Chapter 33
Tap. Tap. Tap.
That sound was the only thing making its way into my ears as I sat in Mrs. Smith's class for her first day back from Maternity leave.
I tapped my pen subconsciously over and over again on my notepad as I sat slouched with one elbow resting on my desk as my hand cradled my head. I found it next to impossible to put any focus into listening to Mrs. Smith's lecture today. My mind was still reeling from Greg's final words to me in our last call.
'I'll be seeing you soon, my love.'
I shut my eyes and covered my face with my hand that was not currently occupying my needless tapping pen.
It was inevitable. I had to accept that at this point if Greg wanted me, he would find a way to get me and it was just a matter of when and how. I simply had to wait in agonizing fear for that moment to come, for my nightmares to greet me at the door of my sanity, panic attack and handkerchief in hand.
And waiting was by far the most excruciating part.
My eyes flew open from their dark solitude when I felt a hand wisp at my relentlessly moving one and stop its actions.
My gaze wandered over lazily to find Ben's hazel eyes staring back sadly into mine. A frown creased his lips and worry lines were etched onto his forehead.
"Sorry," I mumbled under my breath and set my pen down to stop the temptation of starting up my actions again.
"It's fine, Cookie," he whispered, using my nickname which brought the slightest of uplifts to my lips.
"You seem really out of it," he observed.
I shrugged. "I guess. I mean what's really the point of paying attention anyway if there's a manic waiting for me out there."
His fingers clamped over mine tightly.
"Stop thinking like that. He's not gonna come within a 100 yards of you, Alex. McCoy and I will make sure of that."
I looked up into his awaiting and intent eyes and was able to meld together the slightest bit of hope as I watched his eyes flicker with such determination. The mention of Nathan brought my gaze out front to find him.
I was a bit taken back to find his stare already fixed on me and when I finally did connect our eyes, he gave me the smallest and most reassuring of smiles he could without raising suspicion.
"Okay now, I know you all have been hearing about some trip that the Arts major grad classes may be taking," Mrs. Smith's voice ripped through Nathan and I's focus on each other and drew my attention to her for the first time today.
"Those rumors are true but it is most definitely not mandatory by any means. It will be in a months' time and we will be going to the Fine Arts Center and Museum which is located in the southern region of the state which means it will be an overnight trip. As adults you can leave that night if you wish but the University has also hashed out a deal with a hotel in the area and you all can get discounted rooms, which is a steal for the quality hotel that is it."
I couldn't deny that my interest had been peaked.
"I have the list up here for you to sign up on if you are, in fact, interested in going. Please sign up after class so we teachers can start getting a rough head count. Class is dismissed!"
The minute she dismissed us I gathered up my unused materials and turned to Ben.
"Are you interested in going on the trip?" I asked with a tad bit more enthusiasm then I had been able to muster up for the past couple days.
He seemed obviously a bit surprised and pleased with my slight transition.
"It sounds okay but if you're interested then yeah, we should definitely go and make a weekend out of it with Rach and Mia. Maybe I'll invite my brother whose down in that area too."
"Yeah, that actually sounds amazing. We can get away from all of this for a while," I said, referring to the threat looming over all of our heads.
Ben nodded and threw his bag over his shoulder and slung an arm around my shoulders and we descended down to get to the front of the room where the sign-up sheet was.
"Rach and I can get a room and then that just leaves you and Mia," I said with a sly smirk.
"What makes you think Mia and I would want to share a room?"
We reached the front of the line and I peered up at him with my eyebrows raised and my arms crossed, prepared to combat any excuse he tried to offer up.
I watched as his eyes squabbled back and forth and danced across my face for a few seconds before he finally submitted and brought my body into his with his one arm and blew out a defeated sigh as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"How are you so good at picking up on these things?" He mumbled into my shoulder.
"I'm not that good; you guys just suck at hiding your feelings. Plus, I may have seen you two nice and cozy on my couch a few months ago." I admitted.
His head rose up so quickly I thought he might have given himself whiplash.
"You saw that long go and you didn't say anything?" he asked with wide eyes.
"You guys have been together for that long and haven't said anything?" I countered as we moved up in the line of students to sign our names.
"Yeah, I know. We just didn't want it to change the group dynamic and all. We didn't want you two to make a big deal out of it," he sighed.
"We wouldn't. We would be so happy for you two! Hell, I'm already over the moon for you guys."
It wasn't hard to notice to blood that rushed into Ben's cheeks with my enthusiasm over their secret relationship.
"Ms. Merrick, are you planning on signing up?" a deep, sensual voice asked from behind me as I realized we had made it to the front of the line and none other than Nathan was manning the desk.
"Um, yes sir," I leaned over to sign my name and couldn't help but ask. "Will you be in attendance, Mr. McCoy?"
His luscious lips formed into a smirk as he answered. "I will be. I would never miss out on the chance to see such fine art with such a fine group of people."
"Well, that's good to know." A full blown grin, the first one in what seemed like ages, broke out onto my face. "I look forward to it, sir."
I stood to my full height and set my eyes on his playful ones and nodded, throwing in a daring wink before I walked away.
"Oh, Ms. Merrick, you dropped something," I heard Nathans voice call out from behind me.
I spun around on my heel and came face to face with his handsome self as he stuck his hand out to me. My mouth went to form the words that I hadn't dropped anything when his warm hand latched onto mine and slid a piece of paper into my palm.
"Meet me in the parking lot in ten," his gruff voice whispered secretively next to my ear, sending a wave of goosebumps over the exposed skin. And then he was gone, walking back to the desk, leaving me with a perfect view of his toned backside as he retreated away from me.
Curiously, I opened my fingers to glance at the small piece of paper that he placed in my hand.
You look beautiful today, as always.
I pulled my lips in between my teeth to keep my smile at bay. My previous mood finally had a significant change of heart as I strolled gleefully out of the classroom with Ben in tow.
Ten minutes later, Ben and I were waiting next to his car. I had told him he could go home but then he unfortunately had to remind me that I wasn't allowed to be by myself any time soon.
With that wrench thrown into our conversation, we waited in silence until I saw Nathans figure emerge from the Fine Arts building.
Ben took that as his sign to finally take his leave, gave me a hug, hopped in his car and left.
I started my way towards Nathan when I saw him pull out his phone and hold it up to his ear. Seconds later, my phone came to life in my purse.
"And may I help you?" I asked teasingly when I retrieved my phone and saw him shake his head as a chuckle pulled through his lips.
"Walk towards my car."
"Someones feeling bossy today."
"Exactly. So it would be in your best interest to heed my instructions if you want to know what the surprise will be if you do," he taunted me from the other end of the phone.
I stopped in place and my stare flew over to him, just 20 feet or so away.
"Surprise? What surprise?" I asked in an excited and far louder tone which caused Nathan to stop as well, trying to hold in his laughter as he scolded me.
"You're going to break our cover, minx! We're talking on the phones for a reason," he reminded me and I mentally face palmed at my over enthusiastic and overtly obvious reaction.
His deep chuckle tickled my ear as I got closer and closer to his car.
"Did you happen to read my note, yet?" He asked in a deep, alluring voice.
"I did," And even as I said it, I knew my cheeks were flushing the brightest shade of red held on the color spectrum.
Just as I spoke the words, Nathan and I both reached his car at the same time. I watched as he hung up on me, dropped his phone into his back pocket and stepped towards me, an affectionate look embedded within his deep stare.
"It took every ounce of my strength to not kiss you when you walked in today. The fact that I was no longer your professor today kept taunting me since I knew I couldn't hold you back after class to do precisely what I wanted with those lips of yours."
"I know what you mean. I missed not being able to stare at you aimlessly for 50 minutes without it being labeled as creepy."
That received quite the reaction from Nathan. His deep laughter seeped into my senses, relaxing me and making me feel quite giddy myself.
"So what exactly have you called me to your car for, sir?"
His stare darkened just the slightest bit with my proper use of his title. He craned his neck upwards and surveyed our surroundings quickly before concluding that it was safe.
"You're going to come home with me and I'm going to take you out for the night; get your mind off of everything for a while," Nathan revealed as he guided me over to his passenger side door with his hand planted gently on my lower back.
"Out? As in a date?"
"Yup." He smiled at me lovingly and opened the door for me to slide into, which I did without question.
I watched as he walked over, opened his own door and sat in his seat as I continued to bombard him with questions.
"But I don't have anything to wear. I can't go out looking like this with someone as handsome as you next to me," I stated which earned me a scoff from Nathan as he turned his car on and began to back out of the parking lot.
"First, you look incredible and you always do, no matter if you're wearing sweats or a nice dress, you're always stunning," he said as he looked me square in the eyes as he said it, an insistent look set firmly in his stare.
"And second, you won't have to worry about an outfit for tonight. I took care of that."
I cocked my head to the side in confusion as we drove down the road and headed to his house.
"Took care of it? As in..." I prompted him to answer.
He simply replied with a shrug of his shoulders and a glint of mischief sparked in his sapphire eyes.
Excitement bubbled in my stomach and for the first time in two days, Greg was the farthest thing from my mind. All my mind knew was the man sitting next to me and the undeniable anticipation for what would come of tonight.
We arrived at his house and I hopped out of the car and practically ran for the front door, joy coursing through my veins.
Nathan followed after, rushing after me to unlock his door and let me inside of his house. He pretended to have lost his keys for a moment before I took it upon myself to try and reach inside of his pants pocket to retrieve the keys.
He miraculously found his keys seconds later.
Once, we were both inside I found that my enthusiasm had to come to a brief halt, considering the fact that I had no idea where he had hidden my outfit for the night or even what he had planned.
"You seem perplexed," Nathan mused as he watched my eyes scour over every inch of his living room and kitchen in search of my outfit or any hint as to what we would be doing tonight.
"Well, it did just occur to me that I have no idea where this outfit may be, or where your bedroom is for that matter," I finished with a mumble as curiosity got the best of me as my feet drew me towards and down his hallway.
"And why would you need to know where my bedroom is?"
"Because maybe that's where you're hiding my surprise," I shot back with a grin and a quirked eyebrow.
"Or maybe you're just going to try and seduce me," he quipped out with a knowing smirk; his eyes alight with warmth and mirth.
"Is that a challenge?" I asked provocatively as I encountered a door at the end of the hallway. It was a standard, bright white, wooded door and anticipation welled up in the pit of my stomach as I rested my hand on the knob and turned it.
Fingers fastened around my hand and began to drag me in the complete opposite direction.
I went willingly, letting Nathan pull me across the length of his house. Past the kitchen, past his leather clad living room and down into another secret nook that I hadn't even been aware of before just past the living room.
"This," Nathan spoke as he gripped the handle on the door that was hidden in the nook. "is my bedroom."
The door swung open and my eyes were directly sent to the large, king size bed that inhabited the center of his bedroom. The bed looked beyond inviting and I couldn't help the thrill that zipped through my stomach at the sight of it.
Would tonight be the night?
Everything in my body and mind screamed and yearned for that connection with Nathan. I had no reservations, only wants and needs that only Nathan could meet.
"And this," I heard Nathans voice as he walked out of what I assumed to be an adjoining bathroom holding something behind his back. "is your dress for tonight."
He held up the piece of fabric and my mouth fell open in astonishment.
It was absolutely beautiful.
It was black and tan, laced with a strapless, sweetheart neckline. Just from looking at it, I knew the dress would configure to my body effortlessly, enhancing every curve and dip of my hourglass figure.
" you like it?"
I could tell he was hesitant for my answer, probably unsure of my reaction by my silence.
I stepped closer to him, gripping the laced fabric between my fingers and pressed my body into his, the dress caught in between our tight proximity. My head titled upwards to latch my stare onto his, staring up at him tenderly.
"I love it." And I love you.
His deep blue eyes shinned down at me, a broad smile stretching across his handsome face.
"Good. I saw it and immediately thought of you. And then I couldn't get the image of how you would look in it out of my head and decided I just needed to buy it so I could see the real thing."
"You didn't have to do that, you know."
He nodded and squeezed the sides of my waist affectionately. "I know."
This man never ceased to amaze me.
"Alright, you have an hour to get ready and then we have to hit the road. It takes about 45 minutes to get there."
"Are you finally gonna tell me where we're going?" I continued to push for the answer.
Nathan peered up at the ceiling contemplatively for a few seconds before lowering his head back down to mine, his eyes fixed on mine in a teasing manner.
I groaned and sighed dramatically and fell into his arms, dropping my weight into his chest. I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Nathan shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully as he maneuvered my dead weight off of his frame and strolled towards his living room.
And just when I thought that would be the end of it and dragged my body into his master bathroom, I heard him call to me loudly from outside of his bedroom.
"I hope you don't get sea sick!"
A nice chapter everyone! The next few will actually be very nice and maybe a bit steamy *wink wink*. I hope you all enjoyed it!
Can anyone guess where Nathan might be taking her??? :)
Please vote/comment/share if you enjoyed it and if you guys are lucky, I'll be able to pull off another double update week :) Thank you guys! love you!<3
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