Chapter 2 ~ A Hidden Sith
Straight to the action! I never was one to mess around I guess. So, enjoy the chapter!
"Where's Ahsoka? Is she okay?" Anakin shouted breathlessly as he sprinted into the Halls of Healing.
"We're over here, Anakin," Obi-Wan shouted from a nearby room. Anakin ducked into it just before he blew past the room because of his speed. Inside he found Obi-Wan, Lux, and Ahsoka.
" she okay?" Anakin sputtered. Ahsoka was laid out across a bed, either sleeping or unconscious.
"She's fine. Um...something happened though. I'm not really sure what, but whatever it was, it healed her. I'm not going to complain, though," Obi-Wan replied.
"Have you talked to anyone about it?" Anakin asked.
"Not yet," Obi-Wan replied, deep in thought, "we need to be cautious of who we let know about this. We still don't know what's wrong with her, and we don't need to endanger her if this turns out to be something important. I think the only one we need to inform this to is Master Yoda."
"Yeah," Anakin said distantly. He was too busy taking in the sight of Ahsoka. The sight of another person dear to him that he had almost lost.
"Although Anakin, your actions on Onderon need to be discussed. Taking your anger out in such a fashion will only lead to a path of darkness, and I'm afraid this isn't the first time it's happened," Obi-Wan said, bringing back bitter memories of Tatooine to Anakin.
Anakin was about to protest, but he realized the state both Obi-Wan and Lux were in. Feeling compassion for them, he instead said softly, "You guys can go ahead and get some rest. I'll stay and watch over her for now."
"But what if..." Lux began, only to be interrupted by Anakin.
"I'll let you know if anything happens."
The other two shared a glance between each other, then smiled at Anakin and sleepily walked out the door.
"Hey 'Soka," Anakin whispered softly as he sat down on the bed beside her, "that was really brave of what you did back there. But I think what I'm the most proud about is how you're too dang stubborn to die. I don't know what I would do without you."
Ahsoka could hear someone talking through the darkness. She tried her best to concentrate, to rid herself of the awful headache she had, to no avail. However, after a few more words, the Togruta quickly realized that it was her master that was talking to her.
Forcing herself to slip back into consciousness, which was harder than it sounded, Ahsoka gently opened her eyelids and replied in her snippy manner, "Well, you'd get into more sticky situations, that's for sure."
"Ahsoka!" Anakin gasped, throwing his arms around her as she sat up.
"Good to see you again too. Skyguy."
Wait a minute. Was everything just a dream?
As though she was receiving an answer, a female voice began to speak,
Remember what we told you, Ahsoka. You are the galaxy's last hope. Restore the legacy of the Gray Jedi and bring balance. Don't forget, we will be with you from now on.
"Ahhhh! Who's there?!" Ahsoka yelped, grabbing the pillow from behind her and clutching it for dear life.
"Your crazy imagination," Anakin teased with a chuckle, "and by the way, nice shield. I bet it would even protect you from the Sith."
Ahsoka pouted at Anakin's playful jabs, but she was secretly happy that she had managed to figure out that the voice was the Daughter, and what she had seen while she wasn't just a dream.
Which brought her back to the thought of her being the last of the Gray Jedi. While Ahsoka had heard stories about them, the Togruta knew that a trip to the library would prove useful to her knowledge. What did having the qualities of a Gray Jedi even mean? Was she even that special?
"Snips? Are you okay?" Anakin asked with concern at Ahsoka's thinking state.
"Huh? Oh yeah," Ahsoka returned sheepishly.
"I'm going to go and get Obi-Wan and Lux. They were both extremely nervous and just now left to get some rest. Especially the Senator..." Anakin said with a knowing smirk. Ahsoka's lekku stripes darkened in response, the Togrutan equivalent of blushing.
Ahsoka gave her master a wary smile back. Should she tell him about the Daughter, Son, and Father? She thought about it long and hard for several minutes after Anakin had left to retrieve the others. Would it be better to have him there to guide her if need be or to keep him out of these dangerous matters. After all, the Father had told that Anakin paled in comparison to her abilities now.
Speaking of which, what were her abilities like now?
Ever since the entities' had entered her body, even just the mere presence of the Force around her seemed to be enhanced. It was as though she was more alert about things; small details about places that Ahsoka would usually miss became clear and unmistakable now.
That wasn't all, however. The Togruta herself felt a change in the Force that resided within her. Instead of just simply feeling its energy, the power seemed to be coursing through her veins as if it were blood. The strengthened bond to the unseen matter itself had nearly sent a shockwave through her the second she felt it.
Is this how Master Yoda feels? Ahsoka couldn't help but ask herself. While she did not exactly know the answer, she reminded herself that Anakin had a higher midochlorian count than Yoda himself. So, if Ahsoka was supposedly stronger than Anakin, didn't that automatically place her over the Force-sensitive green creature?
"In my book, experience outranks everything," Ahsoka's mind replayed what Captain Rex had said to her a couple years back. Soaking in what the line meant, Ahsoka humbly reminded herself that even though she may be powerful, Yoda was far more wise and could probably easily beat her if they had ever dueled. After all, raw power was nothing compared to calculated and strategic attacks.
Her brain was relieved of her rigorous questioning as she sensed three signatures walking down the hallway, identifying them as Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Lux.
"Hey you guys," Ahsoka chirped with a smile.
"Well isn't someone that just d... nearly died perky?" Lux asked with a smirk, catching himself mid-sentence. He wasn't sure if the Jedi were wanting to keep the truth of Ahsoka dying from her for the time being.
"I mean I am healed," Ahsoka pointed out, flexing her back to prove she wasn't in pain, before prying her fingers into her stomach, "speaking of which, what did happen? I should at least have an injury on my torso from that blaster wound."
"That's what we were hoping to ask you, Snips," Anakin countered, "you kind of healed yourself. According to Obi-Wan and Senator Bonteri, you were glowing too."
"I was? I have no clue why," Ahsoka lied. She hoped it was convincing enough, which was pretty hard to accomplish given that two of the people she was being dishonest with were skilled Jedi, "Maybe the Force knew that I would be needed in the future and decided to make me stick 'round for a little while longer."
"Maybe," Anakin replied with a chuckle. Good. He had bought it.
"Anakin, I believe we should leave Ahsoka to rest. We will need to bring her before the council tomorrow, and I don't think she needs to be tired for that," Obi-Wan said, his hand naturally placed on his beard.
Anakin nodded at his former master, then turned to Ahsoka and flashed her a small smile. With that, the trio left, leaving Ahsoka to herself.
"I guess it is pretty late," Ahsoka mumbled, glancing over at a clock that read 23:00. The Togruta knew that it would be best if she was well-rested, since that way she could be on her toes when she would talk to the the council the following day. She couldn't risk slipping up about something.
Your judgement serves you well, Ahsoka.
Wait wait hold up. Would Ahsoka have to talk to them three every time she slept from now on?
Umm, my judgment on what?
Not revealing your new secret to your fellow masters. The time will come when it will be safe enough to reveal it, but that is not now.
And why not? Wouldn't it be easier if there's people who can help me?
A long pause followed, which Ahsoka guessed was the Daughter gathering her thoughts.
The less people involved, the less that can get hurt. Plus, it is your destiny to bring balance to the galaxy. Not anyone else's. Any unnecessary involvement could be detrimental. I'm afraid you're the only person who can take on these issues.
But what exactly are the issues? I mean, I know that I need to discover who the Sith Lord is, but then what?
Only you can answer that, Ahsoka. We are here only to guide you. In the end, it is you who will decide the fate of the galaxy. Have no fear young one, I have faith in you. I must go now, your mind needs rest.
Thank you, Ahsoka mentally replied, then slipped off into a peaceful sleep.
"Hello, Masters," Ahsoka greeted with a bow.
"Hello Padawan Ahsoka," Plo replied with a slight twitch of a smile.
"What may I be of assistance for?" Ahsoka asked, though it was slightly rhetorical. She knew exactly why she was here.
"We were informed of your action-intentional and unintentional- on Onderon and the Republic frigate. If you are willing to share, the Council would like to know how you evaded death and glowed while doing it," Mace answered, leaning back in his seat.
Ahsoka nervously glanced around. Would these skilled Jedi masters see right through her lies? What if they found out what the Daughter had told Ahsoka was not to be told to anyone? The only thing the Togruta could do was rid her head of these questions and put on the best act she could muster up.
"The only things I really remember is being shot off the cliff. While I was able to connect with the Force enough to slow my fall, my pain was to excruciating to fully concentrate. Therefore, I blacked out and didn't wake up until I was in the Halls of Healing. I truly wish I did know what happened."
All the council members shared glances amongst each other, finally coming to the decision that they were content with Ahsoka's response.
"Thank you Padawan Ahsoka, you are dismissed. Please let us know if anything happens again," Shaak said pleasantly, earning a gentle smile from the younger Togruta.
"Of course, Masters," Ahsoka returned with a bow, then deftly walked out the door. Relief washed over her features the second she made it into the hall.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan sat quietly while the other Jedi masters conversed amongst themselves for possible theories. Usually the council wouldn't be worried about things like this, but the power to bring back the dead was definitely something worth them looking in to.
However, the blond Jedi did not partake in the talking. Something didn't seem right about Ahsoka. Almost as though she was trying to hide something. That couldn't be right though... why would she keep things like this from the other Jedi? Maybe there was something else on her mind. He couldn't blame her if it was so; this war was taxing on him, and he couldn't imagine what it was like for a girl at her age. Something as dark as this war shouldn't be exposed to innocent children's minds, but that was precisely what was happening. Quite frankly, he couldn't tell if the Jedi or the Sith were more to blame.
Whatever it was, Obi-Wan had difficulty shaking it off. Maybe it would be best if he had a private talk with the Togrutan apprentice and try to pry for the reason towards her recent behaviors.
Ahsoka sat quietly in her quarters, meditating. She hadn't been dispatched to any missions yet, so she decided that it would be best if she could go ahead and get a start on finding the Sith lord.
The Father had said that it was someone who held too much power. Could it be a senator that had too much of a say in things? A fake Jedi who used the Order to influence the Senate? Ahsoka was pretty sure neither were possible; the Jedi usually didn't interfere with the Senate and there wasn't a senator that the young Togruta had ever known that held too much power.
So who is it, then? Ahsoka silently questioned. However, all of the thinking she had been doing was disrupting her meditation and giving her a headache. With a sigh, she cleared her mind and opened herself to the tendrils of the Force that connected her with her surroundings.
After about 10 more minutes of no answers from the Force, the Togruta stood up and straightened out her tunic. Since this seemed to be getting no where, it would probably be more efficient for partake in something else. Perhaps a little more hands on searching would prove to be useful.
She pondered what she could do for a few moments while gathering her things, then decided to make her way down to the Senate buildings and visit a friend.
Ahsoka stood before a door, then with a shaky breath, gave a knock. After about three delicate raps on the metal material, it suddenly gave way with a whoosh.
"How may I he- Ahsoka? What are you doing here?" A young male voice could be heard from behind his desk.
"I have a couple questions to ask. About democracy, I guess you could say," Ahsoka answered, rubbing a nervous hand on her back lek. In fact, she wasn't really sure why she had decided to come to Lux for help. Spur of the moment, she supposed.
"Okay?" Lux replied in confusion. He gestured to a chair before him, and Ahsoka sat down.
"I guess what I mean, is how exactly does power regulate in a government like this? How are people prevented from gaining too much control?" Ahsoka asked.
Lux repositioned himself in his chair, buying time to prepare his thoughts. How could he explain it to Ahsoka without it being too complicated. "Well, for starters, everyone has a set amount of time they can be in office. After that, they are either re-elected or replaced by voting."
"I think I know the simple things like that. It's more so small things I need to know I guess...things that go unnoticed to the public eye I guess," Ahsoka hummed in thought.
"I don't really know what you mean, Ahsoka. The Republic is a democracy that adheres to their rules and beliefs. I can't really recall anything that isn't made known to the public."
Ahsoka sat in silence, contemplating whether or not she should pry further. If what Lux has said was true, then how could someone have more power than the others? A grunt escaped from her lips as she realized that this might be harder than what she had thought before.
"What about Senator Amidala? She seems to have more say in matters than some of the other senators. I thought that all senators would have the same importance," Ahsoka finally pointed out after a prolonged silence.
"She only has that strong voice because she chooses to work towards it. Every single other senator has that potential if they put in the same effort that she does. Why are you suddenly so curious about power in the Senate?" Lux replied, raising an eyebrow. Ahsoka definitely wasn't one to show interest in political matters.
"It's nothing," Ahsoka mumbled, though Lux wasn't easily convinced.
"I'm your friend, Ahsoka. You can tell me anything," the senator reached over his desk to rest a hand on the Togruta's shoulder.
Ahsoka winced, knowing that he was right. She should be able to tell him everything; he was one of her only friends. Wait! What was she saying? Just because he knew her doesn't mean he had to know everything. "It's nothing, Lux," she restated, "Just something I need to sort out on my own."
"But you don't have to do this alone! You have people in your life that will help you if you just ask!"
Ahsoka paused for a minute. That had sounded strangely intimate. She ignored it though, it wasn't that important. "You don't understand. I have to do this alone!"
"What do you even have to do though? What if someone could help you and make things easier?" Lux's tone had gotten slightly annoyed, which was unusual for the normally calm senator.
"I can't tell you yet, Lux. But I promise that when I can, I'll try and make you the first person I let know," Ahsoka replied, her eyes downcast.
"But who say's that you can't tell me? People can't dictate your ability to speak."
"Quite frankly, they can. It isn't anyone that you know Lux, but all I can say is that I need to obey their wishes. They know what they're doing."
"Okay," Lux relented with a resigned sigh, "just know that if you ever need help or advice, you can always talk to me."
Ahsoka smiled at him, saying her thanks before standing up, "It's been nice talking to you, Senator, but I need to be on my way now. I've got a lot to do in a short amount of time."
Lux nodded in reply, and the two bid their goodbyes as Ahsoka walked out the door.
What now? Ahsoka mentally asked herself. If talking with one senator did her little good, it wouldn't be practical to waste her time with others. While she would love to visit Senator Amidala and Senator Chuchi, the Togruta knew that she had to stay focused and stick to the mission. At any given point in time she could be called off into the war again.
Ahsoka found her gaze sweeping the walls as she walked down empty corridors. Occasionally she would cross a few senators mingling, but that was limited since the majority had gone into the court room to prepare for the meeting that would be taking place soon.
The meeting! Ahsoka thought with hope. That would be the perfect chance to study all the members of the Republic all at once. While it might be difficult, Ahsoka knew that this was her only option.
The Togruta broke out into a jog, heading towards Senator Amidala's office. From there, she could tune into the Force without being disturbed. Even though she did receive questioning glances from her onlookers, she ignored them. What she was trying to do could save the whole Republic, along with the lives of everyone it it.
"Senator Amidala!" Ahsoka greeted slightly loud, warning the attention of the senator of Naboo that was standing outside of her area door.
"Hey Ahsoka!" Padmé replied warmly, turning off the holopad that she was studying, "What brings you here?"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to use your
pod to do something during the meeting. I won't disturb anything."
Padmé turned and walked onto her hovering station, gesturing for Ahsoka to follow, "I don't mind at all. What exactly do you need it for though?"
Ahsoka stayed silent for a moment before bashfully replying, "I'll have to tell you some other time."
Even though the senator sent her a questioning glance, she ultimately pushed it off and left the topic be. That's one of the things that Ahsoka liked about Padmé; she wasn't pushy.
After a few more minutes of senators filing into their designated positions, the Chancellor called the meeting to order. He began to drone on about some new bill, probably just as ineffective as all the others, but Ahsoka wasn't listening.
Instead, the Togruta used Padme and some chairs to shield her from the public eye, and reached out on the Force. She allowed its energy to surround her, creating an enhanced feeling for her surroundings. It almost felt like it was a sixth sense.
Not to her surprise, the majority of the Force she felt was intertwined with the Light Side. However, there was something else she felt that Ahsoka had never sensed before. It was a dark signature so strong that Count Dooku's seemed as weak as watered down Jaba juice.
A shudder ran down Ahsoka's body as she realized what the Mortis Forces had told her was true. There was a dangerously strong Sith Lord in the midst of the Republic. The Togruta had no clue as to how this had never been detected before. Surely something so strong could be sensed by Master Yoda and Master Windu, right?
A thought crossed Ahsoka's mind. Was it possible that her newly strengthened bond with the Force could be the only thing that could pick up the Sith's presence? It made sense; she was the only one designated to seek out the corrupted spot in the Republic. She just hoped she could figure it out before it was too late.
Knowing that her time would be up soon, Ahsoka turned herself back to the issue at hand. Closing her eyes and letting herself slip into the clutches of the Force, she singled out the dark signature and concentrated on it. However, due to the enhanced senses she had acquired and were not fully used to, it was extremely difficult. Instead of just paying attention to the one signature, her bond to the Force pulled her attention to shreds. It was impossible to not have to see every single person in this room.
Ahsoka let out a groan as she tried to block out everything else to no avail. As the moments went by, she could feel the dark signature slipping from her grasp. Her abundance of power had been her downfall.
Taking one last shot at identifying who the hidden Sith was, the Togruta tried to centre herself. Ignoring as many other presences as she could, Ahsoka allowed herself to channel every single last drop of focus towards the cowering Dark side. Anxiety began to overcome her as she heard the Chancellor wrapping the meeting up. She didn't have much time left.
Suddenly, Ahsoka could feel a slight amount of progress being made. Her persistence had finally paid off, and the Jedi Padawan began to sense the dark signature did not reside in the upper levels. Her focus began to slip lower and lower down the levels, until it leveled out a few tiers above the ground. Just as Ahsoka thought that she was about to discover who it was, the Chancellor ended the meeting and the senators began to leave.
Kriff, she cursed. She had been so close. At least she was down to one tier of people. That was a lot less than a whole senate room.
"Are you okay, Ahsoka? You look rather pale," Padmé asked in concern as she turned around. It wasn't until then that Ahsoka realized how light-headed she was feeling. She must have spent too much energy during her search.
'I'm fine," Ahsoka assured as she followed the Senator off of her repulser pod, "thank you so much for your help, Senator Amidala. However, there is one question that I need to ask you."
"What is it, Ahsoka?" Padmé asked as the two walked down the Senate halls.
"Do you have a map of where all the everyone sits during the meetings?"
"I suppose I do. Follow me to my office and I'll get you on," Padmé replied with a hint of curiosity in her voice. While she was sure she would figure out the reasoning behind Ahsoka's actions soon, they were still pretty confusing. Why was she so interested in the Senate all of the sudden?
Ahsoka followed Padmé through the complicated set of hallways, admiring the few decorations they did pass, until they reached the senator's office. To save time, Ahsoka waited outside of the hall while Padmé went in her room to retrieve the map. A few moments later, she came out with a holopad.
"This should have everything you need, for whatever you it for," she said with a smile, handing the digital map to the Togruta.
"Thank you, Senator Amidala. I'll be on my way now. Catch you later?" Ahsoka asked as she began to turn away.
"Sure thing, Ahsoka." With that Ahsoka quickly made her way out of the Senate building and to the Temple.
"Where have you been, Ahsoka?" Anakin questioned with a slight anger as Ahsoka walked into the living room that conjoined their quarters.
"Sorry Master, I was with Senator Amidala and Bonteri today," Ahsoka replied, hoping that Anakin wouldn't pry further. Unfortunately, he did.
"Why were you with them? I'm pretty sure they had a meeting today, and I know how much you hate those."
"Umm... well I talked to Senator Bonteri before the meeting, and I just wanted to talk with Senator Amidala. Seeing she was busy for the moment, I decided to wait the meeting out," Ahsoka answered, trying to hide her nervousness. She hated lying.
Good. He had bought it.
"Just next time, tell me before you decide to disappear for half the day."
Ahsoka gasped as he said this. It was already that late? She still had a lot of research today.
"Before you run off again, Master Yoda told me to inform you that you would be going to Illum tomorrow as a guide for this year's Gathering," Anakin called to Ahsoka, who hard already began to walk off to her sleeping quarters.
"Me?" Ahsoka asked, "I can't believe of everyone they chose me to do it. I feel quite honored, actually."
"Yeah well don't let it go to your head, Snips," Anakin teased at the Togruta, who in turn stuck her tongue out at him, "just because you're good with kids doesn't mean anything."
"Mean," she huffed playfully. After seeing that he was done talking, Ahsoka continued into her room and pulled the holopad out from her bag. She set it down on the bed before her, the plopped down in a cross-legged position beside it. She pressed the power button on the tablet, then watched as a hologram of the Senate building danced into view. It intricately showed every single pod in the building, then had the names of all the people that resided there during meetings if she zoomed in.
Ahsoka played around with it for a few moments before finally getting to work. After searching through the Force and recalling which layer the Sith had been on, Ahsoka zoomed in. Ironically enough, that tier also happened to have the Chancellor's pod in level with it, as well. Perhaps it was the bodyguard-type man that was always with Chancellor Palpatine. If she remembered correctly, he was the vice-chair of the Galactic Senate. He always did seem fishy to her.
Don't jump to conclusions based on judgement, Ahsoka reprimanded herself. Focusing on the hologram once more, she began to study each of the senators. They were all from pretty small planets, nothing out of the ordinary that signified too much power. Or maybe that's what they wanted Ahsoka to believe to throw her off their trail.
However, Ahsoka had a thought cross her mind. Could it be the Chancellor himself? He did hold the most powerful position in the whole entire Galactic Senate.
No, Ahsoka tried to convince herself, the Republic would never let a Sith worm his way in to the most important position in the government. After all, hasn't he proven himself to be trustworthy on numerous occasions?
Although, the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. How long had the Chancellor been serving? Surely more years than she'd care to count. Didn't Lux say that everyone had a set amount of time in the office before the were replaced?
After careful contemplation for a while afterwards, Ahsoka decided that she would look into Palpatine after she got back tomorrow. After all, she couldn't accuse him without any evidence.
So, with many questions swirling in her mind, the Togruta settled for meditating for the rest of the day in the meditation room.
Your quick discovery of the Sith is most impressive, Gray Jedi.
Wait, who is it this time?
Don't you recognize me? I'm the Son.
What do you want?
I give you the power of the Dark Side and that's how you talk to me?
You did what?!
For someone so smart, sometimes you really take a long time to catch on.
Can you really blame me? I haven't exactly tested my connections to the Force that much.
You will soon. You must kill the Sith.
But that's not the Jedi way! I can't kill out of cold blood!
It isn't cold blood if he's already killed many in his lifetime and will murder all the Jedi in the future if nothing is done.
He'll...kill all the Jedi?
Perhaps I've revealed too much.
Wait no! You haven't. I believe that's something I needed to hear.
So you'll kill him then? I can't. He has to stand trial. Then he will suffer his fate through execution or years in a prison.
I bet my sister loves you. You reek of the Light Side. There is balance in you though. Much like my father. We were right to believe that you were the Gray Jedi. That's precisely what you are. You must look past the lies of the Jedi and the Sith and find the truth in balance.
But how do I even do that? I don't even know what a Gray Jedi is.
Time and studying will tell, young one. You are powerful, but you have much to learn.
That's what everyone seems to tell me these days.
You can't let others control your beliefs. Only your emotions can guide you.
But that's exactly opposite of what the Jedi tell me! Emotions are a strong path to the Dark Side. You're trying to turn me to a Sith.
I wouldn't, even if I could! Gray Jedi, if you are to reach your full potential, you have to look past the flaws of the Jedi Code. The naiveness that they have implanted in you blinds you from the truth.
The truth of what?
You ask too many questions that I can't answer, Gray Jedi.
Why are you calling me that?
Calling you what?
Gray Jedi.
Because that it is who you are!
No it isn't! I'm Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Padawan learner.
If that is what you choose to believe, then the galaxy will find its cruel fate soon.
Can I really decide who I am? Isn't that up to fate?
Nothing is up to fate, Ahsoka. Only you can decide the path you need to follow. And quite frankly, I think we both know the path the galaxy needs you to follow is clear. I can't just walk away from the Order.
Physically leaving the Jedi Order isn't necessary to reach your destiny, Gray Jedi. Your beliefs and emotions are the only things that determine who you are.
So...what the Jedi have told me isn't true?
From a certain point of view.
Well that's confusing.
That's how the Force is, Gray Jedi. It is your job to help others see what is right.
If the Jedi are wrong, does that mean the Sith are right?
The Force isn't dealt with in absolutes. Nobody is perfect, but nobody is completely flawed.
But how do I even find the path to being a Gray Jedi?
You already are in your soul, Ahsoka. Your actions are the only things that need to be adapted to the ways of balance, and that is something that the Force will show you.
After all this, then what?
Only you can determine your future.
Ahsoka's eyes gently opened, adjusting herself to her surroundings. She had nearly forgotten where she really was.
"Long time, you meditated. On your mind, something is?" A voice from behind the Togruta said. Ahsoka winced.
"There was just something that I needed to figure out."
"Troubled you are, Padawan Tano. Emotions you hold in, dangerous they are. Learn to let them go, you must, or the Dark Side you will fall," the small green creature hummed.
Turmoil roused within Ahsoka at this. The Son was right, emotions needed to be felt. If you didn't feel, then what compassion did you have? The way of the Jedi was flawed, and thanks to her newfound knowledge and the legacy she possessed within her, she was beginning to see past it. Though, as much as she wanted to point out Master Yoda's mistake, she bit her tongue. The time would come soon.
"Yes Master," Ahsoka mumbled with a bow, then headed off to her headquarters. She would probably just grab a snack and go to bed. It had gotten late anyways, and she knew that tomorrow would be a long day.
*heavy breathing*
That was the longest chapter I've written by far.
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