A Date
Jimmy's pov!! I'm super excited to write this part tbh, and it's the 10th one! Like, how are we already on part 10??
TW: Alcohol!!
I looked in the mirror, feeling quite confident in myself. I wasn't dressing extremely formal, but you could definitely tell I was going for a more fancy look. I told Scott to dress with the same intentions,, but I'm not sure if he'd follow it. Scott was always wearing something formal. It was something every royal in Rivendell did. It was honestly quite impressive.
I made my way into the closet, looking for my boots. The first thing I saw when I opened the door was Scott's cape. I had been taking good care of it, making sure to keep it in the same condition it was in when I got it. Scott said I could keep it,, but I feel quite bad keeping something like it. He did say he had quite a few though, since they were a common thing around Rivendell, but it still feels weird having it.
I quickly grabbed the boots I was looking for and closed the door again. As I put them on, I felt myself grow anxious. I was going on my first official date, and it was with someone that didn't like me back. My smile faded thinking about that fact. Scott doesn't like me, and never has. He's straight. Why am I so sad? I've known this for so long! I need to find someone that would actually like to date me,, I don't want to marry some random person.
I made my way to Mezalea, carrying a small picnic basket. I feel like it was obvious I was planning a picnic at this point, even to Scott. I walked around, looking for the perfect spot to set up.
Joel had agreed to me having this picnic with Scott, and had told me just to have it anywhere I'd like. He wasn't supposed to be home until late today either, so we didn't have to worry about bugging him.
I set the blanket on the ground, in perfect view of where the sun should set. I put the basket right on top of it, opening it carefully. I had packed chocolate covered strawberries, a few sandwiches, and some red wine. I was honestly quite excited for Scott to arrive, knowing that this should be quite enjoyable. I closed the basket once again, deciding to make my way to our meeting spot.
I was patently waiting for Scott to arrive. We decided to meet up right outside Mezalea, and I was there a bit early. I was overthinking a bit, thinking Scott didn't actually want to come to this date. I mean, I hope he does, but I don't want him to feel obligated to. We're just hanging out, as friends! As friends, right? That's all we are! Just friends! Yeah! Just friends.
As I continued to think, Scott arrived, landing a bit Infront of me.
"Ah! Good to see you, Prince." Scott bowed, being very formal for such an odd occasion.
"Yes, yes! It's great to see you as well!" I bowed in return, watching as he smiled.
As I led Scott to the small picnic spot, I grew nervous again. What if he doesn't like it? He will, right?
When we reached the picnic spot, Scott's face lit up. He was clearly excited to see everything.
I sat down, Scott soon following. We weren't very close, another person could sit in between us comfortably, but it still felt romantic. The sun would be setting in a few minutes as well! I was extremely excited, and very relieved Scott was happy.
I opened the picnic basket, pulling out the food, wine, and glasses.
"Would you like some wine?" I asked, gesturing towards Scott.
"Yes, please." He was being quite respectful.
I poured him some wine, filling the glass about halfway in case he didn't want much. He smiled as I handed it to him, taking a small sip soon after.
"You have to get married soon, right?" I asked as we watched the sun set.
"Yeah,, I do. I have someone in mind, I'm not sure if he likes me though." I felt excited and shocked at the same time. Was Scott gay?
"What?" I asked, looking over to him.
I FINISHED IT YES! I'm not sure if this is coming out late, and knowing me, I'll probably add a lot to it before it goes out, but I'm really happy about it rn :D ily!!
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