Chapter 28
Nathans POV
I watched Alex's light brown eyes double in size as her head flew in the direction of the front door where the knock originated from.
"You're joking right?" Her melodic voice asked lightly.
God, I wish I was.
"No," I said and reached out to brush my hand across her shoulder in a comforting manner. "I wish I was but he insisted since he was already coming by to pick up Silvia that he meet you too."
"With Silvia here? Where she could blow our entire cover?" She asked exasperatedly, her chest rising with each heavy, anxious breath that she took, making her breast rise and fall in an all too tempting display. Their curves, rounding out perfectly at the top where just a preview of her cleavage was showing, teasing me relentlessly.
God, she really has the best rack ever...
Alex's voice snapped me back into the present and my gaze finally left her chest and found her awaiting stare.
"Sorry, I was just-"
"I know what you were doing, perv," She said with that sarcastic glint in her eye that I had become overly attached to and loved the sight of.
"So are you going to answer the door or should I, your student?" She asked, pulling me back into our current predicament.
"He doesn't have to know that you are my student." I got up off of the couch and laced my fingers through hers, forcing her up off of the couch and tailing behind me. I knew she was reluctant to meet him but a part of me wanted this to happen. A part of me yearned for the approval of a father figure, someone to pat me on the pack with a proud look in his eyes and say that I had someone really special. It wasn't like I needed some sort of reassurance that Alex was in fact that someone special, more so just for the ritual aspect of it all. A father telling his son that he had done right by him; even if it wasn't his own father.
I spun on my heel once we reached the door to face Alex. Her entire body was tensed and nervous. She kept running a hand through her long locks of hair; a nervous tick of hers that I had picked up on a while ago.
Her eyes darted up to mine as I stepped closer to her, bringing her soft, curvaceous body into mine, my large hands skimming over her slim waist.
"Just be yourself and he will love you," I said, soothing her with my touch and words. She really had nothing to worry about but the fact that she was making so much out of meeting Dan, someone who she now knew how important to me he was, made my chest constrict with so much emotion that it left me breathless.
"Okay." She nodded and forced a smile to rise on her plump lips.
I gave her one last reassuring look before turning and opening the front door, revealing a man whom I respected and looked up to more than anyone since my dad passed.
Dan Gordon's light grey, wise eyes met mine. He looked the same as he had just a few months ago; maybe with a few added gray hairs. His once blonde hair, like Silvia's, had begun to gray over the years as he was pushing 60 now. Yet, he was still relatively in shape. His shoulder still stood broad and his height almost matched mine in size.
Within the first second of seeing me, Dan's thin lips rose into a familial sort of smile and walked directly into my house without question and went to embrace me, the way a father would their son if they had not seen each other for months on end.
"You look good, kid." Dan's voice rasped as he clapped me on the back a couple times.
"Not so sure I can say the same for you, old man," I joked back, earning me a swift smack on the back of my head.
Damn, that's twice today!
"Now, where's the girl who I've just been told is a lying, conniving, man stealing whore?"
"That would be me." I heard Alex confess from behind me, my figure blocking her from Dan's sight until now as she moved her body around mine and came to stand next to me.
"That would be your daughter's lovely opinion of me," She said with sarcasm dripping from her words and I was glad to see she wasn't hiding her true self in front of Dan.
"Ah, I see." I watched as Dans eyes surveyed her. His eyes drifted up and down and at one point I was almost positive that his gaze lingered a bit too long on her chest for my liking.
On instinct, I wrapped my arm possessively around her waist, drawing her into my side, surprising her a bit as she stumbled and grabbed onto my shirt for support.
"Ever clumsy, Ms. Merrick," I muttered in her ear teasingly.
Her jaw slacked and her eyebrows rose accusingly. "Well I wouldn't be so clumsy all the time if it weren't for you always invading my personal space!"
"You love it." I shot right back at her with a smirk. She opened her mouth to retort but it was abruptly squelched by my remark. She simply shrugged her shoulders and nodded.
I laughed at her blunt honestly and pressed my lips against her forehead in a tender kiss.
For a brief moment, I had completely forgotten that Dan was even there. That was until he made himself known in the most blatant of ways.
"Well you two sure know how to make a lonely man feel even lonelier."
Both Alex and I's attentions were directed back towards Dan, who was looking quite smugly at the both of us. A loving kind of smug, I dearly hoped.
"Alex, is it?" Dan asked her once he knew he had our attention back on him.
"Yeah." She nodded, looking at him expectantly.
"Do you think you could go fix Nathan and I some coffee? I was up all night grading papers and have to entertain a very upset daughter on the long drive home."
"Sure!" She perked up, agreeing immediately even though she and I both knew that she had no idea where any of the things used to make the coffee would be. It was evident that she was more than eager to remove herself from this awkward reunion with her current boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, father.
Hot damn, that was a confusing thought.
"Excellent." Dan exclaimed.
She spun around towards the kitchen and gave me a grateful smile before heading off to attempt to complete a task in which she had no idea how to start.
I watched her walk away, her hips swaying enticingly and her brunette hair, bouncing with every eager step she took. Just before she rounded the corner, she surprised me by stopping, glancing back over her shoulder and connecting her stunning hazelnut eyes with mine. Her lips tilted up just a bit at the corner before she threw an affectionate, teasing wink at me and then she was gone.
A small chuckled pulled through my lips and I shook my head at her even though she wasn't in the room to see it.
"Minx," I mumbled to myself with a sly smirk.
I turned back to Dan and was met with his calculating eyes prying into mine. But what he was trying to figure out, I hadn't a damn clue.
"You seemed to have moved on fast, Nathan," Dan spoke as he walked his way into my living room and coincidently sat in the exact same spot that Silvia was when I found her with Alex just over an hour ago.
Disgust rolled through my muscles as I recalled her desperate attempt to get back with me. Desperation was by far the least sexy quality that a woman could possibly possess.
His expression was stoic as a statue and I had no chance of deciphering if he was actually upset with me or not.
"Well, it was kind of out of my hands."
Dan pursed his lips with a disappointed look overtaking his face.
"Bullshit. Stop making excuses, Nathan. You know out of anyone that I certainly wouldn't buy it."
"No I mean it," I said truthfully, strolling into the living room with my hands in my front pockets. "I honestly tried to stop it. I pushed her away, I tried stopping any contact that we had the end, I just couldn't stop it from happening."
"So what? You just couldn't stop your hormones from taking over and seducing and sleeping with a fresh new girl?"
My eyebrows strung together, repulsed by how he referred to Alex and my intentions with her.
"No, man! You seriously think I would do that? Do you really think that's the kind of guy I am because if so then I'm at a complete loss as to why you asked me to date your daughter."
"Well maybe you've changed. I don't know what this new girl has done to you."
New girl? He better stop referring to Alex as that or this conversation would be taking a very different, very aggressive turn shortly.
I rolled my head over my neck and shoulders, releasing a long, harsh breath of air, trying to calm myself and my emotions down.
"Alex has done nothing but change me for the better. I'm happier with her than I ever remember being in my entire life. I've got a renewed sense of purpose in my life and that's all thanks to her."
Dan's eyes squinted at the sides in thought and he peered up at me accusingly.
"So you aren't with her just to sleep with her?"
"No! We haven't even slept together! But- fuck, this is none of your business, Dan," I said through heavy, deep breaths. The anger and protectiveness were rushing through my heated blood and the simple thought of him speaking about Alex in a negative way again was only boiling my blood to the rupturing point.
"Well excuse me if I do think it's my business to find out why you separated from my daughter seemingly out of nowhere," Dan spoke in a much calmer voice than I expected.
I sighed and lowered myself down onto the loveseat sitting adjacent to the couch were Dan was.
"Dan, I tried with Silvia. I really did. You know that I would do anything to repay you for everything that you've done for me. But when I was with Silvia I wasn't happy. I know she's your daughter and you love her but I just can't force myself to feel that way about her. And when I broke up with her I assumed that you would be upset but you would ultimately understand. That you wouldn't want me to stay with her if I was a step away from being miserable."
"I didn't say I want you to be miserable. I just want to understand what's so special about this new girl," Dan mused with a glint of something in his eyes; something I didn't care to figure out as the only thing that stood out to me was that phrase that he had used time and time again. And I was fucking sick of it.
"She is not some new girl, Dan!," I roared, jumping up out of my relaxed, sitting position and began pacing back and forth through my living room, anger storming my thoughts and clouding my judgement.
"She has a name. Her name is Alex, got that? She is not some new girl, she is the girl!" I said defiantly, physically shaking with fury.
Dan took my outburst as a chance to stand up as well, taking a few determined steps towards with me with a look in his eye as if he knew what he was doing. He knew he was pushing my buttons. And he wasn't done yet.
"The girl? Really? And what makes you say that?"
"Because she is!" I lowered my voice to a jarring whisper, trying desperately to remember that Alex was in the next room and didn't need to hear this argument.
"Everything about her is perfect. Her mannerisms, her sarcastic tendencies, the way she makes me feel like the only man that's ever been worth a damn. Even every flaw she has, no matter how frustrating they can be at times are also some of the things I love about her the most. You don't know a damn thing about her so stop talking about her like you do!" I spat at him, the effects of his ignorant betrayal sitting rancid in my stomach, only fueling my rage more rapidly.
"Jesus, Nathan, the way you talk about this new girl sounds like you're in love with her!"
"Well, maybe I am!"
The room was silenced.
Dan's face became utterly serious as he walked straight up to me, clamping his strong grip over my shoulders. His grey eyes bored into mine, all sense of debate or anger immediately vanished. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him look so insistent.
"Either you do love her or you don't, Nathan. There's no maybe about it," He shook his head, his grip tightening on my shoulders as he titled his head downward, keeping eye contact with me the entire time, making him look far more intimidating.
"Now, do you love her?"
His question struck me harder than a freight train would in my chest. It was a terrifying and exhilarating feeling. I hadn't ever been in love before but I had also never been so drawn to someone so quickly and persistently. It was as if fate kept putting Alex and I in each other's paths; the University, the club, and then that weekend at her parents where everything changed. You could almost feel the palpable shift in our relationship then, even though we hadn't even kissed yet.
I'd never wanted to kiss anyone so badly and when I finally lost it in the classroom and did it was...fucking magical, as corny as that sounds. Her lips and mine fit together so perfectly it was as if they were made for the others. And everything we've been through these last few months, everything she's been through and came out so strong on the other side. She's magnificent.
If I had never met her...
Shit, I don't even want to think about that. I can't. Alex has quickly become my happiness, my reason to wake up in the morning, my everything and if I lost her...I'd break.
The clenching, swirling, miserable feeling in my stomach at the thought of her loss is what brought me to my final and undeniable revelation.
"I do," I said almost in awe.
Dan's eyes immediately lit up. He chuckled and brought me in for an extremely unexpected and tight hug.
"I'm so happy for you, kid. You deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way."
His words brought on a severe bought of confusion that wracked my brain and I pulled away from his embrace and stared at his bright, shinning eyes.
"What?" I asked a bit too intensely.
"What do you mean what? Of course I'm over the moon for you and Alex."
So now he decides to use her name. Dick.
"So then what was all of that about? You made me feel horrible and you kept insulting Alex and I's relationship. I was ready to rip your balding head off, Dan!"
He only chucked once more, sitting back comfortably on the arm of my couch, folding his arms.
"Trust me, I know. I wasn't sure how much further I could push you until you realized what I had the moment I walked in the door."
"That whole thing was a charade that you were pulling?" I inquired exasperatedly.
"Of course! Why else would I ever say such horrible things about someone that it was evident you are crazy about? The answer is I wouldn't but I just needed you to realize it for yourself."
The Dick knew I was in love with her before I even knew. That's some freaky shit...
"How did you know?" I couldn't help but ask.
A gentle, proud smile pulled up on Dan's lips.
"I'd never seen you look at anyone the way you looked at Alex. The way you looked at she was your whole world. And when you thought that I was checking her out and you went all Alpha on the situation and grabbed for her instantly, Nathan it was beyond obvious to me and I'm sure everyone around you guys. You're just too damn stubborn to see if for yourself."
I nodded reluctantly and it seemed as though I couldn't keep this stupid grin off of my face now that I realized how deeply I felt for Alex.
Dan stood up off of the couch and walked towards the front door. He turned to me and sighed.
"Well, I should probably get going and attend to the fuming daughter that awaits me in the car."
"Sounds exciting," I quipped wittingly which Dan only replied with a purse of his lips.
Just before he turned around the leave, he reached a hand out and I automatically placed my hand in his for a firm handshake. Yet, just as I was about to take my hand back, his gripped mine tighter and he pulled me in closer to him. His stare was set on mine intently.
"She's perfect for you, Nathan. Don't ever let her go, you hear me? It's not too often that you find someone who puts a look in your eyes like the one you had when you watched her walk out of the room. She's a keeper, son."
And there it was. Everything I wanted to hear from him in that moment laid out perfectly before me. Appreciation and a thousand other emotions swelled in my chest for him and the woman waiting for me in my kitchen.
With a final pat on my shoulder, Dan left to go deal with and drive his mentally deranged daughter home.
Once the front door shut, I fell back against it, my back flush with the wood. Thoughts of how I was going to deal with my new revelation exploded through my mind and suddenly I felt the need for a stiff drink.
There was no denying how fucked up the whole thing sounded in my head but ultimately, it was the gods honest truth and I couldn't have been happier or more petrified.
I was in love with one of my students.
Madly. Deeply. Irrevocably.
He loves her!! Yay! How did you guys like Nathans POV? I've never written from a mans perspective and tried to make it have a distinct difference from Alex's. Tell me what you thought and vote/comment if you loved it and love Nathan! lol
The next chapters gonna be a steamy one for all of you flustered readers ;)
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