Chapter 30
I am the worst best friend in the entirety of best friends.
That was the first thought that went through my head this morning after I had woken up.
The day started off like any normal Saturday would. The week had gone by without a hitch and Nathan's last official day as my professor had passed yesterday.
It was a very bittersweet moment for both him and I to be honest.
On one hand, Nathan and I were just that much closer to me graduating and not having to hide our relationship. But sadly, Nathan was no longer taking part in his dream job. He was a phenomenal teacher and his place was rightfully so at the front of the classroom. He would soon begin the process of applying for teaching jobs at other Universities in the area.
Now, when I woke up today, grabbed my phone to check the time and saw the date, I should have listened to that stirring feeling in the back of my mind that I was forgetting something major.
If I had bothered to listen to that pestering feeling then I wouldn't currently be flying around Party City throwing every birthday relayed item into my gradually overflowing cart.
That's right, folks. I forgot a birthday. But not just any birthday.
Today was Rachel's birthday.
Now, here's the thing about Rachel and birthdays. When it comes to her and planning someone's birthday, it's like her own personal Olympics and she always comes home with the gold.
She felt as though everyone's birthday needed to be huge and special; that everyone deserved to feel special for at least one day a year and have all of the love and attention on them for that day. A sweet, selfless gesture, yes, but it also made it damn near impossible to compete and make her birthday even a tenth as amazing as she made yours.
And that brings me to my current predicament.
"You forgot?!" screeched Mia from the other end of the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear, wincing at the sting that reverberated through my eardrum at her loudness.
"I know, I know! I feel bad enough! I can't even begin to tell you how much I freaked when I realized why Rachel was acting so weird towards me this morning..."
All morning Rachel had been practically jumping around, shooting me sly glances and acting like there was some huge secret that she knew that I knew but she wasn't going to tell me what she knew that I knew. God, it was like that one episode of Friends...
"Well, what are you going to do? I mean, Ben and I got her gifts but we thought you had something up your sleeve party wise, girl! She's gonna kill us with guilt if we don't do something."
"I know! I feel like I'm drowning in it already." I sighed as I passed the plates and forks isle of Party City and threw every Frozen themed utensil in there that I could find.
"I have an idea, but it will take some major luck to pull it off," I told Mia as I ran to the checkout counter to purchase pretty much every Frozen themed item they had in the store.
Don't ask me why, but Rachel had it bad when it came to that movie. When it first came out, we were all subjected to her singing every song at all hours of the day and night.
I swear, I will never build a damn snowman again.
"Well, what are you thinking?" Mia asked on the other end.
"A surprise party. A Frozen themed surprise party."
"Alex, that sounds amazing and if we had a week to plan it I'd be all for it but we don't have a week; we have a few hours. How are we going to pull that off in a few hours? Rachel is at the house as we speak! Plus there's not even a guest list," she groaned in defeat.
"You leave the guest list to me. But I was kind of hoping that getting Rachel out of the house would be you and Ben's job?"
"What?! How are we supposed to do that?"
"I don't know just think of something! I've bought all of the decorations and just need to stop off and get some alcohol and then I'll be home to set up. I just need her gone for 2 hours, maybe 3?"
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone while I walked out of the store, pushing my cart of decorations towards my car.
"Fine. You're lucky we love you," came Mia's response finally.
"Thank you!" I squealed as I started pouring the decorations into the trunk of my car by the bag load.
"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure there's a drink ready with my name on it when I get there."
I chuckled lightly and nodded my head. "Consider it done."
After I got off the phone with Mia, I began dialing every friend that we knew, every classmate that she had ever had friendly contact with and her brother that lived in the area.
It was with great reluctance that I actually phoned him. Rachel's brother, Dain and I had a miserable past. For the longest time after Rachel and I met, he was always trying to sleep with me, constantly flirting with me and not very well either. He was two years older than Rachel and I and one very drunken, very regrettable night, I was feeling extra vulnerable. It was the day after I had gotten back from court and had been forced to see Greg, his wife, and Emily again. It was the day I had to testify against my best friend's father.
Needless to say, I was a wreck when I got home. Dain was there and I was feeling needy. So yeah, that second guy that I slept with, the one who lasted for about two minutes? That would be Dain, ladies and gents.
He was Rachel's brother though and he lived in the area so it would be wrong of me not to invite him for her sake at least.
After getting that task out of the way and securing about 15 people to come over for the party, I headed home to set up.
An hour later, the room was decorated to the nines. The walls, filled with Elsa and Anna posters. There were Olaf shaped shot glasses and blue and white streamers filled the ceiling space. Our punch bowl, which was filled with various alcohols and some kool-aid, had dry ice behind it to add to the theme of the party and give some awesome looking effects as well.
I had set up a table filled with chips and dip, pretzels and some pizza rolls for snacking.
I was beyond exhausted when I finally took a break and flopped down on the couch. I reached out and grabbed my phone out of my purse to see if I had any messages or updates on how Mia and Ben were doing with Rachel. I didn't. But I did in fact have a message from a very sexy, very handsome professor. So I decided to call him.
After a few rings, his deep voice flooded my senses and a giddy smile pulled up on my lips.
"You just can't stay away, can you, Ms. Merrick?"
"Don't you think it's a bit unnecessary now to call me by my last name?"
"Maybe. But I don't plan on stopping any time soon."
"And why is that?" I quipped while laying my back against the couch, relaxing my anxious muscles.
"Because it's sexy, Ms. Merrick. Don't you agree?"
I pretended to mull it over in my mind for a moment, letting him hang on the silence that filled the dead space.
"I guess I would have to agree, sir."
I heard a loud, gruff noise came from his end, a growl of sorts.
"If you keep calling me that, I'll have no choice but to come over there and punish you correctly this time. I'll do all sorts of things to that tight, hot body of yours until you're moaning my name again and begging me to stop and keep going at the same time."
My breath literally caught in my throat and a surge of desire pulsed through my body and straight to my core. It throbbed with need, a need that only Nathan himself could quench.
"As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, I'm afraid my apartment will be filled tonight with drunken college kids and your presence might be a bit of a downer for them."
"You're having a party tonight?" He asked, his lust filled voice now flipped back to normal.
"It's Rachel's birthday and we're throwing a last minute surprise party."
"Oh, that sounds like it will be fun. Just don't have too much fun without me," he said jokingly and it brought another grin to my lips.
"I'll certainly try. I really wish you could be there though." A barely noticeable sadness crept over my words.
"Soon enough, minx. Soon enough." His tone was comforting and hopeful, which brought my slightly soured mood straight back up. Something he always had a great knack for doing.
Two hours later, everybody had arrived and we were all awaiting Rachel's arrival.
Our quaint living room was packed to the corners with warm bodies of all of Rachel's friends who could make it. And excitement buzzed through the room and atmosphere, all of us waiting anxiously for the big surprise.
"She's coming up!" I whisper yelled just as I got the message from Mia.
I turned out all of the lights and everyone crouched behind any piece of furniture they could find.
Then, the sound of keys jingling filled the silence in the apartment. Then, the knob turned and the door swung open, the shred of light pouring through the darkened room.
"Why is it so dark in here?" Rachel's voice called out.
"I don't know," Mia said. "You're the last one who was in the house."
"Yeah, but-"
I flicked on all of the lights and everyone jumped out of their hiding spots, effectively scaring an unexpecting Rachel.
She screamed and jumped back so far that Ben had to act quickly and catch her so she didn't fall flat on her ass.
Her face was one of pure shock and an overwhelming joy slowly stretched across her face as she took in all of the familiar faces and the multitudes of Frozen decor.
"It's all Frozen!" Her eyes searched and found mine, buzzing with elation and she shot towards me like a rocket.
"Alex!" she yelled just before she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist, throwing me off balanced slightly.
"You're the best! I love you and Frozen so much!"
I laughed and wrapped my arms around her in a tight embrace. "Happy birthday!"
"Thank you!"
Mia and Ben came over as Rachel detached herself from my body and set her feet back on the floor and hugged both of them as well.
"Is this why you guys took me to that arcade?" She directed the question towards Ben and Mia.
I couldn't help but openly blanch at both of them. "An arcade? You took her to an arcade for two hours?"
"I thought it would be a great idea!" Ben said defensively.
"It was! I had a blast!" Rachel yelled and jumped up and down in her spot while her eyes continued to roam the room. She spotted some friends of hers from one of her classes, gave us all three another hug before running off to see them.
"Mia, your drink awaits you at the bar!" I declared before grabbing her small hand and dragging her towards the kitchen.
We arrived and were immediately immersed in bodies pushed up against each other's as they got drinks and set up a game of beer pong.
Grabbing a shot for myself, I handed Mia over her drink and got a beer out of the freezer for Ben.
Everyone was having a great time. Everyone was laughing and a sense of accomplishment floated over my mind and I felt like I could finally relax and enjoy the party. That was until I heard his voice.
"This turned out pretty well. You'd never guess it was so last minute."
Annoyance shot through my body and I couldn't help the roll of my eyes at his overtly confident tone.
I forced myself to turn on my heel and face him. Dain's relatively handsome face came into my view. His black hair pushed back in what some would consider a sexy way. His piercing green eyes held my gaze as an obnoxious smirk formed on his lips. His body was still as toned as it was on that night almost a year back. Everything about him on the outside was pretty attractive. It's what was hidden on the inside that was the revolting part.
"Hey, Dain. Glad you could make it," I said, trying to make light, polite conversation.
"You know I'd never let an opportunity to see you slip past me, babe."
My face scrunched up at his nickname that he insisted on using for me ever since that night. I began to rock back and forth on my feet uncomfortably, looking around the room for an escape.
"Ever the charmer, Dain," I mused sarcastically. "I should probably find Rachel and give her my gift."
The moment the words were out of my mouth I gave him a curt nod and attempted to brush past him and leave.
Attempted, being the key word there.
Before I could stop it, his arms wrapped around my waist and brought me flush up against his chest, his fingers squeezing roughly at my waist. We were so close that our noses brushed and I instantly tried pulling away without making a scene.
"Dain, let me go. I have a party to host."
"Oh, I think you can take a break for a minute or two."
"That really is all the time that is takes," I clipped wittingly which earned me a scowl from Dain whose grip on my waist only tightened as one of his hands tried to slip lower.
"You caught me off guard that day, babe. Let me make it up to you," he purred and brought his lips right up against my ear, nuzzling his head against mine like a fucking cat. I was becoming more and more enraged by the second.
"I have a boyfriend so I'm afraid I'll have to decline." Annoyance was clear in my voice as I raised my hands up and put more of a visible struggle into detaching myself from him.
"A boyfriend? I don't see him here tonight," he whispered and his hand suddenly swooped low enough to grab my ass, making me squeal and push against his hard chest with a new found determination.
"I'm right here, asshole."
Those were the words that rang through my ears just seconds before I was ripped off of Dain, his hand leaving my backside and pulled into a broad, muscular chest.
On instinct, my arms wrapped themselves around the man's chest. It felt all too familiar. In a state of panic, I craned my head upwards to look at my savior and sure enough, it was Nathan.
Yet, the overwhelming sense of panic at him being here was quickly diminished once I saw that he had sunglasses on and a baseball cap pulled far enough down on his head that you couldn't exactly place who he was.
Compassion, joy, and relief swarmed my body as I let myself fall into his embrace and wrapped my arms fully around his chest.
"If I ever see you lay a finger on her again I swear I will cut the whole fucking hand off. Got it?"
Dain's face paled at Nathans words. He nodded his head and mumbled a quick 'sorry' under his breath and took off into the crowd.
"I can't leave you alone for one night without some jackass trying to sleep with you, can I?" Nathans voice was gruff with a strong over tone of annoyance. His arms secured me tighter into his body and I welcomed the touch wholeheartedly.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, completely avoiding his rhetorical question.
"I just thought I'd stop in and say hello for a moment. Then, I walk in and the first thing I see is some guy with his hands all over you. What a nice hello that was," he mumbled angrily, his face set in a firm and adorable pout.
Knowing exactly what would brighten his mood; I laced our hands together and headed towards my bedroom. Nathan followed without question, helping me dodge drunken college students along the way.
We finally reached my bedroom and we practically fell through the door, glad to be out of the mosh pit that inhabited my living room.
The moment Nathan shut the door, I was on him.
I threw my arms around his neck and molded our lips together. He responded instantly, sliding his large, hot hands around my waist and bringing my body flush up against his hard, muscular one. Our lips danced with each other's as we kissed each other passionately, feverishly; as if we hadn't kissed in months.
My breathing was coming out in deep, heavy spurts through my nose and I was becoming light headed from the excitement. I unwillingly parted our lips, our breaths intermingling with the others as we were still only centimeters apart.
A short laugh escaped his lips as his eyes sparkled with adoration. "Better."
"Good," I answered back, my mouth tilting up into a small smile as I untangled myself from his warm body.
Suddenly, my ringtone echoed through my bedroom. I reached towards the back pocket of my jeans where my phone was being held.
I pulled it out and glanced at the number before picking up.
Unknown. I sent Nathan a confused stare just before turning my back to him and answering my phone.
"Oh..." A male voice sighed euphorically "It is so good hearing your sweet voice again."
Terror ripped through my body with such a force that my breath stuck in my throat painfully and I felt the world around me begin to implode. Dread tore through my mind as I quickly spun back towards Nathan, my panicked, wide, eyes finding his.
Sorry it's so late guys but it's peak season where I work with the holidays but here you go! I hope you all loved it! What did you think of the ending?! IT'S GREG! AH!
Please comment and vote and share if you loved it! The next one will be a great one! ;)
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