Chapter 8~ The Holiday Adventure
"Oh.. Haha.. sorry about that... anyways.. can you help us?" says Izzy.
"That just depends if you believe or not.." says Santa.
"I believe" Amber says accidentlly cutting Izzy off.
"Me too" says Paige and Autumn together.
"Yes but the person in trouble doesn't... or at least you haven't showed me yet.."
The necklace song starts playing in Izzys head. She starts singing it..
"Believe in all you can see a miracle starts whenever you dream.. Believe and sing from your heart you'll see, the song will hold the key. Believe in Santa Claus a miracle starts whenever you dream believe and sing from your heart you'll see, the curse will lift.."
"That was beautiful" says Santa clapping, "But... I'm afraid we need more christmas spirit then that.."
"Oh well, maybe I can go to town.. and sing?"
"Yes fabulous idea, just hurry!"
"Thank you!" Amber and Paige say together.
Olaf does his magical flurry powers and *swoosh* they're in the middle of town
"Ok guys, if you want me to get healed, start singing!!" Says izzy, and starts to sing.
All her friends join in... at first no one comes... but then after 10 min. People start gathering around, to listen to the song. Soon, they start singing in, truly believing in what the friends are saying. Soon after that, almost everyone in town are singing..except for one person.. THE GRINCH!! So Izzy decides to go talk to him..
"Hello.." Says izzy.
"Woah there, look I'm sorry but... LET IT GO!!" Izzy says on accident, covers mouth..
"Wait?? Are you Elsa? Or have you gotten cursed by her??"
"How do you know about the curse??"
"Because sweetie, I'm the grinch, the grinch knows all."
"So...will you help me??"
"Umm...NO!! Unless..." *The grinch thinks* "You can climb up that mountain and battle that dragon!!" *evilly laughs*
(:P *_* *~*) Izzy is about to scream, but decides to count to 10..
"So... what's it going to be?"
"Look, I've gone through a lot already and I know you have too, but if it's what it takes for you to help me.. then I'll do it.."
"But you know generosity comes from within not from miserable lives.. you know you can do more, by the way your kinda nice:)"
"Really?? Well...I guess you don't have to do that..I'm sorry I just don't like Christmas.."
"Because you get a lump of coal every year..but you know what? You just have to believe and you will get presents I promise"
"Oh..thank you:))'ve convinced me I will believe and help you friend:))"
"Thank you so much Mr. Grinch"
"Your very welcome miss."
So the grinch starts singing the song, and a spark forms in the middle of the people, everyone all gasping at it, Izzy comes closer to it..
"I..I think there's a message"
"Well..let's listen and find out!" Says Amber.
So they listen..
"Great job isabella. You have finished your first task in making the spell dissapear forever! There will be 2 more stages in this may seem like a lot but it's actually not that hard if you truly BELIEVE. Next you need to find Mickey Mouse..." Says a voice from inside the spark.
"Wait what!? What do I do then"
*no answer comes because the spark has dissapeared..*
"Mickey...Mouse... hmm" says Sierra.
"MICKEY MOUSE! THATS IT!" Screams Amber on accident...
"Woah there.. " Says Izzy.
"Sorry sorry, but mickey mouse is found in Disneyland!! We could try there!!" Says Amber.
"Great idea!!!!"
"Thanks, Olaf, will you do the honors?"
"Yeah, aha, " so with a whoosh Olaf uses his flurry powers to take them to Disneyland.
"Disneyland looks so cool during Christmas time!" Says Amber.
"I know right!" Says Autumn.
"So let's find Mickey Mouse." Says Izzy.
So the girls start looking when suddenly... Elsa Appears out of no where!! AGAIN!!
"What are you doing here!?" Says Izzy.
"Nothing that concerns you.." Says Elsa in a mean tone, and she races off through the park, her cape blowing behind her.
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