My writers block has returned, so don't expect the next chapter for a while ☹️
I walked back upstairs to my room, seeing how Jimmy was awake now.
"You're awake!"
He sat up in bed, stretching.
"Goodmorning." He smiled.
I sat down next to him, grabbing his hand.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked, rubbing his hand gently.
"Mhm,," He nodded, still seeming quite tired.
"I'm glad."
"Do your parents know I'm here?" He asked, looking towards me.
"I don't think so, but Xornoth definitely does." I chuckled.
"Do you think they'd care?"
"They usually don't mind when someone's over, and if they know we're dating, they won't give a fuck." I kissed his lips softly, pulling away after a moment.
"That's great! I should probably get ready,, huh?" He laughed.
"Mhm! Do you need some clothes?"
"I think there's some in my bag!" He stood up, walking over to the small brown backpack he brought with him.
I don't know why, but Jimmy always carried a backpack with him.
"Okay!! I'll leave so you can get changed." I walked out of the room, closing the door.
"So is your boyfriend finally up?" Xornoth laughed, watching as I walked down the steps.
"Why are you always right there when I leave my room?"
"Magic. Anyway, you should answer the question." I couldn't quite tell if that was a statement or a threat.
"Yes, he is. Why?" I stood next to him.
"Yes!! I finally get to figure out who it is!" He walked off into the other room, celebrating.
I laughed, quietly waiting at the bottom of the stairs for Jimmy.
About 5 minutes later, he walked out smiling as he saw me.
"Scott!" He rushed down the stairs.
"Be careful!" I laughed, watching as a slowed down just a bit.
"Hello!" He said, smiling.
"Hi, Jimmy." I said awkwardly.
"Don't be surprised if Xornoth comes barging in, he's been pestering me about who you are."
"Really? He doesn't kn-"
"So it was Jimmy!" Xornoth interrupted.
"I-" Jimmy laughed.
"I knew you weren't straight!" He seemed proud of himself.
"Shh! I'm still in denial!"
"You have a boyfriend,, and I'm right here!" I chuckled.
"Shut it!"
"Okay okay, now go back to being gay. I'll leave." Xornoth walked away, clearly peaking at us from behind the corner.
"Fine, fine!" This time he actually left, leaving both me and Jimmy laughing hysterically.
"Was it really that obvious I'm gay?"
"I mean, I thought you were straight, so-"
"Besides that, I wanted to ask you something, Scott!!" He caught me off guard a bit, but I was genuinely curious.
"Yes?" I smiled, holding his hand.
"Do you want to go on like a real date? Like as boyfriends?"
"Yes!! Of course I do!"
"Great! What about later today?" He smiled, kissing my cheek.
"That sounds grea-"
"Ooo my little brother's going on a date!!!" Xornoth interrupted again.
"Didn't you leave like 2 minutes ago?" I laughed once again, Xornoth was being dramatic, (as usual.)
"Yeah,, but then mother said she needed you again." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Ah, okay!" I smiled, letting go of Jimmy's hand and going towards our mother.
"Scott! Hello!" She said, waving.
"I forgot to ask earlier, but I wanted to make sure you have everything ready for the wedding? Like your outfit and decorations?"
"Yes, I believe so. I'm not sure if my boyfriend does though, should I ask?" I still wasn't sure if she knew I was gay, but I didn't think she'd care.
"Yes! Please do!" She smiled, watching as I walked off back towards Jimmy.
"So, you're gonna take good care of him right? And if you even slightly hurt him I will-"
"Xornoth! What the fuck!" This time it was my turn to interrupt.
"I'm so sorry about him, Jimmy." I frowned, looking over towards both of them.
"Here, let's go up to my room. I need to ask you something, it would probably be better to do in private." I glared over to Xornoth, grabbing Jimmy's hand.
"Is everything okay?" He asked, clearly worried.
"Yeah!! A just have a very important question for you." I smiled, laughing a bit.
"Yeah?" He said.
"Okay, I want to make sure before I ask the actual question that you're actually okay with it, so-" I cut myself off.
"Scott!" He laughed.
"Sorry, sorry! Do you want to get married? I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable with!!" I smiled awkwardly.
"Yes?? Isn't that obvious? I'm so fucking in love with you it's unbearable!!"
"Really?" I laughed in return, smiling uncontrollably.
"Yes!?" He laughed with me.
"Okay, okay, let me ask the actual question now." I said, after a moment of just pure laughter.
"Do you have everything ready for the wedding? My mother can still change the date if it's needed!" I smiled, grabbing his hand again.
"Hmm, I believe so. I may need to get an outfit,, but I think there's still time for that!" He thought for a moment before answering.
"Alright, great! Now this is the time we make out like all of those other couples when they first get engaged." I said jokingly, once again, not expecting much of a reaction.
Which, to my surprise, I didn't really get. He just started kissing me. Not that I was complaining, this is my fiancé, the love of my life!! Of course I want to kiss him!
I just relized how I always write at either 10 am or 10 pm now- that's odd- ANYWAY-
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