"Echo!" Gon said, smiling. She beamed and jumped at him, giving him a hug as soon as the hideout door closed. "Gon's back!" Silva huffed. "You yell that every time he comes in." it had been a year since he first step foot into the hideout, not much had changed. Well, except for the fact that it was now a habit to keep up his fake personality. It wasn't just a smile anymore, it was a set of traits. Kind, sweet, helpful, shy, happy. Dawn glanced up, then meowed in greeting. Echo grinned and pointed finger guns at her, it was something she did quite often. "Nice to see you too Dawn" Silva laughed. "That's not what she said" Echo put her hands on her hips and glared over at her. "How would you know?, you can't speak cat!" Gon laughed. "Dawn doesn't like or miss most people. She was just acknowledging your presence" Both Silva and Echo knew his emotions were fake, but they acted like it was real. Well, unless Dawn signaled a spell. Echo puffed her cheeks out with a huff. "Well I can pretend"
"Anyways, we have plans" Silva said. Gon glanced over at him with a faintly interested expression as Dawn dropped to the floor to settle on a carpet. She'd been getting less and less attached to him like glue ever since his spells started happening less often. She grinned, "and you're not invited" This was part of the 'training' with his emotions. What they had come to realize, was that Gon wasn't good at pretending to have negative emotions. Well, he could do a face and speech, but keeping it up fluently and shifting in the right situation? That was a challenge. Gon's smile took a few seconds to fade, then he formed an irritated expression. "Rude" Echo stuck her tongue out. "Jerk!" Silva let out an offended huff. "Hey! It's part of-" Echo giggled. "Ah I know that, just teasing~" Gon rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Silva is definitely a jerk" as soon as the words left his mouth, he got an image in his head. "Moron!" Killua said, smacking Gon over the head. He huffed. "What was that for?" Killua smirked catlike. "Absolutely nothing" He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out. "Your such a jerk!" Killua grinned, "Damn ri-", "Mrrow!"
Dawn pawed at his leg and he blinked, glancing down and snapping out of the memory. The other two fell silent as his emotions faded, Gon couldn't keep anything except his smile up while having one of those spells. Gon reached down and lifted Dawn into his arms, Dawn purred and snuggled into his shoulder. "You good?" Echo said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Gon looked down, then nodded. "Well the plan was to go out and have lunch, we've never done that before" Silva said. Gon took a breath, then put his smile back up and smiled in her direction. "Sounds great!"
They were walking along a street when Gon froze, eyes on someone. Killua? Then, they turned. Their eyes were brown, not blue. Dawn meowed and the girls paused, Gon laughed and kept walking. "Sorry, I didn't realize that I stopped" he lied. The two glanced at each other, before Silva shrugged and kept going as well. Echo rolled her eyes and followed after, then Gon's eyes landed on something. The building said, 'Mac Donalds' Echo glanced at him, then the building he was looking at. "You wanna go there?" Gon tilted his head slightly. "Never been to a.. Mack Donalds before" Echo giggled. "it's pronounced 'Mac' Gon" Gon blinked. "Then why not spell it with an I?" Silva snorted. "Who knows?" Then Echo looked kind of confused. "But...Mac Donalds is a global food chain. Everybody's at least heard of it, how have you never seen one? Or at least heard someone say it?"
Gon shook his head. "Never heard of it, and I've traveled a bit before." Then, he saw the mascot. It was a clown. Gon made a strange face, he wasn't exactly sure what to call it but it almost unconsciously came out. Hisoka. Silva blinked, Echo frowned slightly. "Are you...scared of clowns or something?" She asked worriedly. He shifted slightly, then rubbed the back of his head. "Well- scared isn't the word I'd use." He muttered. An image of Hisoka creepily laughing flashed through his head, than another of him licking his lips during his fight at heaven's arena. Gon shivered a little. "You sure?" Silva said doubtfully. Dawn rumbled a little, and he laughed. "Not this clown...." Echo grinned. "But there is a clown your scared of?" He got another image in his brain, Hisoka staring at his butt at greed island. "Mrrrrn" Dawn half meowed, Gon gulped. "Let's just...go in" He muttered, opening the door. Literally as soon as he opened that door, the mascot was right in his face. "Hello kids! I'm Ronald M-" Gon instinctively lashed out a hand and grabbed the arm of the hand about to touch him.
"GAH!" He yelled, as Gon nearly broke his wrist. "Woah!" Echo grabbed his arm, Gon blinked. "Oh...sorry" He let go, then smiled apologetically. "it was an... instinctive reaction" he said. The mascot gave him a slightly nervous look. "You almost broke my wrist kid" Gon rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry sir" Echo laughed. "Makes me wonder what this clown your scared of did to you." Dawn yawned, he replaced the other arm back around her securely. "Let's just call it stalking" All three of their eyes shot wide, he walked past them all, then glanced up at the menu with a curious expression. "Did you see that?", "he hurt Ronald!", "that was mean" Gon glanced over his shoulder to see a group of 5 kids staring at him with rude expressions. Silva came up behind him and flicked his ear when he didn't look over at her. Gon blinked, then glanced in her direction. She rolled her eyes. "ignore them, their children." he nodded, then peered up at the menu again. Echo skipped past them. "I'm gonna go get in line! I know what I want!"
About 5 minutes later, the trio were at a booth. Silva and Echo sat on one side, Dawn and Gon on the other. Dawn was on the booth beside him, when an employee came up. "hey kids" Gon glanced over at her with a small smile. "yes Ma'am?" She crossed her arms with a stern look. "Animals are not permitted in the restaurant" Gon blinked, then Dawn crawled onto his lap and curled up as she closed her eyes. "There wasn't a sign that said that" Silva pointed out. The woman frowned slightly. "That's because it doesn't apply to everyone" Echo stuck her tongue out. "Then why should it apply to them?" She said, pointing at Gon and Dawn. She sighed. "only therapy animals and animals needed for quirks are allowed. It's a general rule for most stores and restaurants" Echo hummed for a moment, then pointed to Gon. "You don't have to fake your emotions anymore, just for a few seconds" The woman looked confused, then her eyes widened as he dropped his fake smile and was sitting with a blank and emotionless expression. "W-What the-"
"Dawn is a therapy animal" Echo said, leaning her elbows on the table. Gon blinked down at Dawn. "I don't think she's certified though..." He said in monotone. She waved a hand, "She literally can't leave your side. When was the last time she wasn't in the room with you?" He blinked. "I...went to take a shower. Ended up having to let her in anyways because she wouldn't stop clawing at the door" The woman scoffed. "That doesn't make her a therapy animal" Gon drifted away from the argument, then suddenly Dawn was being lifted off his lap. Dawn yowled, his attention snapped back to the woman as she tried to keep her away from him. "That's not a good idea-" Silva started, but then Echo crossed her legs and put her hands behind her head. Gon froze, so did Dawn. His breath hitched, images of Killua flashing through his head. Dawn meowed loudly, Echo sat up straight. "Oi! Give him the cat back!" The woman scowled, starting to walk away. The images kept coming, then his final moments with Killua flashed through his brain and his hands started to tremble. Silva's eyes widened, then she grabbed the woman's shoulder and pointed to Gon as he was having his spell.
All three of them were watching now, but he couldn't see them. All he could see was Killua bleeding out on the ground- A tear rolled down his cheek, although his face didn't show a single emotion. "MRRROW" Suddenly, Dawn was on his lap. She meowed loudly again as he didn't respond, reaching up and nuzzling his cheek. Gon snapped out of it, hands going still. "Mh..." he placed his hands on the cat, running his fingers through the fur. "That right there is what happens when he has one of those 'spells' and he doesn't have Dawn with him. She's 100% a therapy animal" Echo said, glaring at the woman. She crossed her arms with a severe look. "He said it himself, that animal is not certified. If it's that much of an issue, leave the restaurant" There was a growl. "Look at me woman" a tired but angry voice said from a few tables down. The entire restaurant had gone silent at this point, the woman glanced over her shoulder. "what?" Echo grinned, Silva huffed, Gon stroked Dawn. It was Aizawa, who put down his coffee cup with a very irritated expression.
He gave her a cold look, she looked slightly nervous. "if you have an issue with my adoptive son in this restaurant, you can speak to me" She rolled her eyes, then walked over. Aizawa locked eyes with him and pointed to the seat next to him. Gon stood up, then walked over and sat down there with Dawn in his arms peacefully. "Only therapy animals and animals needed for quirks are allowed in this establishment. It's a general rule, and that cat is not a certified therapy animal" She explained, pointing to Dawn. He looked down. "I can just leave if it's too much-" Aizawa stood up, then his eyes went red and his hair lifted threateningly. She gasped, taking a step back. "Y-Your-" He let his hair fall, then crossed his arms with a scowl. "If you have an issue with my adoptive son being here with his therapy animal, you can speak to me" He more or less repeated. The woman gulped, then dipped her head. "N-No issues here sir. Your food will be out shortly" She added the last part to Gon before speed walking away with a slight shiver. Aizawa gave him a smile, "Go sit down kid" The people at the other tables started clapping.
1827 words
To be continued...
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