Wounds and Healing
•~Third Person~•
'Yuu!' Shinya yelped, running over to him.
He was down on the ground, bleeding. But, not from the dog wounds. From previous wounds.
'What happened to him?' Yoichi asked, skidding to a halt next to Shinya.
'T-th-these are from today,' Shinya murmured, staring at Yuu in horror. 'When did he receive these injuries?'
'I-it might have been from the guns...' Mika muttered, looking away.
'What?! When?!' Shinya demanded.
'Just yesterday.' Mika replied.
'Wait. A few of these don't look like gun wounds.' Kimizuki said, walking up to them.
'He's right, you know. Look here.' Shinoa said, pointing at another wound.
'We have to do something! We can't just leave him here to bleed!' Yoichi said, standing up.
'Shinya,' Mitsuba started. 'Can you change forms and take him in to see a vet or something?'
'Yeah. That shouldn't be a problem. Let's go.' Shinya agreed, changing forms and picking Yuu up.
He ran off, the others following. They ran and ran, till they reached the edge of the forest.
'You guys stay here. I'll be back as soon as possible.' Shinya said, walking off.
'I'm coming with you.' Mika said, changing forms and running after Shinya.
'W-wha? Oh, fine. But the rest of you better stay.' Shinya sighed, walking with Mika by his side.
They walked and walked, finally reaching a vet. They walked inside and went straight to the front office.
'Hello. How may I help you toda- oh my!' The furless gasped as she saw Yuu. 'We'll get him in right now. Ah, Dr. Hiiragi. Perfect timing.'
The furless, Dr. Hiiragi, took Shinya, Mika and Yuu into his room. Shinya placed Yuu down for the Dr. to inspect.
'Hmm. Several gun wounds, teeth marks and what appears to be a sword cut,' The furless muttered. 'You two can leave. I'll be done with this fox in about 10 to 30 minutes.'
Shinya and Mika looked at each other before agreeing. They left the room and went into the main one. Taking a seat, Shinya started talking.
'So, Mikaela. When did you learn to control your transformation?' He asked.
'I didn't.' Mika replied, looking at the ceiling.
'What? But you don't have your ears or tail. And you didn't have to change either.' Shinya said.
'Oh that. Well, I was practising at night. I can only control the clothes. My ears and tail are just hidden.' Mika said, lifting up his ears slightly.
'Oh. Well, better keep those hidden. Can't let the furless see them.'
They sat there talking about random things. Fifth-teen minutes past when they were called back in.
'How is he?' They asked in unison, worry evident in their voices.
'He's fine. Just let him rest.' The doctor replied, leaving the room.
'Let's take him back.' Shinya sighed in relief, getting ready to leave.
Mika nodded, picking up Yuu and following Shinya out of the building. They reached the forest, only to have 4 foxes jump on them.
'You're back!' They yipped, jumping off and running around their feet.
'Calm down before you hurt yourselves.' Shinya said, changing forms.
They walked away back into the forest, Mika still in twolegged-furless form as to carry Yuu. He let his ears and tail show, tail swinging side to side. As they walked, they caught prey on the way.
'That's right. I almost forgot about the prey we caught before!' Shinoa said, running off.
'I'll come too!' Yoichi yipped, running after the creamy-golden furred fox.
'We'll meet with you back at the tree.' Mitsuba said, running off with Kimizuki.
'K. Let's go.' Shinya said, walking with Mika by his side.
'I hope Yuu-chan will be alright.' Mika murmured, staring down at the raven fox in his arms.
He was asleep, wounds hidden by his fur as soft snores escaped his throat. He looked so peaceful, without a care in the world.
'He'll be fine.' Shinya muttered.
Mika looked down at him, before humming in response. They finally reached the tree and climbed up the spiral staircase.
'Let's rest.' Shinya yawned, padding over to find a spot to sleep.
Setting Yuu down, Mika curled up next to him, looking at him one last time before falling asleep.
'Wake up!'
Mika' eyes shot open as he stood up immediately, fur on end.
'Woah. What's got your fur in a knot?' Shinoa asked, sitting next to him.
'N-nothing. You just startled me. That's all.' Mika replied, fur relaxing along his spine.
'Alright. Anyway, how's Yuu-san?' Shinoa asked.
'To be honest, I'm not sure. He's been sleeping since we left the vet.' Mika replied.
'Hmm.' Shinoa hummed in response, batting at Yuu's shoulder.
'Are you trying to wake him?' Mika asked.
'What does it look like?' Shinoa replied, continuing to bat at Yuu's shoulder.
'Mm...mhhm...' Yuu groaned a bit, turning over.
'You're gonna get bitten.' Mika warned, stepping away.
'Don't worry. Just watch.' Shinoa said.
As she batted, Yuu started to wake. His paw twitched, tail hitting the ground. He turned over again before his eyes opened almost instantaneously. He turned his head to face Shinoa, fur sticking up along his spine.
'S-Shinoa?! What the hell!' He hissed.
'Well, he's fine.' Shinoa smiled before walking away.
A growl left Yuu's throat as Shinoa left to go get food. His fur relaxed as he calmed down. He stood up and was about to take a step when he collapsed.
'Yuu-chan! Are you alright?!' Mika asked, worry evident in his voice.
'I'm fine. My legs just hurt a bit.' Yuu replied, struggling to get up.
'Your not fine. Let me help you.' Mika urged, letting Yuu lean on him.
'Thanks Mika.' Yuu smiled as they walked towards the food pile.
They both chose a mouse each and gulped it down. The others came over and got their own prey.
'I'm famished.' Yoichi sighed, stretching his legs.
'Same here.' Kimizuki agreed, laying down.
'Hey, Shinya,' Yuu started. 'Where's Guren?'
'He said he wanted to check something out. Though, now that you mention it,' Shinya replied. 'He's been gone for awhile.'
'Should we go and look for him?' Mika suggested.
'Let's give him some more time,' Shinya replied, leaving the den and the tree. 'I'm gonna try to gather the foxes. We still need to tell them about the furless.'
'Okay! See ya later!' Shinoa called.
He ran into the trees that surrounded the den. The others all sat around and talked for awhile. As they got bored, they decided to play another game.
'Let's play...'
Hope you enjoyed and have an awesome day/night!
Kitty-chan out! 💗
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