Ready Or Not
I'd like to mention that I'm not ending this when they get married. I have so many plans and barely any time to fit them all in, but their wedding is very soon!
Also, I'm not gonna be home for the next like- 2 weeks for my birthday, but I have one more chapter prepared!! So, unless I end up writing another, expect one this week and one next week! :D
I woke up, seeing that Scott was still sleeping. The sun was just barely rising, so I didn't want to wake him up just yet. I fidgeted with the ring on my finger, happy to be here with him. Honestly, I don't think I've ever felt love like this before. I don't really know why, maybe we were just soulmates or something? Or maybe I had never truly been in love? Either way, I was happy to be in a relationship with Scott. And I was even happier I'm in a safe place to do so. Now that I've been staying with him in Rivendell, it's been amazing! Life in the Cod Empire was honestly hell, but mainly because of my father. He was pretty horrible, but I'm glad to be away from him. I feel safe now, and that's all I really wanted. I played with Scott's hair, wishing we could stay here forever. He was so amazing,, I loved him so much. That's when I realized Scott was starting to wake up, and seemed a bit anxious.
"Is everything okay?" I mumbled, moving my hand away.
"Yeah, I just had a nightmare. But goodmorning!" He blew it off as nothing, something he did quite a bit.
I noticed a lot of different things about Scott. One of which, was that he never really expressed his emotions. He kinda just kept them to himself.
"Goodmorning." I watched as he looked up to me, smiling.
"How long have you been awake?"
"Not long, maybe a few minutes?" I laughed.
"I'm glad I didn't keep you here for too long." He laughed in return, standing up.
"I have to meet with Katherine this morning, so I should probably get going." He dusted himself off, grabbing his bag.
"Already? The sun's barely up!" I frowned, standing up as well.
"Yeah,, I said I'd meet her early." He looked back up at me, a small smile forming on his face.
"Well then, we should get going." I grabbed my bag as well, starting to walk back through the forest.
"Wait up! You know I'm slow!"
"You have wings!"
"Oh, wait, you're right!"
Scott had been gone for about an hour now, and I was just doing whatever I could. I talked to Xornoth, mainly just about wedding stuff. Then Lizzie visited for a bit. She was the only one who knew I was staying with Scott other than his family. It felt great to talk to her again, we haven't really talked since I left the Cod Empire. Lizzie said I should probably start telling the other Emperors that I was here now, or they would be confused to why I didn't show up to events. And she was right, I probably did need to start telling people. Lizzie was also the first person I actually told about me and Scott, which knowing our wedding was tomorrow, is also something I need to tell everyone. But they would all find out eventually, right? Lizzie eventually had to leave, meaning I had nothing to do again. All I could do was wait. And I'm probably one of the most impatient people you could think of.
"Hey, Jimmy!" Scott smiled, walking back in the house.
"I missed you." I smiled, getting up from the stairs to hug him.
"It's been like 2 hours." He laughed, hugging me back.
"That's a long time." I mumbled, pulling away.
"Well, now I'm home!"
"What did you even need to talk with Katherine about anyway?"
"I found a glowing flower the other day, so I brought it to her." He laughed.
"Really? I found a glowing mushroom, turned out to be some sort of healing spell? I talked to Shrub about it!" I sat back down on the steps.
"She mentioned that! Apparently, the flower's something to do with luck?" He sat down next to me, smiling.
"Maybe they have some sort of magical connection!" I joked.
"Who knows, they might!"
"Are you sure you're ready? Your wedding is tomorrow!" Xornoth seemed more nervous than I was, honestly.
"I know I am! I love Scott so much, and I'd love to be his husband." I smiled.
"But tomorrow!?"
"Yes, Xornoth."
He didn't respond, walking away with a worried look on his face. Why was he so nervous about it?
I decided not to think about it, instead making my way up to Scott's room.
"Hello?" I knocked, creaking open the door slightly.
"Oh! Hi, Jimmy!" He smiled, gesturing for me to come in.
"What're you doing?" I closed the door behind me.
"Writing wedding invitations! We probably should've done this earlier,, to be honest." He chuckled nervously, although smiling.
"Are you sure you're ready to get married?" I asked.
"Yeah, why? Are you not? We can move the date-"
"No, no! I just want to make sure you are." I smiled, cutting him off.
"But, are you? Your father would probably find out." My heart shattered, and I think it was visible.
Scott quickly got up and hugged me, although I didn't hug back. I didn't think of the fact he'd know. He'd know where I was. He could hurt us,, both of us. I felt myself begin to cry, melting into his arms.
"You're not ready, are you." Scott mumbled.
"I- I don't know."
"We should change the date." He pulled away, looking at me.
"No, no, I don't want to." I wiped the tears from my eyes, forcing a smile.
"Jimmy,," He cut himself off.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled.
"Don't apologize, you have nothing to apologize for."
"I don't know what I want anymore, Scott." I felt like a shitty boyfriend, and I really was.
"Do you not want to get married?" He didn't seem upset by it, which made me feel a bit happier.
"No, no! I want to get married,, I just, I don't want my father to know. What if he hurts you?" I started crying again, shit.
"He won't be able to hurt us, I promise. We have guards all around the palace, inside and out, there's no way he can get in unnoticed."
"Are you sure?" My voice was starting to get shaky.
"Yes." He brought me into another hug.
"Sorry for getting you wrapped up in my problems." I laughed, trying to hide how horrible I felt, but I think I failed.
"Don't be sorry. Anytime you need help, I'll be here. I love you, and I care about you so much." He smiled, pulling away.
"Thank you." I smiled as well.
"Do you want to change the date?"
"No, I think it'll be fine."
I've had something planned out for so long and I can't wait for you guys to see it. You'll love it, I promise. 😻
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