deep thoughts
I played slightly with Itachi's finger as we lied together in our shared bed. No one cared that we were together. If anything Kisame just used it as an excuse to get drunk again. Since Konan had told me I wasn't allowed to call her mother or Pein father. It felt awkward that the people whom I felt was my family for so long was pushing me away. Itachi knew it bothered me and that's why we had a plan to talk to the hokage soon about what was Itachi's mission and if we were permitted back into the village. It was after the Chunin exams and I wanted to pay my respect to the man who helped Itachi become the man he is today. Unintentionaly my grip on Itachi's hand tightened and he rolled onto his side. I was too busy in my thoughts to notice him play with my hair. He knew exactly what I was thinking about. We knew each other that well. He was infatuated with sweets almost exactly like myself and he hated anyone who seperated him from his family. I did too, but now thinking about that I had no family. Shaking my head to rid myself of such thoughts I focused on the now peacefully sleeping Itachi. He didn't snore which relieved me greatly. I don't sleep well with noise.
"Sweet dreams Itachi. I love you." I didn't hear a response and that was when I knew he was truly asleep. Itachi, would you take the risk of going back to the village for me? for yourself?
Itachi wasn't in the bed when I woke up. a quick search revealed he had gotten dressed quickly and headed out for a mission. That's right they changed our partners when Itachi and I got together. I was by myself like Kisame was when Itachi was assigned to me. Originally I was partners with Kisame but I was assigned to 'watch over' Itachi. It didn't bother me though, all it did was help us get to where we were today. Think about it this way, if those kids wouldn't have bullied you, or that man insulted you, you would not be are where you are today. I always used that, it was my motto to keep going.
I sat in the room for what felt like forever when Itachi finally returned. He didn't look a bit too happy either.
"What's wrong?" I asked quietly, making more room on the bed beside me for him to sit down. "Itachi, what's the matter?" He didn't remark, but that scared me the most.
"I'm going to die, Ryuuka. If my brother doesn't finish me this illness will." My eyes fell. I never did like it when he talked about his brother killing him. He was so certain of it. It sounded like he wanted it to be that way. My hand found his and I squeezed.
"I won't let that happen Itachi, and you know it." He withdrew his hand from mine and I glared slightly at my feet as I thought. I was too weak to do anything to help him at the moment. I was beginning to develop a sickness much like the one Itachi had. Although I didn't have the sharingan and wasn't slowly going blind. That's one of the things I hated the most. If I was to have a child with Itachi he wouldn't ever see him. it killed me inside on how something that meant the world to someone was almost impossible to reach. Everytime a few years ago I was jealous that Itachi had a sibling, but seeing the pain he was going through for the one child would put the sun in a depression. Itachi was innocent. An innocent man forced into things that were never relevant until they forced him into things they could possibly never recover from.
"We're heading to the leaf soon, I wish to be home again." I nodded my head and grabbed his hand gently with my own and I pulled his head to my chest as we lied back in our bed.
"You know I would do whatever it took to make you happy Itachi. Even if it meant killing myself and anyone you would wish." I felt him shake his head slightly but our room was silent. I wish to be home too Itachi, and where we both felt safe would be home. Maybe we'll find home soon.
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