The Twins Revealed
"Well, here's our first stop, Aphmau's house."
We stood in front of a giant purple house.
"I'm guessing her favorite color is purple?"
(Y/n) nodded. "How'd you guess?" She asked sarcastically.
Garroth knocked on the door.
A blonde elf answered the door. "Garroth! (Y/n)! You're back from... OH MY IRENE! APHMAU! GET YOUR TAIL-END DOWN HERE! BRING THE BOYS TOO!"
The boys? Aphmau has kids?
I stared in surprise as Aphmau did a little dance around the entry way of her house. It was kind of cute.
Stop it! Stupid brain.
"Oh! Hey! Sorry you had to see that... What can I help you with?"
I shrugged. "Nothing. I'm here with (Y/n) and Garroth."
She looked a little disappointed.
"Why is mommy dancing again?" A little voice from behind Aphmau asked.
I frowned.
That must be one of her sons. So that probably means she's married or at least engaged like (Y/n).
A little blonde boy peaked out from behind Aphmau.
"Levin, remember? Mom does that when she's happy. Why are you so happy mom?" Another little boy, this one with dark brown hair, pulled at his younger brother.
"Levin, Malachi? Remember how Ms. (Y/n) was pregnant? Well, do you wanna meet the twins?"
"Babies?" The little blonde boy asked, who I presume to be Levin.
"Yes. Ms. (Y/n) had Finn and Ophelia! Do you wanna see them?"
"Yah! I wanna see da babbies!"
I softly smiled at Levin's baby talk.
"Can I, (Y/n)?" Aphmau pointed to Finn.
(Y/n) nodded and handed Finn to Aphmau.
"Sense when are you human Malachi?"
Malachi smiled. "Miss Zoey was watching us and I got curious." The little boy was blushing a little. "I broke one of her potion bottles on myself on accident and, here I am!"
"That's wonderful!"
"What do you mean, "Sense when are you human?"" I asked my older sister. It just didn't add up.
She smiled at me. "Malachi is over 900 years old. He was a ghost that Aphmau and Laurence found in a castle. Levin and Malachi are both adopted. Because Aphmau's single." She whispered that last part to me.
I rolled my eyes, but I knew I was blushing a bit.
"Whatever." I mumbled.
"Zoey, Aphmau, this is my brother, Aaron."
"Your brother? Are you guys twins then?"
(Y/n) frowned while Aaron smiled. "No. But Aaron is only ten months younger than me. He's only 19 because he had his birthday last week."
"Yeah. Andi and I had fun celebrating it."
Who's Andi? Is she his girlfriend?
Why am I even thinking about this?!?
"Oh my Irene! Andi's here? I need to go see her!"
"She's out right now. I'll send her over to your house when she comes back."
(Y/n) nodded.
"Oh yeah! (Y/n), how did you like the house?"
(Y/n) was grinning. "It was amazing! I love it so much!"
Garroth smiled. "You didn't even get to see the basement."
"There's a basement?! What's down there?"
Garroth shrugged. "Just a couple of guest bedrooms, a bathroom and a view of the ocean from a window down there."
(Y/n) pointed at Garroth. "We are going there to check it out as soon as everyone knows about the twins."
Garroth laughed. "Okay."
"Yes! Okay, next to know about the twins... Donna and Logan. Although it's mostly just Donna."
I took Finn from Aphmau and motioned Aaron to come with us.
"Umm, if it's okay, I'm going to stay here with Aphmau. I wanted to talk to her about something."
I nodded. "Okay. If you'd like, you and Andi can stay at our house. Garroth said there was a couple guest rooms, so if you two would like to stay with us, you're more than welcome to."
Aaron nodded. "We'll see. I don't know what Andi was planning on doing."
I smiled and winked at my younger brother before turning and heading down the path.
"Okay. This is Logan and Donna's house."
I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
Logan answered the door. "Oh, hey (Y/n), Garroth. What'cha... Oh. I'll go get Donna." A little smile was on his face as he went to get Donna.
"Donna, (Y/n) and Garroth have something you might want to see." We heard Logan shout to his wife upstairs.
A furry of footsteps sounded from inside the house. A smiling Donna greeted us.
"Hey! You're back! And... BABIES!!!" Donna screeched.
I smiled. "Yeah. I had them in Okasis. That's what took us a few more days."
Donna nodded. "I figured."
Logan looked amused. "All the ladies from the village had a "meeting" to talk about what you two were doing and why you needed Kawaii~Chan and Dante. They all figured it was the twins."
I rolled my eyes. "You had a meeting, Donna?"
She blushed. "Okay, maybe a small one."
Logan scoffed. "It was every girl from the village, including Aphmau... even the little girls! Like Alexis!"
I smiled. "Aww! That's so cute!"
"EEK! Now that you had the twins and Kawaii~Chan had Nekoette, we can have... A BABY SHOWER! YEAH!"
Donna was jumping up and down. Every now and then a little "BABIES!" would be heard.
I smiled at my friend's fan girling. "Donna, would you like to hold one of them?"
She stopped jumping. "Is that even a question? YES!"
"Here, hold Lia. My arms are getting tired." Garroth handed Lia over to Donna.
"(Y/n)! She's beautiful! Oh my Irene! I can't imagine how tired you and Garroth are going to be taking care of these two."
I heard Garroth sigh with a smile.
"Yeah. They'll be a handful." I sighed. "I'm already tired and we haven't even spent one night at our new house!"
"New house?" Donna turned to her husband. "Logan. What are they talking about?"
Logan sighed but smiled at Donna. "(Y/n) and Garroth have a new house. It's to the right of the plaza due to the Irene statue being to the left. I didn't tell you because you would freak."
"WELL YEAH! THEY GOT THEIR OWN HOUSE! OF COURSE I'M GOING TO FREAK! THIS IS AWESOME! OH MY IRENE! Wait... (Y/n), do you have any siblings? Garroth has Zane and from what I've heard, a long lost brother in the Nether."
I nodded. "I have five younger brothers. They're all uncles now! Although they don't know that. Well, Aaron does but..." I mumbled the last parts to myself.
Garroth and I walked around the rest of the village, introducing the twins to everyone in the village. I sighed. It was starting to get dark so I suggested we head over to our house.
"I am so tired." I mumbled as Garroth watched me lay Finn down in his crib. We walked over to Lia's room and Garroth laid her down in her crib.
He smiled and kissed the top of my head. "I am so proud of you." Garroth murmured.
I smiled. "I'm ready to go to bed, you?"
Garroth nodded and we walked to our bedroom.
I brushed my hair and did my regular routine before hopping into bed next to Garroth. He had his shirt off and was staring into a communication amulet; I assume he was talking to someone. I waited for him to finish, but while I waited, I let my eyes glaze over my fiancé's body.
My eyes traced every inch of his body and I finally looked into his eyes.
"(Y/n), are you done checking me out?"
"Never." I snuggled up to him and tucked my head into his chest. A strong scent of pine and... perfume? "Why do you have my perfume on?"
Garroth rolled his eyes. "I grabbed the wrong bottle and didn't check the label before spraying it on me."
I giggled. "My Irene, Garroth. It's like taking care of three kids instead of two."
He snuggled his head into my hair. "Well, who's your favorite?"
I smiled. "Finn is."
I felt Garroth frown. "Hey!"
I smiled. "Hmm... or maybe Lia. I don't know. They're a tie for first."
Garroth looked over at me. "Haha."
I smiled at him. "What? I have no reason to like you more."
His eyes widened. "No reason?"
He gently straddled my waist, hovering over me. "I'm pretty sure I gave you more than enough reasons."
I placed my hands behind his neck. "Oh, yeah?"
He smiled. "Yeah."
He bent down, our lips almost touching.
I bit my bottom lip, knowing he couldn't handle that. "Stop teasing me and just kiss me already."
I pulled myself up and placed my lips on his. It was perfect. I turned my head, getting better access.
Garroth smiled against my lips making my stomach flutter. He gently nipped at my bottom lip.
"Garroth..." I complained.
He stopped kissing me and placed a small kiss on my cheek, before laying down on the bed beside me. "Is that a good enough reason for me to be your favorite?"
I smiled. "I'll think about it... Yes."
I sighed. Finally my shift was over and I could get some sleep. I started to make my way from the wall to the guard station.
"Hey! What's a cutie like you walking all alone in the dark streets for?" I turned towards the voice.
A girl with teal hair stood behind me, her clothes looked a lot like Nicole's from what (Y/n) had told me.
"I should be asking you the same thing."
Normally I'm the one to flirt. This was a little weird.
She moved towards me. "Hi, my name's Andi. Nice to meet ya." She stuck out her hand for me to shake.
I hesitantly took her hand and shook it. It felt like my hand was being zapped (in a good way), but I ignored it.
If she felt it, she didn't show it.
"I'm Laurence. So, you're new to Phoenix Drop?"
She thought for a moment. "Yes, but I'm actually looking for someone."
I nodded. "Well, it's almost 11 (pm). I'll ask Aphmau if you can stay in her spare roo-"
Andi shook her head. "No need. My friend Aaron and I have a camp that we're both staying at. I was just heading there when I saw you."
I nodded. "Okay, well, would you like me to walk you there?"
Andi shook her head again. "I'm good. I can take care of myself."
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"
She smirked. "Don't underestimate me."
"You wanna test that?"
"Sure." She smirked, accepting my challenge.
I pulled out my emerald broad sword.
"Woah. That's a really nice sword. The blade is even for the balance of the wielder. The blade itself is sharp, almost able to cut through steel with a single blow. The handle molds to the hand of whoever owns it, making it more difficult for an enemy to use it against anyone. It being molded to their hand, it gives the owner an advantage to the grip of the sword, making it easier to swing."
"Wow. You know a lot about swords."
"Thanks. I have an emerald broad sword at home."
"And where is home?"
"In Thurmond."
"Thurmond? Like, where (Y/n) is from?"
"So she IS in Phoenix Drop? This is great! I have to go tell Aaron."
"What about our fight?"
"Can I get a rain-check? I need to tell Aaron that (Y/n) is here in Phoenix Drop. I missed her so much. Her father wants her to come home just as much as us. I want her to come back home to Thurmond."
I frowned. "So, you haven't heard from (Y/n) in a year, right?"
Andi nodded. "Ever sense she ran away."
I started to laugh but then contained it. "So you know nothing that's happened to (Y/n) in the last year?"
She shook her head again. "No. She never wrote home. I was getting worried."
I smiled. "Oh, so you don't know about her fiancé and twins then."
"No, I don't know about her... OH MY IRENE? HER WHAT?!?"
I smiled. "You heard me. (Y/n) is engaged to Garroth and has a little girl and a little boy. Both two days old."
Andi started fangirling "OH MY IRENE! She finally did it! Yes! In your face father. She doesn't need you to find love! Although, it is funny. She was supposed to marry a Garroth back in Thurmond. He was the heir to the Lordship title in Okasis."
I laughed to myself. Yep, he was. "Father?"
Andi looked down. "Yeah. The Lord of Thurmond isn't my real father, but he is my adoptive father. My parents died when I was really young. I never told (y/n) or her father about my circumstances; so I just stayed at the orphanage. I didn't want them to worry about me. (Y/n) and I are really good friends. They let me go when I was 15, so I just did various jobs. I was a guard at one point. (Y/n)'s father made sure of that. Anyway, he found out that I didn't have my parents anymore and adopted me. But he didn't want me to tell (Y/n) that I was her adoptive sister, because he was afraid that would hold her back from marrying someone from a different kingdom."
I chuckled. "Well, she's marrying someone from a different kingdom now!"
Andi smiled sadly. "Yeah."
"You okay?"
Andi frowned lightly. "Yeah."
I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and started guiding her to (Y/n) and Garroth's house. "If it makes you feel any better, I was an orphan. I left the orphanage at 11. I was adopted by Lord Hayden of Metalli. My adoptive sister, Cadenza is technically heir to the title, and I'm PERFECTLY okay with that. I'm a guard here in Phoenix Drop, and I love it. There are so many great people here who accept you for who you are. Not everyone knows about (Y/n) being the missing princess of Thurmond though."
Andi nodded. "I understand where she's coming from. Everyone treats you differently when they learn you're the heir to the Lordship title or even a part of their family."
I nodded. "Yeah. Anyway, I should get back to the guard station; if you're going to walk to your camp alone. Unless you want to go see (Y/n) and Garroth."
"Of course I want to go see (Y/n) and her fiancé! I can't wait to meet him. If he does anything bad to her I swear I will-"
I noticed her fists balling up. I grabbed her hand.
She looked up at me and blushed a little.
It was dark, but I could still see her blushing. "Don't worry. Garroth is a good guy. He'd never think about hurting (Y/n), much less actually hurting her."
She smiled and looked down at her feet. "I know, but..." she sighed. "I'm just really going to miss her."
I smiled. "Well, maybe you can move here later on."
Andi smiled. "That'd be great."
We continued walking towards (y/n) and Garroth's house, me not even realizing I was still holding her hand.
So, what do you think of Andi? Aaron? Anyway, kind of a long chapter! I ♥ T-Swift... Listening to her "Fifteen". It's so cute! Also, any one ♥♥♥ Fairy Tale or SAO? They're anime shows. They're on Netflix. I GUNNA DIE I ♥ THEM SO FREAKIN MUCH! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'll be posting a video with the next chapter (or so) with a virtual tour of Garroth and (Y/n)'s house! So, you guys can look forward to that!
Happy writing!
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