Alice in Wonderland Method
In my opinion, this is probably my favorite method, although it has yet to work for me. I only like it because of how it works out.
This method also focuses on visualization, so make sure you can do that!
Just like the Raven Method, lay in a starfish position, no limbs touching! (You can literally lay in any position. It doesn't matter. Just make sure your limbs aren't touching. [I put pillows between my arms bc I can't lay on my back])
Envision yourself standing next to or sitting on a tree.
Imagine your DR partner running up to you. They can be close or far away, your choice!
Visualize yourself following your DR partner until they lead you to a rabbit hole, and you fall in.
If you want, imagine things such as photos, videos etc. that are from your DR are on the walls while you are falling. You can fall for however long you want, just try not to lose focus!
Continue to say affirmations until you have stopped falling.
When you have landed, imagine you are in a small room, with a door, table and a key. You can have the table and key placed anywhere in the room.
Pick up the key and unlock the door. On the other side of the door will be the same person from your DR that guided you to the hole.
The person from your DR will once again have you follow them, but this time it will be to your DR bedroom.
There, you will lay down on your DR bed and fall asleep. When you wake up, you will have fully shifted into your DR.
I will say this every chapter: don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first time! It may take a while before you have shifted, so don't lose hope! YOU WILL SHIFT!
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