Chapter 15-Mentos and Coke! What Fun!
Chapter 15-Mentos and Coke! What Fun!
In the Griffindor common room, Bella and Edward were having a heated argument between Mentos and Life Savers.
"Life Savers are way better than Mentos!" Bella said.
"Yeah but you can't make Coke explode with a life saver!" Edward said.
"Oh, let's add that on the list of suicide attempts, swallowing Mentos and Coke and having your stomach explode." Bella rolled her eyes.
"Maybe you should try some to lose weight?" Edward said.
"Bite me Edward!" Bella said and walked away. Edward paused.
"Did you really mean that?" He called chasing after her.
"What are Mentos?" Ron asked Emmet.
"Candy and a Breath Mint." Emmet said, brushing Crookshanks.
"Oh, what does it do?" Ron asked.
"If you eat some and drink Coke, you will explode because the Mentos cause the Coke to fizzle." Emmet explained.
"Let's try it!" Ron said, eager.
"Do you have any Mentos?" Harry asked, also wanting to see if it would work.
"No, but I know someone who does." Emmet said and pointed toward Renesmee who was sitting in a chair. "I'll be right back." He said and walked over. He stood in front of her, then bent down till he was on his knees. "Please, Godfather-"
"Godgirl." Renesmee said.
"Uh, please Godgirl, can I have a pack of Mentos?" Emmet asked.
"You come to me, in your time of need, but when have you ever helped me?" Renesmee asked.
"Uh, when you had the flu that one time and I cleaned up your throw up." Emmet said.
"Fair enough." Renesmee said and pulled out a pack of Mentos.
"Renesmee? Why are you dressed like a Mafia Don?" Bella asked as she appeared next to her.
"Mommy! I'm playing pretend!" Renesmee wailed.
"Oh, OK." Bella said and walked away.
"Ahem, any way, here I bestow upon you my hard earned Mentos-"
"I bought those for you at the gas station." Bella said.
"Mom! Ruin everything why don't you!" Renesmee cried. Bella then left again. "Take these Mentos, but I expect $1.00 back, because that is how much they cost." Renesmee said and handed them to Emmet.
"Thanks Godgirl." Emmet said and got up.
"Ahem?" Renesmee said. Emmet sighed and kissed Renesmee's rings on her hand.
"Are these Ring Pops?" Emmet asked.
"OK, Godgirl needs you to go, remember, I want my money by Friday." Renesmee said. Emmet walked over to Ron and Harry.
"Now all we need is some Coke." Emmet said.
"Don't worry, I can get you some." Harry said and left, then reappeared. "Here you go, I had to steal that from Seamus." Harry said and handed a small kerchief. Emmet opened it and peered it.
"Not the freaking drug!" Emmet said and threw it on the ground. The Coke spilled every were.
"Were did my magic sugar go?" Seamus walked in and looked at Emmet's feet. "NO!" He cried and fell to the ground, crying. Emmet inched away, then Seamus sprung up. "YOU STOLE MY MAGIC SUGAR!" He roared and jumped on Emmet's back.
"Ahh!" Emmet cried and tried to fling Seamus off of him. Papers and books flew everywhere ans Students hurdled themselves out of the way. Emmet thrashed about and tossed Seamus off of him and out the window.
A few minutes later...
"OK, now that we know Seamus isn't dead, I meant the Soda, Coca-Cola." Emmet said.
"Oh, why didn't you say so?" Harry said and pulled out some Coke, the soda.
"What is that?" Ron asked pointing.
"Soda." Emmet said and opened it.
"What's Soda?" Ron asked.
"Like butter beer, except you can get a Sugar High if you drink enough, here have some." Emmet poured Ron a tiny piece in a paper cup. Ron took it and drunk some.
"Whoa! That's delicious!" Ron reached for some more. Emmet slapped his hand.
"No, we need to save this." Emmet said. He drunk some, but did not swallow, shook his head, and stuck a Mento in his mouth. There was a fizzing noise, then Soda exploded out of Emmet's mouth, it launched across the table they were sitting at and drenched Ron.
"That...was...AWESOME! Let me try!" Ron said eagerly.
"OK." Emmet handed him the supplies. Ron repeated Emmet and drenched Harry with Soda, laughing. He did it again, but this time on Emmet. "Uh, give me the soda and mentos Ron." Emmet stood up and held out his hands.
"NO!" Ron said and jumped up, he poured some more in his mouth and popped in a Mentos, then spat the soda at Emmet.
"OW! My eye! It;s in my eyes!" Emmet screamed, rubbing his eyes furiously.
"Get Ron!" Harry yelled. The students left in the common room chased after Ron, who would blind them, then he ran out of the room and disappeared in the hall.
"Oh crap." Emmet said. Emmet and Harry ran to tell Dumbledore.
"Bumblebee! Bumblebee!" Emmet said and opened the door to Dumbledore's office.
"What is it?" He asked. Emmet explained what happened. "right hold on," Dumbledore amplified his voice, "WE HAVE A LOOSE STUDENT, ARMED AND DANGEROUS, HE IS CARRYING A PACK OF MENTOS AND SODA WHICH EXPLODE AND WILL POTENTIALLY BLIND YOU, THE STUDENT IS RON WEASLEY." He said so the whole castle could hear him. They stepped down and out of the office were a mob of people were waiting.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked them.
"We were going to hunt for the kid." A person said, waving a pitch fork.
"Right, let's go." Dumbledore grabbed a shovel and led the pack.
Ron giggled and snuck around the corner, muttering to himself. Malfoy, Crabble, and Goyle walked down the hallway, Malfoy spouting on about being rich.
"REVENGE!" Ron said to himself. He jumped in front of Malfoy, his mouth full of soda.
"What is it Weasley?" Malfoy sneered. "Come back for some more?" He asked as Crabble and Goyle cracked their nickel's. Ron shook his head and Malfoy exchanged glances with his cronies, then Ron smiled and popped in a Mento. A deep hissing noise came from Ron's mouth, then, the soda exploded and smashed into Malfoy. "MY HAIR!" He screamed.
"Now get out Malfoy, there's not room for the two of us in this obviously large hallway." Ron said. Malfoy, Crabble, and Goyle ran, Ron chasing after them, spraying Soda on them. He rounded a corner and froze. The mob of people stood, glaring at him. Ron smiled.
"Just try." He said and raised the soda to his mouth. Only a little trickle came out. He raised the soda to his head and saw that their was nothing left. "Uh, we can just forget it right guys? Wasn't that funny?" He laughed, his face panicking. The mob closed in on him, Ron backed away. "Make it hail!" He yelled, throwing the rest of the Mentos as them as well as the soda bottle, then turned around and bolted off.
"GET HIM!" A student yelled. The mob chased after him through the hallway, they eventually cornered him on the third floor.
"Be gentle." He whimpered as the mob swallowed him up.
"What did you learn?" Emmet asked, his right eye covered by a patch.
"That people do not liek it when you blind them with exploding soda." Ron said, lying down on the hospital bed.
"Yeah Wesley, wait till I tell my dad!" Malfoy said, lying next to him.
"Why are you even here?" Ron snapped.
"You killed my hair!" Malfoy said, pointing.
"All I did was spray it with soda." Ron said.
"I will never get the soda out though!" Malfoy said.
"Hey Emmet, just checking, remember, one dollar, by Friday." Renesmee walked in.
"Yeah, I know, I wont forget." Emmet waved her away.
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