Trouble and Nicknames
•~Yuu's P.O.V~•
I woke up in a strange place. The ground was hard and cold and the walls were stone.
'A... cave? How did I get here?' I asked myself as I sat up.
I hissed in pain when I placed my left forepaw on the ground. I kept it up and looked at my surroundings. I looked at my fur which was covered in mud.
'Oh, great. An injured paw and messed up fur. How much worse can this get?' I said as I started to groom my fur.
After a few minutes, I was done. I scanned around some more before I heard some rustling. I got up on my three good paws, ears laying flat against my head. The rustling stopped as a large figure stepped out.
'It's you.' I hissed.
The wolf I fought before came into the cave, a rabbit and some mice dangling from his jaw. He placed them down and stared at me.
'What are you doing here?' I hissed.
'Eat.' He replied, sliding the nice across the ground.
I looked at him one more time before sniffing the mice. My belly growled of hunger and I licked my lips. I was about to take a bit when an unpleasant smell but my nose. I hissed as I batted away a mouse.
'What was wrong with that one?' The wolf asked.
'It's a rat. Rats are disgusting.' I growled.
I nodded the other mice before eating them. Once I finished, I dragged the remains of the mice to the cave entrance. The wolf just watched me as I buried the remains and walked back inside, limping cause of my injured paw. I got to the back of the cave and lay down, curling my tail around me. I looked at the wolf one last time before closing my eyes, sleep taking over.
•~Mikaela's P.O.V~•
The fox went to sleep curled up at the back of the cave. I looked down at the husk of the rabbit and batted it outside. I turned back and walked towards the sleeping fox. I was about an inch away when I lay down next to him. I rested my head on my forepaws, staring at the raven coloured fox. My eyelids were heavy, so o let them close, hoping to find sleep.
*Next Morning*
•~Third Person~•
Yuichirou was awoken by the chirping of birds. His hissed as he stood up, forgetting his injured paw. He stretched his legs and yawned. He looked around and noticed the wolf sleeping next to him. He stared at the wolf before carefully stepping over him. His ears perked up when he heard a familiar voice. They then flattened as the creature who owned the voice came into view.
'It's... fox! Hey...... fox... coat......... reward!' One furless said.
'Grab...... now.' The second said.
Thy stepped into the cave, hands outstretched. Yuichirou hissed at them an bit them. The screamed in pain and stumbled back. The second took his chances and grabbed at the fox. Yuichirou jerked back, avoiding the furless's grasp. He saw an opening to run and sped off. He limped across the forest floor, left forepaw still raised as to not damage it more. He weaved through trees, trying to find a way up to higher ground. Turning his head back, the furless were running after him. Yuichirou saw a hollowed out log and ran to it, stepping inside.
'Fox......... find... it.' The twolegged-furless said, coming to a halt near the log.
They ran off again, leaving Yuichirou still hidden inside the log. He crawled out, looking both ways. They were gone. He stepped out and ran back to the cave. He got inside, heart pounding at his ribcage. He limped over to the wall, panting hard. He closed his eyes as he caught his breath. He turned around, but wished he didn't. The furless were at the cave entrance again.
'There...... the fox!' One said.
Yuichirou stood up, backing into the back of the cave. As he stepped, he felt something furry.
"That's right. The wolf. But, he might not help me." He thought.
The furless walked inside as Yuichirou stepped over the wolf. The furless were to fixated on him to realise that the wolf had awoken.
'What's going on now?' The wolf asked.
'The twolegged-furless. Their here!' Yuichirou whispered.
The wolf turned his head towards the furless, a low growl in his throat. The furless finally noticed the wolf and backed away as he got up.
'What're your gonna do?' Yuichirou asked.
'You want them gone, don't you?' Mikaela asked.
"This wolf actually wants to help me?" Yuichirou wondered. 'Y-yeah.'
Mikaela stepped forward, a growl rising. The furless backed away, shaking all over.
'Stay... back...... wolf.' One said, fear evident in his voice.
Mikaela leaped forward, baring his teeth. The furless screamed as they ran out of the cave.
"Jeez. This wolf really is something." Yuichirou thought.
"Man. This fox is gonna be troublesome." Mikaela thought.
'Arigatou.' Yuichirou said.
'No problem. Oh, I never asked your name.' The wolf asked.
'Yuichirou. Yours?' The fox responded.
'Mikaela. This is kinda weird. Actually introducing myself to a fox.' The wolf said, chuckling a bit.
'Yeah.' Yuichirou said.
'You don't have to answer, but, why were you outside last night in the rain?' Mikaela asked.
'Fire.' Yuichirou replied bluntly, sadness evident in his voice.
'Oh. Gomen, Yuu-chan.' Mikaela said, whispering the last part.
But Yuichirou still heard it.
'Yuu-chan?' He asked.
'A-ah, it's your... nickname. Yuichirou is kinda long, so, yeah...' Mikaela stuttered.
'Well, since you gave me a nickname, I'm giving you one.' Yuu said.
He thought about it for awhile, until an idea popped in his head.
'How about, Mika!' He said.
'Whaaaa? That's way to girly for me. I will be leading the pack once my father can no longer hunt. Girly names are out of the question.' Mikaela said.
'You gave me a girly nickname, so I'm giving you one too.' Yuu retorted.
'Fine. But if we're ever in front of the pack, don't ever say that nickname, got it.' Mikaela said.
'K. Don't think I'll ever meet the pack, considering I'm a fox and their wolves. Wait... they weren't there at the fire, so, maybe they're still alive...' the fox mumbled.
'What are you talking about?' Mika asked.
'I need to find them!' Yuu suddenly yelped.
'Find who?'
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