Lea's Pov
Okay, I am officially concerned, this morning I went to talk to Chase and he walked away and literally locked himself in a room, like seriously, what is going on!? He's not usually like this, "Okay, that's it I'm telling Mr.Davenport", I whispered to myself as I walked toward the elevator to the lab; "Mr.Davenport, are you here?", I called out once the elevator door opened, there wasn't much light and I was a bit creeped out, "He's not, were but I am", said a mysterious voice with a heavy british accent, which I didn't recognize as the chair spun around to reveale a black haired man with a mustache, " Wh...who are you?", I said with a confused look on my face,"Don't you remember me, I'm Richard Mone", he said with a smirk, followed by an evil laugh, "You know, the person you almost killed?", he said stearnly as he stood up with his fist in a punch, I could tell he was angry,"Wel... next time, don't mess with my friends and I won't mess with you", I shot back at him putting my fist in a punch as well,"Well here's a new deal, come with me and I won't mess with your boyfriend", he said stepping aside to reveal Chase tied against a chair, struggling against the ropes, "Chase!", I yelled as he stopped moving to look at me, his wrists were bloody from the ropes cutting him, "Lea don't this...this is my fault", he said looking down as a tear slid down his cheek, "Chase how in the world could this be your fault?", I said with confusion in my voice,"I...I... made a deal with him... and... he tricked me", Chase said looking at me as more tears ran down his face,"Silence, you shall come with me or he and your friends die!", said Richard M. pointing a dagger close to Chase as I stook a step back, "I wouldn't try to escape if I were you, or he dies now", Richard M. said and continued, "Do we have a deal?", he said giving me his other hand to shake, I hesitated as I saw Chase mouth "don't", but I couldn't bare see him or anyone of my family suffer, "deal", I muttered as I looked down, "What was that?", said Richard M. " DEAL!", I yelled as a sob escaped my mouth and tears ran down my face, "I thought you'd say that", said Richard M. removing the dagger away from Chase and back into his pocket, "Don't worry, your mom and dad and siblings will be home soon looking back at Chase, who's eyes were now flodded with tears, "Lea... no", Chase said between sobs as Richard M. grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away, "No... no... no!",Chase yelled and after I couldn't hear him yelling I tried to blink back tears, but eventually gave in and the tears ran down my face as I cried quietly. A few minutes later I was still crying only that now he was pushing me into the car, "I'm sorry for this, I truly am", said Richard M. as he grinned and pulled out a sort of nedle thing and grabed my arm, pulling it towards him, "What are you...", I tried to say as I felt the needle penetrate my skin a quick pain rushed thruw my veins which made me wince. And after that the last thing I remember is hearing the car engine start as more tears rushed down my face and as my vision blurred I blacked out still feeling pain and sadness.
**Author's Notes***📝
Cliff hanger, sorry I hadn't updated in a while I hadn't realized it had been almost 5 days. Anyway hope you're liking this book so far and in the next chapter alot will be explained, so remember to vote, share and comment it makes my day, until next time my beloved readers
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