Chapter Five- The Date Part Two
Well, the arrow didn't exactly make its target. To keep up with my fake character, I stamped my foot and emitted a little 'darn it!'. I walked to the back of the line, and watched as Dexter failed at shooting an arrow. Sparrow was being mean to someone, but I barely noticed. I was too worried about my date tonight. I fished around in my pocket for my mirrorphone. Lizzie and I were hexting, even though it was against school policy. I had told her about the rom com we were going to see, and it had been a while since she had replied.
My throat choked up. Did she not like it?! I took a deep breath. 'Of course she does!' I consoled myself as I scrolled through our hexts. Many expressed pleasure and excitement.
Archery was taking soooo long to end! And then there is still the rest of the day that I have to go through. I just want school to end so I can go out with Lizzie. I just hope she's as enthusiastic about our fifth date as I am. I honestly really want to see the new rom com. The main guy in the movie just seems a lot like Dexter. And Dexter isn't exactly the best with the ladies, especially in Damsels-in-Distressing class. He's just not that great with saving teenage girls from tall towers. I mean Dex is smart and all, he doesn't do all that great in athletic classes or like prince classes.
Foxy Lost stepped up to shoot. I waited patiently. It wouldn't be long before this contest was over. I've got to hand it to her, Foxy is a fairy good archer. I was just glad that she was finally up.
True to my expectations, Foxy's arrow hit the center of the target. The Lost Kids started cheering and I turned around towards the school.
"Head on in!" Mr. Gingerbreadman shouted.
I sprinted to the school building. 3 more periods and I could get to lunch.
I walked to lunch with Benjamin Beast.
"So...Hero Training...that was interesting..." I nodded. In Hero Training, we were supposed to save dummies dressed up like princesses. While it usually worked out, Dexter accidentally cut the head off of one. Then, when what we later identified as raspberry jelly started leaking out, Hopper freaked out and turned into a frog. He ran off and we had to spend the last twenty minutes searching for him. Raspberry jam. Typical Merry Men prank. Sparrow is such a bother sometimes.
Benjamin and Rosabella were currently dating, which made sense considering their story. Benjamin really wasn't handsome, on Charming standards. As narcissist as it seems, there actually is a guide book for that. But, true to their story, Rosabella had seen the good in him. Benjamin is really nice, a good sport and brave. All good things, all good things.
So, it wasn't a surprise when he left me to go sit at the princesses table. Guess I should too. It would be a good excuse to sit by Lizzie, and people would think I am sitting by Apple. And lucky for me, Lizzie was sitting at the table, next to Duchess.
I plopped down to hear them say, "Was it Apple again? That prissy perfect gal is just SOOOO annoying sometimes!" Duchess blushed maddly. Inwardly, I smiled. Lizzie and I were so good at keeping our secret that Duchess, Lizzie's BFFA was embarrassed to be trash talking Apple in front of me.
Duchess adjusted her headpiece nervously. "Oh...Daring..uh I didn't mean it like that...Apple is a nice girl...but..uh.." I looked at Lizzie. Her blueish-teal eyes met mine.
Suddenly, I felt someone sit down next to me. I turned around and saw it was Apple.
"What's going on?" She smiled sweetly and I inwardly apologized to Lizzie for what I was about to do. I wrapped an arm around her and flashed a smile.
"The girls were just chatting about how fablesome you are!" I said, still smiling. To my surprise, Apple kissed me on the cheek. I was sure I had a bright red lipstick stain glowing on it.
Ugh. I honestly despised Apple. Okay, so maybe not despise, but I'd like her a lot more if she would stop fawning over me. It was Apple that said we weren't a couple yet because we had forever after. I hoped those days would never come. Ever since I met Lizzie, I've fantasized about just refusing my destiny, but I know that would never be allowed. Like I've said before, my parents, no my family, would go as far as disowning me if I didn't follow my destiny. Ever since they heard about the Rebel movement going on here at EAH, they strictly reprimanded Dexter, Darling and I about the importance of following destinies, sent us huge packages of Charming guidebooks and had councilors come in to further imprint the Royal ways into our mind. Yes, I know it's way too much, but it just goes to show how serious my family is about following your destiny.
Of course, I don't know my destiny, but everyone thinks I'll be with Apple because I used to have a crush on her. We dated in middle school and it was Apple's decision to sort of break up and save it all for when we were going to dive into our destinies.
Apple relaxed and sat down. I noticed Bunny walking timidly towards Lizzie. She tapped her on the shoulder. Lizzie turned around.
"Yes Bunny?" She sounded a little worried.
"Well, when I...uh...wasn't in Wonderology...I got a hext from you about some movie and Hocus Latte night. I was wondering if you and the other Wonderland characters were going friends of course...and I didn't know about?" Lizzie's eyes got wide and so did mine. Was this something about our date that she had accidentally hexted to her friends?! Our secret couldn't get out!
"Bunny, no, you aren't being left out of anything. I meant to hext...uh...Duchess. We were planning a little girls night out together. I was typing under my desk, and I must have accidentally sent it to the wrong people. Sorry for the confusion!" I let out the breath I was holding, and got a weird look from Apple. Lizzie has always been hexcellent at quick thinking. I just hoped Bunny would buy it. We've been in some fairy close calls of our relationship being exposed.
"Well, then why did you have your mirrorphone in class? You know it's against school rules!" I tried to keep listening, but Apple put her hand on mine.
"Do you want to hear my essay that Ms. White Queen said was simply spelltacular?!!!" I opened my mouth to say no, but Apple started blabbing. I just knew this was never going to end, she would probably go on and on. I've heard many of her essays before, each one I don't really listen to.
"Perfect princesses are defined by their...." I was already bored. But Apple's high pitched voice combined with the drone of the lunchroom was too loud and I couldn't hear Lizzie's conversation. However, I did see Lizzie point over at Apple and I with her thumb, then wave as Bunny walked back over to her lunch table.
Lizzie and I had a silent conversation. From her facial expressions, I could tell that what I thought had happened had indeed happened. At least it was only Bunny...but then again if it was Lizzie's group chat...
Well, Lizzie didn't seem worried. From what I knew about the Wonderlandians, Maddie would probably think it was Riddlish, Cari probably wouldn't care, Max wouldn't either, and Alistair probably wouldn't get it. He's been here since spring, but he still hasn't figured out a lot of Ever After things. I guess he's kinda what the girls call a "clueless boy" but don't quote me on that. What I'm trying to say is that he doesn't know what a latte is yet. I'm pretty sure he had one, he just never knew exactly what it was.
So, I consoled myself somewhat, and just had to hope for the best.
I couldn't believe what I saw.
The whole entire Chemythstry class was at each others necks. Someone had snuck a Fizzing Fairywork into the class, set it off and the Fairywork had knocked over the highly dangerous science experiment Professor Rumplestiltskin was trying to show us. It splattered over Professor, covering him in putrid green boils that, according to him, itched as terrible as he was evil. Now, we were all promised detentions for the entire week unless the culprit fessed up by the end of the period. Unfortunately for us, none of the usual troublemakers were in this particular class, so everyone was having a very hard time determining the guilty one.
All the students had resorted to trickery and uncivilized behavior. And while my class was mostly Rebels, I was astonished to see even Darling participating, even if it was just a little bit. I guess she really wanted to make it to that movie night with a couple other princesses that she's been talking about for weeks, but it doesn't excuse this behavior! Ugh, I'm starting to sound like Mom!
Still, I couldn't stand the commotion! It was terrible! Fortunately, I realized it could be a chance to end school early, at least for me. I know it sounds crazy, and even I have been surprised at the rebellious things I have started to do since I started dating Lizzie. Still, I made sure Professor wasn't looking, and then slipped out of the classroom.
I had been waiting on my bed for an hour when Hopper Croakington and Holly O'Hair walked in. She was holding Hopper in her hands.
"Uh...hi Daring! kinda freaked out in Hexonomics and...well let me back up...we were learning about pollution...and uh, it showed pictures of the dead animals from the pollution...and yeah, you get the picture. He kinda...well turned into a frog...and I...I...DON'T want to kiss him!" Holly finished with a stamp of her foot. I gave her an incredulous look.
"Well, am I going to?! A girl has to kiss him, NOT a guy!" Holly stepped back and blushed. She played with a shorter strand of her long, billowing auburn hair.
"Sorry...should I...uh...go get someone or...?" Holly's lips pursed. "Daring, should I do it? Should I kiss him?!" She waited anxiously for my opinion.
'Gosh, what is UP with her?!' I thought. I flashed a smile and then nodded. This was quite a tiresome, yet interesting conversation, but I really didn't want Holly here.
She looked at me, gasped, then took a deep breath. Her face screwed up with concentration, she bent over and...
"Holly, sorry to not be up to date in this conversation, but could you go ask Briar if she could..." But Hopper's voice was drowned out by Holly's screams. Clearly, she was not hexpecting Hopper to make any sounds.
Soon, I heard the click of heels dashing down the hallway. Poppy arrived breathless in my doorway.
" vibe..." She said, and then sank down on the tan carpet. A couple seconds later, she stood up again.
"I was giving Apple her weekly hair checkup, and was just in the middle of curling her hair when I got a twin vibe. That was about...oh 5 minutes ago. I got a carriage, then once I arrived at school, I sprinted all the way here!" She turned to me. "Now Daring, what in the fairy godmother were you doing to her?!!!" Poppy stared at me with more anger than I ever thought was possible.
"It was H-Hopper. He was and Holly brought him back here..." I pointed to Hopper, sitting on the floor and tapping a green, webby foot impatiently.
"My fair maidens, can one of you PLEASE take me to the fairest blooming rose?" Poppy and Holly gave him an extremely confused look. He slapped his forehead with one floppy flipper.
"I mean BRIAR!!! Take me to Briar!" Holly backed away, giving Poppy a 'I absolutely will not' look, so Poppy scooped up Hopper in her hands, and began the perilous walk to the other side of the school.
I sighed, shut the door behind them and whipped out my mirrorphone. Tapping on the MyChapter app, I tapped my fingers on my bed in a rhythmic tune. Finally, it opened up and I absentmindedly read through my news feed until my eyes landed on a particular update.
----MissLizzieHearts liked: _HOCUS_LATTE_ 'New Chocolatte with strawberry swirls'
I grinned. Well, if Lizzie liked this, then I would simply have pick it up for her when we went on our date! I already was mentally picking out the toppings. This was going to be one romantic 5th date.
Finally, it was 6:35! It was the time we planned to meet outside the school in order to make it to the movie at 7:00. Hopper was back in the dorm, human again, and was so busy trying to do his homework that he really didn't notice when I left.
Quietly, I tramped through the moist grass, looking for Lizzie. I spent a good 10 minutes watching and waiting. Finally, on my 2nd round around the school, I saw her black silhouette sitting gracefully on the stairs.
"Lizzie! Psst! Lizzie!" She must have heard me because she flew down the steps, her read and black ponytail swishing violently behind her.
"Where are you?!"
"Over here!" She ran up to me and hugged me tight.
"Missed you!" She said compassionately as I hugged back,
"Me too." I said gently. "C'mon, we have to hurry. The movie starts in 15 minutes!" I snatched her small, soft hand and we ran off together through the dark. I climbed into the drive'rs seat of my golden carriage and we galloped towards Bookend.
"Ok, so here's the plan. When we get into Bookend, you hide and I'll get out. Then, once no ones looking, you climb out too. We'll meet at the movies. Oh, here's your ticket." I handed her a shiny ticket.
"A Good Love Story Never Ends? Sounds fablesome!" She said excitedly. I patted her hand. "You're the best, Daring!" I leaned over, and planted my lips on her forehead.
"We're here. See you in a bit!" I climbed out and waved.
I entered the theater and to my horror, Apple and a couple other groupies were in front of me! I listened intently, hoping against hope that they were not going to see the exact movie Lizzie and I were.
Apple was already walking off down the dimly lit hallway, and Briar stepped up to the ticket booth.
"Here's my ticket to go see Witch Perfect!" Oh yeah, I forgot. Once a month on a Friday, the Multihex plays an older movie. I guess Witch Perfect is kinda old, now that Witch Perfect 2 is coming out. But I haven't cared much about that movie anyways. Still, I was relieved that that was to movie Apple was going to see.
Finally, once Ashlynn, Blondie and Cindy had left, I got my ticket checked and walked into the dark theater. A deep, booming voice announced, "The movie will start in 2 minutes!" A huge, glowing timer appeared on the giant mirror we were supposed to watch our movie on. I hoped Lizzie would get here soon!
As the clock ticked closer and closer to the start of the movie, I finally saw the glowing light of the outside room leak into the quiet dark, and watched as the small silhouette of a girl walk in and search around. Finally, she sat down by me.
"Hi Lizzie!" I whispered. Suddenly, the giant mirror lit up and the movie started. It wasn't terribly interesting to me. I tend to choose movies Lizzie would like when we go out to see them. I probably should take her to see Witch Perfect 2.
Finally, the movie was over. Lizzie waited in the theater for me and I walked out. As I was leaving the theater, I heard the familiar voices of Dexter, Hunter, Patrick and Benjamin leaving Theater 8. I blanched, then slid behind a tall plant.
I listened as their voices grew farther and farther away. At last I was able to escape the theater and strut off to the Hocus Latte. A bunch of girls surrounded me, all begging me to take them on dates and such. I flashed a glaring smile, which blinded them all and sent the girls stumbling off in all directions.
The scent of the lattes was enticing, and when the lady called me to the front, I almost started to order one for me. But I had decided to get Lizzie's first, so that was what I had to do.
"Order please?" The curly-haired lady dressed in candy-corn colors asked.
"Uh...1 Chocolatte with strawberry swirls and 1 pumpkin spice latte please. Oh, and both with extra vanilla foam." She turned around to the latte machine and poured out the steaming liquid.
"Here you go. That will be $15 please." I fished some cash and placed it on the counter.
"One more thing. Could I please have the caramel and strawberry sauce?"
"That will be $2 extra."
"Ok." I handed her two more dollars and she handed me the sauces. I quickly drizzled caramel sauce on mine, then took the strawberry sauce and drew the shape of a heart on Lizzie's. Finally, I took the caramel and drew a cursive L with it. I heard the door open with a jingle, and Lizzie asking me what kind of latte I got.
Suddenly, she stopped what she was saying as I turned around. Her arms formed a mini karate pose, but then stopped. They dropped to her side and a huge grin grew on her face.
"Oh Daring, it's wonderful! You really are the sweetest boyfriend!" She grabbed my hand. "C'mon, Iets go get a table. I'll pay for that."
"I already payed for yours and mine." Lizzie's eyes got wide.
"Daring, you didn't have to! You really are just the best. I don't know where I'd be without you."
"Me neither." I hugged, wrapping my arms around her back. But then suddenly, a thought struck me. While these kids are in the years above us, who's to say they don't know other students in their legacy year? What if they tell them? And also, a student from our year could come in any moment. Then our secret would definitely be exposed. Scared by this thought, I suddenly let Lizzie go,
"What was that for?" She looked up at me.
"I just don't want know...let the secret out?" She nodded. Lizzie understood the devastating effects our secret relationship would cause if we were found out. Suddenly, I realized I was still holding Lizzie's latte. I handed it to her, careful to make sure she got the paper cover and didn't touch the hot surface.
Lizzie was absorbed in tasting her latte, so I stared out the window. The bustle nighttime shoppers and the noise of groups of friends was barely audible through the glass windows of Hocus Latte. Suddenly, Lizzie's adorable British accent piped up.
"What kind is this? It's delicious!" I smiled. I hoped she would notice. While the real me doesn't like to show off, sometimes I will around people I love. Dexter and I always have competitions, usually brought around by me, so I can show off.
"You've still got some foam on your upper lip. It looks like a little mustache." Lizzie and I chuckled. "Oh yes, the latte. That's a new one. It's called a Chocolatte with strawberry swirls." A huge smile spread across her face.
"That's exactly the one I wanted to try! How did you know?!"
"In my newsfeed on MyChapter, it said that you liked their update about it."
"You follow me on MyChapter?!"
"You are MissLizzieHearts right?" Was I following the wrong person?!
"Yeah. Oh, so you must be _DCharm_! I'll follow you back! Awww, you are so sweet!" I picked up the cups, threw them away, then left. Lizzie would follow me later,
I sat down in the carriage and got everything ready. Finally Lizzie arrived, her face glowing from the light of her mirrorphone.
"9:00. We can make it back just in time for the briars to grow around the castle." I nodded. We didn't want to get left out. The briars grow around the castle every night at 9:30 to protect the students of EAH while they are sleeping.
Finally, we arrived at the school's parking lot. We jumped out, and I grabbed Lizzie's hand. I needed to let her know that, while it might seem to ruin the spirit of our 5th date, I had to take out Apple. She was getting too suspicious.
"Oh Lizzie...I wish we could just do this and let the whole world know of our love. But you know we can't. I have to take Apple out sometime this week, or I'll never bring myself to do it." I looked into her eyes, and she gazed back. Suddenly, she started sobbing. I was startled, but quickly recovered.
"Lizzie, what's wrong?!" I hugged her, and gently rubbed her back.
"Its just the whole's hard to keep. I tell numerous lies every day, even to my BFFAs! I love you and will never end this relationship, but it is getting fairy hard to live like this! But, oh Daring, I love you so much! I never want to leave you! But I just have it really hard! I'm rebelling, which is what my mom strongly disapproves of. I just worry everyday that our secret will be exposed. I couldn't bear if we were forced apart!" She was sobbing even harder now. I completely understood.
"Lizzie," I looked right into her shining turquoise eyes. "I know it's hard. I'm rebelling too. But we're going to get through this together. Trust me." I leaned over and gave her a small kiss on the cheek as she took a deep, shuddery breath.
"Well, we had better get inside the castle. The briars will grow soon." We walked hand in hand towards the school. Suddenly, Lizzie let go of my hand, and I heard her facepalm. I looked up to see what the matter was. Scanning the castle. I noticed the briars had finished their nightly job. Now we couldn't get in!
"Oh hex!" I said at the same time as Lizzie.
"What do we do?!" Lizzie turned to me. I spaced out for a little. Sometimes that helps me think. We couldn't sleep in the forest because it would be too cold and the clouds over head smelled like rain. Was there anywhere in Bookend? No. It would make no sense in driving there just to check it out either. The closest hotel was 25 miles away. Wait...driving...
"Well, it's not the best, but we could sleep in my carriage." Lizzie nodded.
"I call the back!" She shouted, running back towards the carriage.
"Ok, anything for you Princess." I smiled. But inwardly, I was worried. We would both have to make up a hexcuse for our lateness and probably risk a tardy. The fake Daring I put on at school is NEVER tardy.
"Sorry, I don't have any blankets or anything." I climbed into the front of the carriage. I wouldn't be able to lay down, but it was okay. Lizzie deserved the best, so she could have the optimal spot of the carriage for sleeping.
As I got comfortable, I heard a tired voice mutter, "No, it's fine. I wouldn't trade this night for the silkiest pillows." I smiled once more, then took off my crown, set it in the driver's seat and laid back. I closed my eyes, and dreamt of tomorrow.
Wow! This chapter is 4042 words. So congratulations on getting to the end :)
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