|15: Just press play
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As fast as flash he ran down the multiple flight of stairs, his hands itching to maim Ayo until his inner beast was satisfied. Immediately he came in contact with Ayo, jessy pushed him to a wall of a nearby building with a loud thud. Pounding his fist into Ayos jaw multiple times.
Daniel pushed Jessy to the ground, as Julia and Delilah tried to comfort a bleeding Ayo.
"Jessy stop! It's not worth it" Daniel tried to caution, standing as a barrier between Jessy and the rest of them.
"It's fucking worth it!" He snarled. "Daniel you can't stop me" his eyes reden, his fist caged and muscled ready to lash out.
"Okay, at least watch the video first," Delilah suggests in pity "let's not draw to conclusion too fast"
Ayo didn't come here to fight and even if he wanted to, his strength was no match for Jessy.
Jessy was once a wrestler in his early years in secondary school, his parents saw that he needed to learn a self defense sport since his father was a politician with many enemies. It was a decision that had satisfied his parents insecurities about his whereabouts, but as an irresponsible teenager with ager issues, he most at used his abilities to frighten his fellow students.
"Alright" his muscles lessened as he nods in agreement.
Six pair of thirsty eyes, moved from Ayos' well trimmed haircut to his perfectly shaped jawline, then to his black shirt that read forever beloved. Their eyes searched more, until it stopped at his empty hands.
Daniel asked him, "Where's the laptop? "
"We don't need it cause I transfered the video to my phone" he tells them, dragging out his cellphone, he swipes the screen to unlock, still scrowling until his fingers stopped. He says, "here it is" handing the phone to Jessy.
He Looked at Daniel and tapped play...
Jessy laughed as Daniel ran towards them, they werestill buckling up their trousers.
Ayo laughed as he wears his shirt, "Guy this game hot oh,"
"I swear" Jessy agreed
"I didn't expect the both of you to actually do it" Daniel comments as he walked along side his friends. Ayo and Jessy had been dared by Aninta to strip down until there boxers and dance for the market women across their school street. They took up the challenge and entertained the market women.
"We're full of surprises, I guess" Jessy Jest.
“So, who’s next?’ Jessy asked, as Aninta spun the bottle and it settled east.
'‘Daniel!’' Ayo beckoned, he looked at the bottle display as the bottle top pointed towards Daniel and the bottom faced Jessy, he pointed out to his friend "You are to ask him”
“We shouldn’t be playing this game here, it’s not safe.” Daniel says, as he locks the back gate, he turns to the others, “someone will surely catch us here and report us.’
Aninta assures him, “School has closed so nobody will come here,”
If only Daniel knew he had foreseen the future, it would had saved them from a lot that day. After all, they were just teenagers that don’t listen.
“True or dare?” they all looked at him
Nevertheless. He had to play the game. ‘’True’’
“Be a man’’Jessy comments, not liking his decision.
“I still pick truth’' Daniel goes on.
Ayo says to Jessy, “Guy just allow am na” [just let him be]
Jessy goes on by asking, " Have you ever fallen in love before?” Everyone knows Daniel had there women in his life aside his beloved mother.
Aninta and Ayo laughed, aware that Jessy was looking for trouble.
Daniel replies him, “No”
“So, you’re not in love with your girlfriend? ” Jessy asked and looked at Mackenzie, but she looked at Daniel and hoped it was just a joke.
He ignored Jessy and asked, “Who’s next? ” as he squats to the ground and turned the bottle. Like a car wheel, it spun and stopped west. He stood up and announced as he palmed Jessy shoulder, “its Mackenzie turn to ask you’
‘‘true or dare?’'
“Dare of course” Jessy said, high fiving ayo.
‘‘that’s my boy right there’’ Ayo comments
“I dare you too...’’ she trialed off with a mischief smile tugging at her lips, she twirled the locks of her braids with a finger whilst her eyes wondered around, she sighted a boy approach them from afar. A face she wasn’t familiar with maybe he had wanted to use the back gate. Students hardly use the back gate only if necessary or if the front gate was locked. She did not care though; her brain was out of dares.
The boy had spied her as well, and everyone knew wherever Mackenzie was, Anita, Jessy and possibly Daniel would be there. They were like a pack. The boy retraced his steps quietly, in order not to intrude but unfortunely, that Friday was not his lucky day, Mackenzie had already seen him - not just her, they had all seen him.
She continued, “Moles him violently’’
"How's that even possible, is that even a thing? ” Jessy wondered.
"Just do what I asked. " she closed off.
And without hesitation, Jessy and ayo went after him and pulled him to his knees.
His skin felt soft under their touch; it was as if they were cuddling up a baby in their hands. He tried to resist their grip, but his efforts were no match to Jessy. Ayo released his grasp as Jessy began his quest.
Anita whispered something into Mackenzie ear and they both laughed. Mackenzie gives her phone to ayo and says, “Record it for later’’
Not questioning her, he takes the phone.
“Are you sure you can do this?’’ Daniel asked Jessy. Hoping he would change his mind and forfeit the dare.
“This one na small thing, no wahala’’
(this is a small task, no problem)
Daniel felt uneasy about what was about to happen. A fat rain drop plopped on his cheek which he cleaned off with his palm. he requested towards Jessy. ‘‘The weather is getting bad, give me your phone,’’Jessy dipped his hands into his pocket and did as told, turning back to the kneeling boy. Daniel takes he phone, input the password. Normally Daniel uses Jessy phone to call his mother so his password was tattooed to his brain. “Once the uber gets here, this game is over and we’ll never play it again’’
“Alright,” Jessy rubbed his palm.
Jessy open handedly smacked the kneeling boy across the cheek. His palm played with his face, his left cheek, his right cheek, his left again. Each hit made his swell a popcorn in butter and heat.
"Kick him." Aninta suggest, the rain multipled.
"Does anyone have an umbrella or a clothe I could use to cover the phone?" Ayo asked them, but there minds were fixated on the activity at hand. "Mackenzie make your phone no spoil for my hand oh? " he stated, but no one cared, he covered the phone with his hands and looked around if he could find maybe a nylon or something useful to cover up in they were down. He heard someone or something move from his back, he had been leaning on the school building.
He spoted an open window which he had remembered was closed before, he went on to check and found an orange face cap hanging by the slightly opened louver window. He held the phone with one hand and used the other hand to take up the cap. At least he had found something to cover the phone. He closed back the window and went back to his task.
"The Uber has arrived" Daniel came bout through the back gate and tells them, " let's go"
Jessy kicked the boy one last time and followed Daniel. Aninta and Mackenzie walked out the same way and Ayo turned off the phone as he wears the hat and walked towards the gate.
…The video came to a pause.
Jessy eyes soften as he looked at ayo, with a heavy heart he apologized, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I ever doubted you and I let my anger get the better of me. Please forgive me.’’
Julia suggest, ‘‘shake hands and reconcile,”
“Don’t ever doubt me again, okay?” In between tears, they shock hands and embraced each other in a hug.
“Oya is enough,” Julia redirects there concern, “So, the big question now is who made the other video?”
“it’s not me” Ayo reminds them
'‘what about Mackenzie, she told you to videotape it. She must have her reason?’’ Delilah points out hating the fact that Mackenzie was present.
“Jessy is the last person Mackenzie would ever frame. She’s not a traitor. I know what she can do "Daniel defends her, Mackenzie smiled at his words, at least she knew now he had trust in her as a friend.
‘‘That video the principal showed me was edited,” Jessy recaps, points towards Ayos phone “This is the original”
‘‘It must be someone who wants to see both you and Mackenzie get expelled’’ Delilah marks out. " Maybe they got it from the schools CCTV cameras"
Daniel laughed, "Everyone knows that the schools CCTV cameras don't work. "
"Na decoration them be" Ayo tells them ( the cameras are just for ornamental view)
"No wonder" Julia says.
‘‘And everyone likes us!’’ Jessy corrects with a harsh tone, and aninta nods her head in agreement.
‘‘that’s what you think.” Daniel corrects, “Most of the school population hates the both of you and nathalia, because your all bullies.’’
Delilah adds, “And thinks your better than everyone’’
‘’who did the video doesn’t matter. They almost got justice and did it with good intentions," Julia said and Jessy sighed.
‘‘what a fucked up intention. Since I discovered there were two videos, all I can think about is the audacity of the person’’ Jessy snarled.
Carefully, Delilah placed out her thoughts. ‘‘you beat up someone’s son because of a dare and you think its not bulling. Yet you vandalized school property and got away with it through bribery” Delilah continued as Jessy kept quiet and listen. Delilah was the only person that makes him think straight, especially as they were once a couple a year ago. But the two broke up for personal reasons known to them. ‘‘you need to apologize to the boy,’’
‘Asap!’’ Daniel supports her demand.
‘‘and you didn’t try to stop him’’ Julia brings up with disappointment written all over her face.
‘‘I did. I tried but he didn't listen,’’
Ayo walks to her side and tells her, ‘‘I have something to share with you it’s about the principal” knowig fully well she was devastated that jessy actually bullied someone, he says, ‘‘I’m sure you want to go home. I’ll show you the way out.’’
Already tired, but she had to hear what he knew. She tells Daniel as she walks out the door, “Daniel, I’m going home with Ayo.”
Daniel replies as they begin to walk further away “Okay, I’ll call you later when I charge my phone’’
This chapter was more about the original video they made that day. I had a hard time trying to figure out how to show what happened.
I hope my translation of pidgin was good enough for my foreign friends and readers.
Mackenzie might be rude but she's a lucky girl, and what abt Daniel. He's such a sweetheart.
Heart this chapter if you read to the end. ❤
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