Not Reliable
Phantom watched Aqualad spar with Superboy, he had told Black Canary that his leg had healed but she didn't believe him. He was forced to watch the matches though, at least he had Cujo so he wasn't completely bored. He had made a ball out of ectoplasm and he was playing fetch with Cujo at the moment.
When Batman's arrival was announced Phantom wondered if Batman had a mission for them. He felt like the answer was going to be yes and he wasn't going to like it, hopefully he was wrong. Aqualad and Superboy stopped sparing as Batman walked closer and the team gathered around him.
"You've got a mission." Everyone was at attention and Cujo stayed by Phantom's side while Batman brought up a few pictures. "We've received word that the Injustice League is up to something, I need you to figure out what it is."
They all nodded and Phantom looked neutral, "Who told you that something was going on?"
"Your questioning our sources?" Batman asked.
Phantom crossed his arms, "I always question it if I have a reason to, not everyone is trustworthy Batman."
Batman saw the cautious look in Phantom's eyes and he felt a bit bad, it was probably hard for Phantom to trust anyone. Batman looked Phantom in the eye, "The information came from a reliable source, I've looked into it myself." Something in the back of Phantom's mind told him that this was a bad idea but he ignored it.
The team left as soon as they could, Phantom had Cujo stay behind since he didn't want the ghost dog getting hurt. They left in the bio-ship and Phantom stayed silent the whole time, it worried the others just a little. As they started getting close to where they needed to be Phantom's uneasy feeling grew, something was up.
When they landed they got to what looked like a base, Phantom had seen pictures of the one they had three years ago. This one was very similar but it was in a different location, it was in a rocky area that was hard to get to. Everyone looked for a way inside but they didn't see any, Phantom was the only one that did.
Aqualad mentally sighed, "I do not see a way in."
"Then what are we supposed to do?" Artemis asked.
Phantom's eyes narrowed, his senses were screaming for him to run but he couldn't. "There is one way in."
Everyone looked at Phantom, "How?" Robin asked.
"I can go intangible and get in, I can stay invisible and see if I find anything."
Megan looked shocked, "You can use density shifting?"
Phantom shook his head, "It's not the same thing, intangibility allows ghosts to go through walls, we can choose not to touch something in the human realm. I get rejected by this plane of existence in a way, it's not density shifting."
Aqualad shook his head, "It is to dangerous for you to go alone, not without the mind link. We can force our way in if you get in trouble but it's likely that the comms will be rendered useless once you're inside."
Phantom sighed in irritation and concentrated for a minute with his eyes closed. Phantom opened his eyes, "Try the mind link now."
Megan nodded and she linked everyone up, 'Is everyone here?'
'This is weird.' Phantom said into the mind link, everyone was shocked but they quickly snapped out of it. 'Can I go inside now?'
Aqualad nodded, 'Just be careful.' Phantom said something in ghost in his mind since the others could hear his thoughts. It translated to, 'Like my guard hasn't been up since before we even left.' He disappeared in front of the team's eyes and there wasn't even a distortion in the air as he flew away.
Kid Flash was shocked, 'Where did you go?'
'I turned invisible, why are you so surprised?'
'Because there wasn't a distortion in the air.'
'Ghosts don't create distortions when they go invisible, now hush, I'm close to the base.' Phantom went intangible and went through the walls of the base, if his senses were yelling before they were screaming bloody murder now. He didn't know what was wrong but he didn't like it, what the hell was going on?
'Did you make it into the base?' Superboy asked.
'Yeah, it's weird though.'
'Is something wrong?' Megan asked. Before Phantom could answer he was blasted in the back and he fell out of the air. He had dropped his intangibility which was a stupid mistake, he accidentally let go of his invisibility once he hit the floor. Phantom managed to stand up and his eyes widened, he was surrounded by GIW agents.
'Fuck!' Phantom said into the mind link, he hadn't meant to.
'What's going on, Phantom what happened?' Robin asked.
'Don't come in here, it's-' He was cut off when he had to dodge a blast, then everyone started shooting at him and he had to dodge. Then someone caught him off guard and they trapped him in a net, it was ghost proof. Then Phantom was electrified and he acted like it hurt, he had to hide his powers from them.
Phantom wasn't able to get out of the net though, he was draining his power and his vision started going black. 'Tell Batman that it wasn't reliable.' Phantom blacked out and the agents took him away while the team started to panic a little.
Artemis turned to Aqualad, "We have to help him, he could be hurt."
Aqualad hesitated for a minute, Phantom warned them to stay away but he was their friend and they couldn't just leave him. He nodded, "We'll go inside and help Phantom, we must be careful though." Everyone nodded and they went to help Phantom, they were all hoping he was okay.
When they busted a hole in the wall Phantom wasn't there, the base was completely empty. There were burn marks on the walls and the floor, they weren't sure what happened. The only thing they knew was that Phantom was gone and they needed to find him.
They went back to Mt. Justice and Robin contacted Batman while they were in the bio-ship. Batman was at the mountain when they got there and he looked even more serious than usual, they didn't think that was possible. "Tell me what happened."
Aqualad looked slightly sad, "We got to the base and Phantom went inside to see what he could find. We believe he was attacked while he was inside and he was taken, he warned us to stay away before we lost contact."
"Did he say who attacked him, anything at all?" Batman asked.
Megan looked worried and sad, "He said your source was unreliable, that was the very last thing he said." Batman started to think while everyone wondered what they were going to do. Then Cujo walked up to them and looked around, he was trying to find Phantom.
When the ghost dog couldn't find him he looked at the team and he figured out what was happening by looking at their faces. Cujo barked at them and they looked at the dog curiously, he looked so sad, he lost his friend again. Robin knelt down and Cujo walked up to him and Robin picked him up and stood up again.
As Robin started to pet Cujo Batman looked at them, "We'll do everything we can to find Phantom. Once we find his location several Leaguers will go with you to get him, I'll contact you if we find anything." Batman left the mountain using the zeta tubes, he was going to find Phantom.
I was asked to update today so I am! I hope you liked it!
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