Chapter 40
My mind was dazed and my body ached.
"Oh...shit," I groaned as my head fell forward and dropped, causing the top of my spine to whine in pain.
I could feel the overwhelming freezing sensation rising into my toes as both of my feet had begun to fall asleep. My back ached painfully and my head throbbed relentlessly as a headache began to take hold.
What the hell did I get into last night?
I went to move my hand to wipe the sleep from my eyes when I felt a tug. A tug of resistance around my wrists refusing to move from where they were.
I willed my eyelids to open, curious to know what the holdup was as I tried twisting my wrists back and forth, trying to get any type of motion in action.
The second my eyes finally squinted open, I snapped them back shut due to the blinding light that was pouring into the room.
I went to move my body into a sitting position when the oddest feeling and realization struck my mind.
I was already sitting.
The shock of my discovery propelled my lids to fly open and my tired hazelnut eyes to take in my surroundings.
I was not in my bedroom.
I was not in my bed.
I hadn't a fucking clue as to where I was.
My eyes hungrily took in the worn, dark wooded kitchen table next to me, gazing across next to the outdated kitchen and treading to the living room with a questionable looking brown couch perched in the middle of the light wood flooring with a small coffee table off to the side with a TV placed on it.
Fear began to creep up into my mind as I scrambled my brain for any recollection of how I ended up in this filth ridden dump in the first place.
I went to stand only to be tugged back quickly to the sitting position in the chair I was in and had apparently been in for a while now. I yanked at my hands for only a split moment until the dreadful realization of what the cold metal surrounding my wrists and keeping me firmly in place, truly was.
I was handcuffed to the chair.
I trailed off as I heard slow footsteps echoing off of the wooded floor.
The footsteps approached at a deafeningly slow pace, only hyping up my nerves and fear for who was just around the corner.
My heart beat was running a mile a minute as I watched as a brown boot came into my vision followed another and then by the rest of the body. A man's body.
Greg's body.
His light brown hair was sprinkled with the occasional gray and as a wide grin stretched out onto his face, wrinkles burst out next to his shinning hazel eyes.
His stare connected with mine as pure joy spread across his entire middle aged face.
Bile rose in my throat and my eyebrows dipped as the horror of my situation finally came into light.
"No, no, no..." I mumbled to myself, shaking my head as I felt water drops cascade down my cheeks and fall onto my lap.
"God, you are still as beautiful as the last time I saw you," I heard his vile voice speak, reminiscing as he took a few steps towards me.
"No, no, no!" I began to scream and thrash around in my seat, ignoring the bites of pain shooting off against my wrists every time the handcuffs cut against my skin.
"No, princess! Don't!"
I felt hands grip at my body, clamping over my shoulders to try and still my thrashing. "You'll hurt yourself!" His voice ripped through my mind and my body froze in mid motion at the feel of his bare, warm skin on mine.
Repulsion and disgust seeped into my pores as my body began to shake uncontrollably with Greg's presence so near after so long.
"Oh, look at you. You're crying," he crooned as he brought his rough hands up to grip onto my cheek gently, wiping the tears away. "I'm so happy to see you too, my love."
Deranged. This man was just as misguided and insane as the last day I saw him.
"Greg," I whimpered out, my voice breaking and catching as the terror began to eat away at my mind.
"Oh, it's so good to hear your sweet voice say my name again." Alarm jolted through my body as I felt Greg's styled, jelled hair brush across my face and his face moved down to my neck.
"And soon enough you'll be moaning it too."
Bile appeared abruptly in my throat at the feel of his lips brushing across and sucking at my collar bone.
I tried to yell out and scream but the vomit rising in my throat put a halt to that and I ended up choking on the bile, my esophagus working violently to get the the pungent taste out of my mouth.
Greg moved his head away, his panicked eyes finding mine as I thankfully managed to keep the vomit in my throat and not sprayed out all over the floor.
"Are you okay? Do you want some water?"
I nodded my head fervently to his question.
I watched as he walked over to the fridge and pulled open the door and stuck his hand in, revealing a bottle of water moments later.
"Here," he said as he hurried back over to my still choking body. He opened the bottle up and placed his finger underneath my chin, tilting my head back as he steadily poured mouth fulls of water in between my needy lips.
"I would let you do this yourself but A, I wasn't going to have you escaping like you did last time and B, then I wouldn't get the excuse to touch you as much."
His statement simply made yearn to gag all over again and I turned my head to the side, shaking it to let him know I had had enough as I swallowed the last mouth full of cold water.
I sat dejectedly in the chair, my posture slouched and deflated, just as my heart felt. The events of last night poured through my mind as I forced myself to remember what happened.
There was class and of course, there was Nathan. Nathans confession...then running and then... chloroform.
It was all coming back to me now as I sat there, knowing that Greg was staring at me and watching me like prey.
"I never came back from my run last night. My roommate, she'd know something went wrong and they probably already have a team out looking for me."
"You're probably right." I brought my stare up to connect with his vile hazel eyes, disdain and loathing undoubtedly swarming in my stare.
"But they'll never find you."
They'll never find you.
I tried to keep my eyes from showing any reaction when inside, my stomach flipped in terror and my breathing began coming out in short, erratic spurts.
"What makes you so confident?" I asked with a somewhat steady voice.
"There's no feasible way for anyone to make the connection to know where we are." He shook his head with a light smile, his eyes eliminating with glee. "We're safe now. We can be together like we always wanted without anyone ever finding us."
"How?" My voice was now shaking just as badly as my entire body was, the horror of his statement flooding my mind like a pile of blackened ash after a fire; suffocating and all-consuming to the atmosphere.
"My source. The one who has provided me with your locations, helped me deliver information to you when needed, the one who first told me about you and your professor. This is his house and no one knows of his connection to me."
"He'll be here shortly, my love. Have patience," Greg spoke as he reached out his hand, his fingers finding my cheek and caressing it lovingly.
I flinched away on instinct, removing his touch from mine.
Greg's stare, which had been overly happy until now, quickly morphed into something dark; something dangerous.
"Don't. Flinch. From me, Alexandria." His voice was clipped and as angry as his gaze set on mine.
"You know how much that angers me. I know you have an...odd way of showing love but you will learn to love me the way I want you to. Soon, you won't shy away from my touch but crave it. You won't be able to get enough of me and I will gladly service your every need...better than that professor of yours ever could."
"Don't," I clipped out, trying to hone in my revulsion and rage.
"Don't what, love?" He asked, his personality once again pivoting into a sweet and caring.
"Don't ever talk about him." He's off limits to you.
Greg's eyes shifted in sadness as he cocked his head to the side and drew in his body closer to mine, forcing my back to press all the way against the chair, trying to stay as far away from him as possible.
"I told you I didn't want to hurt you but you left me no other choice," he said with a shake of his head. "I hate seeing you so upset... so upset that you can't even talk about him but it's for the best. You know that, right? I'd do anything for you and he was just getting in our way."
Confusion began to swell up in my mind as my heart clenched inside my chest. My eyes surged with curiosity as I connected them to Greg's.
"What did you do?" I asked slowly, my voice coming out quiet and my need to know was growing stronger and stronger as the seconds passed.
"I told you, Alexandria. I told you that I would have to hurt you to get you to realize who you truly belonged with.
"What did you do?" I inquired once more, my voice raised and my tone demanding.
"I had a friend of his pay him a visit."
Oh no.
"What friend?" I asked even though I was positive I already knew the answer.
"A past girlfriend of his. She wasn't difficult to find or to persuade to help me. All I asked her to do was give your Professor a drink with something in it, the kind I drugs I gave to you those months back, and then text you, making sure you arrived at the precise moment that would break your heart the most," he explained.
"She seemed all too quick and enthused to help break you two up. She wanted him back and didn't even ask any questions. Just took the drink and called me when it was all done."
Oh my god...
Nathan was telling the truth.
I cradled my head in my hands as the guilt began to cloud my mind, making my stomach twist and churn. Tears sprung to my eyes for the umpteenth time this week as I took in Greg's despicable reveal.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered to myself as more tears swept down my already dampened cheeks and fell to my lap, seeping into my spandex leggings.
"What was that, love?" Greg's voice came to my ears just as I felt his fingertips brush across the bare skin of my shoulder.
Powerful, undiluted hate pulsed through my body, filling it with such rage as I bucked Greg's hand from my shoulder, a scowl set firmly on my lips.
"Don't fucking touch me."
"You are so damn feisty," he said with a sly smile. "I always loved that about you."
His words only pushed my hate further as I continued to reel from his revelation about Nathan.
I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong and I didn't listen to him. And now, the chances of ever seeing Nathan were brutally slim if Greg got his way; and he usually did.
The horrid thought of never laying my eyes on Nathan again or feeling his loving touch or kissing his perfect lips ran through my mind and caused my heart rate to skyrocket. All I wanted to do was apologize.
I needed to apologize, to tell him how sorry I was for not trusting in him when he never gave me any reason not to.
I felt like my world was crumbling around me and in that moment, I had never felt so helpless.
My head hung low as I cried quietly, dreaming of it all ending. The pain, the guilt, the terror. I just wanted it all to cease, giving me even just a brief moment of relief.
But Greg had other plans.
"You have to stop grieving over him. He didn't deserve you. You have to know that!" Greg tried to confirm the fact within me as he brought his body closer into mine, shoving his waist between my legs and gripping my head between his hands as I tried to struggle my way out of his rough hold.
"You're too special to be with just anyone, Alexandria."
I stopped all movements. My eyes widened as they stared into Greg's hazel colored eyes as I dipped into every crevice and cranny in my brain to remember where I had heard that before.
Possessive and Petrifying, just as I had heard it before; but where?
The feeling of deja vu was so intense I almost couldn't handle it. My breathing was shallow and my chest almost un-moving as I watched Greg's loving stare into something darker; hungrier.
All thoughts of the statement were immediately stunted when Greg moved his head in and pressed his thin lips against mine.
Disgust coursed through my body as I tried to wiggle my head from his tight grip which was holding my head in place as he took advantage of my lips.
I felt as his chapped lips tried to work against mine, demanding a response in which I was refusing to give. At my denial, his fingers pressed into my cheeks roughly, causing pain to spark out over my face.
On instinct, I opened up my lips just barely, letting Greg think that I would finally succumb to his lips plea. Instead, I bared my lips back and bit down onto Greg's bottom lip; hard.
With a grunt, he pulled back and the smallest bit of pride welled up inside of me at the site of blood oozing from his fresh wound.
But that pride was abruptly put out as I watched the most devious of smiles rise up onto his face.
"You're kinkier than I thought you would be."
And with that he brought his lips down again and began kissing up and down my neck as he pushed his body into mine.
Nausea hit my stomach once I realized that Greg was enjoying this far more than I was. His erection pressed into my stomach against his pants, begging to be freed.
I once again started throwing my body back and forth, trying for something, anything to work.
Nothing did.
No, Greg only used my thrashings as an excuse to grab at my waist, his fingers working their way under my shirt until I felt his grimy, abhorrent touch grab at my right breast.
I cried out, as he kneaded the flesh between his fingers, moaning into my neck as I let my head fall back, tears dripping down my face morbidly and ultimately; pathetically.
"Wow, dad! You really know how to start the party!"
The tiniest shred of hope light up inside of me at the sound of a new voice.
Thankfully and very regrettably on his part, Greg moved his body off of mine but still stood tall in front of me, neglecting my eyes to take in who had just walked in.
"You're early." Greg muttered to the person still standing in front of him.
"Eh, I was excited."
That voice. I know that voice.
Greg simply chuckled softly and went to move out of the way, gesturing to the man standing across from us.
"Well, I believe you already know my son."
Dread and confusion seized my mind and didn't even attempt to stop the drop of my jaw at the site of the person standing before me.
What, guys! Travis is baccck!! Did you expect him? Did you get the call back to the line said all of those chapters ago by Travis that made Alex wonder if she had ever met him before?!
Please let me know if you expected it and if you liked the twist! Please so be kind as to vote and comment your thoughts and share if you love the story! Thank you guys! Love you!
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