Chapter 3
Pic of Ben up top! Enjoy!
I saw his mouth moving and I knew that words were coming out as all of the students were nodding their heads at his statement, but I couldn't believe it.
This man that had teased me, flirted with me, and then ultimately hustled me was my teacher for the next two months. This had to be some sick joke. I was anticipating someone to jump out with a camera crew and tell me that I was on some random prank show.
That didn't happen.
My eyes scanned the room until they landed on a familiar set of hazel eyes. Ben stared back at me with wide eyes filled with concern and a slight hint of amusement.
I looked to my friend for guidance on a situation he wasn't even aware of. Ben then nodded his head towards the direction of the front of the classroom.
Confused, I shook my head letting him know I had no clue what he meant.
Ben rolled his eyes at me and continued nodding his head towards the front of the room. My eyes left his and went in the direction he was nodding in, which happened to be straight to Mr. McCoy.
He was staring at me expectantly, but why? And then a horrifying thought occurred.
I moved my gaze from his and sure enough the entire class stared right back at me.
Well, this is uncomfortable.
My eyes shot back to Mr. McCoy as he spoke.
"Welcome back, Ms. It seems as though your ears took a vacation as I've been talking to you for the last minute while you were catching flies with your mouth," McCoy said with a very serious face, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes as well.
I mumbled a 'sorry' under my breath and scurried up to where Ben was sitting; all the while doing my best to avoid eye contact with anyone I passed.
I threw my bag onto the desk and quickly sunk down in my seat until my head was nowhere visible to Mr. McCoy.
"What the hell was that, Alex?" Ben whispered to me.
I groaned, letting my head fall back against the seat.
"Karma at her very best," I mumbled.
Ben's eyes flickered with concern. "Everything okay, Cookie?"
Ever since I told him the story about my cookie bets when I was little, he had proclaimed that to be his nickname for me. To be honest, I actually really adored the nickname, made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I inwardly chuckled at my own cliché.
I let my head fall the side facing him and attempted a smile. My efforts obviously fell short as he dropped the concerned look to replace it with an incredulous one.
"It's not really a big deal, just a very unfortunate turn of events, nothing I can't handle," I said, giving him a convincing smile this time.
My smile was short lived as the voice I dreaded hearing most came ringing through the classroom.
"Excuse me, am I interrupting something?" He raised an eyebrow at us expectantly.
My mouth opened and closed but nothing came out.
Ben finally stepped up to the plate, saving my ass for the second time today.
"No sir, we were just discussing -"
"I really don't care what you were discussing. Go try your pick up lines on her somewhere else or be quiet." He turned his stare to me "Both of you."
I finally found my voice and sat up straight in my seat.
"Look sir, he wasn't -"
"So I assume you're leaving as I just asked you to be quiet and yet you're still running your mouth."
The fuck you was on the tip of my tongue when I remembered. This arrogant asshole was my teacher. I couldn't curse at a teacher without being reprimanded.
So I swallowed those words, opting for another way to get under his skin instead.
I began to fake search through my bag. "Aha!" I exclaimed, moving my eyes up to his intrigued ones.
I pulled my hand out of the bag with my pointer finger and thumb pinched together and brought them across my lips, signaling that I had zipped my lips shut.
I grabbed the top of my shirt, opened it, and slid the fake key down the valley of my breast, eventually going where no one can see my fingers anymore and the rest was left up to the imagination.
The whole while my stare was set on Mr. McCoy's, whose eyes, which were filled with utter annoyance, were now unconsciously following my hand the whole way down.
Mr. McCoy's eyes snapped back up to mine. His hands were gripping the chair in front of him with so much strength that his knuckles turned white. His entire body was rigid, which sent my pride through the roof!
"Well, thank you for that show Ms. but I do believe we have better things to get to during this lesson then being distracted by your charades, so if you don't mind, I'd like to start role now." Mr. McCoy narrowed his eyes at me.
I simply gave him a go ahead gesture and propped my feet up on the empty chair next to mine.
Mr. McCoy took one last lingering, irritated look at me before running a hand through his brunette hair, making it look positively sinful. He shook his head and grabbed a clip board off of Ms. Smith's desk and began to call roll.
I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my lips. Just knowing that I could fluster him, even slightly, made my pride swell far more than it should.
Mr. McCoy's voice floated to the back of my mind, acting as a sort of vocal massage. I let my eyes droop shut, closing out the rest of the world, focusing only on the smooth, velvet voice circulating throughout the room.
"Sarah Kendrick...
...Jason Koleman"
I perked up in my seat.
He's already to the K's?
"Alexandria Merrick?" the devilishly handsome man at the front of the room spoke, still looking down at his clip board. His beautiful face creased in boredom.
After a moment of silence he looked up and around the room expectantly. His brilliant blue eyes roamed the room for someone to claim the name.
My name.
I felt an elbow ram painfully into my side. I winced and grabbed my stomach as I turned my glare to the culprit. Ben was repeating his motion from earlier, nodding his head in the direction of Mr. McCoy.
I shook my head and brought my pinched fingers across my lips again, reminding him of my silence.
"God, you're stubborn," Ben mumbled under his breath.
I smiled up at him cheekily before turning my head back to Mr. McCoy.
"So, no Alexandria?" Mr. McCoy raised an eyebrow at the class.
"She's right there!" a horridly annoying voice screeched out. My eyes shot to the girl who gave me away, Abby.
She even pointed her perfectly manicured finger at me, making sure that there was no way McCoy could miss me.
My eyes were ablaze with anger and I swore in that moment fire could have protruded through my eye sockets. She threw me the most fake smile I had ever seen, flipped her wavy, blonde hair over her shoulder and turned back to the front.
It took all of my strength to peel my eyes away from the back of the bitches head and find Mr. McCoy.
He shook his head and sighed deeply as he brought his fingers up to rub across his forehead.
"So, I take it that you are Alexandria Merrick?"
A sly smile crossed my lips. I tapped my finger to my lips twice and shrugged up at Mr. McCoy.
He groaned deep within his throat, shutting his eyes in presumed irritation.
"Oh yes," he said in remembrance of my vow of silence. "If only it would stay that way," he sighed.
My mouth dropped open at his rudeness.
Ben snickered next to me and I returned his elbow jab from a few moments ago. I heard a grunt next to me and he was conveniently silent after that.
The class continued as normal after that and the moment Mr. McCoy dismissed us, I sprung up out of my seat and was the first one through the door, leaving Ben in the dust.
Serves him right!
I practically sprinted down the hallway, attempting to get as far away from that classroom and the man that currently occupied it a possible.
I was humiliated. Earlier, I was just shy of groping McCoy back in the teachers' lounge before I knew that he was actually a teacher. Hell, I had promised him any one thing, suggestively, if he turned out to be telling the truth!
Not that I would mind doing said teacher a special favor, if he wasn't so rude, that was. He was unbelievably attractive with those sapphire eyes that teased me relentlessly without him even being aware of what he was doing, a body that would put Ryan Reynolds to shame, and that voice. God, that voice. It had sent bolts of desire straight to my core. I couldn't even imagine hearing him moan my name as our bodies intertwine-
"Hey, Speedy Gonzalez! Thanks for waiting for me!" A very breathy Ben surprised me out of my dirty thoughts and clasped a hand on my shoulder.
"Oh, uh yeah, sorry about that," I stuttered. "I just needed to get out of there before Mr. McCoy decided to embarrass me further."
"You had your fair share of being the embarrasser, my friend! With that whole key down your shirt act, he was on the verge of drooling."
I smirked at the memory.
"So, what was up with you two anyway? Things seemed...tense," Ben said thoughtfully.
I groaned as we exited the door out to the parking lot where Ben's car awaited our arrival.
"Well, you know how you always said I was gonna get caught one day for going into the Teacher Lounge?" I asked. We approached Ben's blue Chevy car and I slung my bag over my shoulder and threw the thing inside on the floor of the passenger front seat.
"Oh man, you finally get caught?" an excited Ben asked as he threw his backpack in the backseat and started up the car.
I clicked my seat belt in and laid my head back against the head rest.
I sighed. "I wish that was all that happened."
We drove back to my and Rachel's place, Ben silent while I told him about my afternoon ordeal; leaving out no details, even about the bet. Ben laughed his ass off when I told him that part and almost ran over an old lady in the process. Let's just say we got a very colorful vocabulary lesson from that woman.
Ben pulled into our apartment complex and parked. Shutting off the engine, we both gathered our stuff and headed inside.
"Are you going to go home and change for tonight?" I asked, confused as to why he was following me inside.
"Nah, the ladies are gonna be flocking to me like a moth to a flame." An arrogant smile plastered on his face. "Have you heard my latest pick up line? It's a sure fire into any ladies pants." Ben winked at me.
I laughed and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
I rummaged through my bag until I found my keys and unlocked the door to my and Rachel's apartment.
"I've gotta hear this one. Your last pick up line got three drinks thrown in your face. This one is bound to be a winner!" I laughed and opened the door.
But before he could get out his new pick up line, music came blasting through the doorway and a petite brunette flung herself at us.
"Guys! Where have you been?" Mia screeched.
"Um, class?" Ben answered obviously.
I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and then my name being called out.
"Alex?" Rachel called. "Is that you?" My roommate came bounding around the corner with her blonde hair already done up.
"Hey Ben, what are- Alex!" my best friend yelled. "What are you doing?" I looked at her with obvious confusion.
"Standing. Is that a crime?" I asked with a smile.
Rachel's stare was extremely unamused. She stomped over and grabbed my arm.
"It is when we have to get ready for tonight! You have to help me pick out an outfit!" she said while pulling me behind her and into my bedroom.
"And we're going into my room, why?" I cocked an eyebrow up at her.
She threw a "duh" my way and waltzed into my closet as if she was walking into her personal mini mart clothing store. "We both you have the sexier clothing options out of us two. I need one of your sexy dresses for tonight!" Rachel said while she fingered through all of my clothes like a woman on a mission.
I rolled my eyes playfully at her and strolled over to her and hip checked her out of the way.
"Aha!" I exclaimed as I pull out a short, black, lacy dress with quarter sleeves that was off the shoulders.
Rachel squealed and practically ripped the dress from my hands.
"It's perfect! Beyond perfect, Alex! I love it!" She squished me in a hug. "I love you!" Then she ran out of my room and into hers to finish getting ready.
I chuckled to myself at her craziness as I walked to my door to close it. I leaned my back up against the wooded door and closed my eyes, breathing in a cleansing breath.
A moment of peace.
After everything that happened today, I almost wanted to fake a headache and stay home, crawled up in bed watching Friends re-runs. As much fun as that sounded like, the thought of missing out on a night with my friends because of some Jerk- off of a professor infuriated me. That guy may have control over me in the classroom but I refused to let him control any other part of my life.
With that thought, I shook off any negative feelings from today, and headed to my bathroom to get ready.
About an hour later, we were about ready to head out.
My chestnut hair was done in luxurious curls that fell all the way down to just above my breast. My make-up was done elegantly. My golden eyes were enhanced by a smoky eye-shadow look and top, black eyeliner. My lips were covered in a maroon lipstick that I often used when I went out to clubs.
I chose to wear my short red dress, which had a lower cut top half, showing off a generous amount of my cleavage. Nothing slutty, just enough to entice the guys and make them swoon a little. It clung to my slim waist with two openings on each side of the dress, showing off a bit of bare flesh. I topped off the look with my plain black stilettos.
I stood in front of my full length mirror doing another once over, still unsure if this dress was a little too over the top.
My bedroom door flew open and Rachel and Mia strutted through looking absolutely stunning.
My black dress fits Rachel like a handmade glove. Her blonde hair was pin straight and her make up done subtly. Mia had on a pair of high-waisted white shorts and a gold sequence crop top. Her short brunette hair was done up with a few curls going astray, framing her face perfectly and her make up done somewhat dramatically.
"Holy Shit! You guys look hot!" I complimented them both. Mia bowed dramatically and both Rachel and I looked at each other before bursting out laughing
"Why thank you very much, Alex! I would like to thank the academy for the nomination and my parents for the wonderful job they did in creating such a beauty."
Mia's speech was cut short by Ben sending a slow whistle our way.
He sauntered into the hallway and gave us all an impressed once over, giving Mia a few seconds extra of ogling.
"Hot damn, I am one lucky guy!" Ben announced, still wide eyed looking at us three. "So which one of you is my date for the night? Oh, who am I kidding, I'm not picky. I'll take all three!"
We all three laughed at him. Rach ignored Ben and walked to stand next to me
"I know what you're thinking and no, you look sexy as hell! So don't you even think of taking that dress off," she whispered threateningly in my ear.
I glanced at her through the mirror, a small smile on my face. I leaned my head on her shoulder.
"Thanks, Rach." I smiled at her gratefully.
She sent me a supportive wink before disappearing off into the hallway.
I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk away from the criticizing mirror.
"Alright! So who's ready to do some shots?" I asked excitedly.
Two hands shot up in front of me and I heard Rachel scream a 'me' from the bathroom.
I headed out into the kitchen and grabbed four shot glasses and our bottle of tequila. I placed them in a row on our counter top and filled them to the brim.
"Cab is on its way!" Ben said as he shut his phone and put it away in his pocket.
"Perfect!" I squealed, finally starting to feel the excitement for what was no doubt going to be a crazy, awesome night.
"Alright everybody, line up!"
We all grabbed our shot glasses off the counter and brought them just slightly over our heads, preparing for our toast.
"Okay guys, everybody stay safe tonight, don't make out with any crazies!" We all chuckled at the comment and glanced at Ben.
"That was one time guys! Let a guy live his life, crazy bitches and all!" Ben claimed exasperatedly.
We three giggled before getting back to the awaiting alcohol in our hands.
"Most importantly, let's make this a night to remember or totally forget!" I exclaimed before bringing our glasses up above our heads
"Let's get fucked up!" Ben yelled and we all tipped our heads back, taking the alcohol with us.
Let the night begin.
SO what do you guys think? Do you think anything is going to happen at the club? Vote/comment please if you liked it and want to read more! You guys rock!
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