Heya! Kitty-chan here! With updates, I'm gonna try and do three during school days and one Saturday and Sunday. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
•~Yuu's P.O.V~•
'Oh-no.' I murmured, trying to find a place to hide.
'We have to get out of here.' Shinya muttered.
'Too late to run. They've surrounded us.' Guren said, lowering down.
'Is there anyway we can escape?' I asked, looking back at them.
'Not with these bullets flying everywhere.' Guren replied.
'Any idea's Shinya?' I asked, crouching down more.
'Uhhh...... gah! Nothing is coming to mind!' He said, scratching his head.
The shots stopped coming as the furless came round and pointed their guns at us. I cursed in my head as we slowly stood up. I felt my tail mo King around inside the jacket that covered it.
'Get control of that tail.' Guren hissed, putting his hands up.
I stopped it, but then my ears started to come up.
"Crap. Why do they have get out of control now?" I thought, regaining control over them.
'Come here.' The furless ordered.
The others brought us over to him. We stood there, hands up, staring at him.
'Why'd you let them out?!' He yelled, grabbing hold of Shinya's shirt.
'...' he said nothing, just stared at the furless.
'Not gonna say anything, huh?' The furless asked.
He clicked his fingers, making the furless behind me grab my hands and start walking away, pushing me along.
'Yuu! What are you gonna do with him?!' Shinya growled, glaring daggers at the furless.
'If you want him back so badly, answer my questions.' The furless replied, walking after the furless who held me.
Shinya and Guren followed him, silently growling. As we walked, we entered another room. It was pure white with another area cut off by glass. The furless holding me brought me behind the glass and sat me down, cuffing me to the seat.
I couldn't see Shinya or Guren as I was facing the other way. I could still hear them, though.
•~Third Person~•
'First off, who are you three. I haven't seen you around here before.' The furless asked, sitting down.
Shinya and Guren looked at each other before also sitting.
'I'm Shin. This here is...' Shinya started.
'Gren.' Guren said.
'And the kid in there is Yuu.'
'Shin, Gren and Yuu. Alright. Why are you here?' The furless asked.
'Those foxes and wolf you took are actually ours.' Shinya lied.
'We all went out and we let them out in the forest to play.' Guren added.
'The raven fox you almost caught came back and led us here.' Shinya said.
'And you wanted to get his friends out, right?' The furless asked.
'Yes.' Shinya and Guren replied in unison.
Silence filled the room. It stayed like that till the furless burst out laughing like a maniac.
'What a load of bullsh*t.' He laughed.
He clicked his fingers. The furless in the glass area pulled out a taser gun, shocking Yuu with it.
'No! Stop!' Shinya yelled, standing up.
'If you want him to stop, tell me the truth.' The furless said.
'But that is the truth!' Guren lied, also standing up.
'Don't believe you.' The furless said, crossing his legs.
As they both started growling at the furless, Yuu's screams filled the room.
'LET HIM GO!' Shinya yelled, slamming his hand on the table in front of him.
'And if I don't?' The furless asked, a smirk growing across his lips.
'Guren...' Shinya murmured, leaning down.
'Sh*t. He's lost it.' Guren muttered, backing off.
'Let Yuu go...' Shinya murmured.
'I don't think so.' The furless replied.
'Guren... get Yuu and leave...' Shinya said, standing up straight, head down.
'A-alright.' Guren nodded, running into the other room.
He kicked the guard, knocking him down and uncuffed Yuu. He picked him up and left the room.
'W-what do you think your doing?!' The furless yelled, standing up.
'This...' Shinya muttered, before practically teleporting to the furless and chocking him up against a wall.
'U-unhand m-me!' He tried to yelled.
It was no use as Shinya got his other hand, clenching it into a fist and punching the furless in the gut. He fell unconscious and Shinya dropped him, leaving the room. He ran after Guren and Yuu, knocking out guards on the way.
'We're almost there!' He cheered, catching up with them.
They kicked the door down and ran into the forest. They all transformed back and dropped to the ground.
'Are you three alright?!' A voice called.
'Mika...' Yuu muttered, before passing out.
Shinya and Guren tried to stand up, but fell back down. Mika ran over to them, the others falling behind.
'Yuu-chan.' He murmured, nudging him.
'He's alright.' Shinya said, trying to stand up again.
'Let's get out of here.' Shinoa said.
The others nodded and moved off. Mika changed forms and pick Yuu up, following after the others. What they didn't know was that the furless from before saw the whole thing play out.
'This just got very interesting...' he murmured.
'Sir! There's a problem in th-'
'YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!' He yelled. 'Gah, screw it. Where's the problem?'
The two furless went off into the building to fix the problem.
~(^-^)~ ~(^-^)~ ~(^-^)~ ~(^-^)~
'You ok, Yuu?' Mika asked, placing him down.
They just reached the tree den and sat down to rest. Mika changed form and set Yuu down, before trying to nudge him awake. He just mumbled random things and rolled over. Mika gave up and went over to the others.
'What's wrong with him?' Yoichi asked, looking over at Yuu.
'Well... he kinda...' Shinya started.
'What?' The others urged.
'He kinda got tasered...' Shinya finished.
'WHAT?!' They all yelped.
'Jeez. Not so loud.' Guren said.
'Sorry... but, what? Tasered? Why?' Mitsuba asked.
Shinya explained to them what happened after they escaped. By the end of that, Yuu had awoken and rejoined the group. They chatted till the moon started to rise. They quickly ate before finding a spot to sleep. The stars and moon shone down above them as sleep overtook them...
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