This list contains big spoilers for the first book. If you have not finished chapter fifteen of the first book, you should not read this list yet.
Alexia was the Goddess of Earth and War. She was the daughter of Gaia and Pallas, and was the younger half-sister of Nike. She was very close to Nike. She frequently consulted with Ares during the war against Chaos and was exceptionally intelligent.
When Alexia was growing up, she became very close to Altheos. They were the same age, and they shared a love of swords that bonded them. They often trained together to make each other stronger. Alexia was nearly as good with a sword as Altheos.
Over time, Alexia began to notice that some of the victims of the war would not have easily fallen, yet they perished by a mix of magic and sword wounds. It became clear to her that there was a traitor amongst the Gods, for no one but a trusted ally could get so close to the Gods and catch them off-guard enough to kill them.
As much as she hated to consider it, Alexia knew few possessed the skills necessary to successfully execute the deities in this way. She was forced to begin to investigate her dear friend Altheos. Since she didn't know for certain if there were any other traitors, she could not trust anyone else to help her. Her closest friend, Lysander, was the only one she was positive she could trust, and she was terrified of endangering him. In the end, she investigated Altheos on her own.
Eventually, Altheos caught on to the fact that Alexia was suspicious of him. He lured her into a trap, claiming Zeus needed their help because Artemis and Apollo had been captured. Alexia was very fond of the twins and was unwilling to risk their safety, so she agreed to meet him and Zeus on Mount Olympus. Before she could get there, Altheos intercepted her and attacked. Alexia put up an incredible fight, but in the end, Altheos was able to impale her by using a power she didn't know he possessed to slip out of time just long enough to catch her off guard when he reappeared.
Having sensed her sister was in danger, Nike found her body shortly after her death. Her murder infuriated the Gods, especially Gaia, Ares, and Nike. Gaia put her grief to good use, allowing the pain to make her a stronger warrior. Ares and Nike both vowed to avenge Alexia. Altheos grieved publicly and claimed he would not rest until her murderer was found. The crime remains unsolved to this day.
After her death, Alexia eventually reincarnated as Jenna Ramos.
Anastasia was the oldest daughter of Morpheus and an unspecified mother. She was the older sister of Lysander and Theadora. She was the Goddess of Dreams and Magic. As the oldest of Morpheus's children, she was meant to inherit running the dream realm. Her power to walk the realm was exceptionally strong, and she spent much of her time exploring the dreams of mortals and Gods alike and comforting those who were suffering from nightmares. She was also remarkably gifted in spell work and was a stronger spell caster than nearly any of the other Gods.
Ana was exceptionally close to her younger siblings. She would do anything to protect them. She was fierce in battle and earned the respect of even the toughest of warrior Gods. She was brave and always spoke her mind, standing up for her beliefs and protecting those who needed it the most. She wasn't afraid to put Morpheus in his place when he was wrong, and he adored that about her. They were very close.
Ana was also close to Hades, because unlike other Gods, she could see his dreams. She knew that, deep down, Hades was not evil; he was simply very misunderstood. His anger covered up a lot of pain. She had a soft spot for him and tried to be there for him when no one else seemed to care, reaching out in his dreams.
She was very smart, and she figured out pretty early into things that there was a traitor amongst the Gods. She wasn't sure who it was, and she initially hesitated to use her gift to figure it out by forcing herself into everyone's dreams because that seemed wrong. When Alexia died and Lysander's heart broke, however, she began to slowly search through the dreams of some of the deities to see if she could find Alexia's killer.
She didn't initially suspect Altheos, because no one ever really did, and he seemed as devastated by Alexia's loss as Lysander was. Before she could even start to consider him a suspect, Altheos traveled back in time and put it in the head of someone close to Morpheus to kill Anastasia and her siblings. The plan took a long time to come to fruition, and they were killed just as Ana was close to realizing the truth about Altheos.
Anastasia had a consort named Photeus, a God of Fire and Dragons. She loved him deeply. The two were very powerful together. He taught her how to fight with a sword and helped her become a warrior. When Ana would start acting too much like her father and getting lost in being stoic and serious, Photeus lightened the mood, teasing her or doing something outrageous to make her laugh. They brought out the best in each other. Photeus went missing and was assumed destroyed right before Ana and her siblings were killed. His disappearance was used to lure them into their deaths.
Lysander took the initial attack that was meant for Ana and died in her arms, which devastated her so completely it was nearly impossible for her to force herself to keep fighting. His sacrifice was made in vain, because as their attackers ganged up on her, Theadora, and Nyght, Ana was killed right after Lysander died. Thea and Nyght followed almost immediately after Ana perished.
After her destruction, Anastasia eventually reincarnated as Emily Kang.
Kleia was the daughter of Aether and the Muse Polyhymnia. She was a Goddess of Light and Air, and was a Muse of Sacred Hymns, Poems, and Music just like her mother. She was also an Oracle, which was how she met Apollo. She and Apollo were always close, and they fell in love when she was a teenager. Although they functioned as consorts, Apollo would not officially marry her because he felt she was still a little young to be forced to make that decision and assumed they would have eternity to be together.
Kleia was incredibly gentle and couldn't bring herself to harm others. She believed in the good in all people. She gave people second chances even when they didn't deserve it. She trusted easily and had an exceptionally kind heart. Hades adored her because she never judged him and simply inspired him to try to make better choices. As both Apollo's unofficial consort and a young Muse, she was frequently exposed to Altheos, who tended to gravitate toward the Muses, especially the young ones.
When Kleia was troubled, she escaped into her dreams. Realizing she needed a sanctuary, Morpheus created one for her. It was a field of poppies, lilies, sunflowers, daffodils, and other beautiful flowers. There, she was always safe and at peace.
Apollo and Kleia were a couple for five years. He trained her in archery and they often created music together. She was nineteen when she began to piece together Altheos's true intentions. Discovering his betrayal, she became determined to warn the other deities, especially Apollo because he loved Altheos as a brother. Unfortunately, a battle broke out before she could. She revealed the truth during the battle instead.
Kleia levitated into the air to inspire the Gods and to bless them in battle. She hit Altheos with a powerful attack of pure light, which left him in incredible pain. This temporarily weakened him. She used her own life force to fuel the spell. It was too powerful for any entity to sustain on their own, and she knew it was most likely going to kill her, but it was the only way to protect everyone else.
She used the air to send a message to Apollo telling him she loved him as he begged her not to continue the spell. Kleia did something she would never do normally and used her magic to gravely injure Altheos. This went against everything she stood for, but Altheos was pure evil. He was the only entity Kleia ever believed could not be redeemed.
With Altheos in such a vulnerable state, the Gods joined forces to destroy him. Kleia was finally about to pull back just as Apollo took an attack meant for Artemis that would surely kill him. Kleia cast a healing spell despite how much energy she'd already expended. It was enough to sustain Apollo's life until an antidote could be given to him.
Kleia lost control as too much magic flowed from her. Her powers fried her mind and spirit, causing her to fall from the sky. She hit the ground before Apollo could reach her and lost consciousness. She was unconscious and barely breathing. Apollo held her and begged her not to die.
Although Hermes explained she was in a coma and had psychically fried herself, Apollo was in denial and insisted he could heal her with his brother's help. Hades was uncharacteristically gentle as he explained that Kleia would not be able to survive, but Apollo still fought accepting the truth. No matter who tried to tell him otherwise, he insisted Kleia would come back to him.
Three days later, Kleia faded away to nothing with Apollo still holding her hand. Artemis finally got through to him by telling him Kleia had died to protect them and if he didn't live his life her sacrifice would be for nothing.
No one knew it, but Morpheus hid the small remnants of Kleia's consciousness in the dream realm, keeping those remnants protected in the sanctuary he'd previously created for her. Eventually, those remnants somehow grew strong enough to form a new soul and she ultimately reincarnated as Eliza Alden.
Rydia was the daughter of Tethys and Hermes. She was a Goddess of the Sea and of Messengers. She was also a Goddess of Healing. Like her father, she couldn't stand to sit still, and she constantly consumed copious amounts of the Olympian equivalent of caffeine and sugar. She was extremely close to Hermes.
Even in the darkest of times, Rydia tended to stay upbeat and cheerful, relying on her sense of humor to get her through. She was naturally funny and could even lighten the mood during battles.
During the war against Chaos, Rydia found that her water affinity allowed her to gain clarity where others could not. She was very close to Altheos from the time they were children. They were best friends and Altheos often teased her that they should become consorts, knowing Rydia preferred not to be tied down. Unfortunately, Rydia didn't realize until it was far too late that Altheos had betrayed the Gods. She trusted him, but he betrayed her for power. Although she was a fierce warrior in her own right and her speed gave her an edge, Altheos was ultimately able to kill her by trapping her between himself and Chaos. He impaled her through her back with his sword and mocked her as she died, telling her that her sacrifice would grant him great power and she should take comfort in it.
Rydia eventually reincarnated as Krissy Berry.
Tana was the daughter of the Queen of the Fire Nymphs, Ember, and Helios. She was a Fire Goddess with Sun powers. She was as wild and untamable as fire, and could be very impulsive and unpredictable.
She became close to Artemis as a child. The two were best friends. Tana flirted with Artemis regularly, calling her "Gorgeous" and making suggestive comments to her whenever she was feeling playful. Tana was in love with her, but Artemis wasn't really sure if her feelings went beyond friendship. According to Aphrodite, the feelings had blossomed into romance, but the young Goddess wasn't ready to accept that. Tana's love for Artemis ran deep but she understood her best friend wasn't ready to embrace being in love yet. She was perfectly content to continue flirting and simply remaining best friends.
Prometheus was in love with Ember, and he treated Tana as his own daughter. The two were very close, but she was also extremely close to Helios. She considered herself blessed to have two fathers.
Tana was very powerful. Her fire magic was stronger than even her mother's. When Chaos attacked Helios and Ember, Tana tried to defend them. She was unable to save her mother, but Helios escaped. She insisted he flee to safety while she stayed behind. Helios did not realize she had been bitten and had venom in her veins. Tana continued to fight, ultimately killing the warriors Chaos had brought with him, but failing to save the rest of the Fire Nymphs.
As Tana lay dying in a pool of the blood of her enemies, Artemis found her. She tried to insist on running to Hermes, who had the cure for the venom, but Tana knew it was too late. She asked Artemis to stay with her so she didn't have to die alone, stating she had only moments left and wanted to spend them with her. Artemis tried to argue, but she ultimately realized Tana was right and agreed to stay with her. She held her as Tana died. She shed a single tear, but Artemis forced herself to shift back into battle mode as soon as Tana exhaled her last breath. She vowed to avenge her.
Tana eventually reincarnated as Faith Edwards.
Theadora was the youngest child of Morpheus and an unspecified mother. She was the younger sister of Anastasia and Lysander. She was a Goddess of Dreams and the Night Sky. She possessed celestial magic that enabled her to control the stars. She liked to make the stars dance. Occasionally, when she felt mischievous, she'd rearrange them to confuse sailors who were unkind or bad people just to play a prank on them. Her celestial magic earned her the nickname of Star Child.
Thea's mere presence lifted people's spirits. She could alleviate Depression just by standing beside someone, no matter how deep their pain ran. She was endlessly kind and was beloved by everyone she met. Her innocent and cheerful nature could soften even the hearts of the darkest people, including her father and Hades. Most people could not bring themselves to harm her.
Thea had a consort named Nyght, the son of the Devil himself. When she found out he was being abused, Thea begged her father to help her rescue him. Morpheus ended up taking Nyght in to protect him. He grew very protective of the boy, especially when he saw that he would literally do anything to protect Thea. The two balanced each other perfectly.
Thea's pure heart made her an asset in the fight against Chaos because she was able to convince people who were tempted to work with him to stand against him instead. This caused Chaos to view her as a threat. He was delighted when Altheos convinced someone close to Morpheus to kill Thea and her siblings. In order to destroy Thea, they also had to destroy Nyght. The two consorts were killed at the same exact time, shortly after Lysander and Anastasia died.
Thea eventually reincarnated as Vanessa Singh.
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