This is a list of the deities who directly guide the girls of Iridescence initially. Most are alphabetical, but I put Artemis first because she is in charge of everything. Here, you will find the traditional mythology used in this story as well as some original elements added just for this universe.
Artemis is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon. She is Apollo's twin sister. She is fierce in battle. The only male she sort of tolerates is Apollo. She is very protective of the girls of Iridescence and is meant to be in charge of their training.
She is a gifted archer but is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Very few entities can defeat her in battle. She is happiest in the woods beneath the night sky or when she is training for battles.
When Artemis was a very young deity, she had a best friend named Tana who was always at her side. Tana perished in battle before Artemis ever figured out if her feelings might run deeper than friendship. She vowed to avenge her fallen friend.
Artemis is quick to anger at times and is not patient with men or people she views as foolish or frivolous such as Aphrodite. She has little time for things like romance and gossip, which causes the two Goddesses to clash if they spend an extended amount of time around each other. In general, Artemis prefers to surround herself with females. She has a deep respect for Hera and Athena and often goes to them for advice when she's feeling lost, especially Athena. If she is extremely upset she tends to seek out Apollo. He may be a male, but he's her twin, and their bond is strong even if she likes to deny it.
Apollo is the God of the Sun, Healing, Archery, Prophecy, and Music. He is the twin brother of Artemis. He bestowed his blessing upon Eliza the day they met. She was the last of the girls to receive an official blessing.
Long ago, Apollo lost his first love. Her name was Kleia, and she sacrificed herself to save him and the other deities after one of their most trusted allies, Altheos, began working with Chaos to destroy them all. Apollo was very close to Altheos, the cousin he viewed as a brother because Zeus and Hera raised him. He was exceptionally traumatized by this betrayal and by the loss of Kleia.
Apollo is pansexual, dating men, women, and everything in between. He tends to fall in and out of love as easily as most people breathe, losing interest fairly quickly, but Kleia was one of his only true loves. He intended to make her his consort, but she died before it could happen.
Apollo was the first to learn of Iridescence. He began seeing visions of them when the girls were young, but it wasn't until Krissy nearly drowned that he identified any of them. He casually told Artemis that "the little blonde one" was about to die and suggested she send Poseidon to the rescue. He continued having visions after that, slowly gathering information he assumed would help them when the time came. Along with Artemis, he was one of the first deities to meet all six of the girls.
Apollo is extremely sarcastic and snarky. He is passionate about music and archery, and when he deems it necessary to go undercover in the high school, he assumes the identity of Mr. Ray, the assistant music teacher who helps teach archery on occasion. Apollo has a very big heart, and he immediately comes to care about the girls. His attachment to Eliza is especially strong. He finds it amusing that the Air element is afraid of heights, but he also tries to comfort her and ease her fear. He is typically sassy, but can also be extremely kind and gentle. He is much more patient than Artemis.
Ares is the God of War. He has given his blessing to Jenna because he senses her warrior's spirit. He and Nike fight over her because they both view her as theirs.
He has a horrible temper and enjoys bloodshed and carnage. Despite this, he is one of the good guys. He cares deeply for Jenna even if he has a strange way of showing it.
In times of war, Ares is one of the greatest assets the Gods have. He is fierce and difficult to defeat in battle. He spends most of his free time training in battle, assisting soldiers, and fighting for what he believes is right. When he picks a side, they tend to win.
Things are very much black and white for Ares. There is no grey area. He has no patience whatsoever and will kill his enemies without hesitating. He does not believe in forgiveness.
Ares was very fond of Altheos, the traitor God, because of his incredible skill with a sword. He was one of the only entities to ever best Ares in a sword fight. This caused him to earn his respect, a rare thing indeed. When Ares found out Altheos was a traitor, he took personal offense and instantly decided he had to die.
Gaia is the Titan Goddess of the Earth. She gave Jenna her blessing and is her only official guide, despite what Ares and Nike like to claim and argue about.
She is a very maternal, loving Goddess, but if you anger her, watch out! Her power should not be underestimated. In fact, she is one of the strongest deities in existence.
During the battle against Chaos, Gaia joined the other deities in trying to stop him. She lost her favorite daughter, Alexia, in the fight. Despite her pain, she continued to assist the other Gods and her grief for her daughter turned her into one of their fiercest warriors.
Gaia generally keeps to herself, staying in wooded areas and meditating. Initially, she watches over Jenna and the others at a distance, allowing Ares and Nike to physically guide Jenna while she gently guides her in her dreams. Eventually, she intends to show herself, but she hasn't even told Jenna her name yet as of the fifteenth chapter of the book.
Hades is the God of the Underworld. He gave his blessing to Emily a year before Iridescence begins after she survived the demonic attack that killed her sister and her sister's friends. He is the younger twin brother of Zeus and the older brother of Poseidon. He was the father of Altheos.
When Altheos was born, Hades wanted to destroy him. He sensed something was "not right" about the boy and abused him horribly, along with the boy's mother, Nemesis. This caused Zeus and Hera to decide to rescue Altheos. They took him away from his parents and raised him as if he was their own son. They treated him better than they treated some of their biological children. He was beloved by all of the Gods. When the truth came out about Altheos, Hades pretty much said "I told you so!"
Hades used to be evil, mainly due to his extreme jealousy of Zeus. In recent years, he has come a long way, and he is now on the right side of things. When it came to battling Chaos, however, Hades always put his emotions aside and fought beside his brothers. He has more patience for Poseidon than Zeus, a fact that still remains true.
He can have a dangerous temper at times, but he also has the capacity to care very much about others. He is extremely attached to Emily. He cares about her deeply and wants to help her.
Long ago, he was close to Kleia because even when he was evil, she never gave up on him. Her trust in him helped him make good choices when everyone thought he was too evil to be saved. Her death caused him genuine grief.
These days, Hades tends to behave himself unless he's provoked. He can be very sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor. His love for Emily caused him to become protective of all of the girls and he very much wants to help them survive the coming battle.
Hecate is the Goddess of Magic and the Crossroads. She is powerful and dark. She joins the training sessions to help the girls strengthen their magic and spell casting abilities. She is especially fond of Emily and Eliza, who both excel in that area.
She is very patient and nurturing, but she is fierce when there is a threat. She is protective by nature and has an almost maternal attachment to the girls.
Hecate is a triple Goddess, with the ability to split into a Maiden, a Mother, and a Crone. She often travels with three dogs and carries keys with her everywhere she goes. She can pass through the Underworld with ease and frequently guides those who become lost there to safety.
She is one of the strongest guardians the girls have, but she never tells them what to do. Her function is to guide them and give them clarity so they understand their options, but only they can choose which path they will walk. She respects free will and will never interfere even if she knows they are making a choice that may result in a bad outcome.
Hermes is the God of Messengers, Travelers, Medicine, and Pranksters. He is extremely fast and can appear out of nowhere when summoned. He is very close to Apollo, and he spends a lot of time around Artemis because of this. Although the twins don't acknowledge most of their siblings as their brothers and sisters, they do call Hermes their brother.
He's prone to mischief but can be serious when it counts. His humor is powerful and he is usually found cracking jokes. He drinks too much when he's around Dionysus and tries to sing, which makes Apollo twitchy because Hermes is tone deaf.
He tends to go with the flow and is very casual about things, making him one of the most mellow Gods as far as temperament. He hates sitting still because he's so hyper, and he never fully stops moving even when he's resting, meaning his legs shake or his hands twitch, or he just generally appears to be vibrating. He is an asset in battle because of his speed and reflexes, and he was entrusted with the antidote to the venom Chaos used to kill his enemies because the others knew he could be counted on to respond swiftly and efficiently to any crisis.
Although Hermes is not officially a guide to the girls of Iridescence, he shows up anyway and does his best to help out. He cares about the girls and wants to help them succeed.
Morpheus is the God of Dreams. He bestowed his blessing on Vanessa when she was still a toddler after he found her wandering around the dream realm in places she should not have found so easily.
He tends to be very stoic and serious, but he does have a lighter side. Vanessa brings that out in him. He is very protective of the girls and is the only one who can try to keep them safe while they sleep, especially if Dremlins are lurking.
Morpheus used to have two daughters and a son, but they perished long ago during the days of the battle against Chaos. This was part of why he stopped smiling. He closed himself off from most entities after that. His daughters were Anastasia and Theadora, and his son was Lysander.
He cares very deeply for the girls, but he has trouble allowing himself to show it. Vanessa sees his softer side more than the others. Just being around her makes him smile sometimes.
Nike is the Goddess of Victory. She has blessed Jenna and frequently fights Ares for the right to claim her.
She is determined and disciplined. Nike refuses to lose and will keep fighting to the very end. She is strong and is a fierce ally. Artemis is fond of her and considers her a good friend.
Nike is very helpful when it comes to training the girls in physical combat. She pushes them past their comfort zones without going too far, making them stronger but never risking breaking them.
Nike is the daughter of Pallas. She had a younger half-sister named Alexia who she was extremely close to. Nike's biggest regret is that she was unable to save Alexia from death. This haunts her to this day and she considers it her only failure despite the fact that she wasn't present when Alexia was murdered. No one ever found out who killed Alexia, but Nike is still determined to solve the mystery and avenge her sister.
Poseidon is the God of the Sea. He is the younger brother of Zeus and Hades. He blessed Krissy when she was eleven after he saved her from drowning the day her parents died. He is very attached to her and almost views himself as an uncle figure to her.
In general, Poseidon is pretty mellow. His laid-back attitude helps him get along with pretty much anyone. When he is angered, however, his temper can destroy the world, as he causes earthquakes, tsunamis, and powerful storms. The quickest way to anger him is to cross someone he cares about.
Poseidon is extremely powerful. He was an asset during the battle against Chaos. He may act like a teenager at times, but he's actually very wise, and he gives very good advice when it's needed.
Poseidon is primarily involved to help Krissy, and he loves sparring with her. He cares for the other girls as well and is enjoying watching them grow and learn to master their powers.
Prometheus is the God of Fire. He blessed Faith when she walked through fire as a little girl and didn't burn.
He is very intelligent and enjoys helping others. Prometheus cares deeply for mortals and he breaks the rules to assist them. He stole fire to give to them and did other things as well. His rule breaking is always to help others because he cannot stand to watch them suffer. He is a very selfless deity and will face the consequences of his actions bravely if it means he can help someone. His morals are too strong to allow him to do nothing.
Prometheus was very close to the Fire Nymphs. He fell in love with the Queen of the Fire Nymphs, Ember, and he adored her daughter Tana as if she were his own child. When they died, it destroyed something in him. He channeled that pain into the battle against Chaos and into protecting the mortals with everything he had.
He cares about Faith very much, and as the self-proclaimed Protector of Humanity, he also quickly comes to care for the other girls. Prometheus is determined to keep them safe until they are prepared to do it themselves.
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