General Writing Tips
Hey guys! I wanted to add this part because sometimes it's not the FanFiction that's at fault, it can always be the grammar of your book.
A warriors book may be good, but the grammar may be bad. That's what sometimes drives readers away, and it even annoys them. Some may critique you and you may get offended, and others will think that all of your books are poorly written. If you have grammatical problems because English is not your first language, or because you simply suck at it, I suggest you read this part. If you're good at grammar, read it anyways.
Also note, if you're typing your whole book on your phone (which is what I've been doing lately), then you're most likely going to experience functional problems with typing. For example, autocorrect is a big issue. It sometimes changes correct grammar to incorrect grammar. It will even change unrecognizable names such as warrior names or terms and I won't even notice that my phone did that. For people who have this issue, I suggest that you constantly reread your work and edit. Also, if you can, have another set of eyes edit your book as well because mistakes commonly slip past the writer's eyes.
Things we all get wrong, even professionals.
Every writer has grammar issues in their books. I often (when I say often I mean very often) let these small parts slip past me, so I suggest even the best writers should look this part over.
Difference between "you're" and "your."
-You're is a contraction of you are. For example: you are in so much trouble, or you're in so much trouble.
-Your is a possessive adjective. It usually sits before a noun, for example: Your cat is cute, or your hair looks nice today. You are cat is cute today does NOT make sense, so don't write "you're cat looks cute today."
Difference between "their," "they're," and "there."
-Their is when you are referring to a group of individuals, or when you are claiming a possessive object belongs to another group of individuals. Ex: The kids smiled, their eyes bright and happy or it's not mine it's their's.
-They're is a contraction of they are. For example: they are in so much trouble, they're in so much trouble. A LOT OF PEOPLE GET THIS CONFUSED WITH THEIR, but just remember "they are," and "they're" will come to mind.
-There is when you are referring to a place. Ex: let's go over there.
Difference between "to," "too" and "two."
-To has 2 functions. First, as a preposition, in which case it always precedes a noun. We went to the gathering last moon or This den belongs to a fox.
Secondly, it indicates an affirmative when it precedes a verb. We need to do our homework or She wants to go on a hunting patrol.
-Too is an adverb meaning "excessively" or "also." It is raining way too much or I want to go too.
-Two is a number (2). Robinpaw caught two mice on the last hunting patrol.
Difference between "we," "were" and "we're."
-We refers to "us." We need to go on a border patrol or This is the last time we saw each other.
-Were is a plural past-tense form of the verb "are." Here are some examples: We were about to leave the house. This phrase refers to the fact that this action already happened. If you write it like this: We are about to leave the house, then you are telling readers that it will happen in the future.
-We're is a contraction of the phrase "we are." We are in a rush or We're in a rush. Do NOT get this confused with "were" or it'll just sound weird.
Structure of paragraphs and dialogue.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Almost everyone makes this mistake! Even I've done it in the beginning, but fortunately I've seen my mistake and fixed it. So here's the most important thing you must know: every new dialogue by a different character needs to have a new paragraph.
(Ex: Brownspots sighed with content as he dozed in the center of the camp. The sun was high in the sky and the greenleaf air was blowing softly in his thick fur. Suddenly, a cold shadow loomed over his face, and he blinked an eye open. Right before him, he could see his mate, Splashheart.
"Come on up, we're on a hunting patrol together," she mewed, nudging him gently.
He purred and stood up. "Great! I haven't hunted with you in ages!" he exclaimed. He looked around the RiverClan camp, seeing that most cats were cooling down from the hot weather in the river. "When we come back, we should definitely go for a swim."
"Yep!" she said, padding to the camp entrance with him side-by-side.
"Hurry up, lovebirds! We haven't got all day!" called their deputy, waiting impatiently at the camp entrance with his apprentice.)
So, in the example I provided, when a different cat spoke, separated each dialogue with a NEW paragraph. Don't forget:
"Hi," she said.
"Hi, he said back.
You do not do it like this:
(Brownspots nudged Splashheart affectionately. "I love you," he purred. She looked at him and purred as well. "I love you too," she mewed. The deputy padded up to them. "Great catches, both of you," he complimented. "I really knew that you too would do a great job. Team-hunting is amazing, isn't it?" "It sure is," Brownspots said.)
Guys. You do not do your dialogue like this. It is the ultimate taboo in the writing world, and is most likely going to draw readers away. If you have this particular problem, try and remembering these tips! I also can assure you that if you need help, others who are reading this will help you if they don't have this problem.
When is it okay to have dialogue in the same paragraph?
Although I don't recommend you to do this every time you add a new dialogue, it is possible to write the dialogue two different characters in one paragraph. You do it like this:
(Brownspots purred as he and Splashheart shared a piece of trout. "You sure caught a good one!" he complimented, taking another bite. Splashheart swallowed her piece and meowed, "Thanks. I wouldn't have done it without your help.")
You see what I did there? In case you haven't noticed, I introduced the new character before writing the dialogue and connected it with a comma.
"Hi," he said. She replied, "Hi."
You do NOT do it like this, or you will confuse the reader as to who is talking.
"Hi," he said. She replied. "Hi."
If you want to occasionally add this kind of dialogue to your story, just DO NOT FORGET THE COMMAS. I can't stress the importance of this enough.
Use words other than "said."
Writing effective dialogue is not always what your characters say, but how they say it. I have to admit, it's not necessarily a bad thing to overuse the word "said." Most professional writing tips books that I've read actually encourage simplicity in dialogue. However, some people prefer to write with a little more spice. Using words other than "he SAID, she SAID, they SAID" can add emotion and interest to your character's words.
Here is a list of dialogue words compiled from, categorized by the emotion or scenario they convey:
Shouted, bellowed, yelled, snapped, cautioned, rebuked.
Consoled, comforted, reassured, admired, soothed.
Shouted, yelled, babbled, gushed, exclaimed.
Whispered, stuttered, stammered, gasped, urged, hissed, babbled, blurted.
Declared, insisted, maintained, commanded.
Sighed, murmured, gushed, laughed, purred.
Cried, mumbled, sobbed, sighed, lamented.
Jabbed, sneered, rebuked, hissed, scolded, demanded, threatened, insinuated, spat, glowered.
-Making up:
Apologised, relented, agreed, reassured, placated, assented.
Teased, joked, laughed, chuckled, chortled, sniggered, tittered, guffawed, giggled, roared.
Related, recounted, continued, emphasized, remembered, recalled, resumed, concluded.
Questioned, asked, wondered, pondered.
Use dialogue tags sparingly.
Despite just giving you that whole list of words, using dialogue tags sparingly can actually improve the quality of your writing. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, you really don't have to. But I encourage you to try this, as you will sound more like a professional writer.
The problem with using a dialogue tag is that the more we use them, the more we are aware of the author creating the dialogue. Compare these two versions of the same conversation:
("You chased off my prey!" he growled, glaring at her.
"It's not my fault you're too slow!" she said.
"Shut up," he replied.)
As you can see, after every dialogue I've added a tag to indicate that a person is speaking. However, because we already use quotation marks to indicate dialogue, it is not necessary to include the tag. Now compare that example to the following:
(He glared at her. "You chased off my prey!"
"It's not my fault you're too slow!"
"Shut up.")
Without over-using the dialogue tags, this leaves much more to the reader's imagination and enriches your writing. Your use of quotation makes ". ! ?" will indicate the tone of what your character is saying in these situations. Also, adding an action before the dialogue will help illustrate the situation even more. If you still don't quite understand, it's okay! Comment your concerns and I or other writers will try and help you the best we can.
Paragraph spacing.
In the topic of dialogue, remember when to actually write your paragraph spacing:
1) when something new or different is happening.
2) when someone new or different is speaking.
3) when you stop actions and start describing something, or the other way around.
Trying to be professional?
If you're trying to write professionally, you most definitely have to do this:
It is not a problem to write "ok," but most professional writers write it as "okay."
Also, here's some things you must change:
Alot—>A lot
Aswell—>As well
Moonclan--->MoonClan (AHEM, Tigerheart)
Noone—>No one (AHEM, Tigerheart + Blazestorm)
I understand why Clan language is hard to get used to. After all, these words are foreign to our ears, and strange to put in our regular use of words. But some of these words are things in the regular English dictionary, such as rogue and prologue. Almost everyone spells these words wrong, and that's what drives readers away as well. Thank you guys for telling me to put this part!
Almost everybody writes a prologue to their warriors series. Almost everybody. This is how you spell it and stick it in your head: P-R-O-L-O-G-U-E. Prologue. Prologue. Prologue. Prologue. Prologue. Got it? PROLOGUE.
Now let us glue rogue in your head. A rogue is a hostile cat out of the Clans (not always hostile, though) and they tend to defend their territory unlike loners who travel place to place. This is how you correctly spell it: R-O-G-U-E. Rogue. Rogue. Rogue. Rogue. Rogue.
Guys, the "gue" of a word shouldn't confuse you! Prologue and rogue, okay?
If you guys have any more writing tips, I suggest you comment down below to help other fellow FanFic writers!
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