Chapter 4
After another round of shots for all four of us, we finally managed to all cram into one cab.
The cab ride was filled with laughter and an excited energy. So, when we finally pulled up to the club 25 minutes later, the alcohol from our pre-gaming had taken a slight effect and we were all feeling pretty damn good.
The Raven was apparently the place to be on a Friday night as Ben, Mia, Rach and I made our way up to the entrance and we could feel the base of the beat vibrating through the building and saw the masses of people buzzing around inside of the propped open door.
After checking all of our I.D's, the bouncer sent us three girls a crooked smile and without question, un-clicked the velvet rope and nodded us our go ahead and we made our way into the club.
We were instantly engulfed in hundreds of bodies shoving and grinding up against each other. A popular, fast paced song was blasting through the speakers. I felt my body start to move to the beat, my earlier excitement had returned full force.
"This place is the shit! I've already spotted at least three possible contenders to be my take home toy for the night." Rachel winked at us and ordered all three of us some more shots.
We kicked back our shots and I ordered myself a Strawberry Tequila Sour to sip on as the night went on.
The night progressed and Rachel was off somewhere in the crowd with two random guys that she met at the bar. Ben and Mia were dancing off to the side, looking every bit like the adorable couple that they should be. The day that they finally admit their feelings for one another, will be the day I give birth to a baby goat.
I was dancing by myself to a remix of some Katy Perry song when I felt a presence behind me. Curious, I spun in the direction of the stranger and was met with quite a handsome face. My demeanor changed and my sultry side started to make her way out.
"I couldn't help notice that you were dancing alone, and by the looks of you," He looked me up and down. "That wasn't going to be the case for much longer so I had to swoop in and make my move before anyone else got up the courage to talk to you."
The handsome stranger stared at me, waiting for my answer. While he waited I did my own inspection. He wasn't a model or anything but he was definitely easy on the eyes. Black short hair, about 5'10, green eyes. My eyes swept back up to greet his.
"Well, aren't you are charmer?" I smiled up at him teasingly.
The stranger puffed his chest out in mock confidence. "Well, I have been told that I can charm the pants off any woman."
A small laugh left my lips. "Well I'm not so sure about that." I grabbed his clammy hand in mine and drew him closer into my body, only a few inches worth of space left.
"But let's see how well you can dance."
I began to sway my hips to the music, bringing my hand not occupying my drink up his chest, sliding upwards to rest on his neck; which was kind of sweaty at this point. Gross.
I disregarded his sweat glands and concentrated on the music. The man in front of my finally snapped back to reality and grabbed my hips roughly, bringing my body flush against his. He wasn't a bad dancer by any means. We danced for the rest of that song, bodies rubbing up against each other's and my hormones were starting to take notice.
"What's your name?" The stranger breathed down my neck, sending armies of goosebumps to cover my shoulders.
"Now that's no fun," I teased, bringing my drink up to my lips, only to receive a saddening dry sucking sound. I pouted at my drink and looked up at my dance partner.
"Looks like I'm out!" I declared. "I shall return momentarily with another drink in hand and maybe if you're lucky, I'll tell you my name." I winked at him then turned and headed for the bar.
Making my way through the crowd, I couldn't shake the strange feeling that flooded my senses of being watched. I stopped in my spot and spun in a circle, looking for one of my friends to be looking at me or even my stranger of a dance partner to be watching me walk away. I found nothing. In fact it seemed as though my dance partner had quickly moved on as he was now dancing with a bleach blonde girl with her ass hanging out of the material she called a dress.
Real classy man.
I shrugged off the feeling and continued on my way to the bar.
I maneuvered my way to the front of the bar, and ordered another Tequila Sour. I drummed my fingers against the bar's counter while I waited for my drink and took in my surroundings, noticing a very pretty blonde woman perched next to me.
She had an unbelievably tight yellow dress on that cut so low along her bust that you could see right down to her naval. I could barely understand how she was still breathing considering how tight this woman's dress was. Her makeup was done flawlessly but you could tell that she had had some work done. On her lips and breast especially. Her lips were just a bit too pouty and her boobs looked hard enough to chip a tooth on. I did happen to notice a beautiful necklace that lay between her stoic implants.
"I love your necklace! Where'd you get it?" I inquired of the woman.
The woman turned to look at me and plastered a seemingly fake smile on her face
"Oh yeah, this thing. It's really not all that great." I instantly regretted starting a conversation with her.
"But my boyfriend got it for me a few days ago for my birthday and my father said I should wear it to please him," the blonde continued.
"Your father is probably right. I bet your boyfriend loves that you're wearing something he got you, something you look so pretty in too." I tried to lighten the conversation with a compliment thrown her way.
She smirked and opened her clutch purse to take out a compact mirror, inspecting herself and the necklace.
"So, is your boyfriend here with you tonight?" I asked, trying to make do with this conversation until my drink arrived.
"He's driving the car around so we can leave. This place bores me." She yawned while fluffing her hair.
"Well, that's sure nice of him. I hope my future boyfriend is as nice as yours." I tried to joke with her, looking around for any one of my friends to save me from this god awful woman.
She let out a very unpleasant laugh as if I'd just told her the best joke she'd ever heard.
"I wouldn't hold your breath, honey," she mused as she looked around the club, all interest in our conversation lost to her. But now, I was very much interested in what this oh so pleasant woman had to say.
"What exactly do you mean by that?" I inquired, still keeping my tone light just in case she didn't mean in the way that it came off.
She glanced back over at me and looked me up and down. "Nothing much, just that my boyfriend is completely out of your league in every way imaginable. I wouldn't hold out for someone like him, maybe the bus boy over there." She pointed to a shaggy man who looked as if he still lived with his grandma and hadn't showered in 3 years.
So she did mean it like that.
"Look here, Fake Tits," I growled. "Your boyfriend may be out of my league, but if he's anything like you, then I have absolutely no interest in the first place."
She glared at me, clearly offended. "And if he happens to not be a fake whore like yourself, then I bet he wouldn't mind taking a spin at a younger, limber body that hasn't been plagued with silicone and ass fat in my lips!" I spat at her, quite impressed with myself for the whole 'ass fat comment'.
I turned away from her, fuming and desperate to get my drink and get back on the dance floor, and as far away from this woman as conceivable. I noticed my drink had arrived but before I could take a sip my attention was brought to the sudden stinging feeling on my arm.
The bitch had slapped me! On the arm though?
I abandoned my drink and slowly turned in my chair, flickering my stare up to meet hers. Anger was coursing through my veins and the alcohol sure didn't help put a stop to my next set of actions.
"Seriously?" I dead panned to the fake blonde. "Did you seriously just slap my arm? My arm of all places?" I asked incredulously, my voice raising a couple octaves.
She looked momentarily confused. "Uh, yeah, I did. You got a problem with it, bitch?"
"Yes! I do! Who in their right mind slaps anyone in the arm to start a fight?" I stated, getting riled up by the small crowd that we had gathered. "Wow, I knew you were stupid but damn, I at least expected you to know how to fight." I pouted my lips up at her.
"I am so done with you!" she screeched and began to stomp off.
"Wait!" I quickly scribbled my number down on a napkin and strolled up to her. She was seething and I could tell she was about to burst.
"Do me a favor, will ya?" I raised an eyebrow up at her and took a step closer. "If your boyfriend ever gets tired of plastic, here's my number." I shoved it in her purse.
"Make sure to tell him that I'm very flexible." I winked at her one last time and strutted away, confidence oozing from my pores.
I heard a high pitch scream echo behind me and turned to make eye contact with her one last time before she turned around to run away but ran smack dab into someone and their drink spilled all over the front of her dress.
"Nathan! You idiot!" The woman was furious, yelling at him in front of the entire bar for something he did completely on accident.
I grabbed my awaiting drink from the bar and waltzed over to see the pour guy that she latched her claws into.
I was close enough to see that he had a tall, broad figure. But before I could examine him any further, his girlfriend spun around and pinned me in place, daggers shooting from her eyes.
She's raised a shaky finger at me. "You. You did this!" she accused.
I pointed to myself and looked around innocently, shrugging up at her. She screamed and stalked up to me.
"Don't even think about touching my boyfriend or I will hunt you down and beat you until that face of yours is actually decent to look at!" she threatened.
She gave one last menacing stare before she stormed off to the bathroom to clean herself off.
"Don't worry, Princess, He's all your-" My words were shut down when my eyes landed on the last person I would want to see tonight.
You have got to be kidding me.
Standing directly in front of me, looking hot enough to bake cookies on, was none other than Mr. McCoy.
Both of us were momentarily stunned into silence. Neither of us offered greetings, or went to move away. Nope, we both stood there, staring at each other until I realized how awkward this whole situation just became and devised a getaway strategy.
I shook myself back into reality and averted my stare from his, taking an uneven step backwards.
"Lovely girlfriend you've got there, Mr. McCoy, truly! You sure know how to pick 'em!" I bumped into someone, realizing that I was still walking backwards; I took a stand still and spotted Rachel dancing with the two guys from earlier.
"Well, it's been a pleasure, Sir! It really has but I'm afraid I must be going," I said as I took a couple steps in Rachel's direction.
"See you in class," I muttered and made my way towards Rachel.
I didn't get very far before I feel a large, warm hand wrap around my arm, halting me from going any farther.
"I don't think so, Ms. Merrick. There are a few things you and I need to discuss." His voice sent shivers down my spine and straight to my core.
I didn't dare look at him. "Can't these things wait until Monday? I mean I'm out with my friends, I don't really want a lecture in the middle of a bar," I said, staring at everything and anywhere but at the man who still has my arm firmly in his strong grip.
He tugged my body closer to his, his lips finding my ear.
"No, they can't." His voice was velvety smooth and I wished for that moment that he would just continue talking, caressing my ear with his voice.
Mr. McCoy guided me through the crowd to a corner towards the back of the club.
"What, embarrassed to be seen with me?" I muttered sarcastically.
"We shouldn't be seen fraternizing outside of school, it would look poor on my part and create a bad reputation for myself," he explained.
"So, what do we have to discuss that can't possibly wait until Monday morning?" I tried to bring the conversation back on track, all the while sucking down my drink like it was the last thing I was ever going to taste. Anything to distract me from the conversation that was about to happen.
"Look, about the bet that we made," Oh god, here we go. "You know that I was just joking right? The things that we bet on will never happen. Even though I won, you will definitely not have to keep up your end of the bargain." He looked as uncomfortable as I felt having this conversation.
Before he could get another word out, a man bumped right into me and spilled some of his drink on my hand.
"Hey! Jerk off..." I muttered to myself. Curious as to what drink the man had been sipping on, I licked one of my fingers that the liquid had spilled on.
"Hmm, Rum and coke, not bad," I said thoughtfully and continued to lick the remnants of his drink off my fingers and outside of my hand.
"God, will you please stop that!" Mr. McCoy's voice came out extremely strained.
I was briefly confused before I realized what I was doing. I looked up at him innocently and popped my finger out of my mouth.
He groaned deep within his throat and my core throbbed at the noise. He gained his composure after a minute and carried on with the awkward conversation.
"As your professor, it would be very inappropriate for you to try and keep your end of the bargain, so can we just forget about the whole thing?" he pleaded.
"Sure, why not? I wasn't planning on going through with it any way."
Mr. McCoy breathed a sigh of relief.
"Jeez, I know your happy about getting out of having me grind all over you or whatever but do you have to be so vocal about it?" I asked irritably. "Your pleasant girlfriend did enough calling me ugly for one day so can you give it a rest, please?" I was pissed now, all of my emotions flooding in at once.
"Wow, that's not what I meant at all!" he tried to reassure me, taken back by my sudden outburst. I slumped back into the corner feeling suddenly extremely tired and weak.
Wow, this alcohol is running its course fast!
"Alex, I'm really sorry for whatever Silvia said. She isn't the nicest person around."
I barked out a stiff laugh.
"You don't say! She seemed mighty peachy to me! Especially after I called her out of the ass fat in her lips." I smiled at the memory of her face at the time.
Mr. McCoy busted out laughing, a real, honest laugh. And boy was it sexy.
"You really said that to her?" he asked in disbelief.
"Hell yes! That bitch deserved it too, telling me I'm not good enough for someone like you and too ugly to get any guy besides creepy bus boy over there." I motioned to the shaggy haired man who looked up and smiled at me, with all of his 5 teeth.
"You really shouldn't take anything she says to heart, I know I don't."
"Then why are you with her?" I blurted out without thinking.
He seemed taken back for a moment, and then his face took on a thoughtful look.
"Her family, especially her dad. Her dad helped me out a lot in the past, got me where I am today. Part of me hopes that she will turn out more like him." He laughed humorlessly. "But deep down I know that will probably never happen."
Things stayed quiet for a beat between us, both digesting his comment.
"Besides," he spoke, breaking the silence. "No matter what she said," I looked up to find his stare stoic on mine, emanating an emotion that resembled closely to truth . "You look absolutely stunning tonight, Ms. Merrick."
I was rendered silence by his words. His eyes were still staring deeply into mine and for once, I let it happen. I let myself get lost in those wonderfully blue orbs of his and sink deeper until there was no chance of rescue for my soul. He seemed to be taking it in just as much as I was, relishing in the moment.
I pushed myself lightly off the wall towards him, but my vision suddenly went hazy and I felt dizzy and lost my balance, falling thankfully into Mr. McCoy's hard chest. His hands gripped at my waist, the places where my bare skin was on display, sizzled at his touch.
"Oh sorry, I happen sure there," I mumbled.
"What was that?" Mr. McCoy asked warily.
I attempted to shove myself off of him, feeling claustrophobic all of a sudden. He didn't let me get far as his grip tightened on my waist.
"Are you alright, Alex?" he asked more concerned this time.
"I'm fine, Mr. Sir!" I exclaimed, detaching myself from his tight hold. "I'm gonna go find Rach now!"
I blew him a kiss and stumbled through the crowd to find Rachel, everything around me seemed blurry and in slow motion. Suddenly, an arm came out of nowhere and wrapped around my waist and I was tugged into someone's hard chest from behind.
"I missed you," a familiar voice slurred from behind. "You left me all alone on the dance floor. I think I've surely earned my reward for the night."
The guy from earlier began to kiss my neck in open mouth, sloppy kisses, his hands roaming down my body.
"Stop....what are you..." I couldn't seem to form a correct sentence. I tried to lift my arms to push him away to no avail. My arms wouldn't respond to my brains commands. The guy led me back into a dark corner of the club and shoved me up against a wall.
My back connected hard with the wall, sending a jolt of pain through my spine. The guy from earlier pounced on me, giving me no time to recover from the being thrown up against a brick wall. He pressed his body tightly up against mine and I could feel his growing hardness on my hip bone. I managed to shove my entire body off of the wall and into his, trying anything at this point to get away.
My pathetic attempt only received me yet another run in with the brick wall, only this time with my head. I felt his fingers wrap around my throat as he pushed me into the wall, my head bouncing off from the abrupt impact.
"Don't even pretend that you don't want me to do you right up against this wall," he slurred in my face. He tilted my head to the side with the hand that was still latched onto my throat, giving him better access to my neck.
"Such a fucking tease," he mumbled through his assault on my neck. He released his tight grip on my neck only to have that hand join the other one in an attempt in bringing my dress down over my breasts. He managed to get one strap of my dress off and took full advantage, groping me through my bra.
Silent tears began to stream down my face. I literally couldn't move my arms to stop this. I felt so powerless and started to give in the fact that I might very well be taken advantage of tonight.
And then, suddenly, his body was ripped off on mine and I sunk down to the floor pathetically, unable to physically hold my body up any longer.
My vision was blurry and my world was spinning. Then, a face appeared in front of me.
Even through my haze I could tell that beautiful face belonged to one and one only.
Mr. McCoy.
He was bent down to my level on the floor, balancing on the balls of his feet in front of me. His entire body was shaking and he was breathing heavily. A frown has found its way onto his otherwise perfect lips, his eyes held nothing but concern.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" I simply shook my head 'no' to both of his questions.
He ran a trembling hand through his thick hair and stood up, holding a hand out to me.
I tried with all of my might to raise my hand to meet his, frustration and anxiety coursed through my body.
Still nothing happened.
My eyes locked onto Mr. McCoy's. "I-I can't."
I did nothing to stop the tears that were streaming rapidly down my face and let my chest heave as silent sobs began to wrack my body.
Mr. McCoy knelt back down to me, wiping away my tears. His rough hands gripped either side of my face gently.
"Shh, You're gonna be just fine," he soothed. He then paused a moment to think, an odd look passed through those blue eyes of his. "It's almost as if..." Mr. McCoy's face quickly morphed into one of horror.
"Alex," He held my head firmly in place even though my mind was all over the place "Alex, focus on me," he encouraged.
"Did you leave your drink in the open at any point tonight?"
I tried to get my brain to process his question. I remembered leaving my drink for just a few moments while arguing with his girlfriend
"Ma-maybe." I managed to get out in short burst.
Before anymore could be said, I was swept up bridal style in Mr. McCoy's arms. The people of the club zoomed pass me in blurs, until a familiar blur came into focus. Ben.
He bolted up from the couch he was sitting at with a few girls and rushed to my side. Mr. McCoy began to set me down when all hell broke loose within my body.
My feet touched the floor and were gone before I knew it. I expected to feel the unforgiving, hard ground against my head, yet I felt soft warmth instead, enveloping me and welcoming me into darkness.
So what did you think of this chapter? It was a pretty long one, I hope you guys enjoyed that! Please vote and comment to help get this story out there as things are gonna start getting interesting! Thanks guys!
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