A Magical Mushroom
I'm supposed to be taking a break rn but I kinda wanted to start the part, soo
GUYS IM POSTING THIS TOMORROW AND MAYBE STILL HAVE TO FINISH IT BUT WHY DO WE HAVE 1.06K READS. WHY DID I FUCKING MISS 1K. YOU GUYS SUCK. (/J ily guys like omg thank you for supporting and liking my fanfic! I don't see what you guys like in it so much ☹️)
"Hmmm," Shrub looked at the mysterious mushroom carefully.
"I recognize this from old fairy tales,, I didn't think they'd be real." She looked back up to me.
"What is it? What does it do?"
"It's supposed to heal anything or anyone, but can only be used by the person that discovered it. In this case, you." She looked back up to me, that explains why it was glowing in my hands so much more than in Shrubs.
"Woah, really? How does it work?" I asked, wanting to learn more about this healing-mushroom.
(I just realized you guys probably thought it was gonna be some sort of love mushroom so TAKE THAT FOR THINKING I WASN'T GONNA BE UNIQUE.)
"We still don't know much about it, as we had thought it was fake, but I can give you the fairy tales to read if that may help!" She handed the mushroom back to me, it lighting up even more once again.
"Oo, yeah! That sounds helpful!" I smiled as she ran inside to grab the book.
As I entered The Cod Empire, I watched all of the house lights turn off. Everyone was getting ready for bed. I feel like it was normal for me to get back around this time. Everyone's gone, just me. No screaming children, laughing and running around. There was nothing. It was somewhat comforting, but weird at the same time. It wasn't normal for me just to sit in the town, especially this late, but here we are. It was quite relaxing to me. Nothing I had to worry about. Nothing I had to do. Just me, sitting alone, on a bench, in the empty town. It was great.
I decided now was definitely the best time to start reading those fairy tales. It was quiet and easy to focus.
The book was heavy, filled to the brim with almost a hundred different tales. They were shorter with larger words, making them a bit quicker for me to read. There was honestly some very interesting facts in there, not just about the mushroom. A couple of the other flowers I had saw there were also in this book, surprisingly.
I was honestly tempted to go back and get a few of those flowers. They were so beautiful, I wish I had grabbed some earlier. I could've made a flower crown for Scott! Scott. Why was Scott the first person that I thought of? Did I really have a crush on some straight guy? I did, didn't I. He's stressed out with finding a queen and everything anyway, I just need to get over him.
(Little did Jimmy know, Scott was LITERALLY HEAD OVER HEELS OH MY GOD MARRY ME RIGHT NOW for him.)
Scott was straight, right? Xornoth and Lizzie were just joking, right? Oh man, I don't think it's a joke anymore. I think I actually like him.
Does he like me back? No, those were just jokes. He can't like me back. It's not that I don't want him to. Like I would do ANYTHING to lay in his lap while he played with my hair and cud- okay yeah I have a crush on him. Now that leaves me with another problem. What the hell is my sexuality? I'm clearly not straight. Maybe Bisexual? Pansexual? I'm so lost. I wish I could just know everything already, it would make everything so much easier! Or maybe just date Scott? He could probably help me figure it out. Fucking hell, why was he always the first person to come to my mind!? Lizzie, Joel, Pixl, literally anyone could help me, but I thought of Scott! I wish he wasn't straight, it would be great to be in a relationship with him. We both need to get married to someone soon, it would solve both of our problems. What the fuck am I thinking? He's straight. Get over him, Jimmy!
"Jimmy, you're running out of time! You only have a few days to choose your wife!" My father was raising his voice, clearly upset.
"Don't worry, I have a person in mind." Scott.
"I already have someone to marry you, I know you'll fail, Jim. Stop stalling and find yourself a wife!" He stood up from his seat, slamming his hands on the table before he walked off. I was used to him doing things like this, it was quite common around here. He didn't think anything of me. Did he really think I wouldn't be able to get a wife? I mean, I guess if it was only a week, and I had very poor communication skills, it would be quite hard to get one. Damn, now I have another thing to question about myself.
I will forever be making fun of Jimmy for not knowing Scott likes him even though I wrote his character, you can't do anything about it. Anyway, ily guys!
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