Hehehehe....................... Still on sugar RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah........ Go read my best friend miffyyy's story!!!!!!!!! She rocks
Chapter two- Owning
"Shut your f*cking owl up Harry!" A bagel flew across the room and hit Harry in the head.
"Hey! I will feed her OK?" Harry hissed back at the other people in the main room, not knowing who threw the tasty breakfast pastry at his head. The portrait flew open and a couple of first years ran in and jumped all the way up the stairs excitedly.
"Hey Harry." Hermione walked in after the kids and sat down, a giant book in her hands.
"Hello Hermione." Harry said and picked up Hedwig.
"Are you taking her to the Owlery?" She asked, opening her book.
"Yeah." Harry said and walked out and made his way over to the Owlery.
After putting Hedwig back he went back to the common room (i just remembered that's what it is really called xD).
Harry sat down on the same chair and kicked at the bagel. The door opened again, and Ron bounded in.
"We have another trip to Hogsmeade!" Ron beamed.
"Really? This weekend?" Harry jumped up, excited.
"Well duh. Are you coming?" He asked.
"Of coarse!" Harry agreed.
-A Couple Days Later-
"Here we are." Carlisle said. They jumped out of the car and walked past old stony buildings.
"You lived here as a human right?" Esme asked.
"Yeah, it looks different then I remembered it though." Carlisle said, looking across the small street, his eyes far away.
"Were is your house?" Renesmee asked.
"I'm sure it's gone by now." Carlisle smiled and bent toward her.
"Oh." She shrugged. They walked around and Carlsile would babble about what happened here, what happened there.
"I can't believe you remember all of this!" Edward said.
"Yeah, lucky." Alice muttered, being the only one who barley remembered anything form being a human. hat she did know had come from a sycophantic hunter vampire.
"You said we were going to go see sheep." Renesmee pointed at Edward.
"I did?" Edward jumped back.
"Yeah! You said before I went to sleep, you said we would go see sheep in the country side!" Renesmee said.
"Oh,s ure, we will after Carlisle has enough time here." Edward said.
"No that's OK Edward, you can go take Renesmee to see the sheep, I'll just stay behind here." Carlisle said.
"Really?" Edward looked shocked, as if he didn't want to take Renesmeee.
"Yes." Carlisle said.
"I would like to stay too." Esme said.
"Alrighty then, who is staying, and who is going?" Emmet asked.
"Just us." Esme hissed.
"Okayyyy, let's go see the sheep!" Emmet said and ran back to the car.
"Bye grandma and grandpa, have fun here!" Renesmee hugged them goodbye and ran after them.
"Let's hope Jacob doesn't eat all the sheep." Rosalie said.
"Oh no! You discovered my plot!" Jacob rolled his eyes sarcastically. The rest got into the car and drove off to the country side, hunting for sheep (not literally xD).
The rest of the week passed by slowly, finally, Saturday arrived. They went down to the entrance, after Professor McGonagall counted heads over and over, they finally left. They arrived at Hogsmeade quickly and immediately, Ron wanted to go to Honeydukes.
"No Ron, let's go to the Post office and look at all the owls!" Hermione interjected.
"Look at the howls later, let's go before it gets packed." Ron said, pushing himself away from the three.
"How about we go to Zonko's?" Harry suddenly said.
"OK." Ron immediately agreed and skipped off (rofl!xD). Harry and Hermione followed, acting as if they didn't know him. They entered the already packed Joke shop, ready to spend.
"There are NO SHEEPS!" Renesmee cried loudly in the front.
"You mean sheep?" Jacob asked.
"Wha?" Renesmee asked.
"Sheep, there is no s, it's already plural." Jacob said. Renesmee blinked.
"That doesn't make any sense." Renesmee frowned.
"Well that's how it is spelled in the dictionary, do you want to go against the almighty dictionary?" Jacob asked.
"No." Renesmee gasped, eyes wide.
"Jacob, stop scaring Renemee!" Bella snapped.
"Oh, hey, I see a town up ahead, let's stop and ask directions." Edward said. A few minutes later, the town popped up ahead. It looked as if it was trying to be hidden from human eyes (oh shizzel). They zipped in.
"Whoa, look at their close! I wish I had a coat like that." Emmet pressed his face against the glass, his nose smashed against it.
"Those aren't coats, I think they are wearing robes." Rosalie said. The people on the side walk stopped and stared at them like, what the flip.
"Some of them have the same outfits, you think they are Christmas carolers?" Jasper asked.
"No, it's not Christmas." Alice sighed.
"That was a good one." Emmet said.
"A good-" Jasper was cut off and started gagging.
"Oh, my god! Emmet sis you fart!" Rosalie started gagging.
"Holy mother of macaroni! What kind of animals have you been eating!" Jacob gagged and coughed.
"Whew! Pull over!" Bella motioned. Edward pulled over to the nearest curb.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Jasper struggled to open the door. It clicked unlocked and he fell out and onto the ground, gasping and breathing deeply for air. Everyone else fell out and stood up, holding their noses, then breathing deeply. Bella walked around the car, waving the air.
"Holy shit, that was nasty." She said loudly.
"Beware the vampire fart!" Jasper gagged. People stopped and stared in shock.
"Silent and deadly!" Emmet cackled and jumped out, closing his door with a loud thud. "Zonko's joke shop, interesting." He read the sign of the store in front of him.
-At the Same time in Zonko's-
"So what do you want?" Harry asked.
"I'm going to go look." Ron said and disappeared in the thick crowd.
"Everyone! Look! There are vampire's outside!" A kid yelled. Everyone rushed to the Windows. Harry and Hermione were crushed against the window glass, but could see easily, Emmet laughing, while the rest of the Cullen's, backed away from the car.
"Do you think they will drink out blood?" Hermione whispered.
"Well duh, they are vampires." A kid snapped at her. suddenly, Edward's head snapped in their direction and looked directly at Hermione.
"He's going to eat her!" Someone else said.
"Were is Ron?" Harry suddenly asked.
"I don't know." Hermione said.
"Move it!" Ron pushed through the crowd and opened the door.
"Ron no!" Harry ran after Ron, Hermione on his tail. Ron stepped outside, a handful of joke items in his hand.
"Harry? Look at all this stuff I have!" Ron motioned.
"Look!" Harry spun Ron in the direction of the Cullen's who stood around their car now, staring at them. Ron turned and looked, then dropped all of his things. His joke items rolled every were. A fake wand thudded against Renesmee's feet. She picked it up and looked at it. Then she walked forward and stopped when she was in front of Harry and Ron. She held it up, staring at him with her cute chocolate brown eyes. She smiled, and immediately, Ron melted i her hands and took it back.
"Renesmee, get over here now." Bella whispered.
People crowded around now, staring at the Cullen's as if they were circus freaks.
"Move it! Move it! What is this about-" McGonagall pushed herself through the crowd, then stopped dead and stared at the Cullen's. "Vampires." She whispered the last word. She pulled out her wand and moved Ron away from Renesmee. "Stay back! Stay back!" She said, it wasn't clear if she was talking to the Cullen's or the kids.
"Is that a stick?" Emmet said.
"Look, we mean you no harm, we-" Edward stepped forward, his hands out. McGonagall waved her wand, said a few words, and Edward was thrown back. He flew over the car and hit the wall across the street. He made a dent in it and fell to the ground.
"Oh hell no! Did she just shot a laser or something at Edward?" Bella stepped forward.
"No! No! I'm OK!" Edward staggered up.
"Come here bitch!" Bella hissed. Bella was also thrown back and hit the wall and fell next to Edward. Emmet ran forward also, but was thrown back as well and hit a wall.
"The lady has a magic wand or something!" Emmet said. Jasper used his power, and suddenly, Mcgonagall, lowered her wand, and looked clam.
"Professor?" Hermione asked.
"Look lady with a magic stick, we are good. We feed on animals, not humans. We accidentally came here looking for sheep. Renesmee wanted to see some because there aren't any in Forks, that is were our home is in Washington, and they are her favorite animal." Edward explained.
"Really? Prove it?" Mcgonagall hissed.
"If we could get our leader Carlisle, he used to live here in London as a human back in the 1600's. He's back in London giving a tour to Esme, she's also in our coven, he could explain everything better than us." Edward said.
"Well, your going to have to talk to Dumbledore." She said slowly.
"OK?" Edward asked, not really meaning.
"Right, this way." McGonagall said and turned around, then, started to lead the Cullen's to Hogwarts.
"Dumbledore...I like that name." Emmet said to Rosalie.
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