A Brutal Place
I meant to post this yesterday, then completely forgot-
"Scott, Jimmy! Can I talk to you both for a moment?" Scott's mother was calling us.
"Come on!" Scott laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs.
"Hello, boys!" His mother said, she was waiting at the bottom of the steps.
"Good evening, miss!" I smiled, Scott doing the same.
"Are you both ready for the wedding tomorrow morning? It's not too late to change the date if it's needed."
Scott immediately turned to me, seeming a bit worried. I smiled, nodding.
"I think so." He turned back to his mother.
"Alright, great! It's tomorrow evening, but I'm guessing you both already knew that." She laughed.
"Yep! I was just finishing up the invitations, they should reach each empire later today!" Scott smiled, watching as his mother gestured for us to return upstairs.
Scott pulled me back up, this time with a little less force, as his mother walked off.
"So,," He laughed, closing the door after we walked back in his room.
"Do you wanna read over one of the letters? I'd love your opinion on it!" He smiled.
"Yes, please!" He handed me an unsealed letter, addressed to the Grimlands.
You have been invited to a wedding between Solidarity of the Cod Empire and Smajor of Rivendell. This will be held in the Rivendell church on July 9th, at 6pm. We'd be happy to see you there. Feel free to invite any of your people as well!
Warm regards,
"It's great!" I handed the letter back to him, smiling softly.
"I'm glad you like it! I just need to finish a few more."
The thought of me being married to Scott was fucking amazing. I was only worried about my father. I didn't want him to be there, nor any of his people. But knowing my luck, he's going to be at the wedding. And he's definitely going to be disappointed. I would be too. I'm gay, rulers aren't supposed to be gay! Right? No,, Scott's a great ruler, and he's gay! What the fuck is wrong with me. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I shouldn't be like this!
I decided to go to sleep early, mainly just to get my mind off things. Scott had left the room a while ago, I'm guessing he was just talking to someone, but that's none of my business. I changed into my pajamas quickly, getting into bed. I need to stop overthinking everything. I was honestly quite tired, maybe this was better anyway. I thought about random things before falling asleep, mainly the wedding.
"Good morning." I heard someone say from a far.
It was pitch black, all I could see was a figure walking towards me.
"Maybe you'll have a better reaction." They held out their hand towards me.
"Who are you?" I was nervous, but tried to stay clam.
"That's nothing you need to know. Now, are you coming with me or not?" Their eyes glowed a bright red, scaring me a bit.
"What would happen if I didn't?"
"You'd be trapped in the dark till you woke up. That little boyfriend of yours almost went crazy staying here." They laughed, but it sounded more evil than anything.
"Yes, of course it was Scott. Now are you gonna come with me?" I took their hand, feeling how cold it was.
"I'm glad." They smirked, pulling me into a light that formed behind them.
"Where are we?" We seemed to be in a desert of some sort.
"Don't you remember?"
I didn't respond, just watching.
Soon enough, two people came out of a tower-type building.
"So, when are they getting here?" One asked the other.
"I'm not sure, hopefully soon." The other replied, smiling as they walked down the hill.
"Who are they?"
"You ask too many questions."
"Why'd you run ahead of me?" Someone came up from behind us, panting.
"Woah, why do you look so confused? Are you alright?" They looked straight at me, a bit concerned for a second.
I looked over to figure that brought me here, only to see they had disappeared.
"Sorry, yeah. I'm fine." I turned around, looking at the two others, now walking over to us.
"Took you guys long enough!"
"Woah there, Tim. You alright?" The other looked straight at me, making me a bit more nervous than before.
I just nodded in response, still confused to where I was.
"So! Welcome to Sandland! It's been a while since you've both been here." One laughed.
"It really has, hasn't it. We've mainly just met up at our base!" The more I listened, the more I recognized the voices.
One sounded exactly like Scott.
I looked down at my hands. I had pale grey skin, something that made me a bit confused. I was wearing torn, red gloves, and the ring Scott gave me yesterday.
"Jimmy, are you really okay?" I was caught off guard by this, forgetting I was with other people.
"Here, let's talk for a moment. We'll be right back, Grian." Grian?
"Now, what's going on?" They had brought me over to the forest, trying to get me to talk to them.
I didn't respond. What was I supposed to say? "Oh yeah, I'm stuck in a dream right now." Like what the fuck? I didn't even know who this was.
"Are you just gonna stay silent all day? You have to talk at some point."
"I- I don't know." I mumbled.
"Are you worried about the end or something? Really, Jimmy, what's wrong?" The end?
"I don't remember anything." I whispered, just barely loud enough for someone to hear.
"What?" They seemed shocked, I just looked down to my feet.
"Do you remember me?" I looked back up, trying to scan their features to figure out who they were.
I shook my head, and they looked devastated.
"Nothing? At all?"
"I don't even know where I am." I mumbled, wanting to cry.
"Stay here." They ran off towards the other two people, leaving me here.
"Oh fuck,, I fucked up.." I mumbled, watching as the others faces morphed into some shock-worried look.
Then all of them came over to me.
"Do you remember who either of us are?"
I looked up to them, then looking down to my feet, as if to say no.
"Oh my god,," The other mumbled.
"We should get home. I'm sorry, we'll talk later." One started leading me somewhere.
"Bye, Jimmy! Bye, Scott!" One waved.
"Bye, Scar."
Wait, was this Scott?
"Okay, now, we need to figure out what happened." Scott mumbled, pacing around back and forth Infront of a river.
He had me sit down on a bench near it.
"Maybe Dogwarts did something?" He mumbled, looking up to me.
"Okay, what do you remember?" He sat down next to me, trying to smile.
"Um, the shadowy figure that brought me here, your voice, the ring, something to do with poppies?" I thought of everything I could.
"Wait, wait, shadowy figure?" He seemed shocked.
"Yeah, I fell asleep, and then boom! I was in this like super dark area, then a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes just said things like, 'That little boyfriend of yours almost went crazy here.' And I think they were talking about you?" I ranted about the whole experience, worried for his reaction.
"So, you're not Jimmy." He stood up, and pulled out his sword.
"Woah, woah! Slow down!" He lowered the sword, but still seemed very on edge.
"I am Jimmy. And I'm dating you, right?"
"You remember?"
"I don't know anymore." I laughed, trying to make a joke out of the situation.
"Do you know where you are?"
"The last place I remember being was Rivendell, but this place is no where near as cold. So, no."
"You're on 3rd Life. I'm guessing you aren't from here?" Why do I recognize that name?
"I don't know. Maybe?"
"By the way, why am I grey?" I said, looking up to him.
"You're on your last life, Jimmy."
"Oh, wait, that makes sense." I laughed, but he didn't think it was funny.
"This is serious! We need to get you home."
"I can't go home, please."
"What?" He mumbled, sitting back down next to me.
"This place is safer."
"Jimmy, this place is brutal. If there's a way for you to escape, I want you to."
"Everything's about war here. There's no happy endings." He frowned, shaking his head.
"Let's just find a way for you to get back." He stood up, looking for anything out of place.
"It's time to go,," The shadow figure was back.
"Scott!" I tried to get his attention, failing.
"No use. You don't wanna get trapped here forever, right? Let's go."
"Okay." I took their hand again, being pulled back into the darkness.
"I let you stay longer than I was supposed to. You'll be waking up soon." They started to fade out, leaving me stranded in the darkness again.
Okay I'm only a little obsessed with Scott's S2 character.
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