For Endless-Eclipse's roleplay, APEX.
|| NAME || Jippi (Birth Name, Zyzzyx)
|| GENDER || Cisgender Male.
|| PRONOUNS || He/Him
|| SEXUALITY || Pansexual, Male lean.
|| AGE || 30 Moons.
|| RANK || Healer.
|| APPEARANCE || A thick-coated brown wolf with long fur that gives him the appearance of a duckling, or an egg, as some friends have said. He has a singular floppy ear inherited from his mother, though both are rounded and rather stout. His lips hang a bit lower than most and his brows are high and tilted, making him look constantly worried about what's going on. Jippi has large, fluffy paws that help keep him above the snow. No way better than, say, a Lynx, but he doesn't sink as much as others might. He has wide, triangular cheeks and a round face.
His fur is mostly tan, though his overcoat and markings are brown and black. A patch on his abdomen is white, and Jippi's eyes are brown.
(Drawn and realistic, respectively, because I'm too lazy to color)
|| PERSONALITY || Jippi can be described in one word: Blunt. He does not sugarcoat his words, does not pretend to care for things he doesn't, and does not make an effort outside of sarcasm. When you are close with him, he can tend to be very humorous and quite kind, but wolves who do not understand him are once he will not care to translate for. As a friend, Jippi will take immense care to confirm that you are alright and okay with what he's doing, and tends to understand the difference between your 'joking' tone and your 'serious' one. As a simple packmate, he doesn't really care. He's just doing his job and doesn't have time for pleasantries.
The healer is, and will admit he is, a bit of an ass. If you come to him and not his partner for something he deems stupid, he will ignore you. He might even mock you about being such a wimp. He will not waste his time and herbs on a thorn in your paw when you can ask any self-respecting fellow outside to remove it for you. He will make fun of you very clearly if you sound too confident in your wrongness. He will shut you down if you're overstepping anything and will not bend to any higher-up if he believes them to be in the wrong.
|| FEARS || The beasts out there, past the camp walls. The things that created them. And the things that created those. Otherwise, he is pretty stoic about his other fears.
|| LIKES || Being alone. His packmates not being stupid and getting hurt every hour of the day. Basic wolf decency. Natural selection.
|| DISLIKES || Having to help idiots. Being called rude.
|| GIFT || Jippi can, put simply, undo things. Broken bone? Not anymore. Brain bleed? No. Irregular heartbeat? Nuh-uh.
|| GIFT BARRIER || He cannot fix things such as detached and mangled limbs, he cannot bring wolves back to life, and he cannot do things outside the realm of logic.(If a wolf's leg has been eaten, he cannot simply undo that.) He doesn't want to use his powers as a crutch either, so you'd have to really argue your case if you wanted him to fix something serious anyway.
|| STRENGTHS || Treating things thought untreatable. Exceptional agility. Just about never gets cold and is willing to share the body heat.
|| WEAKNESSES || He's actually quite small, for his age. He was the runt of his litter and so he's much weaker than, say, his siblings. Not a wolf-wolf. Struggles with understanding social cues and tone.
|| QUOTE || "You have a cold? What, you want a kiss on the forehead and some warm milk? Piss off."
|| OTHER || His name means 'Yay' in Norwegian. Zyzzyx was given to him after he survived his first week, but he prefers Jippi. He considers Zyzzyx to only be needed in serious situations, so wolves he isn't familiar with tend to make him worry over nothing by calling him that.
|| PASSWORD || Going by fantasy/WolfQuest rules, I think Tau or Subordinate might fit.
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