Chapter 26
I blinked. Nothing changed. I blinked again. Still nothing. I had to be dreaming though, right?
What other excuse could possibly give reason as to the woman sitting not but ten feet away from me, looking as smug and as plastic as ever.
Her devious eyes had not met mine yet. They were still concentrated in triumph on Nathan, who, at this point, looked annoyed enough to burst.
"Hey, baby." She smiled seductively at him from the couch as she pulled one of her legs over the other one, crossing them and effectively showing off an ample amount of tanned skin due to the short, black dress she was wearing.
Nathan's eyes glazed over in obvious confusion. "What...what are you doing here?"
She smiled and sat up a bit, pushing her chest out in the process.
"Daddy dropped me off."
"And why would he do that?" Nathan inquired in an incredibly passive aggressive tone.
"Because I told him we had a dinner date!" She laughed gave him a 'duh' sort of look as she flicked her perfectly straight blonde hair over her shoulder.
There was a moment of dead silence in which Nathan seemed to be pondering over his next words with great care.
"Are you insane?" He asked in all seriousness.
I couldn't help but finally make myself known as laughter tore through my body at his question.
"Do you really have to ask that?" I managed to say through my laughter. Suddenly, Silvia's eyes snapped over to mine and clouded over with what I could only assume was pure hatred.
"Nathan," Silvia said in a clipped voice that had dropped considerably lower. "What is she doing here?"
"Aww, I missed you too," I said in a sickeningly sweet tone.
"What the hell, Nathan? Is she what you've been so busy with that you haven't had time for me? For your girlfriend!"
"I broke up with you over a month ago!" Nathan yelled exasperatedly, throwing his hands up into the air.
"Stop saying that! I know you're going through a phase or something but I'm tired of waiting for it to end! Just come back to me, Nathan baby." She pouted up at him from the couch.
"Wow, you must be off your meds again," I couldn't help muttering, throwing my two-sense in there. Nathan turned on his heel to face me.
"Alex, stop," he said in a hushed voice. But by the look in his eyes and quirk of his lips, you could tell that he definitely found humor in what I had said.
I held my hands up in a mock surrender as he swiveled to face his Ex again, who had now shot up from where she was sitting and had taken a step closer to Nathan and myself.
"Say that to my face, bitch!" Silvia screeched as fire burned in her eyes.
Wait..didn't I just? Is she serious?
My head reared back and my eyes scrunched in confusion. "But I just...did," I stated more as a question. "I mean were you not...listening?"I pointed my fingers back and forth between the two of us to try and get my point and confusion across more. And then a thought struck me.
"Oh, man. You really are off your meds, aren't you?"
A battle cry ripped through her lips as she took off and tried to plow through Nathan to get at me. Thankfully, Nathan held her back, barely struggling as he pushed be back to a more appropriate distance. Her face contorted to that of a true warrior capable of brutal, horrific things.
"You are so pathetic, you know that? What, did you follow Nathan home and trap him in here to try and seduce him?"
"Um, no actually. That would be taking a page straight out of your book and fortunately I graduated from picture books a long time ago," Nathan's body shook briefly as he wasn't able to hold in his short but unmistakable chuckle. "My car actually broke down and Mr.McCoy was gracious enough to give me a ride back to my place but had to stop off here to pick up something first."
I lied straight through my teeth and even as I was saying it, I knew there were several holes in my story. Like cell phones, toe trucks, other friends picking me up. But did I think that for one second that Silvia was smart enough to figure those out?
You can be for damn sure that I didn't give her that much credit.
Her body was visibly shaking in anger as she had nothing left to say. Nathan took her silence as an opportunity to calm the situation down a notch.
"Silvia, why don't you just leave? Call your dad to pick you up or I will," Nathan spoke in a calm and collected voice but his stance and deep blue eyes were enough to let her know that he meant business.
Was it just me or was it getting hot in here?
Her eyes widened as her eyebrows skyrocketed. "You can't be serious? You owe my dad and promised to make me happy!"
"Yes and I will be forever grateful to him for what he helped me through but I also know for a fact that he wouldn't want me to continue on in a relationship with you if it made me crazy! Especially if I told him that I had found someone else who made me a million times as happy!"
Silvia's eyes morphed slowly into deadly pits of horror as the realization truly dawned on her. And there I was, over to the side, leaping internally with joy at his statement.
"I knew it..." she whispered before her eyes fell upon me and her mouth screwed up into the ugliest scowl I had ever been witness to. "You! I fucking knew it!" she screamed harshly as she threw herself once again towards me. Nathan wasn't quite quick enough this time though as she managed to slip through his arms like the snake she was and seconds later her frame loomed over mine, her face mere inches away.
"Silvia, don't!" Nathan demanded as he forced himself next to both of us and went to grab for me, but Silvia's next words stopped him.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to touch your precious new toy," she spat in his face before turning her head back in my direction, her eyes piercing through mine. "I just want her to be informed about your past before she gets in too deep with you."
Curiosity blossomed in my stomach at her words. Nathans reaction only fueled my curiosity as his entire face paled.
"Don't even think about it," Nathan threatened in a dark, menacing voice. I had never seen him this angry, deadly even. And even though I knew I shouldn't have been; I was scared of him in that moment.
"Too late. Times up," Silvia sneered at him mockingly. His fist began to clench and work themselves anxiously as they stared down at each other, Nathan daring her to speak. Silvia apparently liked the challenge.
"Your professor here used to have a serious problem, Missy," Silvia said, returning her attention back to me.
"That's it! I'm calling your father!" Nathans voice boomed around us as he flipped out his phone and began to dial. Yet, I was far too entranced on what this mad woman in front of me was going to say to pay attention to Nathan any longer.
Silvia's eyes danced with mine, a dark glee swarming in her eyes as she knew she had me hooked.
"You wouldn't believe the Nathan you know today and the man I met over a year ago were the same person. He was so messed up, so deep into it,"
"Silvia, stop!" Nathans voice echoed through the background. I could see him pacing in the background and perk up once her father apparently answered the phone. But my true concentration was trained on Silvia, my ears greedily taking in every bit of information that she was spewing out.
"Dan! Yes-hello. We've got a problem." Nathans voice faded as Silvia's story continued.
"The first time he fucked me, he didn't even know who I was he was so far gone. He called me the wrong name twice but he was so good I didn't even care."
Disgust filled my entire body. I didn't want to hear anymore. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be letting her tell me these things when Nathan obviously doesn't want me to know yet. I felt disgusted and sick with myself and with the little that Silvia had told me so far. I needed to get out of this room, away from the evil that was embodied into human form via the blonde bitch in front of me.
"I shouldn't be hearing this. Get the fuck out, now," I growled at her, anger coursing through my veins.
"But I've barely scratched the surface!" She perked up, cruel excitement flooding her eyes.
"He's my teacher not my boyfriend and I don't need to know anymore. Now get out!" My body moved around hers and to the front door to open it when her voice stopped me in my tracks.
"So you don't want to know about his past drug addiction?"
My body froze. My breathing was stunted. The hairs on my arms stood to full attention.
"I see I've got your attention now."
I could hear the smirk in her voice from behind me. I wanted to turn around and face her head on, challenge her statement, but I couldn't. My feet refused to resume movement and my heart was beating erratically and painfully in my chest.
"He was into some serious shit his senior year of college. He was so weak. He could never say no to a hit or a pill or whatever was being offered to him. He was always blubbering about some shit about his fuck up of a father and-"
"Don't you ever talk about my father again."
I spun on my heel quickly to see Nathan in the hallway. His body was stiff and he was staring daggers at Silvia.
"What does it matter? He's dead anyways."
Before I could register what was happening, Nathan was on Silvia. I watched in horror as he gripped both of her arms and shook her in rage as he yelled in her face.
"What did I just say? Don't ever speak of him again you stupid, heartless bitch!" he screamed at her. Silvia was petrified in fear, her eyes panicked and wide. Her fear was what finally kicked my senses back on and I raced over to Nathan, grabbing at his waist.
"Nathan, stop!" I pulled at his waist and then tried at his arms, yanking with all of my might to get him to let go of her. I could tell that he was gripping her harder than he probably realized as she cried out in pain as he continued to yell at her.
"You don't know a fucking thing about me or him so stop acting like you do." His voice was terrifying as he growled in Silvia's face. I had to stop him before he seriously hurt her.
So I did the only thing that came to mind.
I slapped the back of his head as hard as I possibly could.
My fingers stung with the force of my hand on his hard skull. I gripped them in my other hand to try and stunt the pain from radiating over my entire hand. But with the smack to his head, Nathans body swung around faster than I ever could have anticipated and used me as the next target for his anger.
I felt strong hands tighten around my shoulders as Nathans anger laden eyes pierced into mine. His stare gripped mine and I knew in that moment that he wasn't in control of himself or his actions. Rage and pain were clouding his judgement. I ignored my own pain that was radiating through his hands onto my arms and tried to get through to him.
"Nathan," I said. My voice was soft and oozed with compassion.
"Please stop." I pleaded with him. My brows were creased in sadness and worry over him. Then, like a switch, his eyes started to simmer, his grip on my arms loosened. I used this opportunity to reach up and stroke his warm cheek with my uninjured hand.
"Hey," I called to him sweetly. His eyes lifted up to meet mine as the realization of what he had just done dawned on him. Horror burst through his eyes and I knew he was instantly filled with regret.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I'm okay." I assured him as he pressed his face into my hand that rested on his cheek. His forehead crinkled in distress as he closed his eyes.
"I can't believe I- Alex," he huffed out my name and opened his eyes which were filled with renewed sorrow that made my heart clench in pain for him.
"Stop beating yourself up about it. I'm okay," I smiled at him affectionately. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
His eyes swarmed with warmth as he shook his head disbelievingly. Something that I had never seen entered his eyes as he gazed down at me. It was an intense emotion that made me internally buckle in fear and anticipation. He opened his mouth just barely.
"I..." He trailed off and paused hesitantly, battling with himself as it seemed to if he should finish his sentence or not. More curiosity gnawed at me as I waited for him to continue.
His hands came up to cup my face between his warm palms, his fingers playing with the hairs on my neck. He brought his face close to mine, his breath mixing with my own. His lips brushed across mine in a loving manner, forcing me to submit myself to him. My body collapsed into his own as he held me there. A heady feeling entered into my body and mind at his proximity and that intense feeling embedded in his eyes grew stronger.
He opened his lips against mine and spoke.
"I think I'm in-"
"You guys are together! I was right!"
Silvia's voice ripped through Nathan and I's intimate moment and threw an ice cold bucket of realization over both of our minds, which were too into the moment to remember that there was another person in the room.
Nathan removed his body from my own and turned to face her.
"Think what you want. No one will believe just one person. Especially you."
She blanched at him and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead, her phone began to ring. Still keeping her eyes trained on Nathan, she reached for her dress pocket and pulled her phone out.
"Hello, daddy," she said sweetly before her face distorted as she argued with the person on the other end.
"But- no!"
"Daddy you don't understand!"
And with that she hung up on her dad, stormed over to the couch where her purse laid and snatched it up. She stomped loudly over the wooded flooring until she reached the front door. Her eyes found mine just before she pulled the handle to leave.
"Don't think you'll win in this. I always come out on top. But in the mean time, enjoy your drug addict," she spat just before giving Nathan one last glare and then she was gone. Leaving Nathan and I on our own and the inevitable conversation and explanation just around the corner.
"So, I guess I have some explaining to do."
Cliffhanger! Some intense stuff happening there and a little tease into Nathans past ;) What did you think? What do you think Nathan was going to say to Alex before he got cut off??? ;)
Please don't be a silent reader! Comment/vote if you enjoyed it and want to know what will happen next! :D Until next time!
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