Chapter 18~ Attempt to Save Grace 2.0
"I thought you said Elsa was gone." Whispers Hannah to Izzy.
"I did!"
"Well then who's that?"
"I don't know!"
"Well, well, well. Sorry I always wanted to do that." says Izzys mom.
"Mom!?!?!? How did you get here."
"Uhh, long story but quick which button puts Grace down... not to the sharks but on the ground, sorry I pushed the wrong button before."
"I don't know if there is a right button."
"Well, then how do you at least stop the sharks?"
"I don't know but we better figure it out before..."
"Before, what? Before I track you again? Oh it's so easy to find you with this tracking device, when I gave you those powers I also gave you something to help me track you, incase I needed you again." Says Elsa appearing out of nowhere.
"Oh, so that's how you kept finding me." Says Izzy.
"Yeah, now just get away from my controls before I... AHH WHAT IS THIS CREATURE!? ITS CONSUMING ME!!"
"No, it's just licking you." Says Autumn coming through the entrance of the cave .
"But ahh this thing is infested. How did you find him?"
"Easy. We opened a door and now he follows us where ever we go."
"Ugh! You Imbecile that sign said danger for a reason!!!"
"Oh well too bad."
"He's never going to be...."
"Okay, if you want him to get off of you, you have to do four things for us."
"Woah woah woah! That's way too much, I'm never doing that much for you tiny people."
"Okay, then this... creature will keep licking you and licking you."
"Fine... let me hear it but that doesn't mean I agree!" Elsa thinks to herself: ha by the time I even think to do it, there will be no more time left and the portal will close, Elsa evily smirks.
"You're the one who gave us the powers, surely there is a way we can get rid of it all together."
"I already tried." Replies Elsa quickly.
"But... can't you just be kind?"
"Pft have you ever met me, I'm not a nice person, I admit it myself."
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