Chapter 13
What. The. Fuck.
My mom was looking at me with the utmost confused and yet slightly proud look engraved in her hazel eyes. My dad's usually cheery face had become one of a protective father, willing to do anything to keep his daughter safe from this intruder. Travis' mouth had turned down into annoyed scowl. My sister, who was currently trying to hide her shock at Mr. McCoy's dashing good looks, was the one who finally spoke up first.
"And who, exactly would you be?" my sister asked in the most enticing voice she could muster while trying to not raise any suspicion from Travis.
Mr. McCoy's eyes shifted over to mine, something I couldn't quite pin, floating in his deep blue eyes. His hand grazed over my arm, raising the hairs that lye there with his slight touch. His perfectly calloused hand suddenly enveloped mine in its size and warmth. On cue, our fingers naturally intertwined and my heart skipped a beat at the intimate contact. I tried to ask him what the hell was going on with my eyes but he quickly looked away and landed his stare on my sister.
"My names Nathan. I'm the ever lucky guy that gets the pleasure of dating this beautiful woman." Mr. McCoy nodded in my direction.
I'm sorry, what?
A short, nervous laugh escaped my lips and I squeezed Mr. McCoy's hand in a death grip for catching me so off guard.
A strangled noise made its way through his throat but he managed a laugh to cover it up. Though, before I had a chance to do it again, Mr. McCoy snagged me up to where he was standing and wretched his hand out of mine and slid it around my slim waist, dragging me right up against his side. My hand on instinct came up around his back and rested there. I couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate the ample amount of muscle that I could feel being flush up against his body.
"You must be her sister?" he quickly interjected to avoid anymore awkward outbursts from me. Claire smiled one of her award winning smiles and batted her eyelashes at Mr. McCoy.
"So, she's mentioned me?"
"No, not really. You just have the same color hair so I put two and two together," he finished and my sisters vibrant smile was cranked down a few notches.
"Alex, why didn't you tell us we'd be having another guest for dinner?" My mom's voice rang out inquisitively.
My stomach clenched in panic. Oh, god, what do I say? 'Oh yea cuz he's actually not supposed to be here and just showed up randomly; and oh yeah, he happens to be my professor'. Yeah, I don't think that will go over too well with the family.
"Uh, he um...," I stuttered, trying desperately to think up some lie. "He wasn't supposed to be able to make it. He had a bunch of meetings that he had to go to and couldn't get out of. I didn't think it necessary to tell you about him yet if you weren't gonna meet him. Don't wanna jinx anything!" I smiled and jammed an elbow playfully into Mr McCoy's side, earning a small grunt from him in the process.
"Yeah, thankfully I was able to move some things around today and wanted to surprise you." He looked down at me and smirked. "I know how much you love surprises."
I wanted nothing more in that moment than to reach up and strangle every single one of his annoyingly charming words out of that tan neck of his.
"Well, consider me surprised!" I exclaimed with every bit of excitement that I could rally at the moment.
"Hey, sweetie," I bit out as pleasantly as I could "Would you like a tour of the house?" I asked and raised my eyebrows at him expectantly, daring him with my anger laden, hazelnut eyes to say no. His own eyes widened a bit in what I hoped to be fear.
"Sure thing, babe," he replied coolly.
I offered up a smile to my parents and practically dragged Mr. McCoy up the stairs and into the first bedroom that I encountered on the second floor. With him securely in the bedroom, I followed suit and closed the door behind us quickly. My back was towards Mr. McCoy and my forehead rested against the door. My hand traveled down knowingly and put the lock in its place.
Silence passed through the bedroom, sounds from the downstairs festivities the only thing within earshot. I feared that if I did speak, all of the rage that I was holding is so well right now would explode and result in a possible attempted murder.
I tried to take a few calming breaths while clenching and un-clenching my fists; something they taught me to do in therapy.
"Okay, so you're angry. I get that. But just give me a moment to explain and I promise you won't be nearly as upset," Mr. McCoy said in a slow and calculated way, obviously aware of my state right now.
"Oh, I highly doubt that," I replied shortly, my anger coming to the surface by simply hearing his voice. I felt it welling up inside of me and begging to come out through me physically.
"How?" I heard myself ask.
"How what?"
"How did you know where I was?" My voice rose as my temper began to make a grand appearance. He paused for a beat.
"Your friend, Rachel."
I mentally face palmed. Now, her text message made perfect sense. "But don't be upset with her. I told her I needed it to mail your parents a copy of your photos."
"Wow, you really have a knack for lying, don't you?" Every word was chopped and full of malice.
I heard him sigh behind me and then the floor creaked, alerting me that he was on the move towards me. I spun around and halted him in place with the daggers protruding from my eye sockets.
"Don't." My finger was raised and my eyes deadly.
He stopped in his tracks, now only a few feet away. I took a few moments to analyze him.
His chiseled jawline was trimmed to perfection. Thick stubble covered his chin and most of his jaw, making him look sinfully handsome. He was wearing one of his teachers' jackets over a white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. The only difference from him in class and now was the fact that he was wearing jeans. A pair of dark wash jeans that I could only imagine how gloriously they formed to his backside.
Everything about him was flawless. Everything about him pissed me off.
"How could you be so selfish?" I was momentarily stunned to find that my voice has lost most of its rage and sounded almost...defeated? Mr. McCoy's eyes turned sorrowful.
"I have been. I know and accept that." He took a small step forward and I instantly backed myself fully up against the door. "But me being here today isn't intended to be a selfish act. I wanted to help you and to tell you-"
"I don't care what you have to tell me," I said, my anger coming back full force. "I told you I didn't want you to come. I told you that you need to treat me like a normal student. Did you listen to any of that? No. So why should I listen to you?" The anger coursing through my body caused my voice to raise a few octaves.
"Because I can't stop thinking about you, Alex. Because I'm asking you to give me one chance to explain everything so that we can work this out between us." His eyes were ablaze with determination.
My hands flew up into my hair and slightly pulled on it out of frustration. "Work what out!? There is nothing to work out! I've already told you that I will not help you cheat on your girlfriend, you sick-"
"I broke up with Silvia."
My insult was instantly choked down my throat. My anger immediately dissipated and I was left dumb-struck standing in front of him. Mr. McCoy's body physically relaxed as if he'd just finished fighting in an MMA tournament at my silence. I searched his eyes for any sign of deceit and came up empty handed. Any intelligible words or statements were far, far from my mind as I stood there in front of an awaiting Mr. McCoy.
A few moments passed in shocked silence before he cracked an adorable, lopsided smile.
"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where you had nothing to say in retort. I feel the need to document this rare moment." His eyes sparkled in amusement as I reached out to shove his chest playfully.
"Shut up," I huffed out teasingly. A sincere laugh tumbled through his lips as he daringly took one step closer to the door; to me.
"Why?" I blurted out abruptly. Mr. McCoy's gaze caught mine in a contemplative trance.
"I never liked her. I mean not really, anyways." I quirked my eyebrow up in confusion. He sighed deeply and continued.
"I was only dating her because her father had suggested it would make him happy to see me with her. I owed her father my life so at the time I was willing to do anything to please him."
"What do you mean you owed him your life?" I asked and then realized how forward that sounded. "If you don't mind me asking."
His mouth formed into a smile and he shook his head.
"No, I don't mind you asking. It is kind of a long story that I think should be held off until another time though." I felt the disappointment wash through me and let my head drop down slightly so he couldn't see the disheartened look on my face. I started playing with my fingers absentmindedly when a large hand placed itself over my fingers to stop the movement.
"I will tell you someday. I promise." His voice was profound and I wanted nothing more than to look up into his sapphire eyes and soak up everything he was giving me. But there were still a few things that needed mentioning.
I reluctantly removed my hand from his and placed my most stone-faced look on and peered up at him head on.
"There's no need for that really. What we really need to figure out is what we're going to tell my parents when they start asking about us. Like how we meet, and how long we've been dating, and then in a few weeks I'll tell them that we broke up and-"
"Goddammit, you don't get it, Alex!" Mr. McCoy's voice erupted suddenly, cutting me off.
He ran his fingers through his hair in irritation making it look as though we'd been doing more than just giving a tour.
Due to my distracted thoughts about his titillating hair, I was caught off guard when Mr. McCoy closed to space between us. He grabbed my face forcibly between his rough hands and held me captive with the intense look embedded in his entrancing eyes.
"I don't want to pretend, Alex. I don't want to make up stories, I don't want to have a pretend break up in a few weeks. I want you."
I swore I almost passed out on the spot from the earnest look he was giving me. His words and his breath fanning over my face were a dangerous concoction. So dangerous that I almost forgot who he was. Almost.
"That doesn't change the fact that there are still a million reasons why we shouldn't be together."
My frustration for this man was starting to come back full force but in a different way entirely. Even though my lips were saying we couldn't be together, everything else in my body was saying differently. My breath was coming out in heavy spurts, my heart was pounding fiercely in my chest, and my breasts were subconsciously pressing up against his broad frame.
"One huge reason just flew out the window on her silicone made broom stick. What else is keeping us apart besides-"
"The college where you work and I attend?" I finished for him." Yeah, that's kind of a big one."
Then, without warning, his hands started to move from my face. One of them slipped behind my neck and started massaging it slowly, begging me to give into his will. The other trailed down my neck, over my collarbone and grazed the side of one of my breast before wrapping itself securely around my waist. He pulled me so tightly into his body that not even a slip of paper could maneuver its way between us.
A strangled moan made its way through my throat when I felt his lips skim over the soft spot under my ear.
"I don't mind a little rule breaking if you don't," he whispered next to my ear.
Holy shit. That was by far the sexiest thing I had ever heard come out of a mans mouth.
A whimper escaped my lips as he began to trail his lips ever so slowly up my neck. His kisses were tender but came with a passion that was almost needy. His teeth grazed over my neck and bit down softly on the flesh.
"Mr. McCoy," I gasped unintentionally.
A low groan rumbled through his chest and his grip on my waist tightened. He pulled his lips away from my thoroughly assaulted neck and his lustful stare found mine.
"As sexy as that sounded, I think it would make your parents a little suspicious if you called me by my last name."
My mouth formed in the shape of an 'o' as what he said made total sense. I nodded my head at him with a small smile.
"Good catch." A smile tugged at the side of his mouth. I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth to stop myself from catching his contagious smile. His eyes dropped down to the lip in question; his expression became dark and yearning once more.
"Say it," he demanded in a hushed tone. I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion but then realized that he wasn't looking at me but still at the lip that I had captured between my teeth.
Suddenly, his hand that was locked around the back of my neck was on the move. It came down over my cheek bone, caressing the whole way down until it landed on my lips. His thumb peeked out and ran itself over my top lip and then sought out the bottom one, tugging at it lightly to remove it from my teeth's grasp. My lip popped out on demand and rested against his awaiting thumb. He brushed his thumb across my newly freed and slightly reddened bottom lip.
"Say my name."
My breathing began to intensify into pants at his seductive request. If I gave into him with this simple request, it was all over. Every feeling and every urge we had been fighting against would be released.
My mind began to get foggy and no sensible thought was making its way into my brain. All I could focus on right now was him in front of me; staring at me with hooded eyes filled with lust and want. As the seconds passed he had been inching in closer and closer so that by this point our breathing was intermingled within the others.
My mind was so heady with need that I couldn't even begin to stop the word that tumbled out of my mouth.
A deep, breathy moan echoed through the bedroom. His eyes attached themselves to mine and practically begged for permission. Permission to do the one thing we had come too close to doing on several different occasions. I knew I should say no. I knew I should leave him standing here with only his fantasies of what could have but didn't happen. I knew I should, but I didn't.
Instead, I leaned in and-
"Hello? Alex?"
We stopped instantly, just short of our lips finally connecting. The knocking came again and the voice continued on, more annoyed this time.
"Seriously? Guys, I know you're in there. Alex, your mom says that dinner is ready," the voice I now recognized as Travis' said.
Reality quickly began to sink in as my mind started to clear. I slowly pushed Mr. McCoy away to a more appropriate distance; a dejected look on my face that I was sure mirrored his own. A knock sounded again.
"Coming!" I shouted hastily at Travis through the door. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair to try and tame it back in place before throwing a knowing look at Mr. McCoy and opening the bedroom door to reveal a fuming Travis.
"What the hell took you so long?" he spat at me. I couldn't help but roll my eyes for the asshole in front of me.
Who the fuck does he think he is?
"I don't really think it's any of your business, Travis." He furrowed his eyebrows and glared at Mr. McCoy. Travis went to speak again but I cut him off, not wanting to hear anymore filth spurt from his mouth.
"You can tell my mom we'll be down in a second," I ordered of him dismissively.
Travis looked at me for few more seconds, not saying a word before throwing Nathan another scowl and heading down the stairs, leaving Nathan and I alone again.
I hesitated briefly before turning on my heel to face a very frustrated looking Nathan. I inwardly scolded myself for letting the fact that he's now single affect my better judgment. He was still my teacher and that fact wouldn't be changing for a while.
"Ready?" I piped up enthusiastically, trying to help improve his mood. He sighed deeply, his shoulders heaving with the release of breath before shaking his head.
"No, I think I'm gonna need another moment or two."
I quirked an eyebrow up at him and he rolled his eyes at me.
"Nathan Jr. is still a little worked up. He needs a minute to recuperate."
I couldn't help the laughter that erupted from my mouth but quickly put a cork in it when he didn't seem to be joining in on the laughter.
"Uh," I coughed out the last bit of my laughter. "That's fine. I'll just see you down there?" I cocked my head to the side and raised my eyebrows at him expectantly. He stared at me with a look I couldn't quite decipher before nodding his head and sending me a small but genuine smile.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll see you down there, baby," he threw that last part in with a wink. I shook my head at him playfully with a smile planted firmly on my lips.
"Sure thing, Sweet cheeks," I tossed back at him and did the whole snaps fingers and shoots him thing. He let out a glorious laugh and I stole one last look at his gleefully handsome face before heading downstairs to have dinner with my family. And Mr. McCoy; my pretend boyfriend.
This should be loads of fun.
Heyyo! Sooo what did you guys think??? I had a lot of trouble writing this one, especially with the dialogue in the end and keeping the characters true to their nature. Please let me know what you guys think of the whole blow up and Silvia being out of the picture! (whoop whoop!) Please comment/vote and all of those wonderful things that you amazing people have been doing :) Thank you guys so much for reading! Until next time! :)
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