Stressed child
Love her name, Pigeonshank is possibly one of the best I'm come up with actually
Pigeon; Given to herself by herself because they're her favorite bird.
Shank; Given at her leaders 'ceremony', for her sharp and upfront nature.
| Age | 9 moons, appears 12 due to height and muscle.
| Gender | AFAB, She-Cat. She/Her
| Sexuality | Pansexual/romantic.
| Appearance | A massive, muscular young she-cat with well-groomed fur and an angled face. She had huge paws, of which are polydactyl, and have 7 toes instead of 4, not including her doubled dewclaw. When she unsheathes her claws it makes for an impressive and terrifying display. She has large, amber eyes and large tufts of fur on her ears. Pigeonshank has large disc-shaped ears that are battered with little notches and scars. One of them is completely ripped down the middle. Her paws have fur even on the bottom of them, allowing her to sneak about without the slightest of sound. Pigeon has a large mane of fur around her neck leading down to her abdomen, where it fizzles down into the rest of her fur. With long, white whiskers she is perfectly able to pinpoint where cats are when she puts her face to the ground through vibrations. She has a partially cut off, plumed tail.
She has dark brown tabby fur, streaks of lighter brown being located closer to her wrists, face and tail. Her abdomen is a dirty white color, along with her paws and half of her muzzle. Just next to her eyebrows are white streaks. Pigeon's throat is white, and her stripes are almost black. Most of her nose is pink, but near the left is some red. Her pawpads are a peachy color and her eyes are mustard yellow.
| Personality | While it may never seem so because of her absent stare, Pigeonshank is a very intelligent cat who spends her free time strategizing for the bettering of her group of rag-tag cats. She never lets herself get caught being vulnerable, and only allows cats to leave the camp with a few others with them to assure nobody ends up dead without at least someone to run home and get help. She still retains memories from the days as both a kittypet and BrookClan apprentice, and as such knows many tactics to life. She knows that when the monster light flashes red it's safe to cross, and if you're caught on the road then line yourself up with the white lines. She knows how to hunt in the trees and water, and knows how to fight. Paw-in-paw with her intelligence, she has grown strategic. Of course, even though she is powered by vengeance and anger, she still knows that alliances are a great and effective way to secure resources, and tried to keep her relations up with the other wasteland groups. Particularly Carnation, seeing as they're one of Forgotten's closer neighbors. Pigeon is also very active, never seeming to sleep and never taking breaks. Sometimes she pushes herself a bit too hard, but more often than not, she knows her limits.
Being the leader of a group you accidentally created is.. Difficult. So many expectations were placed upon her. So many things she's expected to take care of and moderate. She's barely a warrior-sized cat, and never completed her apprentice training! She doesn't like when cats have requests for her since it reminds her of her old mentor and mother. She also tends to be immature, blurting out ideas that much more experienced warriors know probably wouldn't work. She lets her emotions get the best of her and gets flustered too easily, and dare someone challenge her position as rightful leader. Oh, she'll throw a fit and practically turn someone into mincemeat when they drive her to. Pigeon barely talks about herself, most cats finding that they didn't even know her name until overhearing it. She has never mentioned where she came from or why she's so hostile and doesn't plan on it. She leaves camp at night without anyone at random and seemingly reappears at sudden times in the day. She's just.. Existing, really.
Pigeonshank is horribly emotionally unavailable. She will not let on what any other emotion she's feeling than 'anger' or 'complacency', and doesn't interact with other cats outside of very awkward small talk for ulterior motives. Any attempt to befriend her will be met with the colr shoulder or confused looks, and she doesn't devote any time to making herself liked. She just is someone who.. Is there. She tends to be extremely hostile to cats outside of her group and even some within; hissing loudly when they try to reason and brandishing the 18 claws on her front paws if they try to respond in a way she dislikes. She never seems calm and strongly dislikes being woken up, and may the stars help anyone who talks down to her. Pigeon often accuses anyone with different ideas from her of being against her entirely, getting offended and simply leaving the interaction altogether. When cats from other groups talk she gets worried that they're plotting something, which makes her plan counter-attacks that will never happen because nobody's trying to fight.
Traits ~
+ Intelligent
+ Strategic
+ Active
= Expected
= Immature
= Secretive
- Emotionally unavailable
- Hostile
- Accusing
| Skills | Excels in combat in many forms, including while in water and in the trees. Silent paws. 9 toes on each front paw let her slice quite a bit, too.
| Fears | Failure / Being usurped \ Being forgotten / Making too many emotional connections.
| Clan of Origin | Kittypet → BrookClan
| Group | Forgotten
| Position of Power | Leader
| Kin |
Longflip, her adopted father. He was always disappointed in her. She can only assume it was because of her kittypet background. He died rather recently.
Blackspider, her adopted mother. She only took her in because nobody else would, and it was against the code to let a kitten die. It definitely showed. Pidgeonshank made sure she was dead, alright.
Presumably, the kitten she saved was her sibling. She's unsure if they survived and never publicly mentions it.
| Crush |
Currently: N/A
| Mate | N/A.
| Backstory |
There wasn't much going on whilst Pigeon, then named Jingle, was a kittypet kit. She was house-trained and featured in many of her folks' social media posts with her shenanigans around the house, however, one day they simply told her to git! And tossed her outside. She stuck around for a while until while watching through the windows she found that she'd been replaced with a puppy instead. Jingle's heart broke, as she only thought that she had to be outside because it had more space.
She took off into the wilderness, running until her legs could carry her no longer. She collapsed just in front of a bridge that smelled strongly of feral cats and passed out.
KITTEN (TW for implied neglect and kittens being injured.)
She awoke in a dark, humid, and hot den. At first, she thought it was just a very vivid dream she was having near the bridge, but after hearing the voices of cats which she definitely did not recognize or recall ever hearing before, she yelled out loudly for her folk, startling the other kits awake. It was the middle of the night, and she was already hyperventilating at the slight change. While the other queens seemed not to mind, her new mother minded very much. With a loud hiss, she told Jingle- now named Strangekit- to shut up. Of course, she didn't stop crying and only started crying louder. So what did Blackspider do? The only reasonable option of course, and threw the kitten out of the den and into the middle of camp.
She lay there for the rest of the night, unaware of how badly she'd sprained her paw until the medicine cat came to her worriedly. While she was in the den with her paw cast, she could hear her.. New mother being berated for throwing her. That cat was her mom? There was no way; her mother looked like her! This cat was.. Tall and spindly. Like a weird bug. She spent most of her time in the medicine den for various reasons. Had it not been for her muscular body and long fur, she may have been so battered that she never became an apprentice.
She never wanted to visit her so-called parents and much preferred the medicine cat, but since they weren't allowed kits, she couldn't formally adopt her. Knowing nothing about the code because nobody bothered to teach her, Strangekit always took this as simply not being good enough to be wanted. Her 'mother' sure made it clear that she didn't want her, and she wasn't aware she had a 'father' until he checked in on her to see if she was worth his time. She isn't sure if it was a good thing that she turned out to be, but she doesn't think so.
APPRENTICE (TW for depictions of murder and more abuse.)
She ended up apprenticing under her father, Longflip and decided that being an apprentice was just being a kit with a fancy title. He demanded that she train every waking moment of her life, putting up with no retreating into the medicine den when she ended up injured and pushing her to be worth just a quarter of his time.
''Kittypets are worth nothing in life! And you have yet to prove you've shed yourself of that same truth.'' He'd say,
''I will not be the father of a cat who can't fight!'' He screamed, repeatedly slashing her across the spine while she desperately tried to release herself from being choked to death by her mentor.
''You will never be anything worthwhile at this rate!'' He'd taunt, pointing out every little mistake she made and making her redo everything again and again and again and again. She couldn't take this– torment any longer. Every time she was hit it just felt numb. She had grown so used to it that she expected it when she caught herself making mistakes not even her mentor noticed. She held her breath in the mornings, ready for her mentor to drag her from the apprentices' den for another day of torture. She'll admit, she was definitely terrified into being a perfect soldier, but she was completely incapable of managing anything else. She had no friends, afraid that her mentor would manipulate everyone against her so she'd come running back to him.
Eventually, she pulled away from the medicine cat too, barely ever speaking with them for anything other than possible infection in her scars. She grew ever thankful for her long and thick fur, for had it not been there then she would look scarily similar to a destroyed cat toy. And that's all she felt like.
One moon till' the nuke.
She was restless. It was moonhigh, and she had been plotting something terrible for ages now. It was now or never when she had to act. And she was going with now. She invited her mentor on a midnight training mission to see how her fighting in the night had improved. She had grown much larger than her mentor, despite being much younger. When it came to sheer mass and stature no cat in her clan could compete. And that was precisely what let her act. While he was gloating over a victory he thought he'd secured, having pinned Strangepaw to the murky ground, she suddenly pulled her legs upwards and kicked him square in the jaw. As he momentarily skidded along the ground, she flipped onto her paws and whipped around to jump onto his shoulders. Something she'd been training for many, many moons in secret. However, she never delivered the killing bite before. Longflip's eyes widened as he turned his head to see Strangepaw lurching down to bite his neck, and he exclaimed in a futile plea for mercy;
''I yield!''
She did not pause. There was no hesitation in her eyes. With a few yanks and a jerk of her head, she snapped his neck and left him lying in the darkness. Now it was time for her second act. Not bothering to hide the body, she bounded back to camp with murder on her mind. Sliding into camp with a surge of dust, she stalked into the nursery to search for the one who called herself her 'mother'. Spotting her huddled over a kitten in the corner, her gut churned. She wasn't letting someone else get caught in the cycle. NOT AGAIN! She pulled the kitten away, barely older than a newborn, and turned back to Blackspider. She mauled her to death faster than a dog could have possibly managed. With a final glance toward the kitten, she smiled. She knew she'd saved the bugger a lifetime of pain and horror. They'd just have to deal with this one thing first.
Scampering off into the night, she was never seen on BrookClan territory again. Under the new name, Pigeon, she became a wandering loner.
Safe to say that 'wandering' was a decent idea in hindsight. She evaded the nuclear blast- and slept through it, at that. She'd found herself an abandoned rabbit warren on the outskirts of MeadowClan territory to sleep in, which was decently far from where it detonated, along with being underground. She had a knack for tuning out loud screeching, but after realizing that the motherfucking sun had just fallen out of the sky(or so it seemed), she was much more concerned than before. She found herself brought to the gathering stones once again, along with a few others who had little to no law and order and were simply panicking.
And after listening in from the sidelines, she jumped to the top of the stones and called out.
''Cats of the clans and groups alike, we cannot just stand here like confused prey! Surely, we will fall if we do not find order amongst ourselves. StarClan has fallen along with the sun! There are no stars, and no light in the sky tonight. We cannot pray any longer; we are warriors, every one of us, and warriors should not cower!''
Of course, half of the cats called bullshit on her little speech, saying that StarClan was still around and yada yada, but after a while, everyone settled and decided that living here as one group was the best option. But who would lead them? Surely, they couldn't survive without a leader. Everyone would just argue and-
Someone said that Pidgeon should lead. She calmed them all down and helped make sure everyone was okay, so why not her? At first, she declined, but as the pressure was piled more and more on her to lead the group, now named Forgotten, she caved. And so she adopted the new name Pigeonshank and was hailed as the leader of the Forgotten.
But, uh. She had no clue what the hell she was doing.
| Extra |
Her main themesong is: ES!
Her themesong after becoming Forgotten's leader is: Vulture Culture!
She deeply regrets leaving the kitten behind.
Pigeonshank, had she never killed her adoptive parents, would not have left her clan and probably never joined Forgotten.
I have been scratched by a nine-toed cat before. I'll just say that shit hurted
Her app art background took long as hell because of that kitten, not even gonna lie this is an orange kitten hate account, #orangekittenisoverparty /j
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