They Arrive and Forms
•~Yoichi's P.O.V~•
I looked behind me to see two streaks of fur, one silver and one black. I finally processed what they said and ducked down. The others did the same as what seemed like an explosion erupted, dust dispersing everywhere. I close my eyes, waiting for the dust to leave. As I opened them, I stared out at a two twolegged-furless.
'What are those twolegged-furless doing here?' I heard Kimizuki ask.
I looked over to see all but one cowering in fear. The one that didn't as Yuichirou. He actually looked happy and excited?!
'Run!' Feird barked, turning and bolting away.
Crowley followed, leaving me and the others with the furless.
'You're back!'
I turned to see Yuichirou jumping up, sparkles surrounding him.
'Hey there, Yuu.' The silver twolegged-furless greeted, crouching down and petting Yuichirou.
'W-what the hell?! What're you doing, Yuichirou?!' Shinoa yelped.
The other furless bent down and also petted Yuichirou.
'Oh, right. You guys don't know these two.' Yuichirou said, mumbling something else to the two furless.
They nodded as a light engulfed them. As the light dispersed, a jet black wolf and silver fox appeared.
'This is Guren and Shinya.' Yuichirou introduced.
'...' there was silence.
'Uhhhhh... how'd they do that?' I asked.
'Turn from those twolegged-furless into a fox and wolf?' Yuichirou asked.
'Yeah...' I replied.
'Those are two our forms.' The wolf replied.
'Forms?' Mitsuba asked.
'Don't all foxes, wolves and dogs have a furless form?' Yuichirou asked.
'Yeah. But, for those who haven't yet used it-' the fox started.
A glow engulfed Kimizuki before disappearing, replacing him with a red haired, twolegged-furless with ears and a tail, as well as creamy-golden furred styled clothing.
'What the...' he started.
'That's the thing I was trying to say. Those who haven't turned into a furless before will carry those features,' the fox continued. 'But, as you get used to transforming, you can control those features.'
'How do we change forms?' I asked.
'That's the easy part. Just think about being a twolegged-furless to turn into one. It works the other way round too.' The wolf explained.
'Alright!' Yuichirou yipped, turning into a furless.
He had raven hair, along with fox ears and a tail, and jet black furry clothes. As I thought about becoming a furless, a bright light engulfed me and the others. As it faded, I noticed I had golden brown furry clothes, brown hair, ears and tail. I looked at the others, seeing that Shinoa, like Kimizuki, just with purple hair, ears and tail, and Mitsuba, golden furry clothes with bright yellow hair, ears and tail. Lastly, I looked at Mikaela, who had silvery-white furred clothes, light blonde hair, ears and tail.
'W-we're all furless!' I exclaimed, standing up.
'Yep! It's this awesome!' Yuichirou cheered, jumping up and down like an excited cub.
'Calm down, Yuu.' The silver fox chuckled, turning into a twolegged-furless and ruffling Yuichirou's hair.
'Shinya...' Yuichirou pouted.
'Yuu?' Mitsuba questioned.
'Oh, that's his nickname.' Shinya smiled, hugging Yuichirou.
'Wait. Where's Guren go?' Yuu asked, looking around.
'I'm over here.'
I turned around to see the jet black furred wolf staring off in the distance.
'What's wrong?' I asked, wondering what he was looking at.
'It's the dogs.' He growled, fur standing on end.
'The dogs? Why are they so far in our territory?' Yuu growled.
'Let's find out.' Shinya said, turning back into a silver fox.
We all turned back and ran over to the dogs, keeping low and stepping lightly. We came to a halt and pricked our ears, listening to what they have to say.
'We can't go back there! The twolegged-furless are taking our den! There's to many of them to fight.'
'If your not going, stay here and cry for all I care. But I'm going. We need to rescue the queen.'
'You wanna die? Be my guest. Go back there and be killed for nothing. There's no way you can survive that many.'
'I have to at least try! Feird and Crowley already went back. With them there, we might have a fighting chance!'
'What are those two good for? They'll kill their own if they have to. If you don't die by the furless, then your gonna be killed by them. You know how they get when their fighting.'
'So what? I'm going and that's final.'
'Fine. Like I care if you die or not anyway.'
The dogs left, going their seperate ways. We got up and walked away from that patch.
'The twolegged-furless are causing more damage then we thought.' Guren muttered, scrapping the ground.
'If their already terrorising the dogs, it won't be soon before they come into our territory's.' Shinya sighed.
'We have to warn the other foxes!' I said.
'Easier said then done.' Yuu murmured.
'I could gather all the wolves and tell them. But...' Mikaela started.
'But we'll have a hard time getting the foxes together. Harder yet, getting them to listen to us.' Yuu said.
'Maybe there's another way?' I suggested.
'I don't think there is. Unless you want more bloodshed.' Guren sighed.
We sat there talking for awhile till the sun sank down, leaving rays of orange, blue, purple and pink.
'I need to get back to the pack.' Mikaela said, getting up and walking away.
'Bye Mikaela!' Yuu called.
'Let's go to our den.' Shinya said, walking off with Guren.
We followed them to a what looks like a treehouse. It has a carved out base with a spiral staircase going up. We jumped up to see a hollowed out area with everything you need to be comfortable and to live.
'This is amazing!' I exclaimed, sparkles in my eyes.
'How long did it take to make this?' Kimizuki asked.
'Hmm. About...' Shinya started, pulling open a curtain to reveal wooden bridges connecting to other hollowed out trees. 'Two months.'
'W-what the hell?!' We exclaimed.
'This is bigger then last time I was here.' Yuu said, looking around.
'Yeah. We felt like we needed some more room.' Shinya said.
'Well you did a good job. This is huge!' Yuu said, running around the room.
'Calm down. You don't want the same thing as last time happening again, do you?' Shinya chuckled a bit as Yuu came to a halt.
'No. That wasn't fun.' Yuu sighed.
'What happened?' I asked.
Hope you liked this. Have a great day/night! Kitty-chan out! 💓
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