Chapter Two
Christine's POV
I snuggled deeper into (y/n)'s warm hoodie, bored in my history class. History was typically a class I actually liked, since plenty of musicals are based on it, but today I couldn't think straight, let alone focus like I normally did.
My mind bounced from the school play to the hoodie to (y/n). The whole confrontation today was quite alarming, since both the boys knew I had a huge crush on (y/n). Like ginormous. Like sometimes I would dream about her kissing me or our wedding, cheesy stuff like that.
As s matter of fact, I had just done so last night, dreamed about her that is, but I dreamed of a date where we were in the middle of nowhere, the stars were out, and we were just talking and watching the sky.
Nobody would pin me as a hopeless romantic, but I totally was. Especially when there was a girl like her in my life. She was hilarious, a fantastic actress and singer, super sweet, and just the right amount of sassy and sarcastic. Not to mention, she was super gorgeous. The kind of gorgeous that made me doubt I was in the only one in school who was super into her.
She was just... perfect.
The teacher started playing a video on the board. It was a scene from Newsies, since we were studying the actual newsboy strike that the show was based on. We were studying the Gilded Age and child labor in general, but since it was a real event with understandable media based off of it, that's why we were learning about it.
I smiled to myself, watching the video while playing with the sleeves of this hoodie. I definitely considered "forgetting" to take it off and bringing it home tonight and returning it tomorrow. And then decided I would.
The hoodie smelled just like (y/n), it was warm and safe. I imagined myself wearing it as her girlfriend, wearing it for a couple days before giving it back because it stopped smelling like her, and immediately just taking another. She had plenty of hoodies, it would be a good system. And she'd always find me cute and kiss me quick because she couldn't help it, then we'd just give each other stupid smiles reserved for one another.
And I went off on a tangent again. But to be fair, it was about (y/n) so it's understandable.
The bell blared, bringing me out of my misery. I was dying in that class, I swear. Plus, I was blushing like mad because of my little daydreams. This happened to be the last class of the day, so I just had to hope that I wouldn't run into (y/n) on the way to Michael's car. They liked to gossip and hear me rant about her. They thought it was funny or something.
"Hey, Christine!" Jeremy called out to me. I smiled and jogged over to him. He seemed to notice my attire and smirked.
"Still wearing the hoodie?"
"Shut up, I just didn't have a chance to give it back," I lied.
"We have 7th period with her,"
"Well I forgot then, plus I was cold,"
"We could always find-"
"No, we can't, we won't, nope," I interrupted frantically. He just chuckled mischievously and lead the way to the beat up PT Cruiser that was our ride home.
Michael honked at us from inside so we climbed in hurriedly, since that thing had a honk that sounded like the tortured souls of students wailing about their 40% on their finals.
"Wearing the hoodie I see," Mike teased. I blushed a bit and nodded.
"It's really cozy and it smells good, I didn't really wanna take it off," I gushed, smiling one of those stupid smiles I saved for her. I always opened up more in the safety of the car than outside. I'm not big on people hearing about my crush. I'm not even out to most people, just our little friend group.
"You have to confess to her one of these days," Jeremy teased.
"No, I don't. I shall continue pining over her for the rest of time," I said dramatically, in the voice I used for Juliet last year.
"No more pining or I'll tell her myself," Michael scolding, keeping his eyes on the road. I had no clue when we started moving but we were indeed driving.
"You wouldn't dare!" I gasped.
"Oh, but I would," he chuckled. I understood they were both pretty tired of this. They wanted their OTP be canon, but I wasn't ready yet. I had to be ready for rejection, no matter how gentle I knew she'd be. She was considerate, having been rejected before.
"I'm not ready yet, I'll try soon. Maybe when prom comes around, we have that this year now. Or maybe before Christmas. Just not now," I begged. They seemed to take it into consideration.
"Valid, I guess. But it has to be this school year, okay?" Jeremy bargained, turning back to face me from the shotgun seat. I nodded in determination. I could do this, the whole year was plenty of time. I could spend forever planning it and still do it by prom! Or, opening night for our show maybe? Who knows happened to lay ahead?
I hoped what laid ahead was us getting cast as Alyssa and Emma so I could kiss her. On top of singing a sad song about my mother's expectations and father leaving. But at least it's a cute love story. A cute love story where, if we got our desired roles, we'd kiss. I kept lingering on the whole 'kiss' thing because duh! It's a kiss with the girl of my dreams, therefore heck yeah!
"Earth to Chrissy," Michael interrupted my lovely thoughts. I realized that they were both staring at me. I then realized the car was stopped.
"We've been at your house for five minutes," Jeremy stated, trying not to laugh. He failed, bursting out laughing.
"Oh hush!" I opened the door and tumbled out, nearly face-planting on the concrete of my driveway. "This changes nothing!" I heard laughter behind me as I closed the door and ran into my house.
Once I was in the lovely house, the scent of lots of flowers hit me straight in the face. This was what the house always smelled like, because my moms were pretty big on floral scents. I smiled at the scent of home and went to my lavender painted room and threw my backpack to the ground.
I looked down and was still wearing the hoodie. My parents had seen her in it so I knew if they saw me in it, they'd tease me endlessly. I debated taking it off, but it was cozy and smelled just like that perfume she liked.
Yeah, I was gonna keep it on.
(1157 words)
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