Chapter 4
Maddie's POV
I hopped out of bed. TEA TIME!!! The kettle was boiling away.
"Turn it ooof!!!" Kitty mewed. I giggled.
"Silly Kitty! It's tea time! What could be more wonderific?!"
"I don't know...maybe more sleep?" She growled. But I didn't let that ruin my spirits. Kitty was always a little grumpy in the morning, unless there was a sunbeam to lay in. I turned to my mouse, Earl Gray.
"One second, you cutie-patootie little mouse you!" I squealed. "I need to go get a dress on so I can properly dressed for tea time!" I lightly patted his head, then somersaulted over to my turqoise and lavender dresser. I opened up the gilded doors to reveal a handful of absolutely mad dresses. I chose a sparkly tan top with purple sleeves and a many colored layered skirt. I tied a blue ribbon around my waist. It needed something else...A HAT! I skadoodled to my hat rack, and picked out a purple hat with golden trimming on a blue headband. So madalicious!
"Okay, Earl! Pour the tea you goofy little mouse!" I plopped down on a stick of pillows. Earl Gray poured the beige tea into my rose teacup. I sipped the steaming liquid. The bubbles fizzled in my mouth, leaving a raspberry tang.
"Mmmmm!" I moaned contentedly. "Fizzleberry tea!" I wiped my mouth. "Well, Earl, this has been a lovely tea party! I hope to see you again in an hour or so!" I swept all the dishes into my hat, the shoved the table and chairs in after it. "Kitty, get up! First period starts soon!" I shouted. Kitty mewed a little, and I left. No, I didn't use the door. I decided to try something new!
Head first, I tumbled through the pale yellow wall. "WHEEEEE!" I shouted. It was quite the exhilarating experience. I tumbled out of someone's smelly locker and right in front of Raven.
"Hello Raven!!! Did you see the frabjous way I entered the hallway?! I didn't know I could even do that!!!" I smile joyfully.
"Wow, Maddie. It's amazing that you can do the imp-" I gasped. My face turned very serious, which is extremely unusual.
"Don't say it's impossible!!! Because then I won't be able to do it!!!" I pouted with big puppy eyes.
"Okay Maddie, I won't. C'mon, I heard Ginger is making hot cross buns for breakfast!!!" The cinnamonny scent hit my nose. Jamie Hook, daughter of Captain Hook and girlfriend of Patrick Pan, appeared next to Raven,
"Really, hot cross buns?! My favorite!! We better hurry, you all know how fast Ginger's pastries go!!" I skipped along to the castleteria. For some reason, Raven and Dexter somersaulted into each other. Silly-willies! I noticed Cedar Wood sitting at a table, biting into a warm bun.
"Helllooo Cedar! Where did you get that?!" Cedar, whose mouth was still full with the raisiny bread, pointed to a girl with bright pink pigtails. I sped off to Ginger.
"Hiya Ginger! Could I please have a hot cross bun?!" She smiled.
"Here Maddie! Oh, and by the way, thanks for finally teaching me how to use a Wonderland kitchen! When I fell into Wonderland...gosh that was quite the experience. But now, I actually like Wonderlandian cooking more than normal cooking!" Oh that's right! A week after Kitty's mom sqadooshed Ever After, Ginger told me her tale. It was so fun to teach her! I told her everything Dad taught me.
I walked over and sat down by Cedar. By then, she had finished her bun.
"I can't tell a lie; these are out of this kingdom!" She exclaimed. I nodded my head up and down vigorously. The buns had a sweet, melt in your mouth cinnamon quality, and were also just every so slightly buttery. I finished eating, and by then Lizzie, Alistair and Bunny had appeared in the castleteria. I ran over and gave each of them a hug, hugging Alistair and Bunny the longest. After all, I hadn't seen them in forever after!
We all walked to get breakfast, and sat down at our usual table. Kitty appeared next to Bunny. Cari Pillar and Max Hare came, but finding no room they moved to a different table. Cari and Bunny seemed to have a silent conversation full of stares and wonderific facial expressions. I giggled in my mind. They all sat, eating their hot cross buns, when the bell rang. I jumped up.
"Time to go to Wonderology!" I squealed. Wonderology was taught by my Dad, and it was the only wonderific class in this school.
"Awesome! I wonder what riddles Mr. Hatter has for me today!" Alistair said excitedly. I smiled up at him.
"You're fairy good at riddles! My dear ol' dad was telling me about how he's running out of riddles to give you!" I beamed. I couldn't wait for the destined tea party that we would share. It would be wonderfully fun! Alistair was such a good friend.
Bunny gave me an evil stare.
"Oopsey-doodles...sorry Bunny." I whispered to her. She had told us Wonderland girls about her crush, and I didn't mean to offend. It's just been so long since I'd seen the two of them and...
"Well, if we want to get there on time, we better get moving! The passing period ends in a couple minutes!" Lizzie shouted. We all scooped up our books and left the castleteria. Being a future queen, Lizzie truly was a natural leader.
Bunny stood up. "I..uh..have to go..take care of something...important." She turned into bunny form and hopped off speedily. We all stared after her.
"Well, that was weird." Kitty said, shaking her head.
We all walked to Wonderology. When I saw the fuchsia door, I couldn't contain my excitement. Since today was Wonderday, or what translates to Monday, my dad taught us all together. Also, every Monday, we switch seats. I have been sitting next to Kitty, and she's nice, but quite mischievous. Although she's notably more reliable now after the Spring Festival, she still is a little sneaky. One day she stole my Hat of Many Things and pulled out Earl Gray to eat!
When we walked inside the classroom, my dad greeted us with a phrase in Riddilish.
"Feathers and friends, again hello!" He smiled warmly.
"A tea boiled just right, a glorious morn!" We all shouted back. It's a customary greeting in Wonderland.
"Well now." My dad looked us over. "Today we must switch seats! I have a seating chart on my desk; please go and check it out! Also, does anyoneperson have a teeny weeny idea where Bunny Blanc is?" Everyone looked at eachother.
"No," We all shouted.
I quickly scooted over to my dads weather-worn wooden desk. This class was made just this year, once all the Wonderland characters arrived. I quickly glanced over the chart. Well, at least I wasn't sitting next to Kitty! I was instead seated next to Alistair and Cari Pillar, the daughter of the Caterpillar.
"So, seat buddies?! Awesome!" Cari and I were fairy good friends back in nursery rhyme school. I haven't seen her since, but we are still thick as thieves! I took my seat in one of the several mismatched chairs in the room. Alistair sat down beside me.
"Hi Maddie! I guess we're now sitting next to each other! Can you survive me for a week?" I giggled.
"Of course Alistair! It has been forever after since I've seen you and now we can catch up! It will be hatfuls of fun!" We started chatting about so many things. Cari jumped in occasionally, but seemed contented to talk to Lizzie most of the time.
"The pin is dropped, it makes no sound!" Mr. Hatter sang to us. It means to be quiet in Riddilish. My dad went on to teach a lesson on about Riddilish. It's kind of like an English class. We're learning new vocab in Riddilish though.
Alistair is a wonderific artist, which will probably help when he needs to pass time in his snuffy mansion. He drew pictures of what the words meant on little pieces of paper, and pushed them to my desk. I have to say, some of them were fairy hilarious! I was having such a hard time concealing my laughter! Eventually, I let it loose. I didn't mean to, but the drawings were just so hilarious!
Unfortunately, my dad moved us. He put Cari in between our seats. Oh curses! Now I couldn't catch up with Alistair. I listened quietly for the rest of the lesson. Even though Cari and I are good friends, she is kind of serious like her no-nonsense father. She pays excellent attention in lessons, even when they are goofy and wonderlandiful!
Every day in Wonderology, the last ten minutes of class are set aside for practicing what we've learned. Cari turned around to me.
"So, Maddie...the turn of time, it makes a rhyme and sings a single tune." Ah, the old Riddilish phrase meaning time has a steady way of doing things. Even in Wonderland, time has a certain pace.'s a little strange. Kind of skabopping and skurpooping every which way, yet if you listen closely, you'll notice a faint beat. So, what Cari said is kind of false.
"In the land we dwell it's song is true, but in land of yore it swerves like a river blue." Cari high-fived me.
"I really need to get better at Riddilish. If I'm ever going to succeed at my destiny, I better learn fast! Do ya think your dad would give me a special class or lesson on Riddilish? Such a complex language!" She sighed and sat back in her chair.
I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Alistair grinning.
"We can talk now!" I stared at him.
"TEA TIME!!!" My dad and I shouted at the same time. From my Hat of Many Things, I pulled out the table, three different chairs, a colorful tea pot filled with boiling Razzmatazz Swirl tea, three turquoise tea cups, a checkered tablecloth and Earl Grey, all in under ten seconds.
We all sat sipping our fizzy tea. "Oh hex! I forgot to get out the crumpets!" I reached around in my bag and found the buttery biscuits. Everyone else stood around, staring awkwardly.
"Oh you silly-billies! Have tea with us for wonders sake! Especially you, Max. You of all people should be super hexcited to have tea! You're my partner in Clyde or however the Ever After saying goes!" I patted a green chair next to me.
"But...all the nonsense..." Max grumbled. I giggled.
"Pshhh, you silly half-rabbit you! Let's get your mad on!" I pushed him down into a seat. The other Wonderlandians sat down and immediately started enjoying the tea and crumpets. Within a minute, the bell rang so I shoved everything inside my hat, and tumbled out the wall again.
Bunny's POV
The sun shone through my window, but it didn't wake me up. I had spent most of the early morning wide awake. Nightmares from Spring Unsprung still haunt me. I woke up from a particularly bad dream at exactly 4:11am. While it's my destiny to be late to an important meeting, it won't be my clocks fault!
Cari rolled over in her bed and yawned quietly.
"Good morning Bunny." She said tiredly as she rubbed the sandman sand out of her eyes. I waved.
"Been up late again?" She asked sympathetically. Cari was really close to all us Wonderlandian girls, and she really is my best friend in the whole group, besides Alistair. While we were stuck in Wonderland, she was the only girl I could talk to. And while I'm still friends with the other girls, friends enough to tell them my crush, they're all too something. Lizzie's too commanding, Kitty's too unreliable and Maddie, well I've really never gotten to know her. But she's also just a little too crazy.
I climbed out of bed and stuffed my feet into a pair of fuzzy white bunny slippers. Cari was already pulling a lavender shirt over her barely blue skin. I walked over to the closet and pulled on a green and pink dress and big boots. As I buttoned them up, Cari opened the door.
"Ready to go, Bunny?"
"Yeah, just one sec." I held up one gloved finger while pulling a golden brush through my short white hair. I brushed a little mascara on my long eyelashes, then grabbed Cari's polka-dotted nailed hand and skipped out the door.
In the hallway, I noticed a familiar dirty blonde mop of hair. Alistair! I let go of Cari's hand and tried to seem casual as I pushed my way through the the crowd towards him. I don't think Cari noticed my absence. I "bumped" into him.
"Oh, hey Bunny." He waved. Was that a tinge of pink on his cheeks? No, it must be my imagination. Or the heat of the crowd. Alistair only saw me as a friend.
I gazed into his blue-grey eyes. "Hi," I said shyly. "Do you want to got get breakfast? A little bird told me that the fableous daughter of the Candy Witch is making hot cross buns!" Actually, I didn't need anyone to tell me. The cinnamon-raisin smell of the vanilla-iced rolls was ALL you could smell.
"Well, let's go get them! Helga and Gus will devour them all if we don't hurry!" I thought about that for a little.
"Well, Ginger only allows one treat per person. Otherwise that would happen." Alistair looked thoughtful.
"Sparrow could steal them all." He said seriously. I started giggling. Alistair was fairy hilarious. We walked side by side towards the castleteria. We were close to it when Lizzie Hearts, the proud Royal, started walking near us. We didn't say anything; Lizzie seemed a little lost in her own thoughts, and I was drinking in all of Alistair's detail.
We arrived at the castleteria. The lavender walls were saturated with the morning light. The smell of raisin bread with a faint hint of vanilla wafted onto my tongue.
We approached our usual table. Maddie ran up to us, her curly turquoise and fuschia streaked hair bouncing everywhere. She wrapped us all in a big hug. I noticed that she gave Alistair and I longer hugs. While we had just arrived, I couldn't help but let some weeds grow in the garden of my mind. Could Maddie have a...crush?! On Alistair?! It couldn't be! And, even worse, could he love her back?! Was I doomed to be the third wheel in a treacherous thing called a love triangle?!
I walked off to get a bun, my mind full of negativity. Once I bit into the warm bread, however, my spirits were lifted. It truly was a mini miracle. The soft inside was music to my taste buds. After a couple minutes, Cari and Max arrived. She looked at me as if to say, "Why'd you leave me?!" She then glanced at Alistair. Looking back at me, I nodded and she seemed to get the message. BFFA's always understand.
A shrill, high-pitched note pierced the air. Madeline Hatter jumped up. "Time to go to Wonderology!" Her face was pinched with extreme excitement. Alistair rose up from beside me.
"Awesome! I wonder what riddles Mr. Hatter has for me today!" He grinned. Maddie beamed a Alistair. It was wicked of her, really, after I told her and the other Wonderland girls about my feelings.
"You're fairy good at riddles! My dear ol' dad was telling me about how he's running out of riddles to give you!" I glared at Maddie. If I wasn't in front of practically everyone in the school, I would...
Maddie walked up to me. "Oopsey-doodles...sorry Bunny." She whispered in my ear. Apologizing for being in love? My heart melted. Maddie really was a sweet girl. And I would do all I could to get them together. That is, if this really was Maddie being in love. She never showed any really loving behavior, just friendship. I could always ask Cupid.
"Well, if we want to get there on time, we better get moving! The passing period ends in a couple minutes!" Lizzie shouted.
Well, I knew what I had to do."I..uh..have to go..take care of something...important." My hearts pounding, I turned into a snowy white rabbit and bounced away. Guess Mr. Hatter would have to deal without me.
As I approached Cupids dorm, I remembered that she would probably be at her first class right now, Potions or something. I decided I would write her a note...or send her a hext. I didn't have any paper on me, or my mirror phone. We aren't supposed to have our phones with us during the school day. We can leave them in our locker, but it was charging in my dorm room. I had a late night last night, and I stayed up watching remixes of Tailor Quick's songs. She's my favorite singer.
Anyways, I hurriedly hopped to my dorm room, still in bunny form. It was easier for me to hide that way. A good thing too! On my way to the dorm room, Headmaster Grimm was patrolling the hallways. I jumped behind a pot. I didn't dare breathe. If Headmaster heard me, I'd be stuck in detention. Skipping classes is against school rules, but the situation was much more important.
I arrived at my dorm room and turned back into a human. I unlocked it and ran inside. My phone was 67% charged, so I ripped the charger out of it, then pressed on my hexting app. Cupid wasn't in my contacts. Great. But she did have a website for her podcast. I looked up True Hearts Cast and copied the phone number.
"Why isn't Cupid in my contacts?!" I scolded myself. "Cupid could have been fairy helpful when I first came to Ever After!"
Finally, I could hext her.
---Cupid, this is Bunny. I kinda have a love situation here. Hext me back if you want to help.
I plugged my mirrorphone back into its charger and sat down on my bed. I rubbed my temples and sighed. Who knew high school could be so hard? Not me. Growing up in Wonderland, I guess we were all näive. Love wasn't a big issue. Only having two boys, none of us ever worried about boyfriends and dates and drama.
And then the Evil Queen destroyed our Wonderland. Maddie, Lizzie and Kitty escaped, along with some adults. I got left behind. And I guess that was when I started to need a shoulder to cry on. I had never really even been friends with Max. He isn't very Wonderlandish. All he does is hate our crazy ways. So, Max was out of the question. Cari? We were friends, but she's a girl. Plus, she's a little squeamish. I don't think she'll want someone sobbing on her. So, that's when I turned to Alistair.
We had been sort of friends, not exactly. But then our friendship strengthened. And while its probably one sided, it grew into something much more. So seeing Alistair and Maddie acting as though there is probably a relationship beginning really hurts me. Maybe I got too hopeful? Either way, I needed Cupids help more than ever.
I still had 10 minutes until 1st period was over. My next class was nothing exciting. Public speaking. Blah. I was stuck with a bunch of prissy princesses and loud heralders. Absolutely nothing mad.
I grabbed my phone and curled up with it on the bed. I decided to read through all the hexts that Maddie sent us in our group chat last night, just to see if there was any evidence that she really liked Alistair. Suddenly, a new hext appeared in the chat. It was from Lizzie.
----So, Hocus Latte after a movie?
I was confused. Was there some plan I didn't know about? And also, why did Lizzie have her phone in class?! Lizzie would never break the rules! I'd have to ask her at lunch.
The bell was going to ring in two minutes, so I grabbed my books, plugged my phone back in and stepped into the hallway.
Wow... This chapter is 3400 words!!! That's probably the longest ever. Sorry if it's taking long to update. I can't believe we have like 800! So close to 1000. Hope you enjoyed this supper long chapter. If you have any suggestions feel free to message us or comment. Don't forget to vote!!! This is
im-isabelle (or just Isabelle yeah just Isabelle). :)
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