" He said with a small smile, before shifting Dawn to one arm and lifting up a large boulder that one woman's leg was trapped under. She scrambled out and Gon moved onto the next, helping each of them up one by one. "TIME'S UP!" Gon blinked. Oh...I failed. He'd only gotten 15 points. He made his way back to the entrance slowly, but one of the girls ran up and put a hand on his shoulder with shining eyes. "Your incredible! Hey, what's your name?" he blinked. "Freeces" Gon said simply, then kept walking. As he walked towards the exit, he saw and heard people whispering. They whispered, and pointed, and chattered. Gon ignored them however, although if someone waved he smiled sweetly and then kept walking. Oh well...
"What'ddya mean you failed?" Echo yelled, Silva shot her a glare as she was at her computer. "Keep it down will you" Gon sat down with a sigh. "I only got 15 points. That 0 pointer was about to crush 4 girls so I went for it instead of getting points" She blinked. "Oh, I got 35. but how do you figure you failed?" he looked down. "50 points to pass I guess. Just a theory though, you still have a chance" Echo frowned slightly. "I thought you'd do way better than me though, you're a natural at his hero stuff." He smiled at her. "You'll do it as well Echo, don't worry." Then she squealed and shoved something into his hand. "I got you something! As a present. I just felt like it, don't know why" He blinked down at the object, then realized it was a lollipop. Gon smiled a little brighter and stuck it in his mouth, then glanced back up at Echo. "Mh!" She smiled back, then slipped a second in her own mouth. "We won't know until next week" She said excitedly, and Gon nodded. We'll see.
1080 words
To be continued...
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